Gary Lineker (17) – Landlord of the Refugee

Is it possible that this cunt could be any more of a cunt than everybody knows he already is?

Well, yes actually! The alleged Tax-dodger has been bragging about how he’s going to take yet another poor refugee into his mansion.

You remember the first one don’t you? The one who left a letter for St Gary thanking him for his saintliness written in perfect English with the kind of handwriting which you only find in English public schools. Not that i’m suggesting that some posh cunt at the BBC wrote it. Oh no, not me.

Anyway Gary doesn’t understand why us Nazis don’t like the poor refugees who have “been bombed and risking their lives crossing the Channel in dinghies.” Sorry, who the fuck is bombing them in France Gary? I bet it’s that cunt Macron innit? Tell us all about it Gary…..I can’t wait to hear your grasp on geo politics you fucking genius.

What a fucking wanker.

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

Helpful link provided by: Cuntybollocks

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52 thoughts on “Gary Lineker (17) – Landlord of the Refugee

  1. Right, so he’s comfortable taking in some young lad that’s been vetted and is due to be flown in from Pakistan, be more impressed if he took in a grown adult lacking any identification who’s just smuggled themselves across the channel.

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