Priti “Vacant” Patel (4)

After the horrendous murder of the Tory MP, Sir David Amess, Priti Patel is now considering banning online anonymity.

First of all, the piece of shit that murdered Sir David was not making online threats as far as I’m aware. He was just a scumbag jihadi. A ban on online anonymity would not have stopped this attack. She knows full well that terrorists, if they ever do converse with like minded pieces of shit,do not do so in public spaces such as a fucking Facebook page. It’s all done through multi layered encryption and code words are used to disguise what’s going on. A conversation about a birthday cake on telegram might be something quite more sinister.

But she’s fully aware of this, of course.

She seems to be acting like a lot of far left wingers are now. Bad man say hurty words. Ban bad man. Bad man must lose job. And family. Put him jail. Ruin his life.

I can tell you simply why online anonymity must stay. And it’s not just about women who are victims of domestic violence, or about people living under oppressive regimes (China etc) which seem to be the biggest reasons for not banning online anonymity. The picture is much bigger than those important reasons.

For example, you could easily be goaded into giving a response as to your political opinions online. It is not illegal (yet!) to say you are pro Brexit or for strict immigration controls. Or that you don’t agree with transexuals being allowed to compete in women’s sports or allowed into girls’ changing rooms etc. However, say this online and you could lose your job. I know for a fact that in a previous role, I would not have been promoted had my boss known that I voted Brexit. He considered UKIP voters (which I was at that time) ‘Nazi scum’. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’d have magnified any tiny mistakes (or made some up after giving bad instructions) and found a way to get rid of me (constructive dismissal). I left that job because I couldn’t take listening to his far left bollocks all day (think Ash Sakar – those kind of rants all day). He was a vindictive cunt so I knew giving a different viewpoint would’ve been the beginning of the end.

If there is no forum for people with conservative (yes, that’s you Patel, or at least it should be!) or patriotic views to let off steam, then it will create a false society where majority views are suppressed even more than they already are.

If she’s using this murder as an excuse to silence people (which it will, jobs could be lost etc) then she can fuck right off. If people can’t handle different views on social media or the internet in general, then the answer is simple.

Get the fuck off the internet you soft cunts!

Don’t let this daft tart try this on.

‘Conservative’ my fucking arse!

News Link

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

58 thoughts on “Priti “Vacant” Patel (4)

  1. Why is the UK cabinet got an ethnic makeup of the Pákistani parliament, I thought ‘minority rule’ was evil?

    • Captain, it is probably part of the great Muslim takeover by stealth. A Trojan horse designed to bring down the system from within.
      Think about it, the managed to close our pubs and forced us to cover our faces.

      • A certain Health secretary peaceful by the name of Savage Jab-it has recently been threatening the compliant masses with Christmas lockdowns etc unless they all queue up for shot number 3.

        A peaceful who wishes to ban Christmas.

        People voted for this party into power.
        (I didn’t)

  2. She’s just another career politician who had her backbone surgically removed as soon as the Cons won office and she became part of the Government Front Bench. Sitting alongside the other sans-backbone cunts who are too afraid to follow traditional Tory policies and have adopted a pick ‘n’ mix ideas fromf Liebour , LibDums and Greens instead.

    Disloyal cunts to a man (and woman… and all the bits in-between)

  3. Anything but decisive action against enemies of the country.
    Doesn’t matter what it is,just so long as it sounds tough but doesn’t actually address the real security threats.

    After all “Lessons will be learnt”.

    The lessons seem to involve members of the public putting up with being savagely murdered.

    Fucking useless cunt.
    Nowt new then.

  4. Shame the Labour government under Jezza Corbyn has fucked this country up over the last ten or so years. Oh, hang on…

    (No, I’m not advocating a Labour govt. before anyone says).

    A nom about precisely this will be coming along shortly – NA.

    • How long can they carry on with the strategy ‘at least we ain’t as bad as the others’?
      It’s like choosing which bollock you want kicked, the left one or the right one.

      • Different cheeks of the same arse. It’s like choosing which method you want to be executed by – the result is going to be the same.

      • “Spoiled ballot papers is the only way to go.”

