The Police (3): Plod by Name, Plod by Nature

(THREE plod charge some bloke minding his own business for breaking lockdown rules – Day Admin)

The police and how far they have fallen.

Manchester force not fit for purpose. Middle class idiots of XR and the ridiculous Insulate Britain not only indulged but aided and abetted.

Fucking rainbow police cars and Gay Pride police celebrants. More emphasis on hurty feelings of deviants than burglaries and robberies.

And the Met. Where to start?
The killing of a Brazilian commuter. Who was in command of this botched op I wonder?
Knife crime and general violence in London off the scale. Daily. We now have cunts on motorbikes targeting cyclists – no descriptions given of the perpetrators though. I wonder why?

The climate of misogyny and bluster which effectively encouraged the vile cunt who murdered Sarah Everard.

Anti Semitic and pro Jihadi sentiments from a serving officer effectively unpunished.
Dick continuing to obfuscate and delay yet another investigation into the killing of Daniel Morgan, which was corruption related.

And now we are told that Cressida’s Dick is still in office due to ‘ there being no suitable candidates to replace her’

Dear god, are we to believe that Dick is the best we have out of the whole UK police ‘service’ as they style themselves?

God help the poor ordinary fuckers the Met is alleged to serve.

The cops. No longer fit for purpose.
(Too many links which will blow a fucking site fuse.)

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Supported by: Dark key cunt

I can’t second this enough. Dick was the Head of Terrorist Response (or whatever) when they put 8 or 9 bullets in the head of an innocent.

Wiki Link

And the police (Apols admins – I lived in London at the time so remember the stories but cannot find links) said he was an illegal and was a cocaine user in order to deflect the news. (9 FUCKING BULLETS. You should be aiming south-east off the coast, you cunts.

Additional support by Ruff Tuff Creampuff

‘Keir Starmer, Director of Public Prosecutions, approved a decision not to prosecute any police over the shooting.’

News Link

‘Jean Charles’s cousin Vivian Figuierdo said “We are in shock and cannot understand how the deliberate killing of an innocent man and an attempt by the Metropolitan police to cover it up does not result in a criminal offence.’

Kweer, Strap-on, Suckdick, they’re all fucking cunts out there.

And additional support from Cuntfinder General

If i may add to CC’s excellent nomination.

A performance table from the Gruniad:

News Link


83 thoughts on “The Police (3): Plod by Name, Plod by Nature

  1. Member of Public; ‘Leave me alone mate, I ain’t doin’ no harm sittin’ ‘ere’.
    Plod. ‘Mate? You just call me mate? That’s a hate term! Yer fuckin’ nicked!’

  2. I heard that Priti Useless wanted Strapon gone but the real power in this appointment lies with Suckdick, who loves her wokie arse.
    That got me thinking. Strapon’s obvious replacement is Neil Basu… ticker, arse licker, remoaner and totally incompetent. Trouble is he’s a Gupta, like Useless herself, and we know what Peacefuls like Suckdick think of them. I suspect Useless extended the Strapon’s contract so she can get her man in when Suckdick has gone.
    Fuck me!……it’s like living in a foreign country innit?

    • I cant
      I cant
      I can’t stand losing
      I can’t I Can’t I cant stand losing you…

      Not many fans of the modern police force on here are there?
      You all need to fall down a flight of stairs like in the old days,
      Sort your attitude out.


      Your fuckin nicked me old beauty.

      • Mis:
        Years ago, a band I was in used to practice at the same rehearsal studio as “The Police”.
        The amount of “recreational” substances that the cleaning staff used to find, was fucking staggering.
        Sometimes, the drugs DO work?

      • Really?
        Hes all tantric yoga nowadays the little junkie cunt.
        Never much of a fan to be honest, they were massive back in the day though.
        Just left me cold.

      • Sting is a brilliant musician-his songs are incredibly complex.

        Some of his lyrics are shocking though-I never forgave him that passage in “Don’t stand”, rhyming “Shake & cough” with “Navacov”.
        Typical fucking teacher….

