Nicola “Sid the Sexist” Sturgeon (23)

Sturgeon the Sexist

A ‘who the fuck are youse talkin’ tae?’ cunting for Scotland’s answer to legendary silver-tongued Geordie charmer Sid the Sexist.

In a nasty little sexist gibe, Nicola ‘Wee Jimmy Krankie’ Sturgeon has said that Bojo’s disinclination to be in the same room as her to discuss devolved matters is down to his ‘fragile male ego’. Actually Wee Jimmy, it’s more likely due to the fact that he sees meeting with the leader of a glorified town council as something to be delegated.

Nevertheless, imagine the ‘bulldog licking piss off a nettle’ face Krankie would have pulled if Bojo had said that she had a ‘fragile female ego’. The cow would have made hay at such an accusation. Claims of ‘sexism’, ‘insulting patriarchial attitudes’ etc. ad nauseum would no doubt have flowed like the Clyde.

Naturally the feministas who would have been out for Bojo’s blood if the situation had been reversed have been very quiet so far. Sturgeon being sexist, not to mention hypocritical? Well it’s an action not to be wondered at, coming from what must in fact be the biggest ego east of the Mississippi.

Not for the first time, I nominate Sturgeon as a complete cunt. It’s the Wee Jimmy we all know and love.

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Nominated by: Ron Knee

69 thoughts on “Nicola “Sid the Sexist” Sturgeon (23)

  1. She is just pissed off because the John Lewis partnership cancelled her table-top, glitter throwing, tap dancing advert.


  2. Sturgeon is just another fully bought and paid for member of the Flu World Order who masquerades as a politician.

    A pissed with power, fascistic psychopath not much different to “the cock in the frock” Shergar down in NZ.

  3. Stop giving these cunts our cash so they can have free shit we English can’t have.

    They never stop fucking moaning anyway. Give them fuck all.

    She’d be fucked if she actually had to run her country, rather than take off the English and fucking moan at us.

  4. Wee Jimmy is a massive fucking cunt but the Jellyfish isn’t much better. I would lock them in a room together and nobody is coming out until one of them is dead. Then, whoever emerges is strung up from the nearest lamp post. That’s the only way to sort this fucking country out. You know i’m talking sense!

  5. What an ugly short-arsed whining little shibag to be welcomed to on a cold wet Tuesday morning!

    She’s a two-faced cunt at the best of times, but now she’s the centre of attention purely because of CRAP26 being hosted in Jockland, probably paid for by the UK Taxpayer, she thinks she’s Billy-Big-Bollocks rubbing shoulders with world leaders, and can anything she wants with impunity!

    I bet the reality is more like “Who the fuck is that smelly short arsed cunt?” muttered by most of the presidents and prime ministers in attendance there!

    • Being paid for by the UK taxpayer to the tune of around £100 million apparently. Including all the leccy cars that needed diesel gen sets to charge them.

      • still wondering how the steel mills are going to make the steel to produce these abortion cars with out furnesses

    • As President Bidet might say “I fart in your general direction.”
      Maybe he might even manage to cover her with a jet of liquid slurry.
      What a load of old shit.

  6. I doubt if Uncle Joe sniffed young Nicola’s hair during the Glasgow jolly up. He probably thought she was a left over from Halloween. I bet the poor old cunt is still having nightmares about her now.

  7. While Boris probably does have a fragile ego, and probably is scared of wee Nicki,
    Im guessing his reasons are the same as mine for not being in a room with her.
    A deeply unattractive ginger dwårf with fishy breathe,
    Id either spew up on first viewing or get leery ,
    See how far I could throw her.
    She copped a attitude Id boot her up the arse
    Maybe pick her up by her chubby ankles and dangle her over the toilet.

  8. Krankie has delusions of grandeur. She tries to pose as if she’s the head of an important, independent state when all she is is the head of a superannuated parish council with less power than Jackie Weaver at Handforth Parish Council. Cupid stunt.

  9. She is pissed off that the fat, useless Turk does not want to be in the same room as her?

    Isn’t she the cunt who has never once set foot into Westminster, preferring to send some other fat Jock to do her bidding?

