Parliamentary Sleaze

Daily Mail News Link

How utterly predictable….The pigs at the trough again show their utter contempt for the opinion of the electorate.

They obviously realise that the public couldn’t have a lower opinion of politicians anyhow,so why not just brazenly demonstrate their arrogance?…They might as well have just told us all to ” Fuck Off,we’ll do as we please” and be done with it.

They are no better than common criminals.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

And this from W. C. Boggs 


The poor duckie has been raising his blood pressure about greedy Boris and those nasty Conservatives, but, to show what a motherfucker he really is:

News Link

Whey-faced oleaginous hypocritical cunt,

33 thoughts on “Parliamentary Sleaze

    • So right about Catterick. Never go anywhere local, unglamourous if you can piss off on a jolly to some sun-soaked hot-spot. When did Watford last host some “World-leaders” event? No, thought not. As for the cow in the wheelchair, what were her meds? Five pints of Guinness?

  1. Excellent nomination(s):

    How soon they forget. Satan B’liars “Nu-Liebore” didn’t win that election. The Cuntservatives, with their blatant sleaze, corruption and cronyism, gift wrapped it and handed it to them?

    They are in serious danger of repeating that mistake…

    We have not had a decent leader in this country, since Thatcher.

    • I wish we could find a clone of Thatcher somewhere General.

      I always had the deepest admiration for the woman.

      A proper woman,- not like these wishy-washy, feminist wimminz nowadays.

  2. Chosen for selection by Party, Leader chosen by Party. Manifesto written by Party,
    Ideology. Party

    This is why we have cunts in Government. We give our votes to those select few that are chosen for us.

    Newcomers don’t stand a chance because we are little more than sheep. Ultimately, it is our fault. We are programmed to vote, we are programmed to serve the need of a party.

    All sheep, end their lives on a dinner plate.

    As once was said here on this site. Mark your ballot “None fit to serve”

    • We don’t have ‘representative’ democracy, we have a ‘parliamentary’ democracy… very different constructions.

  3. They might as well have just told us all to ”Fuck Off,we’ll do as we please” and be done with it.”

    At least if the motherfuckers had said that, and be upfront about it, Dick, I may have a modicum of respect about their brass-necked cuntery, but they have the fucking front to subterfuge it. Utter, utter, contemptible cunts that should be used for medical experiments.

    Top notch cunting, gents. I commend it to The House.

  4. As soon as they become MPs and walk into the hallowed chambers of the Palace of Westminster, their ethics/morals/social justice go flying out of the window as they quickly snuffle their snouts in the pig’s trough marked “expenses”

    I posted the link below quite recently on another thread, but it is still relevant here.

    There’s supposed to be an independent auditor – “The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards” – which is supposed to investigate MPs allegedly breaching the House of Common’s Code of Conduct. But it doesn’t stop some MPs from being utter cunts and then defending themselves as innocent parties when they get found out.

    Utter cunts one and all!

  5. You’ll be pleased to know that the number of dinghy crossings is now up to an all-time high.

    God only knows what Fatti Patel is doing about it, other than repeatedly telling us she is resolving it. Weren’t those Frog cunts supposed to be stemming the flow for £54m of our cash?

    The cunt Frogs are ‘demanding’ our money but showing little inclination to manage the situation. I would want some reassurance from them of their capabilities before pouring our cash into their filthy merde coffers.


  6. Kweer coining in 3 grand for 6 hours work.
    Tory half a million for a bit of lobbying.
    So many examples of taking the piss.
    How do we change this mess?
    God knows.
    The sheep are always going to vote for Liebour or the Tories.
    Maybe the peacefuls will wipe them out one by one

    • It has to be admitted Dame Keir looks really duckie in that wig. That is why he took silk – if only in his panties and suspender belt. No wonder he gives Mandelson and Russell-Moyle the horn.

  7. Let’s not forget all these cunts who have made millions out of contrick19, weknoe vallance has massive holdings in big pharma and I expect witless and Van cunt have as well and how many MPs and lords? Let not forget wankock giving his mates massive PPE contracts. Rot in hell the lot of them.

  8. The cunt Alastair Cuntbell was on QT last night, the slimy cunt slagging off anyone and everyone in the Conservative party, in particular Boris, Brexit was mentioned several times ? the cunt can’t accept it, 4% drop in GDP, the usual.
    Talk about bias, 1 Conservative, Cuntbell, Lucy (goofy) Powell, Tom Newton Dunne and a tart from something called UK energy.

    Fucking Campbell, piss head basket case who was Blairs cunt slagging other people off.

    As for the Sleaze, it appears that Owen Patterson was less than squeaky clean but who would want the nasty little cunt Chris Bryant as judge and jury.

  9. …. mmmm yeah …. I d’know. To me what’s utterly contemptible are MPs that do not really have the correct level of intellect or moral standing to represent others. They should be able to see both sides of a ‘credible’ argument and be able to differentiate between stuff that actually matters and soft shit that actually doesn’t. The non constructive belly aching types should just fuck off and sort out the mental health issues … on their own (can’t do that? You know what to do! … just don’t make a mess).
    At least when a Tory has a couple of highly paid ‘consultative’ arrangements going on they have to pay tax at the highest level … it’s all written down and it’s there to be discovered. They then spend that bit of extra cash and pay VAT, possibly pay workmen (and or wimminz or half n halfs) so the some of it comes back.
    The ones that really fuck me off are those that pretend … those that have a personal fuckin’ agenda … an agenda that is nothing more than treacherous subversion and destructive BS.

  10. So Dame Keira Cervix coined in £113,975 for 335.5 hours work. I make that £340 an hour. Christ, that’s cheap for a lawyer, isn’t it? She can’t be very good.

  11. They are not all cunts. Spare a thought for Christian Wakeford MP(Tory) who walked up to Patterson and called him a cunt to his face. Well done that man.

  12. These twats remind me of times when I worked at BAe systems, as soon as some halfwit was made a gaffer boom, ex’s and jolly’s were the norm. But if some fucker of the shop floor was caught doing anything wrong, sacked. One of the twats managed to get an extension on his house under the guise ” machine tool foundations ” WTF.

    It’s the same old shite the world over, give them a bit of power and they change overnight. One old chap I worked with once said to me ” the cunts that get the gaffers jobs are the ones that should be kept away from authority the most” ex squaddie, so he’d seen some proper twats with power….?

  13. If ever a statue should be tossed in the river, it should be that cunt outside Parliament. Cromwell.

    I think I’ll suggest that he was a “slave owner” on facefuck and see what happens.

  14. I’m happy to say ive never voted for Labour or Conservative and don’t buy their negative voting bollocks, as I’ve always voted against both and for parties whose manifestos I agree with.

    The next vote looks like it’s going to Reform UK. We’ll see what their manifesto is.

    • Same here.
      Though I’m going to vote for Reform regardless of the contents of their manifesto.

  15. Don’t vote, never will, refuse to give permission for some cunt to act on my behalf. Fuck em all.

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