Every week there seems to be yet another crisis/disaster/catastrophe, the sole design of which is to send people into a mad panic.
It’s all getting a bit like the cliff hangers at the end of old television programmes, like Adam West era Batman.
Toilet Roll Shortages
People scurrying to get back from going abroad before a country goes on a red list.
Fuel Shortages
The ongoing climate crisis
Turkey shortage crisis (it’s dry as a bone and tasteless anyway, so I’ll have joint of beef thanks).
Meat shortages (funny the supermarket shelves seem to be as full as they usually are this time of year)
Shipping Crisis
It’s now become like the tale of the boy who cried wolf for me. It’s lost any sort of effect other than to make me sigh and shake my head dismissively.
Toys for Christmas seems to be the latest one. Funny though, there doesn’t seem to be any shortage of plastic tat from China/Taiwan/Malaysia does there?
All part of project fear.
YouTube Link
“We’re doomed, we’re all doomed.”
Nominated by: Harold
Now that the Crap26 pantomime is drawing to a close (thank fuck), expect the meeja to go full-on Covid Crisis once more if nothing else crops up to take their fancy. How odd that the daily infestation of sand rats turning up on the Kent coast is never deemed to be a ‘crisis’.
Id like to know the “carbon footprint” of that Cop26 thing including all the jets, 4x4s roaring around, the junkets, how many bottles of awfully good chablis, condoms, cocaine etc etc
Lube, poppers, chalices of babies blood, etc….
102,000 tonnes of co2 apparently. Equivalent to a year’s output from 10.000 homes.
I bet the cunts are chowing down on steak, rather than the dried crickets they want us to subsist on, along with guzzling free expensive plonk.
And all paid for by the pleb’s tax money…
Fascinating stuff here from author and commentator Laura Dodsworth, about the so-called ‘Nudge Unit’ at No 10; how behavioural psychology is being used more and more by govt. to ‘manage’ our behaviour and get us to accept unpopular policies.
It’s apparent for the Covid scenario, now it’s coming down the line on ‘climate change’. Fear has been weaponised.
2021 = 1984.
I’m beginning to feel like the guy with the sunglasses in “They Live”
….without needing to wear sunglasses.
Disclaimer: I am not endorsing the violence involved in the latter part of that clip.
I hear you Harold. Those who know the truth and how the world works can see what is really going on. I try to be tolerant and non judgemental but when I see a jogger alone wearing a fucking mask I just know that they are among the blind scared sheep.
I understand the SAGE committee has behavioral psychologists on it and the published minutes reveal them discussing how to ramp up the fear levels to maintain compliance. That was the whole point of the unnecessary testing and resulting inflated ‘case’ numbers. Anyone’ who understands Bayes theorem from elementary probability theory would know that those tests were designed to create false positives to ramp up the fear.
A likely spinoff benefit for the likrles of Hancock, Whitty and Ballance was the kickbacks from the testing companies for whom all their Christmases came at once.
One of the SAGE advisors is that Commie cunt Prof. Susan Michie.
Could anything be a more sinister prospect than a Marxist behavioural psychologist?
I hear George Soros thinks she’s beyond the pale.
It’s the shortage of common sense and integrity in public life that concerns me most.
I remember a wise person once saying to me:
“The thing with common sense is that it doesn’t seem to be very common”.
That’s something that has stayed with me since the age of 19 and every so often I think about that and how right he was.
Absolutely spot on. The amount of parents that expect schools/social services/local authorities to pick up their every little problem – it’s just insane.
There is now a generation of adults that don’t know how to be an adult, are demand avoidant and everything must be done for them at the expense of the tax payer. ??????
One thing Dame Keir doesn’t have to worry about is the lavatory paper shortage. Mandelson is more than willing to lick his arsehole clean and AnalEase, that little pansy Ashworth and Streeting are not far behind in the queue of sycophants
I guess Sir Cliff Richard doesn’t have to worry about that, either.
