Who the fuck does this cunt think he is? YouTube Link
Hated him always hated him, hate him even more and Britain hates him
Why does the BBC et al, Guardian (cotton slave founder), Huff post (andrex substitute), Independent (not a real paper any more just internet ether); all keep digging out this evil no nothing fossil?
All Blair did was steal from the people as Hitler did. He built his empire and we’re all paying for it now. Academies, Schools an Hospitals, we don’t own them anymore as a country. We will be paying for them for the next 50+ years. Mendleson sold off all our infrastructure and transport to the continent.
Now he’s again telling how to run the country. YOU had over a decade Mr B and fucked this country hard in the arse. You then set up the EU this and that and tried to scupper Brexit. All coz poor Cherie can’t do her ahem…’much needed human rights work’. Much needed fucktard rip off pointless bullshit courts rather than deal with real crime. Such as embezzlers and thieves that wrecked this country.
Do us all a favour and fuck right off and when you get there, kick that fat clown in her fat arse, then fuck off again and drown by boiling shit pumped up your arse and out your eye sockets at 300psi. Yes I used imperial measurements. You remember those Brussel defying units? The ones used to swot nations to the side.
Fuck the EU, Fuck you and get Fucked no one cares what you have to say. You country fucking destroyer.
Nominated by: Get Fucked Woke Cunts
Now that’s a heartfelt comprehensive cunting of a very worthy nominee. Brought a tear to my eye
Cheers three strokes, two pump tony phoned me to tell me the same.
Made a weeping jap cry I did.
Anyhow looking forward to more cuntitude from dee ‘ard up blairs who’ve ‘ad it so ‘ard these past years
The best Cunting I have read for months, heartfelt, articulate and pure accurate. I fucking hate Tony more than anything and to hear such joyful with such passion brought a little tear to my eye.
Tony your a fucking cunt and in the words of another Cunt Fat Sir Boris, “Fuck of and Die”
Anthony Blair should be ignored for the boring old fart that he is. He has been out of power for 14 years now, and even if Brown let him see confidential documents 2007-2010, I doubt the Conservatives have, so he has been out of the loop for 11 years now.
Time the old cunt fucked off and counted his millions. He belongs nowhere, except perhaps, cleaning the lavatories in the brothel his mother came from,
Fucking bummer Mandy die cunt die
Get out of my head GFWC!
But seriously, nom perfection!
Or in The Hague facing a war crimes charge…
Cut out the trial, straight to execution. Slowly please. Plus the faction of inept cunts he unleashed on this country.
Please add Lord Hutton too.
An amen cunting if ever I’ve seen one! ?
Indeed, one could compose a Bible sized treatise on the gargantuan cuntitude of this man.
He’s allegedly a 33rd degree Mason and a 100 degree cunt.
Cuntius Maximus!
Don’t forget his two pronged attack on education, dumbing down normal schools and universities, so that you could ‘study’ anything, regardless of if there were job opportunities at the end of it, and encouraging and financing a rapid growth in faith schools where you can learn the earth is only six thousand years old and wanking is a sin, along with other brainwashing drivel.
University is now a place where if the students don’t agree with what they are being taught, they can get the teacher thrown out and the curriculum changed.
How can that teach you anything worthwhile?
Oh, I remember it well, Gutstick. Suddenly it was ‘media studies’ and other such pointless shit. Then there was the influx of foreign and especially Somalian (for some fucking reason!) students, and they were indulged at every turn.
That’s when thousands were spunked on interpreters, foreign language printed stuff, and other courses and resources were cut to the bone. Thing is, almost all of their favoured students were fucking useless. And when some of the cunts got higher marks simply because of where they were from and because teachers went ‘easy’ on them, that’s when I got out of there. Blair started all that, the cunt.
Anyone seen the state of this cunt lately? Looks like a fucking tramp! Growing his hair long, maybe he’s going to transition into Antonia?
