Sarah Healey – Lazy Civil Servant

(Bint on the right is the highly paid  “Permanent Secretary at the Department for Digital, Culture Media and Sport” – Day Admin)

Cunters for your delight I nominate this entitled CUNT.

She has been W.F.H for fuck knows how long on full pay probably, now the civil service want her arse in the office again? Oh boo hoo I’d rather W.F.H and ride my Peloton?

It’s about time these pampered cunts were given the option of either coming into work on a daily basis or going to the fucking job centre. Peloton? your payed to shovel papers and assorted shit, not ride a cunts bike.


News Link

Nominated by: CuntyMort

49 thoughts on “Sarah Healey – Lazy Civil Servant

  1. It must be terrible for these wimminz – scared stiff to go to work (but not to spend an evening in a crowded nightclub drinking wine with the girls). If she had to go back to work she would miss Wimminz Hour on Wireless 4, and not keep up to date with the latest gossip on racism, sexism and transbenderism. She listens now while she is farting on her Peloton

  2. There is no reason whatsoever now for people to work at home, unless they have Covid 19 and work with medically vulnerable people. By its nature this would be a short-term, temporary arrangement.

    This overpaid, entitled Karen needs to haul her arse into work or be made to haul it into the local jobcentre instead. There shouldn’t have been the pandering and pleading – her boss should demand her presence in the office along with her staff from 9am the next morning.

    Piss weak government management.

  3. Hang on. She’s the boss of the dept and yet I read this in the linked article:

    “However, she added that online meetings would continue, saying they provide an advantage for her as a woman because it was easier to speak up during them.”

    Well, if she’s not assertive enough to speak in meetings, then why the fuck was she given such a senior position anyway?

    Yes, I know I know.

    And I bet those wimmins couldn’t finish those pints either. Seems like an all wimmins works outing (in charge of sports and culture). No men in the top spots then, eh? Interesting. Probably on expenses too, so more money wasted.

    Get back to work you cheeky cunts. Or get sacked. The MP is absolutely spot on about new/newly promoted staff needing help at work etc.

    Lazy fucking cunts. I know because I used to be a civil servant. Never seen skiving like it before or since.

  4. For a minute I thought some shitty girl group had re-united like All Saints or S Club 7-Cunts. Only the dark-haired one is do-able but I’d require a few pints first.

    If they enjoy WFH, halve their wages and minus the London Weighting, then watch the indolent, middle-aged harpy scurry back.

  5. Fucking lazy cunts!
    More from the “do as we say, not as we do” school of g’vment.

    If forced to return, the mental elf cars will be played-net result:

    Six months off on full pay or made redundant on the quiet, massive payout and a sparkling new home gym for her to dribble yeast on?

  6. I wonder what the minority of her colleagues who for various reasons had no option but to work from an office make of her bleating?
    After all they’ve become worse off,spending time and money going to work whilst cunts like her trouser the difference and laugh about it.
    Sack the lazy fucker.

  7. Force the cunt to do something useful like driving a HGV. Sack a million of the remoaning cunts and no one will notice.

  8. Bus drivers, emergency service workers, refuse collectors, supermarket checkout workers, even paperboys had to go out each day right through the pandemic – I bet this lazy cunt, and all those GPs for example, still not meeting the public after double vaccinations and boosters don’t give a thought for them, and how badly paid some of them are, while imagining they are “better” than them.

    They should just tell this tart, in writing that she is expected back in the office, by say, November 1st, and that if she is not, they will regard her as having dismissed herself. NEVER employ wimminz in a senior role – they take the piss too much. That’s Boggs Law.

  9. Bet the peletons a better ride than this lazy bitch?
    Fuckin peleton skeleton.

    Both my missus an daughter worked from home during the covid thing.
    The missus did a phased return,
    Few days in few days from home.
    But back full time now.
    But the daughters still working from home.
    Cant understand it?
    No mention of going back in?
    Solicitors firm she works for hasn’t demanded she goes back?
    Seem happy for it to continue?!!!

  10. How thrilled I am after getting up at six in the morning, knowing that my hard earned cash will be taxed in ever increasing ingenious ways, to pay for parasitic leeches like this cunt to stay at home, keeping herself moist, whilst riding her yuppie bike. The number of these skivers seems to grow exponentially, year on year.
    The government wants to increase productivity.
    I wonder who that task will fall to ?
    Yes, thought as much.
    Roll your sleeves up, cunters.
    Your country needs you !
    Get To Fuck.

  11. These cunts should be leading by example…… Oh hang on a second, of coarse yes this is the example alot of cunts are following.
    They are fucking lucky they don’t work for me, it would be fuck off, don’t let the door hit you on the way out, strait to the dole que.
    This country has more than its share of these cunts, who want the money without doing the work….. Lazy, good for nothing, skiving cunts… Sack em all, honestly I think we would be better of without a government…..

    • I wasn’t really aware that we have one now. There certainly appears to be nobody in charge, at least nobody we voted for.

  12. I bet all of us middle-aged / late middle-aged blokes here on ISAC went to work every day.
    It was bloody great, especially during the first lockdown…empty roads, relatively cheap fuel.
    Bring back lockdowns!

