A cunting for this university for yet again kow-towing to an idiotic Karen of a stoodent, who is crowing because a Professor had the absolute fucking cheek to invade her “safe space” and causing her, and her fellow halfwits, permanent damage,…… by showing the film of Sir Laurence Olivier’s spellbinding 1965 performance of Othello, after the hissy fit, the poor man resigned, but that really isn;t enough for Karen:
I took the spouse to see this not long before our son was born (there was only Crossroads, Coronation Street and Compact back then, and the latter two only went out twice a week). I have to say she fell asleep before the handkerchief scene, but that was no reflection on Larry.
This brainless cunt of a student was so aghast because Sir Lawrence blacked up for the role – at the time there were very few black actors of the right calibre for such heavy roles in the UK, and anyway, Othello was considered one his greatest roles in he same way Sir Donald Wolfit was regarded thus in KIng Lear.
The student and one of her cronies feel that the Professor resigning was “the minimum he could do” another felt “he wasn’t really sorry”
God knows what the world will be like when little fascist whores like this pair are ready to inflict their miniscule “power” on the world, with their absurd sense of entitlement . Universities should tell such children, if they don’t like it – there is the door and fuck off.
I’ll shut up now. I am only after the Radio 3 repeats again.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
It’s bad enough already that millennials are getting positions of power, how bad will it be when these pathetic cunts get there?
China will take the west without firing a shot.
… I’ll fuckin’ help them do it!
The brain dead bint needs gassing, not supporting. The University of Michigan sounds like a club for mong cunts’. Apparently Michigan is joint twelfth wokest state in The Union. My condolences to the poor cunts who live in Oregon. Whatever happened to that gritty frontier spirit?
Excellent cunting Mr Boggs.
This nonsense is endemic in Universities today. Populated by students indoctrinated by their woke Marxist primary and secondary school teachers, I fear we are now beyond the point of no return.
All of this whilst White Chicks is still available to view on Netflix I believe which involves black actor “whiting up”
I like ‘White chicks’, not going to lie. The answer is more racial banter, not less.
Fucking snowflake spastics! Get a fucking grip!
Pansy arsed pussy cunts!
I fucking well despair!
I was watching a repeat of “the greatest raid of all time” the other day and they read out one of the commando’s letter to his parents/wife, saying that he knew he probably wouldn’t make it back alive (he was right) but that he hoped future generations would benefit from and perhaps appreciate the sacrifices made by his generation.
Do they fuck , the utter fucking cunts. I’m just glad most of them aren’t around to see wankers like this dishonouring their memories .
Bravo Sir ???
Resigning was ‘the minimum he could do’.
Not strictly true.
The minimum he could have done is absolutely fuck all.
And that’s what he should have done.
These woke idiots want to apply their own views and standards to events that happened decades or even centuries ago.
They can’t change history so they want to cancel it so that it never happened.
And these are university students.
These little commie lunatics need a full degree in Oven.
Fuck off.
They want degrees? sure thing… here’s 450 of them!
Just wait for the Generation As to start life at university. If you think the Millennials and Gen Zs are snowflake cunts, wait until until the immensely delicate and permanently offended Gen As enter the arena!
What else did she want?
Hang himself?
Burnt at the stake?
These crybaby little marxists would choke if they met someone with real far right ideals.
They live in a bubble.
Is that the cunts above?
Fuckin Meatloaf?
And the Drifters?
Get fucked you woke spackers,
Heil Trump✋
The more of this kinda shit I see the more I yearn for the dirty great fuckin’ asteroid to bring the extinction event that we clearly deserve. ☄️???
The definition of safe space seems to be sticking fingers in ear, closing eyes and going la,la,la,la,la.
Denying the history of the media because it might hurt someone’s feelings, well maybe a touch of real life may change the silly cunts views.
It’s called acting you thick cunt.
PS, I wouldn’t want lard ass in the header pic invading my safe space, in fact I am offended by seeing such a fat cunt ?
Imagine her undercrackers at the end of the day?
Like a tablecloth after a kids party!
Bit of fudge up the back ..
Get in there Sicky!!??
With a gusset like a suitcase handle.
The one at the back looks ok and the far right, I want a shag not suffocating ?
You stay on top, obviously!!
Show her whos boss .
But to warm her up get her melting, id suggest you hold your nose and perform lenthy cunnilingus ??
Hehehe, give her a rattling Sicky!!??
I feel similarly furious. Why don’t black actors/actresses whiten down when gazumping white actors and stealing their roles?
That black woman who played Catwoman? That black minger who played Ann Bolyn? Will “Fresh cunt of Bell-end” Smith when he was in Men In Black or Morgan Freeman in that prison film?
None of them slapoed on the white greasepaint and spoke their lines properly. Disgraceful.