  3. When the police pick and choose which laws to obey and are quite openly politicised you should know your once great country is fucked.

  4. Don’t they look a bunch of scruffy cunts. They could be carpark attendants or security at HMV. If they weren’t driving in around in bender cars or skateboarding you could easily mistake them.

  5. The police are now the attack dogs of the state.

    *DCI Gene: for every 1 decent copper story you put on here, and I know there are plenty of good coppers, I could furnish you with 10 bad copper stories.

    We have higher laws in the UK. Hard won rights for free-born men & women:

    Gods law
    Common law

    When the police themselves decide it is fine to operate outside of these laws, or interpret them, is it any wonder societal trust in the police is at an all time low.

    ACAB. Not all coppers are bastards.
    Just too fucking many of them?

    • “*DCI Gene: for every 1 decent copper story you put on here, and I know there are plenty of good coppers, I could furnish you with 10 bad copper stories.”

      I don’t disagree, but, not every good thing they do, daily, and I see quite a bit of it, is publicised. All the coppers I know, and I know two, personally, that have left the police because of this, would just LOVE to get the restraints off and start dealing with proper crime. Starting with giving ER and the other cunts a fucking shoeing.

      • We can all relate to this DCI. Imagine being called as a witness when these cunts got the shit kicked out of them by the plod;

        ‘P’lice brutality your lordship? Didn’t see nuffink did I? Don’t know nuffink baht nuffick. Is there any video like?’.

  6. Woke infects the met from top to bottom. There is no pushback from PC plod. They are all a bunch of cunts. I wouldnt piss on one if they were on fire. That might seem harsh, but i mean it.

    • And the irony being that one day you might suffer a cardiac arrest and your life may be saved by two coppers that were passing, witnessed it and had a defib in their car plus good BLS training. An event I’ve attended a few times. Both lives saved. But I’m sure if you were in a position to be able to, if it was a loved one you wete with and they were the patient, you’d stick to your principles and turn down their offer of help.

  7. Not real police anymore, just a Govt backed paramilitary force led by Common Purpose cunts.

  8. Ive had a right hiding off them in the past,
    Chased on horseback off them,
    Chinned one,( that didn’t end well)
    But I have no hard feelings towards them, still respect them now ive grown up (bit).
    You cant have a society without a police force.
    Ours is just compromised by the woke agenda .
    Everything is.
    Judges, media, advertising, teaching, everything.
    We lost and didn’t realise!
    But things change
    This wll too .
    Because its madness and unsustainable.

  9. WITNESS (on the phone to plod) “Hello, Police? I need to report a vicious rape!”
    RECORDED MESSAGE “All our lines are busy. Press 1 for rape, press 2 for murder, press 3 for burglary, press 4 for robbery, press 5 for hate crime”
    WITNESS presses 1
    RECORDED MESSAGE “All our lines are busy. Please wait, you are 85th in this queue”.
    WITNESS presses 2 out of desperation.
    RECORDED MESSAGE “All our lines are busy. Please wait, you are 44th in this queue”.
    WITNESS presses 5 by mistake
    PLOD “Hello! How can I help? What happened? What was said? Where was the incident? Were they black or white? We will spend 6 specials over straight away. Thank you!”

  10. Crime figures are a contributing factor with plod. I can speak from experience when I was pickpocketed by a fucking east European. I knew he’d done it as the bus made off and my wallet had gone.
    I phoned in and they said I’d lost it. I asked for a crime number and was told to fuck off basically. CCTV I asked (new bus).
    They said they’d look at it. Next lie, it wasn’t working. Then the cunts told me to go and see the bus company myself. Still no crime number.
    Keep those figures down is the name of the game.

  11. Zero respect for these jumped up traffic Wardens. Sure there are good cuntstables but they are very few and far between.
    Not to mention how scruffy the modern pigs look. More equipment on their belts than successful arrests. Oink Oink………

    • Perhaps we should go back to tunic, trousers, cap, shirt and tie in my service rather than breathable, easy to clean combat trousers and shirt? Or perhaps dress uniform should have been worn, with cap, of course, instead of my flying suit and helmet?

