Dept. Health & Social Care

The DPH including in particulat Secretary Adolf Javid and his assistant Minister Maggie Throup-Eichmann is a hive full of cunts.

A new HMG pilot scheme to ‘help people eat better and exercise more’ will be launched in the New Year.’

According to the aforementioned cunts promoting this social credit ‘initiative’

‘The HeadUp app pilot will help us better understand how appropriate rewards can motivate people to make positive changes to their diet and physical activity, supporting them to lead healthier lives’

People/pig dogs who respond well to the dictates of the new App will receive rewards eg clothing or food vouchers.

Read more shit here:

Government Link – Click at your own risk & wear a mask.

Anyone still think the mask wearing was anything to do with the Covids? Anyone still think the Lockdowns and Vakzines would set you free?

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

62 thoughts on “Dept. Health & Social Care

  1. Did anyone vote for a proactive health service rather than a reactive one?

    If I get sick or injured then I want to be put right.
    It’s not like the service is free.
    It is paid for by the tax paying public.

    What I don’t want is a bunch of cunts telling me how to live my life.

  2. I see part of this new cunty scheme is this:

    “From January 2022, a pilot will see users wear wrist-worn devices that can generate personalised health recommendations, such as increasing their step count, eating more fruit and vegetables and decreasing portion size”

    Sounds more like new track and trace technology. Why the fuck would someone want to wear some state sponsored wrist device that collects data.


  3. I’ve got a leg in plaster at the moment and in a shit load of pain after getting knocked down by a car on the forecourt of a car rental company. Fuckin’ Hertz….

  4. I clicked on the link and got to the third line ‘A new App’, yes Fuck Off.

    App says you are a fat cunt, drop that burger and eat a carrot, put the phone down to just eat and walk to the greengrocer.

    The only people who are going to buy into this shit are the skinny latte brigade, not the fat cunts ?

  5. If the state education system did its job properly and taught kids the fundamentals of healthy living instead of polluting their young minds with all this lefty woke racist transgender nonsense, there’d be no need for any of these ridiculous government so called ‘health initiatives’. Fuck them.

    • … you ain’t wrong. First item on the curriculum … self respect cos without it respect for others is outta the fuckin’ question.

  6. What a crock of dystopian commie shite.

    I’ve got a few suggestions other than this Chinese social credit system (through the back door) app…

    Stop advertising junk food on the telly for a start.
    Get rid of Uber Eats and other similar cuntish apps.
    Stop turning every other premise on every high street of every town into a peaceful run kebab/pizza shithole.
    Most importantly – educate young children properly on the benefits of good health.

    • Alternatively, allow bullying in schools.

      Peer pressure is a wonderful thing.
      There were very few fat kids around when I was at school.

  7. My old Conservative party is being turned into Blair’s nightmare Labour – as the old poofs of New Labour fade away* we are being ruled by PakiTories and wimminz who looks as if they came out of the Jess Phillips Charm School.

    If only Mrs. Thatcher was still here to offer her no-nonsense advice, instead of which all we have is that whinging old queen Major. Just about the worst Conservative PM ever – fucking cones hotlines indeed.

    * except for Mandelson, Blair’s power bottom – like the poor, he is always with us. He now sits at Starmer’s right hand (wanking him off probably)

    • Good Morning WC

      I fully agree that Major is a whinging old queen/cunt.

      A worse Tory PM than the albino jellyfish net zero Turk though?
      Surely that’s stretching things slightly.

      • I have to admit to a certain fondness for old Boris – whereas Major tries to sound like a slightly cross Archbishop with hemorrhoids , at least Boris sounds down to earth and doesn’t indulge in the grand manner, and anyone would be better than seeing Starmer as PM with all his pomp and pretensions. Just imagine his bunch of bolshy wimminz strutting round trying to make sure we were all PC and licked the boots of the lezzas, poofters and BAMEs his party is overloaded with. Labour has parasites like pother people have mice.

        At the moment Boris is our least worst option. I think frankly Major would have cracked up if he had to deal with Covid and would have needed Chris Patten wafting the smelling salts his way. As our old RN bandmaster used to say “Loud, confident…and wrong” – That’s Boris!