He’s a shrill for globalists, there’s not a woke bandwagon he won’t jump on the virtue signalling cunt. We all know you’d lick out a dictators arse for a fiver Tony.
Blair spent his junior days at Durham Choristers School. I’m of a similar vintage, and my school used to play them at rugby, so it’s possible I might have played against him. If only I’d known, I’d have kicked the living daylights out of the bastard in the first available loose scrum.
Like the old question if you’d known about Hitler ahead of time would you have killed him?
You could have changed history with a high tackle GT.
We probably would’ve just ended up with Mandy instead anyway.
No point in fucking about. Execution by firing squad, dump the body on Brighton beach and leave it for the seagulls.
This cunt did more to ruin this country than Adolf Hitler ever did.
If I had a time machine I’d go back and shoot this cunt and his cabinet as soon as they came to power.
Look at the mess this country’s in. Come back Tony, all is forgiven.
There’s constant rumours in the media of a Blair return to politics, and more specifically, a challenge to Starmer as new Labour leader.
An impossible thought of course given Blair’s toxic profile, but it might ignite the Centrists in the party while making the Far Left even more fractured and disenfranchised.
The Red Wall weren’t keen on Corbyn, and Starmer is just a puppet hanging from the thinnest of gossamer strands. Could a return of Blair ignite the party again, or will he just stay in the shadows and continue throwing crumbs of discontent and criticism at the party without actually doing anything about it?
This country needs a good, coherent Opposition. But what we have now is a complete and utter fuckfest of incompetents as leaders and their woolly wokey thinking, that in the main has done nothing but to distance their core voters from voting for them again
No. He is a cunt. Everyone know’s he’s a cunt apart from him and his witch of a missus. He may become Labour Leader again but then whatever is left of the red wall will fall even further.
I’m not so sure DKC … the fuel shortage and bog roll panic proved that at least half the British population are retarded. Many will just vote for whoever the media tell them to.
I didn’t get where I am today by taking any notice of Bliar’s utterances since leaving office. He’s yesterday’s war criminal. Ignore the cunt. At least until he’s on trial in The Hague.
I am not sure on the Hague’s prosecution success but it is somewhere in the realms of 130 million EUROS per successful prosecution. That’s such good use of the funds sent by hard working tax payers.
Need to re-abattoirise and remechanise the situation one feels.
Fortunately the EURO entrusted and guarded by la guarde the top embezzler will be worth less than the Zimbabwean currency very soon.
Die EU die!!!!
Go Poland, and FUCK the Guardian https://uk.yahoo.com/news/eu-locked-momentous-fight-poland-063020134.html
If they executed this evil filth live on TV I might even bung for the license one last time.
Failing that, gift wrap the cunt in Xmas paper and post him and his odious family to the Taliban. At least they’d do the decent thing…
“Abdul, our guests have arrived. Pass me my keenest blade. Durka durka…”
More ham head gee had some before.
He, his family and friends and associates need to be shipped out to the middle east and sold to the Taliban or El Quieda or the highest bidder.
It might go some way to settle accounts.
Thant is a great fund raiser idea send out politicians who butthurt other nations and then butthurt us. It would also raise much needed funds to put right what the evil liars have done to our blessed country.
Hardly any bugger noticed at the time. But as most dickheads were celebrating a ‘brave new era’ and ‘Cool Britannia’ (that Gallagher bellend) as we were supposedly rid of the ‘evil Tories’ in 1997 as Satan Blair came to power. But almost instantly the cunt started his ‘open door’ policy. The place was flooded with Africans, peacefuls and hordes from ex-Iron Curtain shitholes. And – not unilke Hitler building up his military machine – people either didn’t notice it for years or they conveniently ignored what Labour were doing. Education centres crumbled, hospitals became overran, and councils closed libraries, post offices and other places down in order to have the money to house these leeches. Of course anyone who did notice (me, for starters) got the ‘But… But..’ bollocks and I was called a White Anglo Saxon Protestant when I resigned from my educational job in 99 (I told the bitch I was actually born Catholic before I told her to fuck off). Because council initially overspent in the wake of May 97, a lot of daft cunts thought everything was tickety boo. But the Trojan Horse was already here…
It’s a great cunting by the official poster and a great piece also by yourself Norman
He fucked not just Britain but infected everywhere else that was civilized
Bliar is a poisonous traitor.
