Is it possible that this cunt could be any more of a cunt than everybody knows he already is?
Well, yes actually! The alleged Tax-dodger has been bragging about how he’s going to take yet another poor refugee into his mansion.
You remember the first one don’t you? The one who left a letter for St Gary thanking him for his saintliness written in perfect English with the kind of handwriting which you only find in English public schools. Not that i’m suggesting that some posh cunt at the BBC wrote it. Oh no, not me.
Anyway Gary doesn’t understand why us Nazis don’t like the poor refugees who have “been bombed and risking their lives crossing the Channel in dinghies.” Sorry, who the fuck is bombing them in France Gary? I bet it’s that cunt Macron innit? Tell us all about it Gary…..I can’t wait to hear your grasp on geo politics you fucking genius.
What a fucking wanker.
Nominated by: Freddie the Frog
Helpful link provided by: Cuntybollocks
Gary Lineker; National Cunt.
Morning all.
I just hope the cunt he’s offered temporary/token residence to hasn’t recently “converted to Christianity” and wants to order a taxi!
It’s a great wheeze for immigration lawyers that one.
‘Now repeat after me; me bummy boy, me Christian. Me get flung off big building if sent back to (insert country as appropriate)’.
‘That’s very good. Now repeat after me; me want house, me want money, me want mobile phone’.
‘No, no! Don’t say me want white girls! You’re gay, remember?’.
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if one of the cunts nicked all his cash and jewellery, wiped their knob on his curtains, fucked his wife, blocked his bog and finally set fire to his kitchen and cars.
I’d fucking piss my pants laughing.
Knowing Linekunt he’ll keep quiet about it for fear of upsetting the woke, while also trying to dodge HMRC and his alleged unpaid tax bill of around 5 mill.
He’ll be a doctor or an engineer, surely?
It’d be even better if he unwittingly took in a gay rapist who proceeded to Lubbock his ring into oblivion, the Quisling prick.
As well as buggering his massive earholes.
I guess “Abdul” will reside in one of his many mansions.Jug eared twat.Stick to selling crisps.
Breaking News…
Virtue signalling media luvvie hacked to death in own home by Christian convert architect/scientist in frenzied machete attack.
It’d enough to make you shit your shorts laughing.
…Early reports suggest the perpetrator was suffering from a mental illness.
He should be arrested for encouraging poor migrants to risk their lives crossing the channel, offering to house an illegal immigrant, it must against the law..
Good point Sick of it. If he’s not committing an offence, he’s certainly encouraging others to do so.
What a cunt. The fucker looks like a short sighted, half dead gecko. Most certainly from the same species as Tony and Cliff.
Good morning, everyone.
You can always hope the Christian convert engineer beheads him. Now that would be a result.
AND sticks the severed head on the railings outside his mansion. I always wanted to see Blair, Mandy and Campbell thus displayed back in 2003, bt it’s never too late!
Turn the luvvie cunts mansion into large oven.
Then get busy.
The set of rats.
Perhaps Cunty lickarse is playing a canny game, the more lefty liberal woke twat he presents the less likely Baldings Broadcasting corporation will be to pot him. Thereby his taxpayer funded lifestyle will continue… TIME TO DEFUND THE BBC..
Probably a bum bandit and just wants someone to play with.
Leave FA Cup ears alone ?
I love the way this cunt picks and chooses which immo he is going to look after.
The last one he had was only there for a couple of months before fucking off.
He should take a boat full like this lot
He can then get an idea of what it is like to have you Neighbourhood invaded, taken over and turned into a Muslim shithole.
I wonder what he did to get 5 years in prison. I doubt it was for stealing a baguette.
I must take my hat off to Gary. When you think you can’t despise the cunt even more, he raises the bar even higher. It takes some doing. The next one in his house will be vetted by the Government , Met Police, MI5 etc. Pity they didn’t do a better job with the Manchester Arena bomber, London bombers etc but these are only ordinary working class people that they killed and maimed.
… these are the cunts sending the message that it’s perfectly fine to come here … even though it really isn’t.
The message should be that if you do actually get here life for you is going to be very, very tough and you will be constantly encouraged to leave.
Agreed.DO NOT COME.Dirty water rats.
Cutting benefits for the cunts would change their minds PDQ as regarding choice of destination. Shooting a dinghy load of the bastards would be better.