  10. “Jill, Jill! The commies are coming to get me! They are so ugly with their goddamn pasty white faces!”

    “Calm down Joe, you’re just having a bad dream. It was only the President of Scotchland.”

  11. Will we see the day when we wake up,stop sending money and watch these cunts writhe in agony?
    Unfortunately I doubt it.

  12. I hate being fair to the spineless eco loon, but he has got a point. She wants to pigeon hole him to get indyref 2, and she ain’t gonna get it. She also wants to form an independent alliance with Europe, which again, she ain’t gonna get.
    What’s the point of meeting to discuss something which isn’t going to happen?
    She’s a jumped up, overblown town councillor. The inevitable product of Blair’s seriously misguided devolution dream. Just ignore the cunt.

    • Nail on the Head FMC. “Blair’s seriously misguided devolution dream” ( The stuff nightmares spring from )

      • There was nothing misguided about it from his point of view. It was all part of the plan to erase countries and nations and split Europe into districts for central government by the EUSSR, a bit like the hunger games.

  13. The misandrists always seem to get off scot free…

    An unlikeable piece of work who loved the Wuhan Flu as she could invent slightly different restrictions at every turn to prove how Independent Scotland is.

  14. A nasty little shrew of a woman. I suspect that she knows that Scotland couldn’t survive alone but what else does she have ?…she’s spent her entire political life stirring up trouble in the hope of winning “freedom” from the hated English. She apparently would rather see Scotland as a bankrupt,failed State than the beneficiary of the rather generous subsidy from England that props up her wasteful ( and possibly corrupt) Govt.

    I hope the Scots never vote to leave the Union but I would like to see them given their vote…and if they are stupid enough to fall for Sturgeon’s ” Freedom at all costs” rhetoric…well.let them have it and all that it entails….minus British taxpayers’ money.

    • PS….She was wrong about Johnson not wanting to be in the same room as her due to his “fragile male ego”…it’s because he is a cowardly sack of shit…I see he was crawling around Northumberland yesterday instead of facing up to The Commons over his support for Govt. corruption.

      Spineless Cunt.

      • Being fair,EyeC….I hardly dare visit Blyth.
        I remember years ago when it was a friendly place…seems to have been taken over by some real horrors…had some gear pinched out of the vehicle last time I did a job there…probably some druggie who went on to sell a £700 saw for a bag of weed.

  15. The Clown Cunt Johnson is scared he will get a good leathering from the maniacal sweatie gnome.

  16. 20@
    What I’d pay to see wee Nicki plant her oversized ginger nut into the turks flabby pale chest!
    His screams for his security as Nicki pummels and kicks his albino hide

    “Dinnae yee scream an blather yee wee scunner ill gi yee summat ti ball aboot!”

    Big clumps of his thatch like hair in her tiny clenched fists???

    • I had visions of her as the creature that flies out of the Alien egg, scuttering about the floor on her claw festooned minge, screaming obscenities at the translucent turk. The fat bastards only defence was an exact replica of his spine in the form of a toothpick.

  17. Time for a remake of Billy Liar as Billie Liar, starring wee Krankie as Empress of the imaginary (failed) state of Ambrosia.

  18. I read an interesting article on Unheard about the death of democracy and one of the main points was how the voting public are pissed off with weak politicians. Apparently “54% of our fellow-citizens would apparently prefer to be ruled by a British Putin”.
    When you think about Maggie Thatcher in her prime, she would have kicked the shit out of Sturgeon, the EU over Brexit and probably sunk all the dinghies in the channel.

  19. Wee Jimmy’s got one thing, and one thing only, in her favour. Physically, she’s marginally less repulsive than that fat cunt ‘Bloater’ Blackford.
    Otherwise, it’s just the playing of that endless broken record from the pair of them.
    Cunts both, along with the rest of the Natzis.

    Morning cunters everywhere.

  20. I find it funny that the ‘fragile male’ theme is used by weird feminist cunts on twitter who are on complex pharmacological regimes just to keep them from having daily meltdowns.

