The Woke Assault on Classical Music.

There is currently a racial genocide being waged in arts and culture and Western classical music is in the forefront.

The first victim was Ludwig Van Beethoven. I’m sure you were all unaware that he was black? It’s almost a certainty according to many woke music “experts”. Here is the evidence –

1. An acquaintance of the composer described his skin as “brown-black”. Probably because he was viewing him in a dark room.
2. His mother was allegedly rogered by a Moorish servant. There is zero evidence for this fantasy.
3. Cadences in his music are allegedly derived from African rhythms. I personally doubt this and have heard no bongo drums in his symphonies.
4. His music represents white supremacy so to deny Beethoven’s blackness is to say that black people are incapable of genius and is therefore racist. A deductive species of reasoning that O’Brien in 1984 would have been proud of.

The next victim of the woke assault on classical music is traditional musical notation. Did you know that this mathematically beautiful system is inherently racist and was created for the sole purpose of racially suppressing dark-keys? Let me explain –

1. Mastering musical notation requires the application of intelligence and discipline. Dark-keys lack this. Ergo, it discriminates against them.
2. Africa has no system of musical notation. Music there is spontaneous and remembered. Ergo, musical notation discriminates against them.
3. Musical notation is closely allied to mathematics. Dark-keys are not good at maths. Ergo, it discriminates against them.

The next and most recent victim is the English Touring Opera, which has been subjected to a racially motivated bloodbath at the hands of it’s conductor. James Conway has fired 14 of his musicians for the crime of being white. Conway said he wants to make the orchestra more “ethnically diverse”. No doubt he will be renaming the English Touring Opera the African Bongo-Bongo Rasta Orchestra. Clearly the name “English” is racist.

An unmusical pile of cunt.

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Nominated by: MMCM 

Additional Supporting link from Komodo

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And Supported by Cunty Gordon

Good nom, I’m in total agreement with it, despite not having a scooby about musical notation, it’s way too hard to learn and was that the point back in the 14th century? Why make it so complicated as to which notes to play?

Many great musicians can’t read music notation. The Beatles couldn’t. Vangelis can’t read notation and he’s amazing. James Brown couldn’t but he’d work out all the parts and fine you $7 if you hit a bum note on stage.

Movie music composer Danny Elfman can’t read notation and he’s won many awards. Ray Charles was a genius and read music via braille, Stevie Wonder didn’t even use braille. Andrea Bocelli. Prince was a genius and could play at least 27 instruments and he never wrote anything down. Lionel Bart who composed musicals couldn’t read notation and Oliver! is amazing.

Jazz pianist Dave Brubeck (“Take Five”) just played without reading or writing.

I mentioned Danny Elfman, but there is another movie music legend who can’t read. I’ll look into that.


50 thoughts on “The Woke Assault on Classical Music.

    • They’ll be saying Wagner was a Parking Stanley before long. And Elgar was a Fuzzy-Wuzzy.

      • Some dark key classics of note:
        Tyrone: Bongo symphony in E-minor.
        Leroy: ‘Where dat bitch?’ Concerto
        Nigzy: Requiem For George Floyd (featuring the Grenfel choir)

  1. Incidentally, did any fellow cunters here watch that Lenny Henry fronted shite on the BBC (who else?!) a few months back, showcasing dark key classical composers who have been cruelly suppressed by the white man?
    Nah… neither. Pile of cuntery.

  2. I think the contributions of whites to bongo-bongo music, African war chants and rap has been suppressed by dark-keys.


    • The great drummer, Ginger Baker famously went to Africa to learn and teach drumming techniques in the 1970s. I think he put out an album of African drumming. He was a bit mental. I think he lived in Africa for years.

      Paul Simon went to Africa to learn. Graceland has African musicians on it. Great album.

  3. Rock me Amadeus by Falco.

    I’m sure there’s a lyric where he mentions ‘da mongrel cunts’. I wonder what the woke wankers make of that classic.

