Black Hair Discrimination

”Black hair discrimination must be banned, equalities watchdog told”
(yes, you read that correctly – NA)

”A research study found that over half (52 per cent) of Black people with afro hair said that discrimination against their natural hair had negatively affected their self-esteem or mental health.
L’myah Sherae, Founder of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Race Equality in Education, told The Independent: “I’ve experienced hair discrimination myself, and it devastates me that not only are there many adults, but there are also countless children across the UK experiencing similar forms of racial discrimination.”

Link to story.

There must be a study group of victims in this country thinking up more and more fucking ludicrous examples of their suffering. This particular loon, L’myah Sherae is a full time professional victim living in London, naturally. And making sure any form of racial tolerance in this country is dashed on the rocks of utter fucking stupidity. She is backed by Labour race baiting Scouse loon Kim Johnson.

Why these fuckers live here, earning vast sums of public money and expenses when they could dwell in some African paradise is a mystery.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

70 thoughts on “Black Hair Discrimination

  1. What a sensitive load of butt hurt wankers de black com-moon-it-ee are turning out to be, encouraged by white Guardian reading poofters. I just can’t stand people jumping on bandwagons and making themselves victims. No doubt Lammy knows all these poor victims personally. Shave their hair off and give them blue rinsed wigs.

    • Its a shame.
      Head full of pubes.
      You wanna look like Cinderella but your hair resembles something to stuff old mattresses or a fuckin coconut.
      Why a lot if black wimmin wear wigs and hair extensions.
      They have special shops for it!
      And its expensive!
      A wig made from human hair costs hundreds of pounds.

      But good news for blacks is Halloween is here!
      Pick up a witches wig for couple of quid!
      Save a fortune!
      And at the end of the day
      You cant polish a turd…

  2. These cunts don’t want an end to racism.
    They thrive on it.

    They just want the upper hand.
    And the woke whiteys are more than happy to give it to them.

    Afro hair is difficult to control.
    Especially on a black woman’s biffer.

    When they shave their lady garden it grows back horribly, ingrowing hairs, spots and bumps.
    It’s awful.

    Laser hair removal is the way to go.

  3. What about the gingers? They’re the real victims of hair discrimination. Mind you, when you see absolute ginger cunts like Harry Halfwit it’s understandable.

    • You very rarely see a couple where they are both ginger, so even gingers do not find ginger hair attractive.

      I think that there should be more adverts on the telly with mixed hair couples.

      One normal and one ginger.
      Just to show support.

      I wonder if they will be able to find any black, ginger people in time for the Christmas adverts.

  4. Cuntstable it’s a mystery to me also. You can’t fix stupid And you can’t polish a turd.

  5. Do this derangement spring from the fact that secretly they know full well they are a sub species?

    Go moan about your shit hair in Mogadishu and see how you get on.

  6. Moves to make ‘da fro’ a protected characteristic?

    You know what this means. Any whitey with an Art Garfunkel style will automatically be accused of cultural appropriation and made, by order of the High Court, to change their style within 14 days or face a hefty fine or a custodial sentence.

    You just know it is around the corner.


    • Paul@
      I like afros on blackys!
      Its more cheerful!
      Normally theyre scowling, bit sourfaced.
      But having a head like a fuckin microphone is somehow more cheery?
      And for some reason makes me crave jam?!

      • We had a darkie in our senior school, whose nickname was Sponge on account of his microphone hairdo.

        That was almost 40 years ago. How times have changed.

      • We had a lad in secondary school, some kind of arab type,
        He had a skin condition, psyriosis or something,
        And we named him “flake” after the Cadbury confectionery.

      • We had a black chap at school, we were always patting him on the head as his hair felt so nice and springy. That use to cheer us up.

      • Raspberry? Harvey Price must be your favourite Knee-grow?

        Or Smokey Robinson?

        Morning Mis.

      • My favourite negro is JB Smoove the potty mouthed one in Curb your enthusiasm.
        Him and Richard Pryor.
        Funny fellas.

