The (Abuse of) Power of Social Media

I suppose I am interested in the mental state of Britney Spears. Her sister Lynn hasn’t directly commented on the removal of the conservatorship from her father. Yet because she hasn’t celebrated the decision a campaign to have her removed from a Netflix series has got underway. At the moment they have 25,000 signatures. She hasn’t been sacked from the series…as yet.

To repeat she hasn’t said anything directly on the case.

I did look at some pictures that Britney put up immediately after she had won her case. What were they? Britney stark naked in different rooms if her house. Very troubling in my view. Only dots to conceal her modesty. A crazed look in her eyes as well. I suspect that her sister Lynn knows more about her mental state than signatories to the petition.
The petition asks Netflix to REMOVE Lynn from the series. These words ‘remove’ or ‘cancel’ so illiberal.

I don’t know Britney Spears’ relationship with her father. Maybe he has abused his position who knows?
But certainly her sister would be far better informed that some stranger signing a piece of paper.

Link to story.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

36 thoughts on “The (Abuse of) Power of Social Media

  1. 25,000 nosy busybodies who have got nothing better to do than fuck about in other people’s business. If you don’t like her say so, don’t watch whatever moronic shit she is in and leave it there. What fucking saddo goes to the trouble of organising a petition about this sort of shit? The power of the wokies.

  2. She’s the slut who made $$$millions dressing up as a schoolgirl and inflaming the passions of middle aged men, isn’t she? Fuck her.

    • Miles@
      Shouldn’t you be in church rather than looking at thousands of images of a naked Britney spears?
      And dont give me that old pete Townsend excuse of ‘ its research’.
      St Francis of Assisi never collected nudey pictures of mentally ill pop whores.

      • Did he?
        How extraordinary.
        Ashes to ashes
        Lust to lust
        Id rim Britney
        An eat the crust! ?

      • Leave Miles alone you bully. He is doing the Lord’s work exposing the wickedness of our times. A bit like Lord Longford, back in the day, visiting all those dirty shops and reading all those disgusting magazines. It’s a hard and thankless task but some cunt has got to do it.

    • ‘despair at the baying mobs out there’

      The language of ‘remove’ her from the Netflix series. A demand. That’s the problem everybody demanding things happen about anything they click on. But it has an effect.

  3. Im also interested in her mental state.
    How mental is she?
    Eating bugs and starting fires mental?
    Letting big bearded northerners stick their winky in her and keep her fuckin yap shut mental?

    Either way, some sort of action needs taking.

    • I bet she howls like a junkyard dog, when she’s got a winkle up.?
      Afternoon, MNC.

      • Yes Jack!
        I like to think so too!!!
        Howling, writhing about, moaning, panting and scratching,
        Glad shes grown her hair back
        Not keen on the uncle Fester look.
        I think we should see these pictures and decide if theyre decent?
        Afternoon mate.

  4. See it has an effect. So now this organisation has refused a donation from her. It seems she has been turned into a pariah.

    ‘This Is My Brave was started by Jennifer Marshall, who started out blogging about her bipolar disorder and went on to launch shows at which individuals share their stories about their struggles with mental health. The group was flooded with criticism from supporters of the #freebritney movement after Jamie Lynn announced plans to donate some of her book proceeds to support its work, and has now announced that it will not be accepting the donation’–jamie-lynn-spears-britney-spears

  5. Spears is media whore and has been since ever since she did that crappy record and that was over two decades ago now.

    That’s what’s horrible about modern celebrity and social media. In the 60s, 70s, and even the 80s, nonentity celebrity cunts would have their time and then fuck off back under their rocks, more or less never to be seen again.

    But, in recent years, those with little to no talent and who are famous for nothing hang around like a bad smell that can linger for decades. Beckham and his revolting wife for starters, and also slags like Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus. Alex Ferguson was right when he said in 1998 that we would never be rid of Skeletor Spice. I suspect that after Harry has given her the sack, Megain Markup will also hang about like nuclear fall out crossed with a beefy eggo.

      • Miley is dirty as fuck I reckon. Not seen her coming out with woke stuff but of course she will do, because they have to and they all fucking do.

        That would only be till you get her knickers down: then you know she’d be an absolute old-school, rough, filth-hound.

      • My mate decorated his daughters bedroom with Miley Cyrus wallpaper.
        Told me he didn’t need and paste .

  6. Saw the pics of her looking a bit mental with her tits and clunge out. Fucking definitely would and she’s looking filthy as she gets older, I bet she’s in massive gangbangs most nights, and if she’s not then she definitely should be.What was this cunting about again?

  7. I’ve signed the petition and sent the Mrs to the chippy.
    Going to quickly research Britney with Exposed Starfish.

    • Ive just had a look.
      And theyre great!!??
      No wonder Miles spends all day drooling over them!
      Shes got a good body ?
      She may be a nutcase but shes built wonderfully.
      See what you’ve made me do now Miles?
      Looking at porno.
      Ive never done that before you encouraged me.
      Hope your happy?
      Now im corrupted.

      • Off to confession for you Miserable. Tell Mrs M not to wait up, you may be some time.

      • Oh dear. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You need to urgently pour ashes on yourself like Saint Francis.

      • Miles!! Help!!
        Now I cant stop thinking of a writhing Mrs Thatcher in a school uniform!!
        Shes asking me to hit her one more time!

    • Miles Maggie! MNC you just witnessed “ the death of you’re cock when you were just about to finish the symphony

  8. Social media are used exclusively by the terminally deranged. No one in their right mind would go near them.

    IAC is a social medium. See what I mean?

  9. I’ve always felt a bit sorry for the Spears sisters because it is clear that they were sold at a very early age to the predatory gatekeepers of stardom by their parents.

    Lynn Spears got pregnant before the age of 16 and claimed at the time it was her 18 year old boyfriend.

    But allegedly, allegedly, allegedly it wasn’t his at all but rather a senior (both in status and age) executive at Nickelodeon.

    (Allegedly convicted peed0h Dan Schneider)

    They can be forgiven the occasional mental breakdown.

  10. LOL … no one of any significance actually gives a fuck! Who is she anyway? Some POS that thinks she’s a bit special … prolly has things to say about trendy subject matter. Doubtless has way more money than is decent and has a fuckin’ attitude commensurate with the extent of her ill gotten gains.

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