    • I honestly think this current government is worse than BLiar’s. At least with then you knew you were voting for out and out cunts – BLiar invented stealth taxes – this lot have invented stealth cuntishness. Now they’ve shown their true colours will their traditional voters vote for them again? This one won’t!

      • I will, Mikdys, simply because I wouldn’t trust a word coming out of the mouths of those qu eer hypcrites, “led” ,if that be the word by that quvering jelly Starmer. For example he fives the impression that he now “accepts rexit”, but he clearly hasnt let that message get through to Adonis or that old pansy Hilary Benn or Balls-Cooper

      • “Slightly cross Archbishop with haemorrhoids”
        Bloody superb!!

        Starmer is a sort of weedy PE teacher, the sort that couldn’t lift a ping-pong ball.

  8. Seems that you’re no longer allowed to deride fat cunts anymore, otherwise you’ll get accused of fat shaming.
    Even going on a diet (as that warbling old cunt, Adull) did recently, no longer guarantees you congratulations for a better health style, but accusations of the very same fat shaming, as we as disassociating oneself with other fat cunts.

    In any case, this push for a healthier lifestyle, via another bloody app, is just another part of the Build Back Better jigsaw, where they will be insisting that to have a better lifestyle we all must cut back on eating meat before we slap a new tax on it.

    In other words, save yourself: save the planet = Go Vegan!

  9. Nothing wrong with crisps, chocolate, burgers, pizza (not fucking kebabs)…
    Just as there is nothing wrong with sausages and mash, steak and kidney pudding, chicken and mushroom pies, fish and chips…

    Eat it all and lead a happy life. It is that ‘happy life’ that these PH Nazis are out to fuck over. Unhappy cunts can be manipulated.

  10. It’s the one size fits all approach that I find strange….. And unscientific.

    Although we are all built the same we have different needs.

    A vegetarian or vegan diet might suit some people.
    Others will become weak and unwell.

    Exorcise may be good for some people while others will experience joint or muscle problems.

    They are not helping out the NHS with this shit, they are just creating more patients who are following poorly thought out advice.

    • Just to say on this question of exercise, if lovely Liza Nandy is in need of it, I would be happy to become her personal trainer. I’d have her stripped to the waist each morning in her tight little shorts doing her daily dozen – just think “Babs” in Carry On Camping…… and fling and in, fling and in……..

      Followed up by a good tantric massage.

      I could be her very own Dr. Soaper. In the interests of taste and propriety, Emily Thornberry could be Hattie’s matron.

  11. I’d left work early because we were having people over. I was driving home, when my phone rang and the missus said she’d got absolutely everything she needed for the evening apart from one thing, a cucumber and could I stop at the supermarket and get one.
    Managed to get one but also got a huge tub of vaseline. I didn’t want the people in the checkout queue thinking I was a vegan….

  12. By the time these cunts get their shitty app working nobody will have any money left for food anyway.

    2022 is shaping up to be a financial tornado.


  13. I wonder if the App will be clever enough to spot what you’re eating and emit a siren or blast out ‘Fat Bastard!’ repeatedly.
    And all data sent to Bill Gates so he can keep on buying up farmland to provide us with the lovely fungus burgers…

  14. What a load of old shite….unless you’re a bit mongy, you shouldn’t need telling what is obvious…if you’re a big,fat Cunt,eat less and exercise more. The trouble isn’t that people are ignorant of what they should be doing,it’s that they don’t care and some prissy little Govt. adviser isn’t going to change that..if anything it’ll just make people dig their heels in. I smoke…I’m aware that it’s bad for me…don’t need telling or bribing to give up because I won’t…I enjoy smoking and couldn’t give a tupenny fuck if it shortens my life…in fact,the way the Country is headed,it’s probably a fucking bonus.

    • PS…Priti Patel should go on a diet….that way she’ll get more clients when she faces up to the fact that she’s useless for anything bar hawking her pearly down at the docks….that other fat Cunt,Johnson,can be her maid.

    • I’m really tempted to start smoking religiously again. Just to piss off all the anti-smoking cunts and spite this nanny nazi state.

      The tobacco price is absurd though, and I don’t want to fund this terrorist government any more than I already do.