      It’s practical.

    • The cunts can’t even get hippies off roads as are too busy investigating mean tweets that killed David Amess.Oh no my bad that was Islamic terrorism but they won’t even mention that let alone do anything about that.

  12. I always felt the way old Cressida StrapOn was exonerated and promoted so quickly after her massive balls-up proves that the lezzas and poofters in the police, military and other Establishment organisations, proved that they had “special rights” long before the rest of their brothers and brothers. That was in the Blair/Brown days – I wonder what the boys and girls in blue had on them?

  13. I reported a crime and basically the Police did fuck all except call me on the phone to take details and say the case was closed. Then they had the fucking nerve to call me back a few weeks later to ask me “how they did”…yeah ok

    My respect for the Police is at an all time low and I wouldn’t trust any of them with a tin of beans that was already open.

    As that case of the murdering pig demonstrated a few weeks back, the whole service needs proper reform.

    Oink oink you bacon cunts.

    • The police are fucking cunts. And not just the upper echelons.

      A couple of years ago I crossed a quiet empty road and a minute later was detained by an officer in a police car who proceeded to severely reprimand me for not using the pedestrian crossing 200 yards further up.

      WTF? Since when has it been a crime to safely cross a road in this country?

      Anyway, the cop’s overly officious attitude left me in no doubt that if I didn’t beg forgiveness and promise NEVER to do it again I’d swiftly find myself face down on the tarmac with my hands cuffed behind my back and his knee on my neck.

      Following a lot of “yes officer, no officer, three bags full, officer” I was allowed to continue on my way.

      Maybe he had a quota to fill or summat? Not enough “non-crime hate incidents” to investigate that afternoon? Can’t remember if he was wearing coloured nail varnish, but definitely a cunt.

  14. Coppers are always suspicious of me.
    I look a fuckin rogue I suppose?
    So im always super polite,
    Super respectful.
    Last dealings I had with them,
    I was parked on a countryside car park taking my dog for a walk.
    Some old duffer was reversing,
    The dozy cunt hadn’t seen the coppers driving on,
    And I waved and pointed them out .
    So the coppers just see a big bearded cunt pointing at them.
    Instantly on guard.
    They pulled me asked me what I was upto.
    I explained I was warning mr Magoo so he didn’t back into a police car,
    They weren’t quite satisfied,
    But just then my Akita jumps up at the passenger window of the police car!!
    Totally disarmed them!!
    Questions about the dog, threw its ball for it,
    Even waved me goodbye.
    No point copping a attitude with them, youll lose.
    Get them on side,
    Theyve a fuckin hard job,
    See kids thatve been fiddled with, murders etc.
    I çouldnt do it.
    Week one I’d snap,
    Kill some dirty cunt.
    Ive no issues with ordinary coppers.

    • I think there’s one or two, here, that could learn a valuable lesson from you, MNC. I have a friend that investgates child abuse. I’d love to see a few Chairborne cunts do that and sleep at night.

  15. Having a family member who’s high up in the Met, I can confirm that pigs have no real life friends who aren’t other pigs because they’re unpleasant bullies who regular people quite rightly shy away from, like not allowing a scorpion to crawl on their hand.
    He’s also not capable of holding any kind of conversation without filtering all facets of said conversation through a police prism, the sad bastard.
    Fuck the police, petty pathetic bullies who joined the pigs purely to gain control over the general public (not to help them, as they like to claim/lie).
    His superciliousness extends to talking down to everyone as the filth are told at the training college to think of themselves as better than everyone else.
    Useless, pointless, cowardly , corrupt parasites, almost all of them.

    • I used to ride with a few coppers, including a DCI and can agree with much of what you say.
      They had a view that everybody was guilty of a crime, it was just the extent to which that guilt could be proven.

