LGBT+ Afghans Arrive in the UK

A look lets bring more deviants into the uk cunting for whoever thought that this was a good idea..

News Link

Yes fellow cunters – I give you sky news and this story of how we are welcoming LGBT+ Afghans into the UK.

What the fook is this county becoming I ask?

Why import anyone with a grudge against us let alone these deviants – and as for sky news they take delight in reporting this shite…

I weep for our future

Nominated by: MiddleEngland

72 thoughts on “LGBT+ Afghans Arrive in the UK

  1. Why here? Why not Sweden or Thailand?
    The British Bulldog not only has handles for ears, but MUG stamped on its forehead!

  2. I wonder how many will be resettled in social housing in Islington, Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith and Camden I wonder?

    After all these are some of the wealthiest areas in the Smoke (according to MoneyInc), and probably contain shedloads of middle-class lefty types who want thousands of refugees to live in the UK (Or is that the point – “somewhere in the UK, just not near me!”)

    • That’d fix it – make it law for anyone with a house worth more than £1.5 million to take in an immo – I guarantee the South coast would immediately get tighter policing than COP26. The way the authorities jumped on some ijits that looked like they were going to say something hurty to Obuma the other day shows that things can be done. All that’s needed is the will…

    • Some of the dirty bastards that reside in said boroughs would be well up for a bit of fresh meat, bit of eastern promise know what I mean guv

  3. I suspect they are only just saying they are q ueer. More likely they are crumpet men and partial to a bit of what they get in Northern minicab offices.

    • Bingo! It says a lot that an illiterate farmer from bongoland can outwit our immigration services.

      (That being said, most Afghan men are partial to a bit of bum fun so who knows).

    • Guaranteed asylum, housing, medical care and so on all you have to do if male is claim your a practioneer of the brown arts or some other cruel joke of nature. As we do not check wisdom teeth to see if someone who is claiming to be a kid is in fact a kid not a middle aged rug rider, not much chance of attempting to find out if the gits are good with colours is there.

  4. Whilst in the car yesterday I had the misfortune to hear a BBC reporter (male) in tears about the ‘forthcoming famine’in Afghanistan. He claimed that theTaliban are looking for international aid to help them deal with the situation. At no time did the tearful twat mention that any problem that might exist can be laid at the door of the Taliban.
    When is the civilised world going to realise that a considerable percentage of the people on the planet are savages and that we should have nothing to do with them .
    Mind you, I suppose that Biden could offer the Taliban a ton of wheat in exchange for each helicopter the Yanks left in Afghanistan.

    • I heard that.
      The soft cunt.
      They can die in their fucking millions for all I care.
      Good morning.

      • I saw that news story. The Taliban are reluctantly taking aid so they don’t get overthrown by the population. WTF?
        We are just aiding a terrorists organisation and keeping them in power.

      • For every million dead treat yourself to a nice pie or a pint.
        That way their memory lives on.

        “Meat & potato please Sandra,
        Thinking of you Asaf…”

      • That was John Timpson. It reminds you of the BBC lady reporter who admitted she cried when Arrafat died. Soft as shit.

    • Like you say, the Taliban are Third World murdering, misogynistic, homophobic, illiterate, regressive, fanatics. How come Woke Culture wants to support them when they are the very antithesis of Woke?!

      We live in a fucked up world where it’s OK for the Taliban to be on social media but an ex-President is banned from it for putting forward alternative, many would say sensible and pragmatic, views.

      Trump’s Wall for example. Poland are now building and policing one FFS, despite being against EUSSR rules. Will being Polish result in being banned from Twitter now?

      I think these cunts are like Ian Drury’s Blockeads with the Wokes having a similar view of them: “you wouldn’t want one pissing and farting in your swimming pool” [only in the public swimming pools]!

      Where will it all end? Short of Putin nuking the bastards not well I fear…

  5. That evacuation from Kabul airport was a disaster. People standing on the runway and having to watch those poor cunts falling from that aircraft.
    Is it a bird.?
    Is it a plane.?
    No, it’s Abdul….

  6. Beards with lipstick?
    Very keen on goats and youngsters?
    Ignores inconvenient things like laws?
    From a fly blown shithole halfway round the world?