I will recommend Lineker for the Sainthood to the Pope (like Anthony Blair and Joseph Biden, I am a close personal, of course), when he takes a whole fucking RNLI boatland, not just one carefully selected “victim”
The only war torn parts of France are the areas muslims have taken over.
Traitor bastard Lineker wasn’t so keen on the “poor ickle asylum seekers” when I contacted him to elicit his support for planning permission for a migrant hostel over the road from his mansion though was he?
More great empires have been conquered from within than without, and unless we, as a Country and as a society, make the decision to remove islam from the UK we will never have peace or security -. and the indigenous white population will be replaced – as brain dead snorting hog piggy Patel comes out with her usual shit (seriously – HOW is this blubbery chav clown still in a fkin job?).
Lineker the “two yard tapper” was ahead of the curve though – he made shitting your pants a thing long before Joe Biden thought of it!
I often wonder why this cunt doesn’t fuck off to a muslim Country if he is so keen on them?
She is bloody useless fat lump.Replace her.
With who though? You will get more of the same bollocks as before.
You’re exactly right, Big Vern.
The demise and takeover of the UK is happening before our very eyes. The powers that be are letting it happen and demonstrate a blatant disregard for traditional British values and heritage.
The tipping point has already been reached. As the older members of society, who were raised properly, die off and are replaced by the screen addled zombies of generation whatever, the suntans will outbreed the indigenous population. Result will be a very different country and population.
If we were able to re-visit the places we know and love in 30, 40 or 50 years’ time, we won’t recognise them. They’ll be gone. The youth centre you went to as a kid being pulled down and replaced by a supermarket is one thing. Your typical high street with nothing but a sea of suntan faces, mosques everywhere, street signs, shop names, advertising posters etc. all in their squiggle weirdo writing, mainstream TV and radio no longer in English – that’s another thing altogether.
We’re already on the road to that outcome. It’s only a matter of time.
As RuffTuff has been saying for years, this country is finished.
Well said IY.
However I see a glimmer of hope with the possibility of the French (who I think have a bigger problem) electing Eric Zemmour next year. This could cause a positive political tidal wave across Europe.
Germany could never initiate this because of national guilt, but if another large country takes the lead, they will follow.
Either way there will be bloodshed. It’s just down to whether it happens sooner or later.
If that happens I shall change my name to Nostracuntus.
I hope you’re right, Marcus. I really do.
My concern is that if someone stands up to tyranny, hypocrisy and corruption, the MSM will unleash a full scale attack on that person and the political system will demonize them. Look no further than what happened to Trump.
For America, he was bloody brilliant. Uncouth, bombastic, unstatesmanlike – yes, absolutely. But why not? It was time someone stood up and said, “this is all crap and here’s why and here’s what I’m going to do about it”. The failed impeachments, the Russia collusion fabrication, the made up scandals, etc. all served to discredit him because the status quo didn’t want their cushy existence exposed and taken away.
What I continue to not understand at all is why the MSM and mainstream politics is complicit in the destruction of the society they themselves operate in. It is literally digging your own grave, sharpening the executioners axe for him, loading the gun for your assassin, etc. Why can they not see the outcome on the horizon and realise it’s not good?
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live in a mud slime society, see burkas, turbans, and long scraggly beards everywhere, have the streets stink of curry, have the deodorant industry go out of business, etc. There are whole areas of Leicester (for example) which are already there and have been for decades. As those cesspools of filth expand, it’s only a matter of time before they begin to overlap into a much larger cesspool. Cities will fall and whitey will be displaced. It’s happening.
I agree with all of, and understand from the heart what you say IY.
But I think the silent majority will, with time, become more vocal.
I know that more people across the globe are wising up to the MSM, their manipulation, and the political corruption being enforced upon them.
Interestingly, even the left winger Russell Brand stated on his recent podcast that the Russian collusion was bollocks. Inevitably he got a fair amount of flack, but solely on this occasion, I applaud him.
Never mind housing one of these sponging parasites, why don’t you try living in an inner city ghetto overrun by these cunts, try getting an appointment for a local GP or dentist, try getting a job or even and interview. Try getting your kids into their local school where English isn’t a second or even third language, try getting on the housing list ahead of Mo and his eight kids.
