Richard Ayoade (2) and Woke TV Ads

Trying to watch a bit of Ryder cup and IPL cricket!

I pay good money for this entertainment and I return have to watch the most ridiculous adverts with anyone that doesn’t look like me.

Don’t get me wrong as I don’t care who delivers their ducking drivel as they might be selling but I’m not buying.

The only thing I might subscribe too is a filter on adverts that represent the advertising audience. I don’t expect my overweight white ass to be on every diet pill advert at half time of a.f.c Abuja’s local derby wit Abuja f.c

so please leave me the fuck alone when I am trying to enjoy a multi racial sport that England suck at even tough they coded it and shared it with every other fucker!!!

Then I need to be reminded every fucking over I’m racist! Get to fuck, I rather we stuck to the sport of bumming less intelligent and weaker school boys instead of showing the world what to do with a fuckin bit of wood or a sheep’s bladder to stop you from muttering the cunts in the next village who are 1 shade lighter on farol and balls African color chart!!

Get to fuck!

Nominated by: Shit cunt

61 thoughts on “Richard Ayoade (2) and Woke TV Ads

  1. Richard Ayoade is an irritating cunt.
    Especially in those adverts for HSBC.
    Babbling on about borders and One World loveliness. Essentially, what Philistines we were in voting for Brexit.
    Smarmy cunt.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Morning Jack,

      One of those token cunts who has just appeared from nowhere. He is also married into the Fox family acting dynasty with Lawrence Fox being his brother in-law. I wonder if they make him use the tradesman’s entrance at Christmas?

      • Morning, LL. He probably doesn’t even get an invite.
        In the unlikely event that he does, he probably gets to do the waiting on and washing up.
        They probably get him a large tub of ‘ Wacko Jacko ‘ skin whitener as a Christmas present, every year.
        His equivalent of after shave and socks, that us regular folk get.
        Fuck him.

    • My advice is get your money out of the Hong Kong and Shanghai banking corporation before China’s property Evergrande company goes belly up . They are doomed.

    • It us weird as fuck to see a irreverent comedian being a whore, especially for an international bank. Sell crisps or something, Richard.

      • Nobody has any morals anymore CG.
        Ant and Dec advertise gambling and most other celebs would sell their bowel movements for a shilling. The world has gone to fuck.
        Has anyone seen the dark key Rupnsel advertising Amazon Prime?

  2. Never heard of this Richard, although judging from his fine Anglo-Saxon surname, one assumes he is from Cadbury’s?

    Every fucking advert, on every fucking platform-the same?
    They should stop this cultural appropriation and keep advertising realistic.

    Dark-keys advertising, thus:

    -tea bags
    -Caribbean holidays
    -appeals for water-aid
    -kitchen knives
    -KFC/McCunt etc
    -single parent benefit claims

    Stop confusing them.

  3. HSBC only gives a fuck about money, like any other bank and any number of baby horses, comedy cunts riding on giant swans or giant animated helping hands would ever convince me otherwise. They will crush you without a second thought.

    As for Mr Ayoade, he was great as Moss in The IT Crowd and I cannot blame him for making a living so I can only give him a minor cunting…with three weeks to pay it back.

  4. Rarely watch TV ads if I can help it, probably because I scarcely bother with terrestrial, cable or satellite TV full stop.
    But TV ads seem to be the perfect platform to push trending social agendas, although they have to be subtle with it so as not to turn it into a political statement (which I think is still banned by OFCOM)
    But its not just woke TV ads that are bollocks, its most tv ads generally: most of which contain lovey-dovey families, or happy smiling old cunts living in nice Barrett Box homes, laughing and smiling at their latest bank statement, or life insurance policy or showing off their new dentures and everything is so fucking nice!

    Come back in 6 months when this country has turned to shit, unemployment rocketing, inflation and interest rates on the rise, and everyone at each other’s throats. Make an advert about the realities of life, and not just for the select few.

    The Future’s Shite: The Future’s Brown (to misquote an old Orange ad)

  5. You can tell these advertising agencies don’t have many BAMEs working for them. If they did they could tell them that “people of colour” are just as prejudiced as anyone else and that they are helping nobody by continually flooding the tv with patronising images of happy smiling black faces.
    But , of course, the agencies are full of posho, Guardianistas called Rupert and Jemima who are so very right on and don’t have a prejudiced bone in their bodies, except when it comes to working class oiks who voted Brexit. Dreadful!
    So what you are seeing on the idiot lantern is not BAMEs promoting themselves it’s a reflection of posh, rich whitey feeling good about himself.

