Self Responsibilities – or lack of!

It’s not my fault.
I had a shit life, my mother was an alkie.
Some big boys did it and ran away.
No link, this is just an observation.
Why can no one take responsibility for their actions?
What’s so hard about putting your hands up and saying ” You got me”
Why does every lying public figure who’s caught out try and justify their behaviour?
Why does every murderous stabby cunt play the ” deprived” childhood card, that’s if they aren’t playing the different colour card?
Why is it the fault of antiquated computer systems that people don’t get what they’re entitled too?
And why the fuck are we paying taxes to fund this total fuckwittery?

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

64 thoughts on “Self Responsibilities – or lack of!

  1. Good nom Jeezum ?
    Everything and anything wrong ive done is the result of my own actions.
    Some of it im genuinely sorry for.
    Some of it, not.
    Some of it ive learnt valid lessons from .
    Some im cursed to repeat the same mistake over and over.
    People need to as adults take responsibility and any outcome.

    If the Toyota Corolla in ISAC HQ carpark is yours it wasn’t me that smashed the front in!
    Probably Fiddler or that Cunt Engine on drugs!
    I didn’t see who.

  2. In my time, Ive been at times a knob. Ive done things I shouldn’t, and have fucked at least 2 birds with no Johnny.. I dare say I could admit to more but I won’t. What I can say, is all the daft things I’ve done have been down to me.

    No excuses.

  3. Nobody made me marry Mrs. Boggs – in fact, both my mum and dad warned me not too – they were right in hindsight, but I ploughed on, now, 57 years later I have this obese old tart sitting in the living room getting through numerous bars of chocolate as she watches soap after fucking soap. I am just glad they didn’t have so much of it back in the late 60s and 70s, otherwise my son would have had even more fish fingers and chips than he did. I should have sent the old hag out to work.

    • And if she went out to work she would have had her own money, might have met some other bloke, fucked off and left you.
      I hate to say it but you only have yourself to blame Mr Boggs.
      Have you ever read “Coming Up for Air” by Orwell? The main character, George somebody or other, sounds just like you. You should give it a look.

      • I entirely blame myself Freddie, in a way I wish she had found another bloke – she had no maternal instincts, so I would have been left with Mark, our son, but he spent a lot of time with me in the garden and shed at weekends and my days off, and he turned out very well, but I shudder to think how much prehistoric junk food went down his neck because she couldn’t be bothered. In the days before all day TV (and how it makes you heart sink to go past houses at 6.30 in the morning, summer and winter, and see the idiot’s lantern, all 50 plus inches of it switched on it numerous living rooms, but that’s for another cunting time), it was radio, and she would listen to the “J Y Prog” (Jimmy Young), and the numerous disk jockeys. She was horrified when she became pregnant and had to attend appointments and not listen to the bloody radio, but even that was preferable to a diet of television soap opera.

        If I were 20 years younger (at least) I’d divorce the old bag, once my son was grown up and out of it.

        No, I have never read that book – I will have to track it down.

      • @WC

        With regards to gargantuan idiot lanterns, I can second the sentiment.

        I walk my dog around the estates and during the darker nights it becomes apparent that the inescapable glare and size of these monstrosities plus the vacuous god-awful content they spout appears to be getting worse.

    • Good evening WC

      A sobering post.

      The mother of my (now adult) daughter turned out to be a fucking horror.

      I got rid of her many years ago and she then proceeded to move 400 miles away, deserting our daughter and inflicting psychological trauma that was truly fucking awful.

      I’ve obviously brought her up since her so called mother vanished, with the immeasurable help of Mrs Jelmet of course, where we still pick up some of the pieces to this day.

      However, totally my own fault for having a child with a troublesome woman who, unbeknown to me at the time, turned out to have approximately zero maternal instinct but as I say, the buck stops with yours truly and nobody else.

      Retrospect is a wonderful thing and as it was a quite a while ago now, I’d like to think I’m older and wiser and would be more perceptive. (but probably not)

    • Soldiers make deep bonds by doing tasks together.