        I’ll admit there is much humour to be had therewith. Having stood for election (on a distinctly right wing ticket I will add) at the end of the count and before the result is declared the Returning Orifice calls the candidates and their election agents to the table and he goes through the spoiled ballots giving the reason for its spoilage and ALSO reads out the comments such as how far someone has suggested they might “ram yer election up yer (beep) arse!”.
        Jolly fun…great days…

  5. Wishful thinking maybe, but we need Mr Farage running this country. Coupled with getting rid of that fucking idiot Biden, progress could be made.

    Whatever happens, the repressed majority WILL eventually let of steam. Forced to by the imbecilic views of the far left. I hate them.

    • Farage is too busy making shifty gypo commercials about selling gold and the family silver to worry about anything else.

      • Bang on Spanky, Forage is no saviour of the British people, he’s a low-cal civic nationalist at best and not even a very convincing one,

  6. Look at the so called CONSERVATIVE Home Secretaries since the last Labour government……

    Mavis May
    Amber fucking Rudd the Dud
    Sajid Peaceful Javid
    Priti Useless

    Notice the pattern? All clueless and soft as shit. All ‘lessons will be learned’ merchants.
    Coincidence? I don’t think so.

    • Good nom, Patel is a pitiful disappointment. But Willie Whitelaw was the same, and Dougie Hurd, Roy Jelly and Kenny Clarke! Lessons to be learned. Never happen again, blah fucking blah, ad infinitum, Home Secretaries have usually been weak cunts. Robert Peel and Herbert Morrison being exceptions.

  7. Sir David Amess was opposed to covid tyranny.

    Then he was murdered.

    Shades of Dr David Kelly

    Fuck Patel, fuck this spineless government and it’s so called opposition (because there isn’t any)

    • Entirely possible. Son of former adviser to the Somalian PM, potentially coming into contact with those upper circles and spooks. A little dash of MKUltra with your chardonnay and cocaine, sir?

      • All you have to do is look around everything that’s going on in the world to see that nothing is too far fetched.

        Even the most ardent followers of the official narrative (or bullshit narrative as I like to call it) must see we’re being governed by total bastards or they are willingly blind, naive or both.

        After all – it only takes a year at the most nowadays for what was sneered at and dismissed as a “tinfoil conspiracy” to become fact.

    • Michael Howard might have been a Dracula looking cunt but he put lots of wrong ‘uns in the clink and crime went down on his watch. Prison works, who’d have thunk it?

      Patel is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.

  8. It won’t be long before there’s a curry house installed at the houses of Parliament. White British stiff upper lip is a distant memory. We have turned into a soft shithole.

  9. How about fat useless gutless sack of chavvy Lambrini gulping shit Patel stops the m*rderous carpet riders disembarking every sunny day on the Kent coast?
    Want to combat terrorism you waddling brain dead fucking clown?
    As I have often said, there is not one political party which will stop the destruction of the UK and the indigenous white population so time to get rid – all of them – by voting for independent apolitical members of the public at the next election – the supposed “alternative” and “freedom” parties are a sham filled with grifters and controlled “opposition” who just want their fingers in the till, their snouts in the trough and their endless seats on the taxpayer funded gravy train.
    And the new rules? Monday-Friday 9 to 5, 4 weeks holiday a year plus stats, NO MORE free taxpayer funded food and booze, and a 90% reduction in expenses – any taking the piss face dismissal, Court and potentially prison – pointless replacing useless greedy traitor bastards with more of the same and if politics is a “job” then the same rules apply as with any other employees.
    I am taking action by challenging my MP at the next election – because sitting by as we are eliminated is no longer an option.
    Time to step up.

      • Apart from her being an ineffective fat-arsed aggravating bitch, what have you got against her?

      • HJ@ Afternoon HJ/All – life gives us all one lap of the track – I am trying to make mine count by doing my bit to stop the rot.
        Whether I prevail or I fail I will give it everything I have

    • “I am taking action by challenging my MP at the next election – because sitting by as we are eliminated is no longer an option.
      Time to step up.”

      Swear to god I’m sorely tempted to dust off the saddle, sharpen the old cutlass and oil me political spurs m’self. Lotta hoops to jump through Vern but not insuperable. will need a bit of financing and that must also be fully accounted. Then there’s compliance with the Pol. Parties and Referendums Act yada yada…
      My oppo from my days in the party was in large part responsible for hauling the party into line with electoral law and he knows this stuff inside out. He called me recently as it goes and I mentioned I’ve got the live footage and the Leeds rehearsal tapes from when we did a set at the Red White & Blue Festival (we had Nick G join us on stage for the last song – good voice as it goes) and he’s nagging me to drop the discs off so he can copy ’em. Think I’ll give him a prod, see if he wants to re-vitalise. There are still a few keeping the flame going such as Mark Collett at Patriotic Alternative.