    • It was like driving round in a dystopian B movie.
      I found it very satisfying.
      Kept rolling the window down.
      ‘ Keep safe, stay in your homes ! ‘ I bellowed, heartily.
      Morning, Mr. Cunt Engine.

      • I think me and Ethel had it very early on. Coughed like a cunt . Me too.
        No tests or anything then, just got through it.
        If that’s what it was.

    • Best time of lives!!
      I remember it fondly!
      Driving was a pleasure,
      And anyone on the pavement moved if you coughed.

      • Fucking right, MNC.
        Unmasked, gently coughing in supermarkets behind some mid-40’s frumpy old cow…splendid fun.
        And I got up to some highly dangerously irresponsible speed on 2 wheels…fantastic.

      • they were great times for driving to work on uncrowded roads; my only regret is more cunts didn’t die

  13. All of this public outing of her will play right into this lazy cunt’s hands, because she will undoubtedly get some online abuse for her massive idleness.

    She will claim that she now has mental health issues and the civil service will probably pension her off at our expense.

    Some of the comments on the Mail site miss the fucking point. A private , profit making business can do what it fucking likes with its employees, the Civil Service needs to be answerable to the Govt and the taxpayer.

    If they want to work from home they should move to a private firm. I’m sure firms will lap up their much sought after skills.

    • The Mail comments section. It doesnt get posted if you scored higher than 80 on an IQ test.

  14. I’ve been trying to figure out where these bitches are in that photo. It’s obviously some kind of stadium and judging by the clothing it’s winter time. It can’t be football because you’re not allowed to drink alcohol within sight of the pitch.
    Oh wait a minute!……it could be Wimminz football. Oh yes, free tickets from the BBC. Another bunch of lazy, taxpayer funded fucking p*nces.

    • It could be the O2 Arena in the Greenwich Dome thingy as they all look like fans of Elton John, Sam Smith, or some other stadium turd-nibbler.

  15. I should qualify my earlier point.

    When I said she will probably get some online abuse, I meant she will DEFINITELY get some online abuse.

    From me and my esteemed cunters first and foremost

    So remember cunters, when she gets paid off. It is your fault

  16. Not one shaved armpit in that photo I’m guessing, leftist wimminz lag way behind women of other political persuasions in the personal hygiene stakes.

    • That said, the Paki was pretty ignorant refusing to shake hands – it’s people like him and Keith Vaz that cause the dislike of the little turds. Indeed, they might be said to be the best advertisement for Paki-bashing you could find.

      • P*ki bashing? Ah, the good old days. That’s an old fashioned custom that needs reviving.
        Trouble is you’d get a ten stretch for that these days. Tommy Robinson got banged up just for photographing the cunts.

    • Well, those assaults on people used to sometimes be on Sikhs not Pakistani Muslims. Sikhs don’t bother anyone. And to be honest, assaulting someone because they are a Muslim isn’t a good thing, is it? What good does that do? Not a hill worth dying on, this Islam crap. Islam is a masterpiece of organised violence, so you are playing into their hands when you give one of them a kicking. You need to use the ‘art of war’ techniques with these cunts. Hoist them by their own petards. We’re not really at that stage yet.

      • I didn’t mean all of them CG, I just meant the hoity toity up their own arse ones like the fucker on the video above and Vaz and shits like him.

      • No, not all Muslims are nasty cunts. In fact, I’ve never encountered a Muslim face-to-face who was a cunt, they have all been civil and often warm and friendly like the barber who used to cut my hair and give me 2 quid off when I was unemployed. I think they behave themselves up in Scotland. It’s down in south-east England that they act the cunt and fancy their chances with the Kafir.

      • “you are playing into their hands when you give one of them a kicking”

        I like your thinking, CG, we need to give ALL of them a kicking

      • If you want to take on 1.8 billion Muslims, Mickey, on yersel’, big man! I’ll be squatting in a cave in the Highlands with a bow and arrow, a 5-year supply of rice and Weston’s 8.2% cider!

  17. Don’t forget everyone, the tax rises that are coming along with the wacky new NI increase pays for these public sector wastes of space.

    The alternative? privatise the lot of it and then watch other cunts get fat on your taxes instead of this tomfoolery….take your pick, they are both dogshit.

  18. Be she transgender? Looks distinctly like a geezer…
    Yay verily, I can surely smell her balls from here….

    • I was thinking it looks like the bloke that plays Father Brown, keen on the hessian undergarments.

    • She does have a passing resemblance to the American comedian Denis Leary …. only saying.

  19. I bet the tart removes the seat of the bike and replaces it with something more phallus, that’s why she needs to be at home more, her flange has been getting overtime.

  20. These cunts need to be remind the clue to whom they work for is in the job title – Civil Servant, to serve the civitas. Not themselves the greedy cunts.

    Bring back Cummings… he hated these mother fuckers as much as we do, and he would have had a major cull had princess nut nut not stuck her neb in.

  21. Just the tip of the iceberg. We could certainly do without the Healey woman – she fulfils no useful function and probably has no formal job description. But this bunch of conscienceless idle cunts is a different matter:

    Last week, as petrol forecourts ran dry and the HGV driver shortage became front-page news, it emerged that a staggering backlog of more than 56,000 applications for ‘vocational’ licences (needed by all lorry and bus drivers) had been allowed to build up in the DVLA’s system.

    We’re fucked.

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