      Is there a way for you and Mrs Boggs to do something together? Just a thought. I’ll get my coat, the worst vice is advice and all that.

      • I can’t stand soaps, and she doesn’t like woodwork, my lathe (smelly oily thing she calls it and the shed is too cold), so no I think we are stuck in our own worlds. At least we have seperate rooms these days, so it could be a lot worse.

      • I bloody hate soaps too and much more interested in making things that are useful/ improving things in general, so that’s hard.

        A money making or saving hobby that you can both do might get her off the idiot lantern?

  4. The court reports always amuse me. Low lifes whose brief spins a desperate tale of neglect and disadvantage as to why they mugged a pensioner or whatever. I laugh my bollocks off.

  5. People don’t take responsibility because they’ve been told by teachers, by social workers, by politicians and the media that they and their actions are the result of social conditioning. It’s because they are poor, or black, or Muslim or suffering from a disability, or gay or it’s because of some “structural unfairness”.

    The result is a generation of morally deficient simpletons unable to take responsibility for their own choices and seeking compensation for it.

    Useless cunts.

    • Couzen’s barrister is trying to get the rope-dodger a shorter “life” sentence, claiming depression.
      Well I’m depressed, I don’t go round jumping on good-looking blondes, raping them, strangling, and setting fire to their remains in some old fridge.
      WC at least pleaded guilty. He should be offed as soon as he’s in prison.

      • Can’t imagine he’ll last long.
        Ex cop
        Raping cunt
        Woman killer.

        I’ll give him 6 months.

  6. The legal profession encourage the blame game
    “Ooh the car bumped your car at 2 miles per hour and you are 1 week pregnant , you must see a specialist you might have back pain your not aware of yet ,I’ll give his number ,no no it’s not your fault. “

    8 months later an out of court settlement by the poor drivers car insurance for 45,000
    Fucking parasites the legal cunts are and there all in on it

  7. The rot, as always, starts at the top. Just look at the public figures who have fucked up recently, yet lie their way out or play a trump card. Mental elf is becoming the ultimate card to play, as often, it cannot be proven either way. Or the old “addicted to prescription drugs” chestnut. It’s never coke or smack is it? Young people will always look for an easy way out, and our politicians, celebs, media and social services constantly provide the means.

    • Absolutely FMC, attention disorder disability in children, (I think that’s what it’s called)
      The parents (if you can call them that) give the kid 5 cans of Fanta before the specialist appointment and hey presto you’re kid suffers from ATD.
      Look forward to more benefits you shower of cunts

  8. Agree MMCM,
    Everyone wants a excuse for why theyre a fuck up.
    But its bollocks and if you use a excuse like that you should be mocked and ashamed.
    Poor men become successful
    Black men too,
    Plenty of wealthy gay men!
    Look at Mucus Rashford his mum worked 7 jobs to afford a loaf of bread from Aldi!
    Now he tells the PM what to do.
    Or Anthony Joshua hes from a poor background, black and gay,
    And despite this he earns good money getting battered off whitemen.

    • Or that Prince Andrew,
      Hes from a dysfunctional family,
      But so are loads of other people and they dont dabble with underage girls!

      • I’ve heard a few dismiss Michael Jackson’s alleged crimes as he ‘never had a childhood, was mentally ill and just trying to have the childhood he missed.

        Remember that Jacko admitted sleeping with very young boys and also admitted having an alarm system to warn him when somebody was nearing the room he was in with a boy.

        Obviously, nothing suspicious there.

      • Cuntybollocks@
        Bit before you came on ISAC there was a poster who was a big fan of whacko Jacko,
        Hed argue and defend MJs legacy?
        Hed get fuckin slaughtered,
        But wouldn’t hear a word against the king of pop.
        He upset admin and get binned.

      • Shamone motherfucker.

        Sounds like a bellend. I’ve met a few like him. Silly cunts.