    • “happy smiling black faces.”

      Usually with happy, smiling white wifes and happy, smiling frizzy-mopped kids. The inserting of minorities in programmes where they have no business being, in either reality or history is becoming such a fucking joke, I can’t believe the it’s not widely discussed.

  6. I dont like Richard Ayode.
    Not because hes a speccy smarmy twat.
    Or that he looks like a BAME
    Wheres wally?
    No, simply because of his skin colour.


    • On his anti-Brexit adverts, this nerdy, Where’s Wally mook says, “We are not an island.”
      However, an island is a piece of land completely surrounded by water so this nerdy, Where’s Wally mook is wrong. We ARE an island. What a terrible mistake to make on TV. Perhaps this nerdy, Where’s Wally mook is a cunt.

      • Morning Maggie.
        Aye, for all Richards intellectual posturing he has a very poor grasp of geography and what constitutes a island.
        Hes uppity.
        Professor chiggun.

      • Richard EI Addio, just fuck off and die. In agony.
        By association, HSBC is corporate cunt of the millennium. I must change to Lloyd’s. I doubt if they are any better, but at least they do not employ aforementioned gurning twat.

    • I saw this strange looking chap claiming that we are not an island and immediately realised that he was a cunt. Doubtless, the script writers would argue that the statement was not meant to be taken literally in much the the same way that Ayoade is not literally a cunt.

    • That sounds interesting. Is it a modern day version of the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang child catcher, driving around with a fake KFC van?

  7. Another one of these pseudo-intellectuals that mistakes a knee-jerk post-modern cynicism for some sort of intellectual engagement with the world, when it is in fact nothing more than narcissistic self-absolving disenfranchisement, supposedly redeemed by cheap sentimentality.
    See: the Information-Action Ratio.

  8. If I paid any attention to adverts and such I’d assume we were quickly descending into a dark key infested swamp.
    That can’t be true,can it?

    Welcome to smiley Somalia.

  9. I can jut about accept talking meerkats in ads…I can even suspend my disbelief at the sight of The Wimminz reverse parking cars in ads..but it’s stretching the realms of possibility too far to have adverts showing Coloured men who have jobs or actually stay around with their white beeeattchh long enough to raise kids.

    I’d sooner believe that Sir Philip Green is honest.

      • LOL

        I’m sure I’ve got no idea,Mis….perhaps it’s the title of a Philip Larkin poem ?….or something he heard that time he attended “An audience with The Pope” ?

      • I dont know why I am being singled out. Fuck me Komodo’s has very similiar views. And Cunty Chops is an unrepentant Nazis.
        Might do another Nom. We haven’t had a ding dong over it for a while.
        RT raring to go over our sinless Old Testament ‘allies’.

      • Hehehe ?
        Dont take offense Miles,
        I was only teasing.
        Im not anti-Semitic myself but encourage it in others!!

    • Philip Green is a filthy cunt. No shadow of doubt.

      He is also Jewish. There is of course no excuse for equating the two, nor for using the term ‘y|d’ – from the Polish ‘Żyd’: ‘Jew’ – if you are not yourself a Y|ddish – or Polish – speaker

      The antisemitism trope is very much like the BLM trope, IMO. Criticising the actions of Jewish individuals is antisemitism, in the same way as criticising nonwhite individuals is racism. It goes a stage further, since criticising the Jewish state (whose non-Jewish citizens and diaspora do not have the same rights as Jews) is also antisemitism.

      So there’s not much anyone can usefully say except that Jews are wonderful, and that the profitability (though often not the ultimate success) of some of their business ventures is entirely unrelated to their cultural heritage.

      • Ha ha ha!

        Go and watch that propaganda film “Das Juda” or whatever They called it-cheer you up no end?

        Spoiler alert: Das Juda gets proper fucked.
        ©️Guy Ritchie

  10. I’m surprised the wimminz haven’t been up in arms about being misrepresented on tv yet. I mean, they do give the impression that they all possess an abnormal desire for black cock and Caramac coloured children. Or is this actually the case?

    • Wimminz are relatively low down on the hierarchy of victimhood. Currently it looks like this……


      Therefore Wimminz are fifth at best.

