Paul McCartney is still a cunt.
Does this cunt ever shut up about John Lennon? No, he doesn’t. The thumbs aloft knobhead never fails to name drop his old songwriting partner. Macca also still seems obsessed with his ‘who was the coolest Beatle’ pissing contest. even fifty years after they fucking disbanded. McCuntney is now carping about how he was more ‘grown up’ than Lennon, and how he felt like he was Lennon’s ‘priest’ as he gave him advice.
Funny, how Macca has come up with yet more revisionism on the Beatles. More grown up? Many accounts depict McCartney as being a childish and spiteful cunt towards both Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best. While other eyewitnesses recall how he belittled George Harrison in the studio. But now the cunt is making out he was some sort of mentor and Jiminy Cricket to the ‘idiot’ Lennon when John isn’t here to say otherwise? He can’t just say they were mates and then they weren’t. Nah, the smug cunt has to say he was like Lennon’s priest. 50 years since they split, 40 since Lennon’s death. Yet Macca still thinks it matters and that he has to be the most credible Beatle? Change the record, you daft old cunt.
Nominated by: Norman
Technically he is correct as Lennon could be a complete fucking idiot, as we all know. But elaborating on this and making himself out to be some wise, divine fucking mop head, McCartney just looks like a twat.
McCartney is an orange-haired, croaky old has-been with more money than humility.
Good cunting, Norman.
Shut the fuck up and drink your Complan, you irrelevant old fart!
Still, this nom did inspire me to watch Eric Clapton playing While my Guitar Gently Weeps ( Concert for George), which was a great start to the day!
One thing Macca and Lennon had in common apart from large egos was a shitty taste in wimmin.
Lennon liked little hairy japs.
Paul that dreary vegetarian cunt.
Then when she snuffed it that one legged Barbie that fleeced him.
Dunno about Ringo?
Think hes gay.
Morning MNC…say what you like about Macca, but he’s a generous guy
Why, he bought Heather Mills a plane.
And a Phillips Ladyshave for her other leg…
Lol ?
Ringo was the best Beatle, attitude wise.
In it for the money and the fame, he was fairly honest about that.
No ‘ Bed Peace ‘ or any of that shit.
No hairy Japs, talentless veggies or psychotic raspberries for him.
Oh no, he married the very delicious ex Bond Girl, Barbara Bach.
The jammy cunt.
I like Ringo.
Morning, MNC ?
Morning Mate ?
Completely agree. Ringo’s always seemed to be the most centred, down to earth of the four.
Yeah, no chance Starkey would’ve pulled Babs Bach without the money and fame.
Poor innocent Paul. Is there any Scouser on the planet that Norman doesn’t hate with a passion?
Morning Freddie…it’s rather a shame that Macca wasn’t visiting Hillsborough to watch Liverpool in April 1989.
Morning Thomas ?
You reckon McCartney has had “work done’ on his face?
He looks a bit “Jim Henson creature workshop’.
Like the skins to tight on his face or something.
And hes now ginger?!
Was he the original Ed Sheeran?
He’s had more work than Joan Rivers.
He looks fucking ridiculous.
Grow old with grace, ya droopy-joweled prick.
His skin’s stretched so tight he can’t shut his fucking gob.
Mark and Lard playing Macca’s classic “Mull of Fuckintyre”!
He is an ignorant Scouse cunt. On an oft repeated trailer for some radio chinwag he suggested Fred Astaire was a composer. He was a dancer you fool.
Lots of these celebrity shooters about at the moment,
Kyle Rittenhouse, Alec quickdraw Baldwin, etc.
But they can’t hold a candle to Mark Chapman.
The original and still the best.
Kyle is the fucking hero if you ask me. Two dead commies and one with his arm blown off. A fucking good night’s work.
The boy done good.
Even better, one of the cunts, Joseph Rosenbaum, is/was a convicted h0m0 pædö.
Oh I’m not knocking the kids shooting!
That’s marvelous!?
But to me, your nothing until youve shot a Beatle.
What the fuck is he babbling on about now?
Self obsessed rich mithering old cunt.
Fuck off to the hairdressers.
Pointless and irritating, plus with exception of two or three reasonable songs, I fail to see the ‘genius’ that was the Beatles. That said anything by McCartney and Wings should be instantly deleted from history.
I’ve heard someone doing an impression of McCartney on Steve Shite in the afternoons radio 2 show.
It’s shit. Like the show and McCartney.
That’s all. My back hurts so get to fuck and good morning.
Daft old Cunt looks and sounds like some ancient maiden-aunt who continually moans on about shit that happened 75 years before whenever her family are forced to make their yearly visit to see her at Coffin-Dodger Compound.
Morning Mr F…I’d like to think that Linda McCartney’s death was a joyous occasion for their family…because Macca and Stella could finally eat delicious bacon and sausages again.