    • Do you grow your own tobacco, Mr F?
      Surely that’s the only way any fucker (even landed gentry) can afford to smoke….fags are…what, 13 quid a packet now?

      • The deep state will be on to you now Thomas, you’ll be getting a knock on the door from Sajj.

      • Smoked rollies for years,Mr.C-E….don’t even particularly enjoy a “proper” cigarette anymore…never buy my baccy from a shop though…it’s imported without the Treasury getting it’s cut.

      • On the odd occasion I fancy a rollie, I use shredded damiana leaf. It’s very similar to tobacco, but only costs 4 quid for a huge bag…

      • @Dick. I know what you mean about a “proper “ cigarette, they taste like shit compared to rollies.
        Incidentally, it occurred to me the other day that it’s cheaper per gram to smoke weed than proper cigarettes.

      • “Damiana is used to treat headache, bedwetting, depression, nervous stomach, and constipation; for prevention and treatment of sexual problems”…..

        Dear me,Mr.Cunt-Engine…you must be in a hell of a state.

      • Fiddler, I am sure, grows his own, and it is doubtless thigh-rolled by the luscious Gemma Collins who occupies his dreams…

      • Gemma Collins !!?,,,even I haven’t sunk to that level of depravity,HBH.

        The Collins Landwhale and the divine La Arterton are very different beasts,

  15. They can bring in whatever fucking schemes they like. Where there’s a scheme there’s a schemer. It will be ripped off by the immos, the pikeys and the rich fuckers as usual. The rules only apply to the law abiding people who actually keep this country going and every other cunt feeds off.

  16. Perhaps the first pilot group could include the members of the Hoc, because with a few exceptions, they all look like they never said No to a pie!

    • Especially SNP Bloater “The Voice of Scotland” and Emily I love England Flags, imagine those 2 pounding the HOC GYM treadmill, everything would start shaking and collapsing around them.

  17. We are slowly turning into George Orwell’s 1984.”DATA Science ” bollocks.All we hear now is data data data bore off.Stop treating us as children.Utter shit gibbons.

  18. This could well be the straw that breaks the camels back.
    This piss weak bunch of cunts will soon back down if they realise they have misjudged just how far we can be pushed.

  19. You don’t need a digital shackle to incentivise you. Look at the modern high street or kicking-out time at the primary schools. Huge sows waddling everywhere.
    I call it the ’embeastment’ of British women.

  20. I’m torn on this one. It should cost less, not more. No fucking app, no nanny state, just tell cunts that the NHS will only sort you out if you at least try and look after yourself. If you’re ill because you are making bad lifestyle choices, food, drink, drugs, smoking, all the stuff that beyond moderation is going to fuck you up, the you should be a low priority case, and if you’re lucky, someone will see you in a couple of years. Never paid tax? Might be even longer.
    There’s no secret that these things are bad for you, so most people do them knowing the potential outcome, and are straight to the GP as soon as they need sorting out.
    Fat fuckers on motability scooters, just because they are lazy. Usually puffing on a fag as they beetle along the pavement, so us ablies have to jump on to the road to avoid the cunts. The fuckers never work, so it costs the state about 70 grand a year to keep the fat fucks, when you take the rent, care costs, motability bollocks, beer, wine, fags, and fuck off big TVs.

  21. Also, I wonder how the out-of-shape, working-from-home, pallid, moon-faced lardies populating govt. departments will take to this. Fat, scruffy bastards.

  22. Blame me, I wrote to Starmer and Boris last year complaining about obesity and what are they going to do about it!!!

    There’s a load of land whales about and they do end up costing the tax payer money once they rock up to the NHS. Obesity is a curse of the west, surely we should do something.

    Preventative medicine is a thing ever since, if not before, the phrase ‘Let food be thy medicine’ was invented. So I’m not against a scheme that encourages better choices and gives rewards, in principle. Better nutrition education in schools would help but that doesn’t help with the majority who are adults.

    I might even sign up to this shit – free gym sounds great.

    • You might be asked to ditch the sourdough, because of the excessive carbohydrates.

      It’s all a bit Demolition Man /A Brave New World to me.

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