Azeem Rafiq

Azeem Rafiq is a cunt.

Whilst I have sympathy for anyone who is oppressed, he is fucking loving his few seconds in the limelight and his lickspittle sycophantic wokers are creaming themselves to get their name associated with his plight.

Azeem has been racially abused, and that’s unacceptable, but context, perspective, equivalence and reason have all been omitted from this media shit-storm.

Btw, you’re either British and proud of it – or Pakistani and proud of it. Either is fine by me.

People who call themselves British-Pakistani are cunts.

Nominated by: Bob Collier

Supporting link provided by:Bertram Cuntatious DCO

BBC News Link


And there’s this from Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

I’ll add to this if I may.

Who knew that “Kevin” was a racist name?…..Daily Mail News Link

My Hound…. Gunga-Din,Punka Whalla,Uppity-Curry-Muncher has refused to comment unfortunately.


And here’s another one, this time from Cuntybollocks

Azeem Rafiq

This is the recently retired cricketer who cried ‘wayciss’ (compo chasing?) at Yorkshire Cricket Club, for alleged comments made years ago by team mates. The one he threw under the bus was someone he went on joint family holidays with for years after the ‘abuse’. But never mind . The BBC have him down as a ‘trailblazer’ now on their website.

The Commons set up a committee so they can shake their heads, and give even more to these fuckers .He’s even been banging on now about how the players shouldn’t drink beer when celebrating, as it offends the peacefuls in the team. Wanker.

Yes, everyone is a racist. He’s gone from saying a few comments back in the day were a bit racist, to English cricket in general in institutionally racist.

If it’s not enough that we’ve have the knee bending and the cunts at Sky brow-beating cricket fans with this shit since George of the Holy Banana Sammich Floyd croaked, they’ll now never fucking shut up about this, until the entire sport in England is only played at the top level by dark keys and Joe Dakis presumably?

Well guess what?

Seems old Rafiq forgot about his own ‘institutional racism’. The one within Islam that blames everything on the four be twos. Although the BBC won’t say exactly what these comments are, unlike they were so fucking keen to when honkies were making alleged racist comments against him. They threw Michael Vaughan, their own employee, under the bus without any evidence apart from Rafiq’s say so. And yes, they were keen to ‘quote’ these unproven comments too, for added effect.

Rafiq makes them and they are proved to be true (they were on his Facebook account) and they won’t say what that were.

Well I’m going to assume he must want them all gassing then, BBC.

I’m glad this cunt has been stitched up now though.

Karma is a bitch.

BBC News Link


And here’s one from Dark key cunt

Fucking seconded with cherries on the fucking top.

A dark key conflates his wife’s miscarriage with the fact that he was allegedly called a p@ki and then apologises for having abused y!ds. Fuck off you cunt.

A viking at my school (went to school with a Norwegian) kept calling me paki during my A-level years. I floored him. No abuse after that. Grow a pair and bully the bully. They’re always cunts.

I didn’t hit him in the face. I knuckled him the back. Collapsed like a jenga tower. We have been good friends ever since.

I am the Dark Key Cunt and you can thank me. Apart from Lord Fiddler, whom I thank for my existence, my Lord.

How sporting of Sky News to run the story – NA.

67 thoughts on “Azeem Rafiq

  1. Poor cunt seems to have been dropped from the team due to racism. He is a slimy, vindictive oily little hypocrite. That will no doubt be considered racist.
    Followers of his death cult are the most racist cunts on earth. They pollute everywhere they settle having already destroyed their homelands.

  2. That which explains everything, explains nothing.

    Racism has replaced religion.

    And cricket is shit too.

    • I actually find cricket more enjoyable then watching most sports but I don’t think I could watch a full length game

      It fucks me off when Americunts say baseball is a all American sport when its more or less a fucking clone copy of cricket FFS

    • There is no finer sport than test cricket, but it takes patience and intellect to enjoy it 😉

      In all seriousness though, once you understand the finer points it’s very addictive.