      • Indeed. As my rant might’ve seemed a trifle bitter, I maybe should add that I’ve been on the receiving end of police corruption two seperate times (years apart) and one of those times caused me to almost get sent to jail.
        But that was the police of old. People who, despite being cunts, you had some physical respect for.
        Not like the pussy pricks these days, who can’t even peel a bunch of lame communists off the M25.
        Yes, I know they’re not “allowed” to by their gaylord bosses…but that’s just further proof that they’re not on the side of the general public and will go out of their way to ensure you and I are fucked over every time.

  16. Paramilitary force, controlled by the government? Don’t make me laugh. A couple of months ago some vermin on one of the local sink estates had a bit of a riot, after one of the locals died after a day on the spice. About 30 to 40 mongrels set fire to a couple of cars and the plod who turned up beat a hasty retreat when a couple of them got chased, the riot van wheelspinning away in a hail of bricks and stones. Rather than return mob handed and secure the area they stayed away until the crowd got bored and dispersed through boredom.
    Simply, there isn’t enough of them to make a difference, and if they had come back suited up for trouble and waded into the cunts, the locals would have joined in, but on the skumbags side, as decent folk are thin on the ground in those areas, and those who would show support would have their lives made a fucking misery by the rest.
    If there was large scale protests or unrest they wouldn’t be able to do anything really to stop it.
    There are cunts in all walks of life, but cunts with any authority have their cuntitude multiplied tenfold.

      • I don’t know, imagine the scene.

        ” I’m afraid you’re in end stage kidney failure, Farsal, only a transplant can save you now”

        Gimme the transplant, innit!

        ” the transplant is from a pig, Farsal, it’s a pig kidney”

        Fuck off, innit! Give me a proper kidney, now! I know my rights, innit!

        ” But Farsal, this is a really close genetic match.”

  17. It is the command level that is at fault. Most Cops are honest and decent ( which is why they are never promoted..)

    politicising Police /Fire /Ambulance and NHS was a master stroke of cuntitude

    Go for the head of the snake….it will always be found at the top !

  18. I think she’s still in post because she knows where the bodies are buried, and I don’t mean that ironically.
    Anyone who has failed as badly as Cressida the Crusader would have been slingshoted out the door faster than she could say ” oh, shit.”
    Sack her and put a bloke in charge, preferably an ex- army police. They don’t pander to this kind of crap.

  19. I got pulled over by the traffic cops last night. Cop comes up to the window and tells me to identify myself.
    So I looked in the mirror, pointed at my reflection and said, “Yeah, that’s me.”….

  20. The film Magnum Force had it about right in my book. Quietly get rid of the pimps, lowlifes, rapists and child molesters. Seriously, who’d miss those cunts?

  21. The cunts running the show, Dick etc, are eroding the respect given to the ordinary copper through no fault of their own. As in all walks of life you’ll get twats but the good coppers must be fucking pig sick on how they’re treated and told how to do the job with so many restrictions.

  22. i’d like to support DCI in his respect for the plod but i’m afraid me, my family and friends have seen far too many examp[es of the police being petty, unnecessarily violent and just flat-out stupid in real life and in news reports to allow me to think it is all just at the top.
    My nan used to trust the police but when my grandad was involved in an accident and had to go to court the officer giving evidence was laughing. She lost respect for them. That one was definitely a special breed of nutjob.

    They fact they’ve recruited two total snowflake graduates I know doesn’t say much for their vetting process either. They want either fay-gets or robots they can brainwash with courses. Three other contemporaries joined but they are a bit more normal, My question is why they joined the ranks of a service now made up of complete fucking weirdoes and tin Hitlers.

  23. Manchester Police…. The mosque in Didsbury where the Arena bomber crawled from. Still no arrests…

    Oh, and Operation Augusta. What else needs to be said?

    If the Manchester Police of 2021 were around in the 1960s, Brady and Hindley’s body count would be triple what it is and the pair of evil cunts would have a social worker, counselor, tea lady, and an arse wiper each. GMP really are not fit for purpose.