      • I’m reliably informed that Sir Cliff Richard has the same sort of set up! That’s why Operation Yew Tree hasn’t felt his collar yet, but they will! Oh, you mark my words. He’s as guilty as that Saville bloke but no one says anything because his BFF is God! A bit too squeaky clean and that spells ‘wrong un’ in my book!

  9. ‘Mental elf’ is the big one nowadays.

    “I was depressed due to climate change, so I smoked some smack, drank 9 pints of gin and then went for a drive. I’m sorry I ploughed into a school playground while asleep at the wheel, but I was really suffering with me mental elf innit? Oh, I was taped once too and stuff.”

    Or ‘systemic racism’ (claiming this is racist as it suggests white people are racists and to blame for the crimes of others).

    You got caught get fucked.

    I’d add 5 years to their sentences for trying it on if they make such claims.

  10. All excuses.
    ‘my drink was spiked’ No. You drank too much.
    ‘its my hormones’ No you eat too much.
    ‘its the lack of a father figure’s No. You are a cunt.

    • To be fair, the Russians have been spiking the bottled water for years. It’s no coincidence that the West is suffering an epidemic of wokery.

  11. Have you had an accident that wasn’t your fault?
    You might be entitled to compensation.

    Well yes, every accident that I have ever had can be attributed to someone else if I use enough imagination.

    The ladders didn’t have any instructions.
    There was no warning signs.
    The operating instructions were not clear enough.
    Someone left it there and I tripped over it.

    The result of all this blame is a huge increase in insurance premiums.

    The solution is obvious.

    Accept that people are human and make human errors.
    Compensation should only be paid if someone purposely causes you harm.

  12. Fucking evading responsibility is a national sport played by wasters. It is what has undermined our once great nation. Cradle to grave bennies are central to the malaise. If someone has no need to work they do not have a stake in civic life. Why take responsibility for anything when nothing is expected of you? ‘Compo’ is seen as a human right by these responsibility shirkers. Politicians play up to these useless cunts, egging them on to ever greater sloth. Giving cunts something for nothing really is the road to hell.

    First class nom.

  13. I suppose it starts from childhood. If you are at school and the teachers cannot enforce any meaningful discipline, parents have (a) had all rights removed or (b) are happy to let the state raise their child. Universities are £9K Marxist day care centres with safe spaces for microaggressions and employers are contently walking a tightrope of not being sued by some flakey cunt.

    • Yep , and don’t express your inner thoughts with these all New Shiny , easily offended makey uppy Walt Disney types

      They will hang us all including themselves with Understandings

  14. I want to know what Sir Cliff Richard will use as an excuse when Operation Yew Tree finally reel the leathery old God botherer in. He can’t blame everything on having to wear a colostomy bag since the age of 23, can he?

    • I remember Cliff ,Foghorn
      He was a guest on The Late Late show on RTÉ in Ireland when it used to be broadcast Live
      He was asked by the interviewer ( wasn’t Gay Byrne, retired ) about where it all started and he’s youthful looks and how wonderful his life became with God etc

      Then the interviewer asked the audience if they had any questions for Cliff
      After the usual questions, the third person said to Sir Cliff
      “Well Cliff , fair play to you for getting away with it for this long”
      There was skitting and holding and bursting of pelvises within the audience
      Cliff took about 30 seconds to compose himself and retorted with the response “I resent that , I worked very hard for my career “and on he went
      But the elephant was already present

      God be with the days of live television

      • Can’t believe the self righteous cunt had Sue Barker living in his house and wasn’t banging her. Mind you, the colostomy bag would have been a bit of mood killer.

  15. Even worse are those leftie/libtard cunts who continually make excuses for others who very clearly are utterly undeserving.
    Things like: ‘Oh, we should feel sorry for Tyrone who was a victim also. He may have just hacked up a load of innocent folk in a drug addled rampage but he had an unhappy upbringing and poor education (due to Brexit or Doris Johnson or some other such bullshit)
    Utter fucking cunts!!!