These people remind me of the “Commisars” of the Red Army WW2. They were there only for one a reason, and that was to ensure that everyone sang from the same song sheet.
Nowadays, they simply have “snitchers” Equally dangerous!
We need to cull these cunts before it is too late. Fight fire with Petrol and let the little cunts burn.
The problem with American universities is that the students have economic power. If a couple of hundred of the cunts threaten to fuck off the university cannot easily replace the dough they take with them. Much easier to replace the lecturer who they don’t like for whatever reason. That’s increasingly the case in this country aswell, just taken a little while for the useless cunts to understand the power they have. The lunatics have taken over the asylum…….literally.
Meanwhile in Canadia “black face” Trudeau can do what he wants.
You can see why Ted Bundy murdered college students.
Well done Ted.
Sir Laurence Olivier was an actor. And a very good one. He received four Academy Awards, two British Academy Film Awards, five Emmy Awards, and three Golden Globe Awards. All through his acting career he played many different roles and wore a lot of make-up. Because he was an actor and that’s what actors do. Don’t these fucking thick retarded cunts get that?
Was he in ‘confessions of a window cleaner’?
And ‘attack of the 50ft ants”?
Yeah he was good.
Those confessions films were an inspiration to a generation of teenage lads?
The second one you mention, could be updated to “Attack of the Militant Snowflakes”.
He would have been great as “Mr. Gilbert” in The In-Betweeners dealing with Neil, Jay, Simon and Will
One thing this sort of fuckwittery proves is that climate change is fuck all to worry about.
It wasn’t the first time Olivier was insensitivity cast and not the last.
He played a Nazi doctor in the ‘Marathon Man’, a role that should have gone by all rights to Unkle Terry.
“Tell me, Antonideus,
Do you like oysters?”
Didn’t he offer the poor lad meat and two veg?
I think thats what he was getting at in a roundabout way Mickey .
Poor Tony Curtis,
All trying to bum him,
Luckily Kirk Douglas protected him.
Cracking film that Mickey isnt it?
Top craic, MNC. They really don’t make them like they used to.
I agree with this student.
I’m fed up with all the actors and actresses blacking up for every damn advert on the TV.
Oh, hang on a minute…..
I was trying to find a bit about this fucking Olivia Cook/Cooke but can’t seem to.
I did come across this from a search though.
Video: College students see socialism as ‘good thing,’ would abolish private property rights
But some admit they oppose having their own property taken away
Their parents almost certainly own property , do they want their inheritance expropriation by the state?
Or is it just other people’s property?
Stupid stupid cunts
University of __________ is a training facility for Marxism and wokeness. Our future is so far fetchly fucked. College wimminz leave with closed minds and open legs and the few males leave emasculated. They will end up roadkill on life’s highway.
I wonder how this cunt will react if they don’t get a serial killer to play Peter Sutcliffe in the upcoming biopic?
Read in Fox another cunt at some nest of serpents done its nut It was shocked and upset that a CIS person was changing the lights in its safe space. What the fuck is cis?? Quicker Xi and Putin take over the west and liquidate these pathetic excuses for humans the better.
CIS means a man who was born as a male or a female born as a female, and not genetically modified. -i.e. most of us
Can anyone remember the name of that American landwhale who went bonkers in a lecture a few years back? It may have been one of Jordan Peterson’s lectures, but she just did a massive wibble. Made quite a name for herself. Sadly she may have been the first of many…
Seen a few of those. Young Ben Shapiro is good at tying them up in their own logic?
I think!
Leave my niece out of this!
Thanks, MNC!!
Trigglypuff is definitely the one, though not in any erotic sense…
I for one applaud this early example of colour-blind casting!
That photo should be labelled ‘Class of Perceived Victimhood 2021’ complete with that soy boy in the back row.
Peewee Herman at the back?
Put masks on them and you could recreate World of Sports Saturday afternoon wrestling-they are all there:
Giant Haystacks
Big Daddy
10 ton Tessie
Fucking hell?
Safe space, what the fuck are these yolks on about and where does one claim safe, in the middle of the motorway perhaps or Tarzan’s jungle , the Lion ain’t sleeping safe fucks and traffic isn’t either you witless fuckups.
That professor should have had the key to there Safe Space and never entered but locked it’s door telling them “ Just keeping ye all safer “
Cuntus Fuckmust when times get like this
Apologising to Woke zombies is not a sign that you were wrong and are sorry, it is a sign of weakness.
You can never apologise enough . They want you dead.
When this lot are in positions of power they will make Biden and Boris look reasonable!
How long left do we have? Is there anywhere on earth we can move to that won’t be controlled by these feck wits?
Ironically, Saudi Arabia or other Muslim cuntries where they keep their wimminz in their place p and if they step out of line, 40 lashes. I wish I could get Mrs. Boggs there.