Being vegan didn’t stop Linda getting cancer, the silly cow.
Morning,Mr. Cunt-Engine.
If the old Cunt can manage anything more than a bowl of Complan and the odd Werther’s Original toffee I’d be surprised. Hopefully someone tips a packet of Iceland Value Burgers into his coffin afore they bury the whinging old Cunt.
He looks permanently surprised at his ‘success’
I hate him. I hate the Beatles and I hate everyone from Liverpool who think they have natural humour and can’t get over the Beatles.
‘you can’t take the Beatles out of Liverpool’ they say. They don’t dare – there would be nothing left.
These comments about Heather Mills are really prosthetic.
That’s a lame response ?
Morning, Infidel.
Morning Jack.
I’ve been off the radar for a fortnight after loosing one of my lads to a blood clot. I’m trying to get my life back a little. I wouldn’t normally bring these things to the table but it may help.
Damn, that’s shit.
Sorry to hear that IG, my condolences to you and your family.
That’s sad news, Infidel.
Life throws lots of shit at us.
All the words in the world fall short.
It’s horrible.
You take care, now. ?
That’s dreadful.
I wish you all the best.
Was this vakzine related-I apologise for asking, will respect your silence.
No man should have to bury a child. It goes against the natural order of things.
I am truly sorry, for your loss.
Thanks Thomas TT
No it wasn’t vaccine related. He lived in BKok and taught there. He slipped on the stairs at home some months ago which resulted in a bang to the head. This, according to the doctor probably caused it. It’s a valid question that will go unanswered I suppose. Thanks to everyone for their condolences it does help.
Christ that’s rough mate. Heartfelt condolences.
RK@ -Seconded.
I am in two minds about this hairy, scouse cunt.
Obviously I would prefer him to be dead, but the minus side of that will be at least a week of his songs on every radio station.
All televisión stations will have endless videos of his performances.
I can only hope that they don’t show his dire efforts at the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony.
Maybe they will show his collaborations with Stevie Wonder and Micheal Jackson.
Who wouldn’t want to hear ‘Ebony and Ivory’ and ‘Say, Say, Say’……?
And then there’s the films…. Help! and Yellow Submarine.
Just hang in there Paul, you wrinkled old bastard.
“Obviously I would prefer him to be dead”
I laughed until I nearly choked on that one, TAC.
After her recent outburst on GMTV, a Psychologist on the show said that Heather Mills is clearly un-balanced !
Sir Paul later phoned the show and said that putting a couple of beer mats under her left foot usually does the trick !
It all ended horribly, after they had a blazing row and Paul took her leg off her, then told her to hop it.
Pass me big coat.
Bit nippy this morn’.
I fell about (no pun intended) when I saw the article in a paper which broke the word ‘legend’ across two lines of print, so the heading read ‘Beatles’ leg-end Paul McCartney marries Heather Mills’.
Leg end alright.
Macca is like one of those old, somewhat fake war veterans who’s tales of derring do get more and more incredible with each retelling. A thumbs aloft, wobbly headed version of uncle Albert with a Hofner bass.
Wisdom and wise words from this twat? Isn’t this the man who’s first words to the press when asked for a response to Lennons death were “Yeah. It’s a drag isn’t it?”
What bugs me most about McCartney is him doing the ‘peace sign”.
I cringe when I see it.
Im riddled with embarrassment by it.
Only person who got away with it is Winston Churchill.
Other out of touch disgustingly wealthy types do it,
Stevie wonder
Michael Jackson did it.
Tina Turnip
That puddled cunt from the Beach boys,
All these dinosaurs do the peace sign.
Yet live in a heavily fortified mansion with their own personal army.
I fucking hate that too. At least Churchill’s version meant Victory, which is an attainable entity. Unlike peace, which clearly isn’t. Macca is just a marijuana addled old cretin.
Thought these talentless cunts were all happy in their graves….amazing what money can buy you isn’t it.
It obviously can’t buy dignity though can it?
McCuntley: just how much wealth, fame and adoration does one man need?
He is obviously so insecure about John Lennon’s legacy, overshadowing his.
Plenty of cunts with Lennon T-Shirts and posters-every generation of teens venerates Lennon-but not McCuntley.
Paul-you should have died first?
Know im probably on my own here,
But I fuckin love Mull of kintyre.
Ive said it.
And im not ashamed
Or sorry.
Bagpipes improves any music .
Fuck you lot .?
Sharp intake of breath !!!!!! ?
I believe that therapy for this strange obsession is available on an emergency basis at all mental hospitals.
Morning Miserable!
Morning Ron.
I know its a illness.
But with the support of my family and Gods love I’ll soldier on….
I like Mull Of Kintyre too MNC.
I like Pipes Of Peace too.
What about that Frog chorus song? A true classic (piece of cack).