    Should fit right in the Excellent Modern UK.

    The filthy fucking cunts.

  7. The link seems to be broken, but the nom is spot on, who the fuck wants these cunts here…. Answer the fucking idiot libtards.
    Every time there is a nutter stabbing people on trains or shopping centres in Europe it’s always a fucking Syrian/Somalian or summat similar.

    Poland have deployed 12000 troops to the border with Belarus to stop the migrants entering Poland, we import the cunts aided by border force taxis and RNLI.

    European countries have ‘far right’ political parties who get a decent number of votes, we have Tommy R. It’s no wonder we are shit on every fucking day.

    • Good point Sicko. Things are warming up on the Polish / Belarus border. It’s going to get interesting.

    • I support the Polish and Lithuanian governments 100%
      And are Brussels supporting them in their hour of need ? The fuck they are.

      • FF@
        Interesting and its going to kick off .
        Belarus military units are herding the imos to Polands border
        Poland is lucky they haven’t Boris in charge because that soft twat would of let them in already.

      • Dead right – Poland are standing up for their borders despite being part of the EU “open borders club”. The UK has, supposedly, left the EU but still doesn’t stand up for its borders. “Oven ready Brexit deal” my arse. If that cunt Johnson was selling oven ready Xmas turkeys you’d pop them in the oven and they’d burrow through the back of it to disconnect your gas supply to “save the fucking planet”!

        How must the Northern Irish feel having been sold down the river? Why doesn’t the UK just tell the EU to fuck right off (as per the aspirations of 17.4 million voters) and let the EU police the Southern Irish border if they want to. Never mind NORAID collecting monies in the States, half the UK population would set up a JustGiving account for them if the IRA choose to kick EU arse!

    • As I said in the previous nom, 54% would’ve for a British Putin given the chance. You don’t see many dinghies heading to Russia.

  8. If these Alphabets are Muslim, doesn’t that come into direct conflict with the Quran and their Sharia Law?

    The Wokes want to defend the Alphabets, but at the same time don’t want to take a pop at Islam/Quran for fear of the usual “isms”.

    Therefore, if you get some mad fundamentalists like that old Abu “captain Hook” Hamza, suggesting that Alphabets should be stoned to death, will the Wokes step in and say “Well actually your Quran is outdated and needs to be revised for a more diverse audience!”

    Can you imagine those very same Islington types, so keen to protest for XR, BLM, IB, Climate Change etc, actually taking to the streets near the biggest mosques in London and shouting how backward the Quran is!!??

    Not a fucking chance. But it will be interesting to see how the wokes get out of this one!

    • A very well made point about woke types and Islam.
      ‘May have content which is outmoded and insensitive in today’s climate’.

    • That doesn’t seem to disturb the wankers in the Labour party – they don’t see the conflict between supporting Islam – the religion who would like to see the poofters executed for their “crime” and the victims themselves, and the Starmer charmer has the same conceit.Or ignorance.

  9. Who the fuck has ever heard of an LGBT Afghan ?
    I bet they hadn’t untill the likes of SLY NEWS told them it would be to their advantage.
    After all Peacefuls and rag tops throw that sort of deviant off tall buildings.

  10. They should be resettled in Brighton. Apart from it being Bumboy Central, all that rubbish piled up in the streets will make them feel right at home.

    • I’m from Brighton Geordie i’ll have you know and i’m one of a select few who’s arsehole is still in tact.
      Keep that quite dear boy or Brighton Council will come round with a gang of deviants to sodomise me ?

      • it’s getting to the point Geordie when you won’t be able to get a job here in Brighton unless your an up hill gardener.

      • I take it, you won’t be applying for a weekend job serving in “Choccy-woccy-do-dah”, or whatever that weird Brighton chocolate shop is called??

    • there’s a huge nest of them in margate thesedays, they’ve taken over all the big old B&Bs and seaside hotels in cliftonville and sit on the doorsteps in their butchers dresses with there legs apart and clothes up calling at any kids and young girls that walk past…margate is a sand rats paradise thesedays, groomville

  11. Suggest we house these deviant cunts in Bradford where they will soon be murdered by the hordes of “regular” Mudslimes who will toss them from the roof of Bradford Town Hall. Job done.

