The UK Pig Crisis

The media has been all over this story, Pig producers crying about having to slaughter stock and either send to landfill or incineration because of not enough workers at Slaughter houses.

This is another Brexit based issue, or so we are lead to believe however there was a very small section on Newsnight last night (Friday 8th) which added some actual facts.
The report said that slaughter house capacity was up 11% on pre Brexit levels but one issue that has hit UK pork is the drop in exports to China, over the last few years pork export to China had massively increased due to an outbreak of swine flu in China which decimated the domestic herds so China was importing Pork.

China domestic pig herds are now recovering and the UK market now has more pigs than required by the market. China have used to Covid as and excuse to block pork imports (and to break contracts).

It would be helpful if MSM would tell the Whole Truth on Prime Time news rather than leaving very relevant information to a two minute slot at 11.15 pm on a Friday night.

The link gives a view on this

News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it

56 thoughts on “The UK Pig Crisis

  1. I stopped eating pig products a few weeks ago. Just got sick of the stuff. It’s an odd foodstuff to consume. It doesn’t give you the energy that chicken and beef does. And an animal that eats faeces is gross when you think about it. Whenever I see a truck filled with squealing pigs on the motorway, it creeps me the fuck out. But people LOVE bacon and sausage, I get it, so go for it. I just tapped out.

  2. If it doesn’t fit the narrative about Brexit being a suicide mission, then don’t expect to hear much about it in the Remainer media.

    • I had roast pork and crackling yesterday at the pub.
      In a wild moment I just threw tradition out the window and rather than roast beef, opted for pork!
      Crazy, I know.
      Did God make a tastier animal than the pig??
      Cant see how, delicious bacon and yummy sausages,
      And it keeps all middle Eastern religious types away.
      From Porky pie to Jade Goodie
      Lets here it for the humble porker.

      • Mis:

        You ARE Vincent Vega from pulp fiction and I claim my £5 voucher for Sainsbury’s taste the difference epicure bacon?

  3. There’s a localised shortage of bacon and sausages in North Lincs. I went to an all you can eat buffet breakfast recently and consumed enough bacon to sink a battleship. Oink.

  4. I thought the pigs were busy taking the knee to knee-grows, putting rainbow stickers on cars, beating up veterans and arresting octogenarian women for the heinous crime of being outside during lockdown.
    Oh, you mean the other type?

  5. Pig breeders should just flood the market with products so the consumer can take advantage of the inevitable price drop.
    Bacon for breakfast
    Sausage for dinner
    Glazed ham for tea
    And offer slaughter house scraps for free!
    Happy urchins having fun throwing trotters at places of worship and festooning the mosques with festive pig entrails!
    Enough to pour a bucket of blood over the diners in Islington vegan cafe.

    Do they ever stop giving?

    • Always said I’d never eat gross things like offal or blood.

      Cut to a pork brazier in Sumatra, plates loaded high with rough salty cuts of pork, and this excellent gravy to dip it in. Yep, the blood boiled down. Convert!!!

  6. I reared a couple of pigs for eating….friendly,intelligent beasts they were….but Cunts for escaping and getting up to mischief….I grew quite fond of them,called them Pinky and Porky….but not so fond that I didn’t slaughter them and have a butcher friend come and dress them out….delicious….the black pudding was my favourite…real warm.wet blood,not the dried stuff that they have to use to make it these days. I roasted one of the heads ( Porky’s,I think it was) and served it to myself with an apple in it’s mouth…I’d always wanted to do that.

    • There goes your invite to the “Muslim Council of Northumberland’s” Rhamadam-a-ding-dong party?

    • PS…I’d gouged Porky’s eyes out with a spoon before popping his head in the oven…didn’t fancy him giving me an accusing look as I tucked in.


    • Decadent Dick!
      My dad was saying when he worked on a farm as a youngster you had to be a bit wary of sows when theyd had piglets!
      Some other lad wasnt paying attention and the sow went for him, leaving his Welly tattered rubber.
      You had any attitude off stock Dick?
      A angry pig, a devilish horse, moody cow?
      My father inlaw had all his teeth kicked out of his head by a horse. Hehehe ?

      • My father once had to spend the night in the hay-heck after getting cornered by a sow with piglets. I have been bitten,kicked and shat on by various beasties.


      • Afternoon Dick.
        There a valley behind Swizzles sweet factory in New Mills that was home to feral pigs.
        Some bloke going to work on his pushbike got charged by a boar and had to sit in a tree for a few hours?
        Animal control went in and cleared it of pig.
        Pond there is full of big terrapins too,
        From the fallout of the ninja turtles craze.

      • I think the most painful was when I went to kick a ewe up the was trying to steal a lamb…but my big toenail caught on the edge of the steel toecap in my boot…peeled it right the way back to the root..had a hell of a job getting my boot off.

      • Every year I read about some daft old cunt getting killed by cows when hes walked his dog (probably off lead) into a field of cows who’ve just calved.
        Silly old cunts.

      • I was once bitten by a dog. I’ve been bitten and clawed by cats on several occasions. Twice I’ve been shat upon by birds. Nothing too exciting really.

      • Arfur@
        When a kid in the 70s my mam & dad were friendly with a keeper at Chester zoo.
        He allowed me to walk on a rhinos back,
        Him and my dad holding my arms in case I fell/slipped!
        Imagine that now?!!
        Instant dismissal.
        And once got in a enclosure to retrieve a engagement ring with a American Bison.

        Wasn’t engaged to the bison!
        For sake of clarity.