  16. A chief trait of a cunt is the arrogance that keeps them from owning up to wrongs, mistakes, bad decisions, etc. Self delusion makes a cunt live in an alternate reality rather than see themselves as they truly are.

  17. Welcome to my world. Six month history of leg pain, not seen their GP, not taken any pain relief, done fuck-all, three fucking cars on the drive, walk unaided, absolutely as normal to answer the door but the feckless cunt’s dialled 99fucking9. About 70% of our calls are total fucking bullshit made by cunts that don’t take responsibilty for their own fucking health.

  18. ‘Why have you called 999 for an emergency ambulance’?

    ‘Just in case and to check me over’

    Another few months taken off my fucking life…

    • Fine the twats.
      Stupid use of emergency services, £200 for the first offence, double for the second & 3 months inside for the third, plus extra week for every £20 fine not paid.
      Automatic suspension of any benefits, automatic eviction from any council run property.
      Let’s see how many dial 999 because they’ve got toothache, want to know how long to cook a leg of lamb, or can’t be arsed to go to the chemist to pick up their prescription.

      • The worse one was that council slag who phoned 3 nines to report her stolen snowman-which had fucking melted!!!!!!

        Cunts, all!

      • I’d love to give them a 9mm paracetamol, but, the HCPC take a dim view of that sort of thing!

  19. I wonder what bullshit excuses that jizz bucket Katie Price is going to come out with for her pathetic behaviour? A month in the Priory being told it’s not your fault by do gooder twats and she will be ready to pop on loose women and call out some other cunt for being the pissed up, drugged up, chavvy cock hungry slapper that she’s always been.
    You have to own your shit. How else can you move onward unless you accept your mistakes? I own all my fuck ups, from day one. From being a cunt in school to my recent divorce, I acknowledge my mistakes and admit them freely, as I have little time for excuses.
    Human rights are one thing, but they must come with responsibilities, as one without the other will never work in the long run.

  20. If I fell over on a pavement in 1975 it was my fault for tripping over and not watching where I was going. In 2021 it’s the council’s fault; blame the rise of compensation culture, driven by greed not justice. This is why you have instructions for hair dryers that say ‘not for internal use’! I’m sure you have seen plenty of ridiculous examples of warnings that are apparently needed to fend off the hordes of greedy idiots from suing you.

    When I was of pre-school age my Father conducted a survey of the local comprehensives to ascertain if a sample of pupils knew what a verb, noun, adjective was. Turned out none of them knew anything about grammar so he sent me to private school.

    When I left home to live on my own; I could cook basic food and set about learning to make fancier dishes. We now have unprecedented ‘convenience’ food and an ever growing cohort of land whales who think they are perfectly healthy. God only knows about the long term effects of GMO food, veg with added pesticides and fish with added plastic and garbage in the oceans.

    Consequences and punishment. Seems only repeat offenders or the vilest of criminals are punished these days; most are given second chances unless you’ve actually murdered someone in person or do something to offend the state like Julian Assange. And whilst in prison you can get comfy pillows and/or a Playstation for ‘good behaviour’. I know this to be true as I worked for MoJ and visited several prisons.

    Society is dumbed down and self-reliance is absent, I think, by the rise of liberalism, avarice and technology enabling mass consumerism. Most people don’t really need to spell, chop wood, grow food, keep livestock, live within their means, repair something, sew, do basic carpentry, plumbing etc, Why would you when you can just buy new, get it on Amazon or buy someone’s services? I expect most people don’t even know how to make soap to clean themselves.

    And there’s more from me I’m afraid on this topic. Just looked on .gov and as of 2018 there were 15 million people drugged up to the eyeballs. Some chap I read said the number of mental syndromes have been increased from about 70 in the 1930s to 370 today. Read these stats and weep:

    -anti depressants 7.3 million people (17% of the adult population)
    -opioid pain medicines 5.6 million (13%)
    -gabapentinoids 1.5 million (3%)
    -benzodiazepines 1.4 million (3%)
    -z-drugs 1.0 million (2%)

    Sorry I can’t give a pithy soundbite on this as its a subject that probably deserves an entire book to figure out all the causes of dumbing down/lack of responsibility/self-reliance and the dire consequences of not being of that mind set.