All these crises are whipped-up by the media.
Where there might be a ‘small problem’, the MSM cannot resist resorting to hyperbole to scare the shit out of the majority of the dim-witted public.
They thrive off it.
Has anyone else noticed that these ‘crises’ have become more prevalent since Brexit?
It’s like the meeja are saying, – “look what you have done you silly plebs, we told you this would happen”
Well, there is still a roof over my head, and food and water on my table, and until both those disappear, I for one won’t be panicking.
So, as for your fake crises, please just take them and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine.
It is abundantly clear that world governments (not just the UK), have some kind of ulterior motive with these crisis.
The mooted “Build Back Better” and “The Great Reset” are probably all part of this cunning plan to bring people into line, even if it means introducing real or fake crisis in order to do it.
“Project Fear II: Judgement Day”, is now in full swing after Covid, Climate Change, Open Borders, Resource Shortages, Brexit and Globalism.
You’d think so, Techno. Many still completely fucking oblivious to it.
Austria has announced lockdowns only for the unvaccinated from Monday. No correlation to another period of history? No? Ok then.
We have Dame Esther saying unvaxxed shouldn’t be allowed hospital treatment (if they die, they die).
The Nazi’s are coming out of hibernation. Fucks sake.
Chunky-have you a link to the Esther Rancid bit?
The same Rancid, who, whilst heading up “Childline”, knew all about Jimmy Saville’s Proclivities, As did many senior figures?
Isn’t she Jewish? Has she never read the Nuremberg code and understand where this is heading?
Oh, the fucking irony ?
Esther on GBNews
Cheers Chunky?
I wonder how many shares in Pharmaceuticals, she has?
Generally speaking,..
It seems to me most of the over 70’s are oblivious to the manipulation, and understandably. They’ve spent most of their lives in more innocent, honest times. It was financially easier to live, and to breed. They can’t comprehend just how devious the world has become.
The 40’s up to 60’s have lived long enough to notice the standard of living drop, are more tech savvy, cynical, and open minded.
The younger generations haven’t lived long enough to form solid opinions, are too idealistic, and will have to suffer the consequences. And that is the demographic the ‘elites’ are preying on with their ‘crises’.
People who think the unvaxxed should not get hospital treatment really are some of the most sanctimonious, murderous dick heads.
Recent govt data (18th October) makes interesting reading. In the age groups under 30 more unvaxxed are going in for treatment, but in the over 30s to 50s it is more like a 50/50 split, and with the 60s+ its more like 80% vaxxed to unvaxxed.
However, the report doesn’t emphatically say whether the hospital admissions are actually for Covid or just gone into hospital for something else and happen to have a positive test within 28 days. So still the same old ‘of’ or ‘with’ bollox.
If I got shot in the head and tested positive a month ago, apparently I’m a Covid statistic even though I was perfectly fine up until my trauma. What a crock.
Page 14:
I’m looking to rent a house
“To inspect it you must be doubly injected…”
Erm ok
“…and be able to demonstrate it on a smartphone app vaccine passport.”
The Dutch have announced a partial lockdown, here we go ?
No shortage of Christmas shit in Tesco this morning, in fact no shortage of anything… the only shortages are caused by the fucking media panicking every cunt.
All that is needed to cause shortages ‘There is no need to panic buy’
A rather interest coincidence that energy prices have rockets these last few months just prior to CRAP26 and climate change bollocks.
One would think wholesales prices for oil were purposely inflated by a cartel of governments and oil producers not only to fleece motorists and consumers with higher petrol and domestic fuel prices; but also to forcing to them to think about green alternatives.
And here we are, with CRAP26 taking centre stage as all the plebs worry about rising prices and being forced to spend thousands in order to save the fucking planet, while the circus ring leaders expend millions of cubic tons of CO2 as they jet/drive around the world telling us to make sacrifices.