      • I was bitten by a dog in the face when I was 6. Blood everywhere! Have a scar above my upper lip.

        Mind you, I was experimenting at the time as to how much pressure could be brought poking a skewer in its back before it reacted.

        That dog (beautiful golden Labrador) taught me a valuable lesson in life.

      • A child walking on a rhino’s back? There’d be questions in the House now Mis! Never been to Chester zoo but heard it’s very good. Took our kids to London zoo in around 2000 and must say it was excellent. Whole day’s job to see everything.

  7. Latest scare story on Sky News feed this morning……..a shortage of bouncers!! That’s right, nightclubs and other places of entertainment haven’t got enough security staff to throw your drugged up arse out on the pavement. That cunt Vince Cable, king of the Brexit scare story, must be furious that he never dreamed up this bullshit himself.

  8. We may be fucked up by Brexit but it doesn’t stop hundreds of illegal immos arriving from the EU paradise every day.
    Clearly those parasites don’t pay proper attention to the media. I might pop over to Calais with a pile of Guardians and Mirrors and give them away for free.

  9. Re: butchering your own meat.

    Years ago, I took a group of mates shooting-they had been badgering me for ages, lamping Rabbit on a farm.
    When we got back to the yard, I taught them how to skin & clean the bunnies.
    Now, as any experienced hunter knows, you can skin and gut a a rabbit, then put the carcass down and it can twitch-muscle tissue movement.
    On this particular night, the third carcass started to “dance”-like something out of the “Evil Dead” films. No head or forelegs, skinned and the fucking thing had all four leg stumps moving.
    Two of the lads actually screamed in fright?
    Still makes me chuckle, thinking about their reaction.
    They never asked to go out shooting, again?

    • If there are two methods for killing – the first a humane, relatively painless, clean and quick method and the second an horrific, painful, messy, prolonged and disturbing method then the old tiddlywinks will always plump for the latter.

      Those Orientals love a bit of cruelty. Its just in their makeup to be sadists.

      Mau, mau! Remember that nasty little Vietnamese shit in the Deerhunter?

      • Dead right Paul. Orientals are routinely capable of remarkable cruelty, mountains of evidence.

  10. Only a matter of time before the chinkys start eating those Uighur muslims.
    If they’re not already?
    Theres nothing a chinky wont eat.
    Nothing on this planet or any other.
    If the mothership lands and its crewed by tentacled, multi eyed space slugs?
    Theyre on the menu if they land in China.

  11. Yes the Police are cunts but I wouldnt go as far a slaughtering them. Id just not cross the street to piss on one if they were on fire anymore.

  12. “MSM” and “Whole truth” are sadly mutually exclusive…

    Take some pork medallions, or whatever those steaks are called, fry in butter, slice and fry some decent apples, sprinkle on a bit of demerara if you like, and stew in cider and applejack. Just before serving, pour some cream in, and allow to heat through.
    Get pissed on cider and applejack.

  13. Once again I am better informed thanks to ISAC (and thanks to sickofit!). Must confess I had no inkling of the link between China and the UK pig farmers’ difficulties. Not a hint in the MSM, all blamed on a shortage of butchers and therefore by implication due to Brexit.

  14. Here’s an idea, half price everything Pork related and clear the back stock, even the Parking Stanley’s might have a crack at it as they love a bargain.!!

  15. I’ve just heard that there is a shortage of Strapons, dildos and butt plugs due to Brexit.

    The Palace of Westminster is in a panic. A COBRA meeting in the morning apparently.

    Breaking news brought to you by UPDATE FROG ?

    Please subscribe to enable us to practice our honest, truthful journalism.
    Thank you.

  16. Put pig carcasses all over the Kent coast, pork is like kryptonite to the moose limb cunts!!!

    That’ll stop e’m paddling to Dover for sure!

  17. So there’s not a shortage of slaughter men or butchers, there’s an overabundance of pigs due to UK suppliers expecting to supply China with pork.
    Fuck them, apart from Covid, have they done for us, lately?

  18. When we sold pig spunk to the China’s elite that’s when it went downhill. That’s the truth.

  19. Schools and hospitals serve halal meat so as not to upset Muslims.
    McDonald’s and KFC are doing the same.
    Of course, non Muslims don’t really care if the meat is halal or not as it all tastes the same.

    These huge consumers put traditional abattoirs at a disadvantage and of course, halal abattoirs do not deal with pork.

    Farmers are left with pigs that are too expensive to be processed, they can’t slaughter and sell the meat themselves but they can cut their losses by slaughtering the pigs and then burning the carcasses.

    That’s what happens when you allow an ever increasing number of Muslim immigrants into a country and then allow them to continue with their barbaric rituals.

  20. Just so you know; there’s pork and there’s pork. Ever wondered why it’s massively cheaper than any other meat? Well, it’s because pigs eat ANYTHING (including sh!t – their own or anything/anyone else’s) and indeed, the pork products sold at a few quid a kilo in your local supermarket will be from animals that were fed the most vomit-inducing slurry of unspeakable detritus imaginable. Believe me, you’d never touch another cheap pork product again if you witnessed it. Of course, when they’re bred and raised on smaller scales they’re perfect, natural recycling machines on legs – feed ’em up for 18 months on all the stuff humans (and other animals) can’t stomach (but not the virtual sewage I just mentioned) then turn them into the delicious, versatile and long-lived cured products we all love (well, not the pathologues of the two “Abrahamic faiths” and their idiotic superstitions, obviously, but that’s fine, more to go round for the rest of us).

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