      • Whilst we still have civilisation, rather than make Castile soap, I buy a Stephenson liquid soap base (from Sunflower Oil) and add a bit of fragrance oil so I can smell of Chanel No 5 or Miss Dior for a few quid.

        If shtf in this country then I’d have to make it from animal fat and make the lye from wood ash, but then if shtf I’d just dunk myself in a lake tbh.

    • Don’t you dunk yourself in the lake cuntoligist
      I will buy your soap,” because your worth it”

      Oh fuck was that the start time of wokery

  21. ?
    I was walking down the streets
    When I tripped up on a discarded banana skin
    And on my way down, I caught the side of my head
    On a protruding brick chip
    It was the government’s fault
    It was the fault of the government
    I was very let down from the budget
    I was expecting a one million quid handout
    I was very disappointed
    It was the government’s fault
    It was the fault of the government
    I became a semi-autistic type person
    And I didn’t have a pen, and I didn’t have a condom
    It was the fault of the government
    I think I’ll emigrate to Sweden or Poland
    And get looked after properly by a government
    Bring me a bowl of burning gold, bring arrows of desire
    Bring me spear, O clouds unfold
    And though I rest from mental fight
    And though sword sleeps in hand
    I will not rest ’til Jerusalem
    Is built in England green and pleasant land
    It was the fault of the government
    It was the fault of the government
    Jerusalem, Jerusalem…. ?

    (Mark E Smith)

    • As I was walking down the street one day
      I saw a house on fire
      There was a man, shouting and screaming at an upper-storey window
      To the crowd that was gathered there below
      For he was sore afraid

      Jump! You fucker, jump!
      Jump into this here blanket what we are holding
      And you will be all right
      He jumped, hit the deck, broke his fucking neck
      There was no blanket

      Laugh?! We nearly shat!
      We had not laughed so much since Grandma died
      Or Auntie Mabel caught her left tit in the mangle
      We are miserable sinners
      Fi-i-ilthy fuckers


      (Derek & Clive)

      • I like The Verve, not as on point as RTC’s The Fall quote perhaps, but it’s a great song…

        ‘Cause it’s a bittersweet symphony, this life
        Try to make ends meet
        You’re a slave to money then you die
        I’ll take you down the only road I’ve ever been down
        You know the one that takes you to the places
        Where all the veins meet yeah,

        No change, I can’t change
        I can’t change, I can’t change
        But I’m here in my mold
        I am here in my mold
        But I’m a million different people
        From one day to the next
        I can’t change my mold
        No, no, no, no, no

  22. There was a time when I fell from the pillar singing “ where’s your mama gone, where’s your mama gone. Far far away
    Woke up this morning and my mama was gone”
    I woke up indeed in intensive care at the age of 8 or 9
    Was just back home at that minute from Butlins
    They the family always refer to me “ah sure he fell on his head when he was young “

    I fell from our driveway out onto the outside footpath
    I Want my Moneeeey

  23. I’ve just birthed a massive turd.

    So large it’s in the ‘Boss Hogg’ category and has taken 4 flushes and a big brush to send it on its way to the water reclamation works.

    I take full and totally responsibility.

    That is all. Good evening and get to fuck.

    • I do hope you did the right thing and gave them a ring to advise them to get the big knives out.

  24. I cannot tell a lie, it was me that chopped down the cherry tree……..and fucked your mum.

  25. What never ceases to amaze me is that some people never realise that the shit situation they find themselves in can be attributed to being incredibly thick and making poor life choices.

    Like most people, I have made some really stupid mistakes.
    By taking responsibility for those mistakes and working twice as hard to rectify them is how you learn and grow as an individual.

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