The rush to wind is getting in the way of nuclear, it’s like the rush to gas when Thatcher decided coal was no longer king, the nuclear program would have been 3 times the size it is now if we hadn’t rushed for gas. The two new plants under construction will be cancelled out by the ones that are end of life, even if the ones in planning are actually built we will only be about 10% or so more than we have now.
Let’s see what comes out of RR.
Doris will copy them.TWAT.Throw him in the bin.
Crisis what crisis? I didn’t hear about any crisis what you talking about?!
Turkey crisis was real this year tho had a stuffed chicken instead this thanksgiving dinner lol It was a minor inconvenience but admittedly it made me a bit less thankful…
Don’t panic cunters, Soros and Schwab thrive off panic, like festering bacteria, I’m running on the Major Kong attitude to life now riding the nuke on Dr Strangelove!
Heeeeeeyyyyyy haaaaaawwwww, wooooo!!!!
Absolutely correct RTC.
When did society turn so stupid and ugly.
It’s not just the lack of integrity in government, but amongst the public in general.
And as for common sense, people just seem devoid of it recently.
I wonder if my TV will explode when a real crisis occurs?
Oh wait..there is one:the invasion of our floundering nation is now at full bore.
Send the troops to…the Polish border?
Fucking idiotic Cunts.
There’s nothing better than a destabilised gen pop and perceived barriers from behind which different hidden agenda can be deployed. The architects and maintainers of UK government knows this … it allows, to a certain degree, for acceptance of measures that would ordinarily be difficult to make stick. Like … increased taxation, relaxation of immigration rules (as if it needed it … open door IMO), acceptance of harshish restrictions on things where personal accountability aren’t working as required, etc.
All this because pressures that are going to be applied in order to pay for supposedly venerable institutions like the NHS and associated care facilities, pension schemes, education, mass transport initiatives … blah, blah.
Not forgetting the impact of mandatory worldwide environmental policies (that maybe way too late) that are put in place to combat erratic climatic issues.
I’m on the page of realising that the mass migration from the Southern Hemisphere will become (is) an issue that is impossible to control and the next generation of westerners is gonna get the full fruit flavour of that shitstorm.
Then there’s the power balance China, Russia (new soviet bloc) US, EU (meh!) … all changing at a pace that makes ya head spin. I tell ya … if you were to focus on any one the issues … yer meeentil elf would go walkabout. ??
Shit’s a comin’ … it’s actually here, just around the corner.
So crisis after crisis is here to stay until the Big Bang I don’t even think that a ‘reset’ is possible …. I thought you could blame MSM, social media and the like but they just help stoke the flames …. I’m gonna break out the afternoon sherry a bit earlier today.
Mass migration is not impossible to control.
Hungary controls their land border, Australia turns back boats, rich Arab countries don’t take in a single “refugee”. A proper government would copy the above.
You ain’t grasped the concept of mass migration. Vast unimaginable numbers of people pressuring every border. In numbers that can’t be contained no matter what measures are put in place.
What will drive that is an exotic blend of war, famine following drought, flooding resulting from sea levels rising, economic collapse … big picture shit!
They’ll be comin’ and there’s fuck all that anyone can do to stop it and that’s after billions, probably trillions have been spent on trying to prevent it. Just the way of things ….
Poland seems to have the right idea. Their president has… what do you call those?… oh yeah BALLS!!!
But Hungary, Poland have a chain link fence to keep them out. We only have 22 miles of open sea and 200 feet high sea cliffs, what are we to do?
Shoot all of the dinghy riders before they arrive.Dirty shits.
The toy shortage was worrying.
Does anyone want 6 elf suits, 9 Barbies and 4 rocking horses?
I’d like a disabled Barbie if you’ve got one.
Sorry no, but one of the elf suits has the horn. I dont think it is an elf but one of the 7 d warfs – Knobby.
Spaccy placcy Barbie!
Pull the arms and legs off… and hey presto! Thalidomide Barbie! ??