  3. I have been involved with my local cricket club for nearly 20 years and met people who have played at all levels of the sport. Cricket is the most egalitarian and least racist of all sports. If you can play a bit and are not a complete cunt you’re respected.
    I lacked both those qualities but I was pretty good at running the bar.

    • That made my day!

      Talk about Schadenfreude biting you squarely on the arse!

      I wonder if the BBC have picked up the story, along with Grauniad? Or will they put a different slant on it as always.

      Racism comes in all different colours, as Alex Scott found out just a couple of weeks ago. But typically that particular piece of hypocrisy lasted more than a couple of days before being brushed under the carpet.

      The Woke will also try to dismiss the story saying it was a mistake; pity they could show the same empathy for that English cricketer who was chastised and subsequently banned a couple of months back for making similar racist comments years ago!

      What a tangled web the wokes weave.

      • According to a press report he also admits to making anti-black comments as well!. His original complaint about having wine tipped down his throat dates back 14/15 years, so perhaps with the Cricket authorities pouring over their players SM comments, Rafiq knew this was coming and got his retaliation/revenge/excuses in first.

      • Some cunt was on the radio saying, in the way that bullies go on to be bullies, this shitstain’s anti-semitic remarks were the fault of the abuse that he received himself.
        Get fucked.
        His mates-in-sky-fairy-worship are amongst the most racist (and everything else-ist) cunts on the planet.
        Pissing myself that he’s been shown to be a duplicitous cunt.
        Which I thought he was anyway.

  4. He seems to have more than his fair share of problems, he had some banter with his mate which involved P*ki and Z*mbo, he made some reference to the stereotype Jews being tight (I remember the old joke about why are Synagogues are round, so they can’t hide in the corners when the collection plate comes round)
    It seems he was a decent bowler but for some reason when he was about to sign for Derbyshire it didn’t go through because of this, who knows maybe they thought he was a trouble causer and used that as an excuse.
    His excuse for the ‘anti Semitic’ tweet, well he was only 19, that didn’t seem to be an acceptable excuse for Ollie Robinson.
    The latest revelation in this ongoing shit show is someone called Alex Hale, I assume he is a cricketer, apparently went to a fancy dress party with a black face, he was supposed to be some rapper or summat. This was back in 2009 ffs.

    If there are any lessons from this completely overblown pile of shite it is don’t allow P*ki cunts anywhere because they will cause fucking trouble.

    • Fucking right, SOI…every last páķi in this beleagured country is a total cunt with no exceptions.
      They’re probably just frustrated because their wimminz are even uglier and hairier than the menfolk.
      At least us honkies get beautiful, milky-skinned godesses like Katie Price, Kerry Katona and Daniella Westbrook…yum yum!

      • Which cricket club is going to be willing to take on a Pakistani now that this bloke has queered the pitch for his countrymen so effectively?

      • W. C.
        Does your obsession with Lisa Nandy’s bouncy bits also include the lithp, imagining your hands stroking those baps with Litha lithping your name ?

      • If Lisa had a bad cold, I would happily anoint her Bristols with a large jar of Vic, paying especial attention to the nipples and themid point hed lovely deep cleveage, the better to get old John Thomas to plunge deep into the…….. nurse – the screens!!!

  5. Well, now we know why he waited so long to report it. His credibility has completely collapsed.

  6. Turns out this cunts wasn’t as pure as he made himself out to be….another hypocrite.

    No doubt his tweets, texts or whatever will be justified for some reason.

  7. As I pulled up outside my house the Pakistani who lives next door came marching over with a face like thunder and said, “Can you please stop your bloody dog from getting into my garden and leaving a huge pile of shit on my lawn every night.”
    I said, “What makes you think it’s my dog.?”
    He said, “Your dog is always out, so how do you know your dog wasn’t responsible.?”
    I said, “I’m telling you now, it’s not my dog that takes a shit in your garden.”
    He said, “How can you be certain it’s not your dog?”
    I said, “Because it’s me.”….

    • Good one. Think the one you posted yesterday is the best joke I’ve ever heard. Fucking brilliant!

