(Registered blind person, Nicholas Bateman and his guidedog attacked by feral yobs – Day Admin)
I have a dog. He’s neurotic, insomniac & semi continent. He 5 kilos of pure muscle, drives me mad, but I wouldn’t be without him. He’s why I get out of bed in the morning and put matching socks on.
So I was absolutely incandescent with rage to read about some lowlife kicking the service dog of a blind, wheelchair bound man.
I would suggest, when this cunt is identified, that the police just post his photo & address, and let the good citizens meet out a suitable punishment.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
Helpful links provided by Miles Plastic and Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
I feel the same about my hound but matching socks is a rarity.
Am not surprised about the chavs. The country is infested with them.
Cowardly and disgusting.
What sort of parents must these little jackals have.
Kneecap the orrible little cunts.
Timid as fuck when on their own.
I want the cunt who did this to be tied up and left in an empty room with me, and a pair of boots. I will pay money.
Hopefully karma will intervene in the shape of a pack of wolves but it won’t cos life mostly doesn’t dish out fitting justice. But the sort of crowd these cunts mix in might stab the cunt to death. They often try and knife each other up the arse as it’s a life changer.
I’ve come to abhor violence as I near my old age but it seems some cunts still have the ability to make me reach for the lump hammer.
There’s zero chance of the coppers catching this cunt and, even if they did , he’d end up with a council house and a social worker. The blind bloke should have said they called his dog a black gay bastard and he might have got a result.
Makes you want to get Old Testament on these bastards.
Thought #40…
What’s the chances of it being a muzzer kid? I’ve seen how they react to dogs. Nasty cunts. I’d use German Shepherds to control the cunts. As an aside, I see the Norwegian bow and arrow killer was a muzzer with “mental health issues” – quelle surprise!!!
The bow and arrow man doesn’t seem to have got much coverage considering the gravity of it, i wonder why that is ?
He was Danish. The iman at the mosque he went to said that he was a thick clueless cunt.
I would burn the evil little cunt alive.
Kill it with fire!
Put the cunts in a room with Ronnie and Reggie. It’s the only rule and lesson these cunts learn.
Theyd bum him into a coma.
???? Assault with a friendly weapon. They we’re givers not receivers.
Gutless bastard. Cunt should be burned at the stake
The cunt and his family need to be turned into dingo shit.
Fucking sickening!
This in fact reminds me of the story a few years back wherein some yob fucking scum mugged and assaulted a wheelchair bound OAP suffering from Cerebral Palsy.
If caught these sorts should be fucking well put to death. Simple as that.
All this leftie pissing and crying about the death penalty being barbaric and making us no better than the criminals – FUCK OFF YOU SPINELESS CUNTS!!!
I like how even reporting on such a disheartening, depressing subject,
Jeezum manages to brag about owning matching socks!!!
Like those blokes with posh watches,
“Do you need the time? This is a Breitling its very accurate!”
Yeah, dead posh, me!
Matching socks? Don’t know they’re born do they? Tut!
We would have killed for matching socks. Or just socks. These posh fuckers dont know they’re born.
It’s what happens every year for birthdays and Christmas when you have daughters who don’t have a clue what to buy you.
So I get socks, plain, novelty, hiking, cotton, wool, even bamboo! Wtf are they about?
Local charity shop does well just before Christmas, with all the ones I haven’t taken out of the packaging yet, though.
Bamboo socks?!!
Ought to be careful with those Jeezum.
My mate had a pair,
Found a jap sniper in them!
Didn’t know WW2 had ended.
They also attract pandas.
Thanks for the warning MNC, the perfect excuse next time one of my darlings asks why I never wear them!
Did the wash t’other day
out of fifteen socks
I got precisely one pair.
You must have a hell of a lot of House Elves living at yours!
I have an expensive watch. 40th present years go. A gentleman never brags, so I won’t mention the brand. Suffice to say it is a shit time-keeper and I mostly wear my £15 casio in preference. At least some scumbag’s not going to hack my arm off for it.
Give the little scrote a canine treat of his own.
Strip him naked, bind his hands and feet then smear his cock and bollocks in thick beef gravy and then let a pack of starving Rotweillers have their lunch.
That’ll learn the cunt.
Drive the nasty coward into the countryside, set fire to his clothes, smear him with dogshit, then peg the fucker down for the birds.
Bring back corporal punishment.
Ban mobile phones in schools.
Bring back a form of national service for ALL-18-20 year olds-where they all work for the benefit of their wider communities – minimum subsidence allowance. No exceptions (except severely disabled/dying).
No national service-no access to the NHS, Further & Higher Education?
Uncle Terry fire up your oven ffs. These cunts need immediate extermination, no if ,no buts just do it.
If anyone can explain why the scum involved shouldn’t be put down instantly do explain.
Having now read the links-Plymouth. Fucking hell, the youth of that city are not doing any positive PR work for it lately!
Perhaps some of the “local” cunters could advise us-as to the demographic of Plymouth.
I assumed mostly white, working class.
These fuckers should be horsewhipped.
This cunt needs kicked several times in the cobs by a para wearing a size 12 army regulation boot.
Terrible news about David Amess being stabbed. One of the few truly exceptional MPs we have. Looks like he could be a goner.
Hope he’s not gone
He has – That’s why I posted R.I.P.
Ah, poor man.
Any comment from Angela “tories are scum” Raynor?
That is shocking,
Agree. It takes a lot to shock me, but this has.
This thread could be also about the perpetrator of this senseless act on a man going about his business.
Fucking open up the mad houses and throw away the key for cunts of this ilk.
There’s no point in trying to reason with mad dogs
Truly terrible news. No joking matter, the country is a lawless, hopeless mess.
I’m guessing an ethnic attacker. Al BBC woudl have straight up mentioned if it was a whitey, in the context of “suspected far-right extremist”.
Absolute Travesty, all round good bloke trying to look after his constituents. Only to be stabbed by people with mental elf issues, I’m sure. RIP.
Just heard about this-a person of “African appearance”.
Stabbed by a Somalian just part and parcel of living in the city
Somalians are generally very violent low IQ sky news won’t even say that ffs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rEbk1h6LBk&t=194s
(Just a quick note, we have processed a nomination for the “incident” yesterday, and will go live very soon. So please keep this Post on topic. Thanks – Day Admin)
Cunts like this should be broken on the wheel then fed to dogs.
Parents should be publicly flogged.
Attendant hand wringing apologists get oven.
Fucking filth.
Bet it was either a “peaceful” or some deranged cunt that did this.
Oh, hang on, my mistake, they’re one of the same.
Utter depravity.
I read a comment on YouTube last night that said (paraphrasing):
If an alien race wanted to come and take over the Earth, I would help them, First I would tell them to take out Macron, Trudeau, Biden and then .. (well you get the idea).
Not uncommon to see posts of similar sentiment on ISAC.
A 25 year old Somali man has been arrested for the murder of MP Sir David Amess
Cultural enrichment… Fucking marvelous….?
I’d like to talk to the chap responsible and try to understand him, coach him and encourage him to reflect on his momentary lapse of goodness.
I just need some stout rope, a gag and a blowlamp.
Drag this pointless cunt outside and place a burning tyre around the neck, Soweto-styleee