I’m not surprised she’s in a wheelchair with those knees.
Vaccination blackmail
Perpetual bullshit.
The media are scum so what else would anybody expect but insidious propaganda.
The only thing higher on the scum chart are the countless puppet politicians across the west who are pretending to be responsible leaders of their countries when in actual fact – they are complicit in enabling an updated version of good old fascism.
It makes you wonder about the level of psychopathic tendency required to be a part of these never ending charades of lies and at best – half truths.
Treating innocent citizens like absolute garbage with zero empathy.
Cunts the lot.
The problem with this cry wolf attitude with the media is that when something that is potentially catastrophic comes along, no cunt is interested.
That is happening now in Belarus. Tinpot dictator Lukashenko is having a ball winding up the west, enabled by his puppet master Putin. This could escalate big time, and my hope is that the plastic faced Stalin wannabe loves his billions enough to want to stay alive to continue to enjoy them.
The upside of this is that there is actually something being done to stem the flow of uncontrolled migration, and perhaps, just perhaps, this message might deter some of those from making the journey in the first place.
I know this is a rose tinted, glass half full sort of opinion, but hey, it’s the weekend, and I’m happy.
… Just hope they don`t run out of boot polish or we`ll need to rethink our xmas Minstrel Nativity show.
You’ve no chance of getting ‘Kiwi’ brand since New Zealand shut itself off from the world when one resident caught chinky flu.
The common denominator is lies and manufactured bullshit. It’s the way the beast works because it has no good ideas to sell.
Hard to sell weapons, pharmaceutical shite, or a new world order that will completely decimate our humanity, without the tool of fear/hysteria.
Just say No!/Get to fuck, you cunts!
When Covid finally fades into obscurity the next epidemic will be the mental health crisis, with the fear of (seemingly) everything mental health issues will go viral. I saw a report that there are already 2.8 million in the UK with the elf.
I rather think that it is a lack of moral fibre.
Do you include children in your assessment there?
You know, the ones who can’t fight back at all against draconian bullshit fantasies of those who should protect them. Such as: being forced to wear masks all day at school, told they’ll kill granny if they don’t wash their hands, not being able to play freely and do activities due to restrictions generally, learning through a fucking screen, etc, etc
I don’t give a fuck about the adults so much, but what we’ve done to the children over the past 2 years is unforgivable. Anyone in support of it is a failed human and should be drowned at sea.
Too fucking right.
Children are the biggest victims and main targets of all this bullshit we are surrounded by.
For obvious reasons as well – being the next generation and all that.
If young kids aren’t living in the fear that the world is going to end in 10 years thanks to these climate fear cretins – they are also frightened they’ll kill their elderly relatives.
Spineless, frightened of a cough cunt parents and the teachers in schools furthering agendas like nodding dogs and protecting their salaries.
A nation that can’t protect its children has no future.
Is the heart of the matter.
I suspect the younger kids are less effected than older ones, but it’s like everything else, when the media start talking about mental health issues the cunts think there is something wrong if they don’t have any and then start trying to find some ?
It’s a prediction rather than an assessment and the 2.8 million, well, who knows where the analysts get their data.
However I suspect kids and the elf is more to do with social media than covid.
Why worry according to the climate nutters we will be under water anyway, Not much point whinging on about blm, gender issues then eh. Fuck them all.
The whole situation can be summarized in this quote by H L Mencken which I posted on another nom (Joe Biden’s Beast) a few days ago.
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
The quote is from the 1920s or 30s.
Do I have a problem?
Then why worry.
Do I have a problem?
Can I do anything about it?
Then why worry.
Do I have a problem?
Can I do anything about it?
Then why worry.
I understand the SAGE committee has behavioral psychologists on it and the published minutes reveal them discussing how to ramp up the fear levels to maintain compliance. That was the whole point of the unnecessary testing and resulting inflated ‘case’ numbers. Anyone’ who understands Bayes theorem from elementary probability theory would know that those tests were designed to create false positives to ramp up the fear.