  4. Peripherally, why are there fewer dark keys on a keyboard than white ones? And why are they smaller? And why were the African lands robbed of both ivory and ebony to produce these supremacist instruments? Compo, please!

    • The sentiments expressed by Wonder and McCartney in Ebony and Ivory would be verboten now. No more “living together side by side in perfect harmony”. Now the black keys would demand compensation from the white keys for centuries of genocide and all the keys will have to be black.

      • Whitey’s eyes find it easier because white privilege, And why were they really changed? To impose systemic racism and rewrite colonial history, yibble yibble….

    • Even dead liberal feminists and progressives are no longer safe from the speech police. Democrat brat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently described women as “menstruating persons” during a talk about oppression of women while simultaneously downgrading them.

    • “I would like to believe that, if she were alive today”…

      I should like to believe that, if President Bidet were alive today…
      But he ain’t.

  5. Well, I can neither read nor write [I`m dictating this on a smart-botty].
    And I certainly can`t sing a note.
    So by that logic I`d make a great rapper (with a silent `c`) as I`m half way there already.

  6. Classical music is all the better without the input of this shower of shite.
    They fuck everything up.
    MC Amadeus.
    Its Ama time.
    Classical music is classy, its made for a refined lughole like mine,
    Itd be wasted on the chiggun brigade.
    My favourite piece is the adagio from Spartacus (theme of the Onedine Line)
    He was a slave!
    They could relate to that!?

    • I genuinely like Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner featured in Apocalypse Now. Seeing the shit blasted out of Charlie was a bonus.

      • Me too LL.
        Although more classic rock than classical music,
        I like bits that I hear.
        Dont care for Opera though.
        Its fuckin rubbish.

      • The Flabbotasaurus should do a bit of opera. You can see her now, crying and wailing because her favourite café is closed…

        ? “Nando’s Dorma…”

  7. Stallone: Let’s all pretend to be famous composers! I’ll be Beethoven.

    Van Damme: I’ll be Motzart!

    Schwarzenegger: Fuck off you cunts, I’m not saying it…

  8. Classical music is derply rayy-ciist because they never let a single negrô write any concertos or symphonies. They woz robbed, innit. Instead of the beauty of the Emperor Suite, Elgar’s Cello piece, Mozart’s majesty, Debussy’s delight, or Grieg’s Peer Gynt, they should’ve forced the masses to listen to variations of Dayliight Come an’ Me Wanna go Home. Radio 3 and Classic FM must redress the balance by playing classic music by traditional negrôes like A Kuna M’Tata and The Lion Sleeps Tonight all day every day.


    • Just wait till Dame Kweer and hsi nancy boys get round ro Claude Debussy’s “Gollywogs Cakewalk”.

      It’s not right to say that, duckies.

  9. Can’t they leave poor old Ludwig Von Beethoven alone? To listen to the 3rd Symphony (The Eroica) or the 7th to start off your day, stiffens your sinews against the spouse waddling down stairs in her bedroom slippers to watch the Emmerdale Omnibus.

    But there is no doubt that Elgar was a Muslim – there was a misprint in one of his pieces which gives the game away: Pomp and Circumcision – here it is – the Lesbian Labour Ladies Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Sadiq Khan on the Bulldyke label.

  10. Ffs. Is nothing safe? I have no problem with black composers or black musicians, but false appropriation is just not on. Trouble is “they” can do it at will, and “we” can’t say anything about it cos otherwise we’re waycist.

    That having been said, if you can’t beat em, join em. So meet:

    Franz Rayciszt /Tranz Liszt
    Benjamin Uniteddkingdom
    Aaron BadCop-land
    JS Blach

    Fuck it, that’s enough.

    Now onto notable non-white composers:
    Diane Abbot
    Err….. That’s it

  11. Mozart’s real name was Lionel Joseph. He had a massive afro, jeans around his arse and rapped to his symphonies. He played the piano while taking the knee too.