  12. Good thing,I reckon…more chance of Keith Vaz getting bummed into the Intensive Care Unit.

    • I wonder if he will revive his ‘Jim’ the washing machine repair man alter ego.

      Morning Fiddler.

      • Jim still cant get the gerbil shit out of undercrackers, Miserable. I would skip his washing line if I were you when on your neighbourhood thievery.

  13. They know that the more boxes they tick the longer the red carpet to welcome them in. I gotta hand it to them they aren’t stupid.

      • their satanic book won’t allow any more rear action than a few dancing boys for emergencies, this lot will be bringing their sows over on the next flight when our taxes can pay for the plane tickets

    • they are stupid, thick as goat shit, they were brought here by the left who promised them everything for free

  14. I’m sure they all speak good English and bring skills that our country is short of. They will immediately find gainful employment and will blend effortlessly into our society. I can’t see what anyone has to complain about. Doesn’t it make you feel good to help these unfortunate people?

    • You are Owen Jones and I claim my £5 membership voucher for subscription to the Guardian.
      Which I will wipe my arse with.
      Then burn.

  15. Did you see that Peaceful cunt cutting through the Polish Fence with bolt cutters ?
    How did he acquire them ? perhaps he put them in his suitcase when he left Fuck Knows Istan and went through passport control no questions asked,
    or did some Belarus cunt aid and abet him ?

    • On a related note do you think those peacefuls pictured above crafted their own banners while rowing their dinghies across the channel or more likely had them handed to them by some woke activist cunts?

      • thanks, i said the same, the English is perfect and printed not handwritten, the treasonist left cunts have been busy no doubt funded by carrie the satanic lefty whore in number10

    • All part of the Kalergi plan for the nations of Europe FF.

      You can bet your bollocks that the same NGOs who provide these peaceful cunts with a free ferry/taxi service across the Mediterranean and the English channel are also providing them with bolt cutters.

      All planned and all playing out while the continent watches on and the media are there to remind them they’re racist if they don’t agree with the invasion.

  16. Who the fuck is going to believe these primitive savages have turned Gaylord overnight? The fucking wokie morons that’s who. They’ve obviously been told that the Infidels love the poofs and trannies. Tell them you take it up the arse Mustapha and they will weep and cry and throw money at you. We are fucked and these filthy cunts are going to finish us off.

    • they all used to be called mohamed now they’re all called mustafa turd poke, as soon as they get their bradford council flat they’ll be straight again and flying over their 8 wives,

  17. This will put the back in its feet. A herd of Julian Clary bearded mincing goat herders, clam noshers and turd burglars. I fucking despair, I really do.

  18. lgbtrsffha Afgans, i see they cant do that crap in Ishittistan cuz they will get fucking lynched, or even they have noticed how much slack all the faggots and wierdos get here and think it will make getting into the UK will be a bit easier.
    The cunts are right as well, i think they should have Ryland and Phillip Scofield viagarered up on the border to test that theory.
    They will soon be looking at France rather than those 2 chutney ferrets….

  19. All muslim men in that part of the world and the middle east and other places are all bummers or rapists.. Either raping boys, bacha Bazi, mass rape like Taharush, sex slaves as in ISIS or rape gangs as in Yorkshire.. Cunts the lot of em.

  20. Their written English is perfect, must have had those posters printed up on the traitor planes while flying here just to sign on the chat, wouldn’t give the fucking parasites the cheese out of my mouse trap i’d rather feed a rat and watch these invaiders starve, they’re full of TB aids, herpes etc, they won’t be coming near me or mine

  21. Dear Afghans, May I say on behalf of the sensible folks of Great Britain, “FUCK OFF HOME!” thankyou.

  22. This cuntry is a fucking joke, welcoming all the dregs from the resit of the world. Are these purely economic migrants under the influence of some invisible force that compels them to migrate in a westerly direction ? If they were genuine refugees why don’t they go to the Far East?
    It’s got to the point where I can’t even use my favourite beach in Cornwall because it is polluted by curry-flavoured turds and rotting body parts belonging to young children.
    Stick that up your arse,Greta and Attenbugger.

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