In a better world he would have been tried and hanged many years ago.
Instead he’s in the woke millionaire elite.
The Emperor of Vermin.
This creature is a cunt of biblical proportions. Whilst growing up, Mrs Thatcher was the subject of much hate and vitriol, which, at the time, I couldn’t work out why or how. I now understand.
Crawl back to your rock Antonia
If it craves power, then so be It. Appoint the cunt as governor of British Antarctica, 100000 tins of baked beans and one can opener, don’t forget to bring a coat as it’s rather chilly.
Can’t we just give old Tone the IsAC ‘Cunt for Life’ Award and get it over with?
Can we add in his coathanger-mouthed missus, and make it a ‘Cunt Couple for Life’? award?
Somewhere in Yankland (I think it might be the Smithsonian but I can’t remember) there’s a huge pile of books which reaches upwards, through 3 floors, from floor to ceiling. Every single one of them is a separate volume about Lincoln. The purpose of the exhibit is to show how important the man was in American history. Maybe one day there will be a similar pile of books about Blair…….with 90% of them calling him a cunt! Hopefully my modest contribution, “Die Blair You Fucking Bastard” will be in there somewhere.
A three storey floor to ceiling pile of shit would be more apt.
Lincoln was actually good, because he really pissed of whinging lefties really well.
Don’t worry the democrats are re re writing it all as we speak. They deny they were slavers, they deny they ran the KKK, they deny they have fan mail from hitler on eugenics, they deny the first grand wizard was a democrat. They just lie even the 2020 election was a lie with hundreds of thousands of dead voting
I wonder if the prize cunt thinks about the lads and lasses he killed in the illegal war in Iraq? And then his coat hanger gobbed wife prosecuting soldiers due to her other half’s Napoleon complex? The place where I work in Sheffield sums up this bastards open door policy. As I go into work, not one of the cunts speaking English whilst having seven kids in tow, litter, rats, dumped items on the pavements. Diversity is our strength. And people hated Thatcher? She had nothing on this twat.
There has been a series running on the TV about the Blair and Brown years and I can’t see one ounce of remorse for anything this peice of shit has done. On the contrary for some of his previous aids that almost call him a cunt.
Sociopaths don’t do remorse.
R.I.P Poor Dr David Kelly.
And (allegedly) Robin Cook…
And John Smith, MP.
Yes david kelly was fucked over by blair, I hope he can get back via a Ouija board and exact justice
Yes. And stranger still…..Mo Mowlem. Having survived a brain hemorrhage , fell at home, struck her head, went into a coma, and later died in hospital.
What an unfortunate House that Noble Place is .
All you have to do is walk the streets of British cities and towns to see the state we are in due to the biggest cunt I can think of
He was the start of the decline
This evil man brainwashed the public
Don’t know how much lower the uk can go
Blair is responsible for all the shit and savages that are here
It’s depressing thinking about the damage one man has done
Take a deep breath and try to carry on
I’ve forgone all other aspirations for my old age, just so my fervent prayers and wishes all combine to let me out live this cunt, I’d embrace death knowing after all the misery he inflicted there was a form of justice…even better when he goes, his whole cunty family is with him
If you keep giving this vile person a platform to speak and air his views he will keep in the limelight.
Shut down this scumbag and he will have no platform to speak.
Regarding a comeback he’s yesterday’s man toxic a lier and a fraud People have long memories of Blair the war in Iraq 4 minutes to doomsday lies & Afghanistan never going to happen He should be in The Hague for War Crimes
Ultimate Bastard, up there with Hitler, Mugabe and Amin, only his Bitch is probably the ugliest.!