    At least, that’s how the BBC will probably portray him if they make a drama about his life.

  12. Bugger. Modded, I forgot to sanitise my last post, so it’ll possibly be binned if it’s too close to the bone, apologies!

  13. I seem to remember that Alex in “Clockwork Orange” was a big fan of Ludwig Van and Bach. These wokies will end up with cunts like him and his droogs dishing out the ultra violence and the old in out.
    ? i’m singing in the rain (boot)
    Just singing in the rain (boot boot) ?
    Don’t say you weren’t warned my little droogies. Horrorshow!

    • Fucking brilliant film?

      An older mate of mine, who was a jazz musician in London (before it became Lonstabistan), told me that the bars and clubs were full of people dressed like Alex and his gang, after it came out. The stupid cunts?

  14. Either tell these nutters to FUCK OFF or IGNORE them. What a bunch of miserable psychotic cunts.

  15. Stormzy. The new Beethoven. When I say Beethoven, I mean Eric Beethoven, Ludwig’s talentless, slightly simple cousin.

  16. The idea that Beethoven was “black” has kicked about for a long, long time. Beethoven looks “swarthy” as they used to call it back in the old days. Many southern Germans are swarthy, slightly darker complexions than northern Germans. There are drawings of the young Beethoven where he appears swarthy, in some he appears slightly darker. When he tutored the children of the wealthy at their homes, he was made to enter through the side or back door due to him being of dark complexion. Maybe he had a bit of the African “funk” in him and that’s why he was so unique, Earthy but also unearthly, a true genius of the arts.

  17. Hans Zimmer can’t read or write notation. I would have thought that a GERMAN composer would know music notation! He did the score for the upcoming Dune, which looks amazing.

    As for black composers, you have Scott Joplin, Duke Ellington, Quincy Jones, Herbie Hancock. All geniuses. Black musician, W. C. Handy, in the early 1900s went around America listening to and memorising all the blues he heard and transcribed it to music notation.

    I love most forms of music. For years I only listened to Classical. I love the blues, rock, cheezy pop. To me it doesn’t matter how it was composed or authored, as long it has the groove, the funk, the rhythm, the soul.

  18. Personally I think that there’s something in this Beethoven theory, especially since the recent discovery of his long lost ‘Banana Boat Concerto in C’, widely considered to be a masterpiece.

  19. Classical music has been a massive part of my life. As an orchestra conductor I’ve worked with many of the best orchestras in the world.
    In fact I’ve conducted more orchestras than you can point a stick at….

  20. This is one thing that they cannot deny us Whites, classical music conveys Beauty and grace whereas Native music is an assault on the ears with its jungle beat accompanied with ugly capering not to be compared with graceful dance moves associated with classical music, so to sum it up Blacks are not to fond of our music as it reminds them that they are a failed unwanted species.!

  21. Blacks desperately want their seat at the table of history and want the head seat at that. Problem is that history has already happened and you would have to be a low intelligence fuck-tard to not see that. Invent something! Innovate! Improve! No? Then just fuck right off back to that fly-blown shit pit your ancestors infested.

  22. No no no!
    I must protest at you racist bastards!

    Everybody knows that the western orchestra was culturally appropriated from Afrika:

    -Violin-developed from the hunting bows of plains tribesmen, the ooga-dooga’s

    -wind instruments-developed from the blowpipes used by the monkey hunting Umbongo-dey-drink-eet-in-de-Congo tribe

    -xylophone-stolen by horrifically White missionaries, from Rastus de Rasta, who fashioned the sun-bleached rib cage of a wildebeest, into a beautiful musical instrument

    -drums-stolen by western Miliatary from the famous Dark-Key percussionist, Ginger Baker-de bread mon

    Reparations must be paid!

  23. Sounds like a load of lies aimed at mongs who believe everything the BBC tell them.

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