I would like to nominate for a very deserved cunting for the spasticated salt scattering ponce that is salt bae,
This strange weirdo fuck monkey makes Gordo Ramsey look alot less of a cunt, it must be really strange having this performing chimp next to your table, sawing up your gold plated steak, doing his spazzo salting and the charging you a fucking fortune for the strangest experience of your life.
I was lying in the bath, so didn’t skip this video when it came on, but watching this fucking bell end for 3 minutes ts made me realise, he has beaten all the other cunts I’ve seen this week, by a mile.
Don’t get me wrong, there isn’t many things in life that are better than a nice medium cooked rib eye, but having this nutter next to the table would have me putting the ribeye in my pocket and leaving.
All I can say is what a loon this mother fucker really is, there’s hope for gobshite Gordo, a shit for brains Jaimie Oliver, they both look normal compared to this wanker, see the link and make up your own minds……
Uncle Roger is going to get years of material out of this arse clown…
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
They should call the shyster’s restaurant “Anusr-et”
I’ve heard gazelle ribs are to die for. Possibly on the private menu? Doubt I could afford sirloin of Eland en croûte 🙁 [all organic I’d hope, hand fed in the presence of minstrels] should keep everything safely above 5 figures. Skimping on the food budget is such a false economy, yes maybe you save a few pennies but is it worth spongiform encephalopathy ¿
Another ‘I saw you coming’ London eatery. It wasn’t the steak so much as the Petrus. If you need to eat a tomahawk steak covered in gold leaf you’re a wanker and deserve to be ripped off.
Wayne Rooney & co eat there, say no more…?
He needs to empty his manure bags because he is full of SHIT.