  8. Just another Stanley after some compo.
    Abuse? Tower of shite.
    The liberal puffs lap it up like the fawning cunts they are.

  9. Close to home this. Went to Holgate school. Up on Shaw Lane. Near the cricket ground. A Barnsley accent I can hear.
    Racism in Barnsley. Is it worse than anywhere else? Maybe so.
    We are a bit brutal. See Kes.
    He seemed genuine.
    A bit like according to Corbyn the jews don’t get English irony. He maybe misunderstood. And because he grew uphere became over-sensitive.
    That thing about ‘Kevin’ the name for tge dog seems over-sensitive.

    As GJ was saying yesterday about the REALLY serious attack in Liverpool….and were talming about naming a dog ‘Kevin’

  10. When are we going to have an emergency Parliamentary probe into the mass rape of Yorkshire children by Pakistani rape gangs?

  11. I noticed this tikkitakki gobshite cunt didnt feel the racial abuse if it happened at all, and was the norm at the time and also in his opinion not bad enough that he felt he should leave Yorkshire cricket and therefore not earn the rupee,s and get the fame he craved, no it warranted staying so he stayed.
    But the cherry on top of this story for me was someone dredging up anti semetic comments that mogli boy had made in the past [fucking pot kettle black….sorry} and then to top it off this fuckmonkey says it was a different time and he was a different person back then, which i feel kind of ass fucks his whole waysism claim do you think.
    Whats good for the goose mother fucker, now take your Bentley and fuck off back to Isshittistan

  12. Which of these is a racist term?


    It seems to be just the one. I wonder why?

    • I find the term Aussie highly offensive and demand £200,000 compensation in the form of virgin sheep.

    • When someone is offended by one of these familiar colloquialisms I can only think they are embarrassed by, or ashamed of their heritage. I would not be offended by being called a “Brit” and I remember having the assumption I made about someone’s origins being corrected with the statement; “No I’m not an Aussie, I’m a Kiwi”, with no trace of offence or annoyance.

  13. Hmm, as I am self identifying as Jewish I want this racist monster sacked, cancelled, followed around by people shouting “hate speech you brute”, sent back to Pakistan, made to walk every street in the UK flagellating himself with acid soaked barbed wire dipped in pig fat begging forgiveness for his despicable anti Semitism and the chairman of his local cricket club back home (Turdistan Kid Rompers) sacked and replaced with an Anglican Vicar.
    Further, I demand a fortune in compensation for the hurty things the carpet riding monster said 11 years ago – that’s how it works isn’t it?
    What goes around comes around, chippy little racist fucker.

  14. Just heard a bit of R4s ghastly woman’s hour, and what are they talking about? Racism in cricket. When they finally mentioned this cunt sending anti Semitic texts, the consensus opinion was that he had given a heartfelt apology and that was enough.
    You can’t win with these people.

  15. What I can’t understand is why this snidey little cunt waited 10 years to make a complaint, has he got a book coming out at Christmas or something?
    Nice to see he is also a racist cunt and that his history is being chucked under the bus after throwing stones in his glass house.

  16. Having looked at his racist tweets, I’d say his problem isn’t antisemitism, it’s the fact that he’s functionally illiterate.

    Glass houses, stones.

    What a fucking moron.

  17. Having cricketed with wanksock for years I can testify that he was indeed excellent at running the bar ,always fun to be with,but you did have to watch him at away fixtures when our eighteen year old, female fast bowler,changed in his camper van !
    This Rafiq shite reminds me of the time we were playing a side from Leicester and one of our team starting to do the scoring ,couldn’t be bothered to ask for the bowlers name,and put them down as Sam A,Sam B etc.
    All went well until a rather more naive team member took over and,there being a change of bowler towards the end of their innings,shouted out to enquire whether Sam A or Sam C was now bowling? This being thirty five years ago they laughed as much as our side did !!