        Morning CG!?

  7. Imagine sitting behind that cunt in the cinema? I’d ban fucking afros – the dark keys grow them to piss us honkies off.

  8. Colin Kaepernick looks fucking ridiculous in his 1970 black woman afro. What a cunt he is. He thinks hes Kunta Kinte even though he was raised by white folk in an entirely white neighbourhood and school and suffered no racism except for the kind hes made up.

      • If it wasn’t for slavery, he’d be running around in his birthday suit in Africa, with a bone through his nose and eating his neighbours.

        Taking a knee against America during the anthem? He should be on his knees saying ‘Thank you America for slavery’ every fucking day. Honky America has given him a privileged upbringing (his adopted parents were well off) and then a multi million dollar sport/advertising career.

        Needs to think on. Slavery has done wonders for him. If he had a time machine and the choice to end slavery, would he do it?

        Would he fuck. He knows exactly where he’d be.

        Dancing round a cooking pot with a missionary in it.

    • Im about to undertake relagging the loft being worried about how my energy use is destroying the planet.
      And rather than loft insulation id prefer something more organic?
      So any black people who want to sell me their afros?
      I’ll pay £5 for each bag of wool,
      Which I think is more than fair!
      I know chiggun and crack cocaine is expensive,
      So sell me your hair and you can use it to help towards Christmas.

      • Morning MNC, if you could sneak into the hospital with some battery-powered clippers, I believe Sasha Johnson has some hair that she’s not using right now.

      • Yeah, old sasha doughnut head is a waste of hair.
        I heard that they use her as a draught excluder on the ward?

        Morning Thomas ?

      • How is Sasha the cunt ? I can’t seem to find regular MSM updates on the poor victim of black violence.
        It’s an outrage that she wasn’t shot by a white supremacist.
        The perp was probably programmed by evil whitey.
        Morning, Thomas / all.

      • Morning chaps…I do have an update on poor Sasha. A naughty porter has been pimping out her turkish delight whilst she’s in a coma for 20 quid a go.
        Clients include: other porters, gangstas and surgeons with lots of apostrophes in their christian names.
        So far he’s made £120.

      • Only down side MNC is that your loft will smell like baked beans. Why do they all smell like baked beans.

      • Smell a bit musty I find?
        Like a pair of socks left in a gym bag!
        Or the spare kit box for PE at school.
        Chinese smell weird too.
        In fact all foreigners stink and make me gag.?

  9. Any fucker with an apostrophe halfway through their christian name isn’t going to have the best interests of England in their black hearts.

  10. I always suspected that the Hair Bear Bunch were culturally appropriative racists.
    The cunts.
    Get To Fuck.

  11. The All Party Parliamentary Group for Race Equality in Education is a made up title for a bunch of individuals who have no official standing whatsoever.

  12. ” Nobody Knows Da Trouble Me Seen”

    Fuck’s Sake,what a chippy bunch they’s one thing after another. Of course I blame The Septics for not putting a stop to Sooty uppityness at the outset….they should have come down like a ton of bricks on that entitled Dark-Key, Rosa Parks….such a fuss because she couldn’t get the seat she wanted on the bus..well,neither can a lot of people. I remember sitting watching a heavily pregnant woman and a Pensioner getting pitched around when they couldn’t get a seat on a packed bus that I travelling on..of course being white they didn’t moan..just got on with it..indeed,the OAP even showed true British sang-froid when the bus braked violently and my shopping flew off the seat next to me and knocked him and his zimmer flying…no moaning or wailing….the true Bulldog spirit that so many Dark-Keys lack…I was so moved by his stoicism that I fucking nearly helped him disentangle his walking frame from the pregnant tart who just lay there on top of it moaning while the old fella gathered up my shopping….Idle fat Sow.

    “Muh struggle continues”.

    • Well done finding that one for us Ghee. I found his speech very .unsettling in that I couldn’t disagree with a single word. I think I may have to move to Russia.