A likely spinoff benefit for the likrles of Hancock, Whitty and Ballance was the kickbacks from the testing companies for whom all their Christmases came at once.
Independent Sage & Onion are even worse – a cabal of totalitarian marxist mentals who want us all locked down for ever. Their chairman, Sir David Kunt, has said they’ll turn their attention to the Climate Catastrophe fairy tale once Covid is done with.
Switch on the oven, Unkle Terry.
I propose the independent ISAC Committee or IISACC as a counterbalance to those cunts.
I offer my services as entertainments manager and chief assassin ??
Surely the assassinations will form part of the entertainments program?
Absolutely ?
Every day that goes on, I more favour a return to Monarchy.
Lord Protector styled on Cromwell, the cunt.
A crisis of credibility and integrity – panic the gullible and they will put up with anything. “Climate change” is a naturally occurring process which does kind of happen when we live on a wafer thin skin of rock covering a molten ball which is constantly changing temperature, the CO2 input of humankind has made no damaging difference whatsoever to atmospheric CO2 levels and no “climawokesciencepretendists” have managed to explain that in the desert age atmospheric CO2 levels were lower than present, in the dinosaur age the earth was covered in lush verdant vegetation with atmospheric CO2 levels much higher than present day levels (CO2 being plant food and vital, as any farmer will tell you – insufficient CO2, plants die, we all die), or why in the last ice age atmospheric CO2 levels were considerably higher than the present day. ?♂️
And the last time I looked I didn’t notice any solar panels on the roof of BO reeking “Karen” Thunbergs Swedish mansion, or windmills in the back garden.
How DARE YOU Greta the sweater?
Fabricate a crisis, rake in the money – oldest trick in the book.
But you can’t fool all the people all the time.
When all’s said and done, we are doomed, there’s no getting away from it. It may be a personal catastrophe, a nationwide catastrophe or a worldwide catastrophe, but something’s going to get us. We can draw comfort from the fact that our enemies are doomed also. It’s satisfying when they go first.
Especially if you get to “help them along” a bit…?
The old story of the ruling government. Manufactured incidents to distract from real problems affecting the tax paying populace from the fuckups of the inept old boy troughing cunts. I don’t know so much about the UK, but the old chestnuts here are, change the currency, change the flag, become a republic, get the Kiwis to federate and land rights for gay whales.
With regards to crisis, a wise man gave me the following advice, when I was a lad:
There are problems on a global scale, regardless of what you think, you cannot influence them-or have any control: SO DON’T WORRY
There are problems on a more local scale-where your vote or input may possibly have a small influence-but no control over them: SO DON’T WORRY
Then there are YOUR problems-family, work, relationships. These are THE ONLY problems where you CAN Exert control. The only ones that are WORTH worrying about.
Everything else is wasted energy.
A good creed, that will serve you well?
Despite all the cuntfoolery, it’s a beautiful world. Turn off your TV. Turn off your radio. Go outside and enjoy nature.
I have. It works wonders??
Finely put.
This is caused by the rent a mob remoaners who always want to pretend they’re right. So they manufacture some bollocks to show they are right. This is espionage on a large scale. Oh wow some crisps are not on shelves boohoo. Furloughed layabouts collecting their paychecks through shell companies or craptocurrency. Absolute communists.
As Geordie Twatt said send them to the oven for special treatment.Shit gibbons.
I don’t listen to the media nowadays so a lot of this fear passes me by. I’m not worried by the climate changing as i’ve heard of Ice ages. Humanity has survived several.
The idea that liberal westerners can ‘save the planet is just anthropocentric conceit, as much as humans of a religious persuasion believe the Earth was made for them by a deity who looks like them.
Just another apocalyptic religion. Not interested.
“…there doesn’t seem to be any shortage of plastic tat from China/Taiwan/Malaysia does there?”
There’ll be none in my house I can assure cunters of that!