Is this admission designed to soften us up for when you admit to being Dame Elton’s “bit on the side”?….you should have started with the Elton admission….it would have been less embarrassing.
If you ever admit to liking Ebony and Ivory,
then you definitely need some sort of help/therapy.
Miserable tight fisted cunt.
Met him in a bar once. Happy to let anyone buy him a drink but never saw him get a round in.
I have met Ringo-a friendly and funny man. His wife is a miserable cunt, though?
Miserable cunt perhaps, but still, circa ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’ 1979 i’d have fucked her ragged, and Ringo did.
I’d take a miserable Ms Bach over the preachy Eastmann vegan or Yoko any day.
My Mum served him drinks once where she used to work; she said he was completely dour and didn’t like him at all.
She met loads of celebs and would always tell me what she thought of them and whether they gave big tip. I remember her saying Burt Lancaster came in, smiled and called her m’aam; her legs wobbled.
He killed John Wayne didn’t he?
Burt Lung cancer.
Cuntologist: could you be the result of an “indiscretion” between a Hollywood legend and your Mum???
Tight as the proverbial duck’s arse.
1 At Heather Mills’s birthday party, he made the guests pay for their drinks.
2 He sent his kids to the local comp – said he didn’t want them to feel privileged by being educated privately. His daughter Stella says it was just because he was too fucking tight to pay for private education.
3 Paid the other musicians in Wings next to nothing.
On top of that, he never made anything worth listening to after the Beatles. Wings were fucking shite.
Good nomination, Norman. McCartney is a total cunt alright.
Norman: where the fuck are you?
Must be badly?
Shitting in Cilla Black’s top-hat hopefully.
I have to say that I absolutely venerated the Beatles in the 1962-66 period, but wasn’t so enthusiastic after that, when it started to get a bit over the top for my taste, a bit too clever by half.
As for Macca, his last great songs for me were ‘The Long and Winding Road’ and ‘Blackbird’. He’s done fuck all of any note since for my money.
Morning all.
Macca has written some great material.
He’s written some shit too.
Folks rave on about Lennon. But the majority his music seemed passive aggressive or latterly political. That echo chamber sound never worked for me. I preferred Macca’s work.
Macca in his earlier days was the master of the the simple romantic melody. Simple songs that worked very well. Songs that are timeless.
Macca has always been a bit smug and cheesy, but now he is a complete bellend who has lost the plot.
A cunt indeed.
Definitely a cunt. I thought The Beatles were bad enough but his “music” (of it can be defined as such) became even worse when the “first boy band” broke up.
Back in the late 70’s I thought the absolute nadir was an irritating, twee (definition of this cunt thinking about it) dirty called “someone’s knocking at the door”. It was always being played on the radio and was the most banal shite I’ve ever had the misfortune to listen to. Having eventuality got this irritation out of my head it’s now the ad’ theme music for The Poundshop Idiot Tax (People’s Postcode Lottery).
On the theme of adverts: Top Cunting (Top Cashback – another irritating purveyor to chavs).
Stay out the limelight you talentless arse
Who is this imposter being cunted?
McCartney died in 1966, it’s a well known fact.
‘Shears, Shears, Shears!’
‘The one and only Billy Shears!’
What would you do Ron if I a sung out a tune?
Most definitely stand up and walk out on me!
I think he died in around 1976 Ruff.
Every night from 1970/1 was a cracking little tune.
The Long And Winding Road, Another Day, My Love (Wings), Blackbird, I will, and lots of other good posthumous material, all post ‘66.
No Dick, he was killed in a car crash in 1966.
The songs you refer to he wrote prior to his death and were subsequently recorded /performed by is doppelgänger replacement, with a little help from his friends.
Can’t ever remember that story.
You learn something new everyday.
The Beatles were shite! The Jimmy Tarbuck of music.
Mull of Kintyre.
Say no more….
I don’t mind his music with, and after the Beatles with Wings, but after that he became tiresome and should have shut up long ago.
The only Beatle who was utter shite after the break up was Lennon. I can’t think of a single decent song from him. Don’t even get me started on ‘Woman’ and ‘Give peace a chance’
This got me thinking (imagining?) what would Lennon be like today if he had not been Chapman’d?
He was a raging lefty and the prototype for many SJWs today.
I put it to ISAC that he would have been an insufferable cunt. A billionaire preaching marxism, critical theory, climate alarmism. I suspect he might have had more cuntings than Macca by now.
Working class hero my ass!
I’m rather inclined to agree, BH. A bit too fond of the soapbox, in my opinion.
He two timed Teenage Jane asher and ended up with Linda McCartney. From sweet strawberry blonde to vegetarian mullet bird.
What a Cunt he was… Jane Asher does a lovely hotpot…..
The Beatles were and are overrated. Real men like Wagner, Stravinsky, Captain Beefheart and Led Zeppelin.