      (Please note these positions are subject to change. This website is not responsible for fluctuations in media constructs.
      When the fun stops, STOP!)

  11. Anyone else noticed that the white guy in the Flash! ad has been replaced by a black actor? The dog is still white – how long before he gets the boot too?

    • My missus spotted that and called me out of my mancave as I refuse to watch ads, charity fund raising events, deviants and those born down cripple creek to name a few.

      • After watching your favourite charity advert just look up the ceos yearly pay
        I do it every time and always come to the same conclusion after reading
        Fuck em if they can pay them that much they don’t need my money
        Mind you I’m a cunt and proud
        And where’s all the life size plastic spazza models complete with callipers gone that used to line our shopping centres? Another part of our heritage erased away

    • The only ads now that are still white are the sun life waiting for god ads ?

      You know…… for the family ?

  12. I find myself listening to radio and watching TV less and less these days. I can’t stand the adverts on the commercial stuff, and the BBC get more and more like a branch meeting of the Labour party these days (some pretentious old tart in a trailer for “Ah – Soul Music on Wireless 4 Extra had to drag “Maggie Thatcher” into her dirge the other day).

    Far better to think of life as it could be: imagine for example, somewhere in Birmingham Jess Phillips accepts a lift on a lorry:

  13. I hate this cunt with a passion. He’s the unfunny English version of the terminally unfunny Adam Hills. His snide nasal voice reminds me of Tony Blair in beige face, have they been seen together? I think we should be told.

    • I wouldn’t mind betting that EI Addio has sucked B Liar’s knob through a glory hole, somewhere on Hampstead Heath.

  14. I’d like to see a gaggle of Left and Right politicians and media icons on a TV advert for a new drink called “Satan’s Spunk”. It’s actually been around for a long, long time, Satan’s Spunk, but now they want us all to guzzle Satan’s Spunk. They even want kids to imbibe Satan’s Spunk. It’s only because, “we care” they government and media say.

    Satan’s Spunk, the taste for a new generation. Also available in Diet and Cherry flavour.

    • Gordon@
      Sorry cant come round for tea at yours tonight something has come up.
      Maybe next week?
      Ill bring my own drinks thanks.

      • Be honest-the invitation said “bring a bottle” and old age has caught up with you ?

      • I can can you a bulk deal on Satan’s Spunk, Mis. £47.49 for 48 litres of Satan’s Spunk on the black market.

  15. He was OK in the IT crowd on TV, but the HSBC ad got the urine temperature up.
    Apart from the obvious anti Brexit jibe ‘we are not an island’, he then goes out of his front door on his bike with a friggin useless face mask on. On a bike for God’s sake. More virtue signalling.

  16. Repetitive indoctrination works. That’s why they do it. Again and again! Divide, Conquer.

  17. Related: I have just turned off the latest (long-trailed) Inspector Rebus serial on R4X. It is wall-to-wall pro-migrant propaganda, and obviously written for that purpose. In which Rebus, investigating the death of a dinghy pilot, will explore every aspect of institutional wokeism and presumably top himself for being white at the end. I lasted 15 minutes, and shall not be returning.

    And see EyeClaudius, above. 10/10.

    • The idea of John Hanna offing himself is very appealing. Talentless cunt.

      Ken Stott WAS Rebus, and also a bloody good actor.

  18. Never heard of the cunt, but the name’s a giveaway. Looked him up. Nigerian father, Norwegian mother ffs. Straight out of Woke Casting. Fenian private school, then Cambridge Footlights, and the rest sorta followed.. Strangely I do not feel a sense of common purpose with this cunt.

  19. I’ve just been editing various African and Middle eastern fizzy drink adverts for a large drinks companies conference. Guess how many whites featured in their ads. Obviously diversity hasn’t reached the uncivilized world yet.

    • We look forward to seeing those ads here in due course, once white privilege – or whitey – has been abolished completely.

  20. Take the people out of ads …

    Oh and don’t replace them with transgender ferrets either! Cunts.

  21. Anything with that cunt in has me launching myself towards the remote control at a speed that would make Usain Bolt blush.

  22. This highly irritating smug cunt who attended a posh school and went to Cambridge is probably minted.
    What do I care?! ….I’ve got something money can’t buy, pale skin and straight hair. Who’s the clever cunt now ,you bastard ?!

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