    • Only one person was actually charged with the Manchester Arena bombing. Hashem Abedi. There were loads involved. Lots more were charged with making nasty comments online about said bombing. Even this week, a Peaceful cuts an MP open in a church, in the middle of the day and the state’s response is to press for more laws on speech. Something is ROTTEN in the UK

  24. When did the tunic, shirt and tie uniform go?? They look like a fucking militia force these days (which they are).

    All pumped up roid freaks covered in tattoos. It used to be a misogynistic boys club but now it’s full of angry microdicks drunk on power.

    • During the first lockdown, I watched hour after hour of YouTube live streams, showing the most cuntish behaviour from various forces, primarily metropolitan forces, in particular London’s met.

      My own eyes didn’t deceive me.

      They kicked the shit out of veterans, who were lawfully and peacefully protesting unlawful state actions.

      They manhandled septuagenarian and octogenarian lawful citizens.

      They harassed, physically abused and arrested journalists.

      They harassed children (under 18’s), who were legally excercising.

      Meanwhile, they kneeled for BLM, dressed in rainbows for the gays, shouted ant-Semitic slogans and broke their own social distancing rules, at the beginning of lockdown.

      They visited law abiding citizens, to check their thinking.

      They arrested social commentators like Tommy Robinson, for drawing attention to national scandals surrounding Islam-grooming gangs, Muslims assaulting Christians at speakers corner.

      Ergo: an excellent and fully justified cunting.

      The modern Police Service are not fit for service and are indeed CUNTS.


  25. So Sajid Javid aka Uncle Fester has announced that if people don’t have boosters we will get more restrictions.Classic coercive control.He said the Jan’s are to protect our freedoms but if we aren’t free to decide what goes in our body how are we free exactly?Cunt

      • Shaun:

        Going against one of the main charter’s of the Nuremberg code. Old Doctor Mengele would be clapping and cheering?

        Nice to see Suckdick Khunt describing the Terrorist, Islamist slaughter of Ames, as “sadly passed away”-what a fucking disgrace.
        An insult to every honest Englishman?

    • ‘Freedom by Easter’ eh? That was a hoot.

      ‘Following the science’.. except when it doesn’t suit the agenda, like being told by your own experts that we shouldn’t jab the kids or that cloth masks are completely useless.

      Honestly. If you can’t see how it’s all upside down, back-to-front, inside and out, complete horseshit that will never end.. then you’re a total fuckwit. 2 years of this bullshit and never ending contradictions, psychological manipulation, lies, deception, fraud..

      I bet you they’ll threaten lockdown but offer vax passports as the compromise, and deflect blame to the unvaccinated.

      • It is so transparent at this point .I would rather die from Covid than be constantly coerced by this ridiculous malicious hypocrital government .But at 27 and in good health that is very unlikely.I have been vaccinated too but that is beginning to look dodgy in terms of how good they say it is versus where we are data wise.

        Was reading under 25s death rate has increased since the vaccine rollout.The BBC of course just ask why we aren’t already lockdown like a desperate sub at a BDSM party.

      • Look at Israel, Gibraltar, Iceland, and the other total coverage areas. Either the testing regime is completely faulty or the vaccine is useless, or both.

        Personally I lean towards both. I think we’re eminently capable of deluding ourselves. History proves it, as does the live example right now.

      • Also the average age for vaccinated Covid deaths is 85 with an average of 5 underlying health conditions.Sounds an awful lot like they didn’t die of Covid or if they did a cold would have done the trick .

        Looks like most of the people dying are more fucked medically than my Dead Pool picks.

      • Like Colin Powell media were going on about him dying from Covid despite being double vaccinated.He was 84 had multiple myeloma which completely fucks your immune system ,prostate cancer and Parkinson’s disease.He was most likely a goner with any infection even a cold UTI or skin tear.

  26. And I see in Cuntfinder General’s link that my old stomping ground, Notts, is second from bottom. Hardly surprising; they’ve been a useless bunch of fucking spastics since I was a nipper.

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