Then you might have some understanding of what WE have to put up with in the name of diversity and multiculturalism.
Great post Liberal.
Obviously vetted. That last one was a uni graduate who spoke and wrote perfect English.
How many others like that are on those boats?
It doesn’t count unless he toddles down to Dover and takes the first cunt off the dinghy.
But we all know full well why he won’t do that.
He’s desperate to virtue signal. But at the same time, he doesn’t want some cunt raping his bird or trying to bum him. Or perhaps chop his massive ears off. Or rob light fires on the living room floor, kill and eat his pets, shit on his bed or rob him blind. And he’s also desperate to ‘prove the bigots wrong’ by taking in 2 refugees who were both ‘lovely’.
Take in a random or fuck off, you bullshitter.
My UK cunt of the year, this fucker.
‘Or light fires’
id put the cunt in a boat in the channel along with the other cunts invading this country, and blast the cunts out of the water with the re employed 15 inch guns from HMS Ramillies and Resolution sitting outside the Imperial war museum. Id stick Boris and Patel in the firing line also. All traitorous cunts.
i thinks it’s more a case of “I will support your pro immigration narrative, if you don’t investigate my tax avoidance”.
I agree with Smug, Lineker is rivalling Me-again, as a candidate for cunt of the year?
Lineker has some sort of mental disorder, in my medical opinion (we’re all doctors and journalists now, fuck it) he just can’t let anything slide past him, he just HAS TO comment on the social issues of the day. If he were my dad I would have told him to zip it ages ago. Remember when he was just a “velvet owl” as comedian Stewart Lee once described him, who introduced the footballing? The BBC should have replaced him years ago, he’s well past his time. Someone universally likeable should take over. Gazza in his plastic tits and a bottle of Gordon’s gin co-hosting. Just spare us these whining cunts during the World Cup next year.
1999 was when Linekunt the velvet owl replaced sexy silver fox Des Lynam. Jesus, 22 years is too long as the face of football on BBC. But Lineker just signed a contract until 2025 so he’s going nowhere. I just turn the sound off until kick-off but there’s that masochism in us football fans that wants to hear the shite from Lineker and Rio, the whining drivel of cretins reminds us stoic we are!
A “student from Pakistan” ? So he’s not an illegal then? I wonder how much St Gary is charging the cunt for having his housekeeper put up with the Peaceful, goat shagging bastard for a couple of weeks?
It’s just a question of which wing of which mansion will this mythical member of the oppressed and dispossessed be staying in?
I wonder if he plays cricket, the fucking elephant washer.
Ahhh yeah, the famous Dave Clark Five refugee!
Most of thm have got beards like Grizzly fucking Adams.
Occurs to me that if Lineker was in a line up with half a dozen random cunts and I was asked to pick which one was the footballer I would select him immediately. Wonder why that is?
Apparently St Taxdodger is now fronting a dire quiz show on ITV ironically titled “Sitting on a Fortune.” According to the less than flattering reviews it’s for people who are “thick as mince.”
I doubt if our hero gives too much of a fuck about that as he pockets yet another fat wedge of dough that HMRC will never see.
For me, he’s up there with Blair and Bono. A stratospheric wanker. Just ‘orrible.
I remember him on They Think it’s all over. Nick Hancock, Lee Hurst and Rory McGrath made it a hilarious half an hour’s piss take of everyone. And there sat linekar, freshly retired from goal hanging and in dire need of a pay check. Being totally unfunny. I wish Vinnie Jones had smashed his face in. If he had I’d watch it everyday. Seriously I would. Rich smug bitchy lefty cunt oxygen thief.
The National Lottery could have a refugee bonus ball : the number of randomly picked refugees that will be put up at Lineker Towers.
Lineker needs to pop down to the Grand Hotel in Scarborough.
Yeah the same one that TripAdvisor stopped allowing reviews for when everyone who had the misfortune of staying left reviews as to the behaviour of the newly arrived Afghan refugees.
A clue : the reviews weren’t good.
I’m also looking forward to his deafening silence on human rights issues in Qatar when we arrive at the world Cup next year
The utter cunt
I think he should go there and publicly criticise the regime given his privileged platform to do so.
I’d probably even have some respect for him if he did a BBC commissioned documentary called ” Qatar 2022 : Why has your stadium building programme killed so many people?”
But I think we all know that won’t happen