    Fragility abounds in people with dyed hair, pallid skin, studs and piercings dotted around their faces and a BMI over 9000.

    • It’s all part of their loony language agenda, like ‘toxic masculinity’. Well looking at the news of late, I’d say that there are a few ‘toxics’ amongst their own sex.
      Of course, the violent, and the child-abusing wimminz will be classied as ‘vulnerable’, or ‘victims’ themselves to excuse their crimes, or else the silence will simply be deafening. Funny, because the feminaz brigade will always be the first to shout ‘there’s no excuse!’ at a bloke.

    • It sounds to me the one with the ‘fragile ego’ is the stupid fucking Scottish bint for thinking that she is so important and how dare the UK Prime Minister refuse to meet her. I would gladly kick wee Krankie’s cunt all over Jockland. I didn’t think it was possibly for the Scottish Nazi Party to have someone worse than Salmond but I think she is. Why the fuck doesn’t someone call out her nasty English hating racist party for what it is? The stupid fucking cunts know they can’t exist as an Independent nation, that’s why they want to suck on the EU’s tit. Cunts the lot of them.

      • I might be wrong but I’m sure I saw a talking head from Brussels saying that if an indy Scotland ever got into the Fourth Reich, It would be expected to be a net contributor. All part of the plan to make any and every part of these isles pay up to fund the gravy train.
        Perish the thought that cap in hand French farmers and basket cases like Romania might pay their own fucking way.

  21. With the ‘Green revolution’ shite, what’s Scotland going to do if they’re back in the EU with no oil revenue to speak of? Come to us for a bailout? Get fucked.

    • It’s a problem for the SNP they never talk about. Their agenda has for the last 50 years been based entirely on the value of Scottish Oil. Except it isn’t Scottish Oil. It’s extracted by American, British and Saudi Companies. It would just sit in the ground without their equipment and know-how.

      The SNP won’t fund or give licences to open new oil fields and tell the foreigners to fuck off with their oil because they need the support of the Greens to stay in power.

    • You can bet that if they ever do go indy, they’ll expect a ‘sweetheart’ period whereby the UK Treasury hands over half a zillion quid over 50 years to help with the ‘transition’.
      The SNP will argue that it’s ‘Scotland’s due’ from the Union; they tried that one on last time around.
      It’ll be a good ‘un trying to see any UK prime minister trying to sell that to the taxpayers.

  22. Amusingly, the feministas detest the wee Krankiestein monster as much as the rest of us, maybe even more so thanks to the anti-realwoman transwokefuckwittery agenda it’s forcing through, and they’ve been calling her out on the shite she’s been spouting, but regarding the Krankiestein monster and it’s ego…In case you’ve missed this one –

    More shite here on it..

    The sooner she gets rid of her beard and fucks off to her UN/EU job with her ‘French Fancy’ the better, but hopefully before that, someone with balls and who is outwith the greasy reach of the corrupt Scottish legal system ‘outs’ the list of alphabet women (who are all allegedly members of it’s coven…sorry, intimate circle…sorry, just good friends who I see every day at work but whose names I do not know) who colluded with it and lied in an attempt to land the slimy Salmond slug in jail.

    You’d hope once said list is in the public domain, and people see all the connections, it will fatally wound the corrupt SNP, but the reason those cunts always want to talk about Westminister corruption is that it they hope it’ll distract from the shite that they’ve been caught getting up to in Holyrood, so the sooner corruption charges can be thrown at Krankiestein before it can fuck off abroad, the better.

    And a question to ask of SNP MPs, if Westminister is so corrupt a place, what the fuck are you cunts doing there then?

    Also, for your consideration, it has been muttered that Krankiestein has attended more transwokefuckwittery events in Scotland than pro-Independence ones…in fact, it has an shown an apparent aversion to a fair number of independence types/supporters/events, a most curious thing indeed for the leader of the supposed party of independence to openly display.

    Remember, politicians are lying bastards…sorry, professional lying bastards.

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