      • Ironic, isn’t it, that having supposedly won the idealogical struggle of The Cold War we are now imploding and effectively submitting to all those old 20th Century commies and doing their job for them.

        Vlad may be a vicious cunt but I for one can’t disagree with one word of what he says here.

      • And yes, it’s becoming a case of take your pick out of Hungary, Poland or Russia.

        Who woulda fucking think it…?

    • Like other commentators I found nothing in the speech that I disagreed with. I found this most sobering.

  13. Not long ago, a young man flicked his cigarette butt which ignited a Black Lollipop Frizz. Apparently, the owner of said frizz maintained its volume with a highly flammable product. I can think of no better use of Napalm.

  14. The best place to view an “Afro”, through the open sights of a rifle, circa 1879?

    “Men of Harlech.”

  15. What, exactly, constitutes “hair discrimination”?
    No doubt her kid has been told to get his barnet cut, and not turn up to school looking like the fucking hear bear bunch. Like the rest of the kids, in other words.
    Utter cuntitude. Fuck off.

    • Fuck knows.
      My only comment about this bird’s hair is that it looks ridiculous the way she’s let it grow to that length.
      She’d look fine if she took six or seven inches off but nah, she’d rather make a ‘statement’ so that she can moan when anybody comments.
      ‘Hair discrimination’ my arse.

  16. Just out of technical interest how exactly do you discriminate against Afro hair. Hold the victim down and shave it all off or whatever?

  17. Biden likes to sniff hair. Bloodly hell if he had a thing for the afro he’d get lost in it.

    As said above it used to be a cheery style. Like the Jackson 5. As though they were all wearing black halos.

    Othello must have had an afro. He is said to have ‘wooly hair’. Maybe that’s what Desdemona went for.

  18. I do like big, bouncy afro/kinked ‘dos on black women, especially if they have big, bouncy tits.

  19. This lot are so fuckin’ vain … they so fuckin’ special. Jeez … unfortunately, most of are horrible looking specimens of the dark version of a human being … (I use the term human being loosely).
    What were they called back in the day … Fuzzy Wuzzies … now I reckon that’s a moniker that they should be pleased with cos it’s just well ‘bang on’.

  20. Just another load of bullshit, next protected characteristic will be the right to carry knives.
    There should be no discussion with these idiots, fall in line or fuck off.

  21. I don’t moan about being a slaphead. Us baldies get discriminated against all the time. Once had a checkout girl laugh at my bottle of Head and Shoulders. She probably meant no harm, but she caught me having a bad (no hair) day. She said, chuckling away ‘For you?’ I said “Yes, if you’re thin on top you still need to control the oils and dryness on your scalp. I know that and you don’t. And that’s why you’re on that side of the fucking checkout.”

    Anyway. My doc told me I was losing my hair in my late 20s because I had a very high testosterone level.

    In essence, I am too much of a man for hair. The skin in my bonce is so fucking butch, that it sees hair as flouncy and a bit gay. Wants nowt to do with it. Kicked it out on the street for good.

    Any man with flowing locks over 30 is a bit suspect with regards to being a good ‘interior designer’, in my (admittedly pulled out of my arse) opinion. Where’s your testosterone? Gay.

    Fuck off.

  22. Wasn’t there some big fuck off afro cunt kid, who complained about ‘racism’ at politely being asked to sit behind the front row so shorter kids could see the board? The little cunt won the argument I heard and now whoever sits behind him can see fuck all. Teacher has to say fuck all when little Jonny says, ‘Sir, I can’t see the board.’

    This is ‘progress’.

      • Tall kid I recall too (I caught it briefly on that Lotus Eaters channel a while back.

        Just being a cunt demanding a front row seat to block every cunts’ view.

        I bet his cards are marked by every honky in town, the little fucking shit.

  23. Some people should be greatful they have hair at all. My hair has been running away from me for years.

    I’m not bitter. *mutters like Muttley from Wacky Races cartoon “Rassa frassa rassa”

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