  18. Cunt. Fucking foreigners just don’t understand British humour. It’s all about taking the piss out of your mates. Look at Ant n’ Dec. What is their act? Two blokes taking the piss out of each other. That’s all it is and people love it because they can identify with it. You can trace this theme back through Morecambe and Wise, Cannon and Ball, Mike and Bernie, Hope and Cosby, Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy etc etc. You could probably trace it back through the Victorian Music Hall if you could be arsed. It’s what we do. I’ve got mates who are still taking the piss out of things I said and did 35+ years ago and those cunts get it back obviously. It’s British, it’s our culture and our country so if you don’t like it fuck off back where you came from.

    • Absolutely right Freddie! Once rolled out of bed late when I was due to meet a mate of mine. Half asleep and in semi darkness I grabbed a tee shirt from a pile of fresh laundry, jumped in the car and drove round there. When I arrived my mate stared in amazement. I was wearing a top which amongst normal folks would/could be worn only by a woman. That was forty-five years ago and he still asks on occasion whether I am still wearing my wife’s clothes.

  19. Well I hope that nobody trawls back through my social media posts….I may have let slip the odd comment that could be deliberately misconstrued to put me in a bad light.

    At least The Dark-keys are all illiterate so they won’t be able to take offence…everyone else might be a bit a problem though.

    • Dame Keir might well give you his world weary voice to give you a lecture, Dick,once Mandy has put his Max Factor on for him – or is it Pollyfilla?

  20. The cunt looks like David Brent in that photo.

    “No, it’s not racist. Calling the Jews money grabbing tightarses isn’t racist. Come on……..
    Did I tell you the one about the black man’s cock?”

  21. @Dark Key Cunt, re: your nomination piece:

    Vikings are from Denmark.
    P.aki’s are from Pakistan


  22. Azeem Rafiq is one monumental cunt.

    Fast track this cunt to the title of Sporting Cunt of the year.
    Gareth Southgate has got nothing on this little rat.

    The media coverage of this has been shameful as well.

    Despite the overwhelming cuntitude of Rafiq and the media, the main thing this whole sorry non story has proved is that we live an age where 10 year old (private) conversations are deemed newsworthy and are enough to ruin lives.

    Orwell on steroids.

  23. Exceptionally worthy cunting. He should fuck off into the long grass. I had never heard of him before his pathetic outpourings, none of which amounted to the proverbial hill of beans. I hope never to hear of him again. CUNT.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  24. I imagine if you dug a little deeper, into charitable donations from him and the “cough”, organisations receiving them….
    Allegedly, of course?

  25. Kettle, pot, black.
    Oh my fucking sides.
    From hero to zero.
    Fuck Off back to the shithole that is the Indian subcontinent.

  26. Sports CUNT OF THE YEAR by a mile. Of course he’s racist because what self-respecting Peaceful doesn’t hate the Jews? They fucking all do down to the last man. The disgusting hypocrite seems like he’s been let off for it. There’ll be other stuff with this cunt.

    Teammates having him drink wine 15 years ago and the media make out that these teenage lads, who were obviously trying to help this little turd fit in, are the second coming of the Nazis.

    Notice as well as soon as he’s outside of Parliament and not under their privilege he’s not repeating some of the allegations. Because the horrid little fucker is making a load of it up. Easy as fuck when the audience are buying 15 year-old stories from nights on the piss as if they’re the oracle. Fuck all is an oracle with Peacefuls. Lying, vindictive, devious, ugly little cunt.

  27. I have to confess I don’t give a flying fuck about this attention seeking cunt’s claims of ‘racism’. From the little bits I’ve been bothered to read, once again it seems that religion is getting confused with race. Being a Muslim is your choice of religion you stupid fucking cunt and is nothing to do with race. I think one of his complaints of ‘racism’ was that Yorkshire CC didn’t provide any halal meals. Well boo fucking hoo, they probably didn’t provided fish on Fridays for the Catholic fuckers either.

  28. Whatta cunt this bloke is. He’s just fucked his kind even more by allowing us to focus on just how different they are. POS … fuck off back to paksville and live your shite fantasy led life the way you want it … just don’t tell us that we have to accept it … we absolutely fuckin’ don’t. Cunt.

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