  10. Slowly and stealthily, all our rights & liberties are being taken.
    Orwell was right, just 40 years out on the date
    1984 in 2024 – thought police

  11. I’ll concede anonymity online.. if all the spooks, government agencies and all their employees and contractors, the military and all its personnel, all concede anonymity too. And also the cessation of the ‘5 eyes’ mass surveillance and data storage of the public, that Snowden exposed, where we spy on the public of the other nation and hand data back to their agencies to get around laws.

    No? Ok, fuck off then you globalist cunt.

    • “…if all the spooks, government agencies and all their employees and contractors, the military and all its personnel, all concede anonymity too…”

      Exactly. And Snowden/Assange weren’t exposing government ‘secrets’ they were exposing government CRIMES! Big difference.

  12. She is indeed a fucking useless cretin who manages to stand out whilst surrounded by other useless cretins. Quite an achievement I guess.
    Still, I can’t help wondering if she’s a decent fuck. Does that mark me out as warped or something?

    • I’d definitely fuck her. Her face is a 9.5 out of 10 for me. But she’s got fat as fuck. I’d just drench her and my cock in baby oil and bang her all over the shop. She might have slimmed down a bit by the time I’d finished with her.

      Sounds like you might have a great new workout idea there – NA.

      • The thought of kissing the gunner’s daughter for Penny Mordaunt is about the only thing that gets my blood racing these days. Apart from other deviant behaviour involving the luscious Penny.

  13. Great to see the elites ,who shat on the biggest vote in British history shitting on freedom of expression. The idea we live in anything resembling a free, democratic society is a laughable. It would actually help however if people who can stand in their own name do so.

  14. Instead of giving David Amess’s dog an awarded, and punishing the general public (who had fuck all to do with the Muslim terror attacks). Why not have a more suitable response?

    – Why is this Peaceful cunt’s Mosque still in operation? Why are any Mosques attended by terror loving cunts still open? I’d close every one of the shit holes up if it was up to me but this would be a decent start.
    – Why has this cunt Peaceful’s family and friends not been given a heavy handed and over the top police raid? Jean-Charles de Menezes got some of that for a lot less.
    – Why have they not started armed raids on loads more of these cunts, linked to him or not? Again, Jean-Charles de Menezes got ventilated for a lot less.
    – Why not start cracking down on the illegal, scrounging cunts coming over from France?
    – Or sending back the “interpreters” and their scrounging, grasping families? They’ve already found Taliban amongst them so fucking them all off would cut the risk
    – Or telling the Muslim Council of Britain to shut the fuck up about “Islamophobia”?

    Why have they done NONE of this and why did they let that cunt Salman Abedi’s brother skip the UK this week? They’ve got good reason to go in hard, given these cunts kill MPs as well as children.

    More and more I get the feeling MPs think Peaceful terror attacks are something the general public have to put up with. When there is something by a single “far-right” nut then you’ll see a much bigger reaction. After all, look at the Jo Cox response vs the David Amess one. With Jo Cox the narrative was that her killing represented Brexit voting scum, with this one a straw man narrative around “hateful” comments was put into action almost instantaneously.

    • Him skipping the country is a good thing, one less scrounging dangerous cunt in the UK…good fucking riddance.

  15. The nom is spot on, it’s nothing to do with ‘far’ anything, until free speech is allowed and anyone who bullies, coerces or cancels people who speak there mind are prosecuted then anonymity has to stay.
    It’s even worse when what is being said is fact, proven by science rather than opinion is not challenged but threatened and bullied, the example of the professor who had the nerve to challenge the trans ideology (she has now resigned after all the abuse).
    Let free speech be free, nowt to do with terrorists.

    My MP is pushing to get an inquiry into the grooming scandal in Bradford, I bet there isn’t much support from Bradford council, cunts don’t want to know how widespread it was.

      • Yup, and you can be sure Epstein’s replacement was in place and functioning probably months before he got whacked.

  16. Ooohhh, dont like the sound of this!
    This comes to pass, you lot are fucked!!
    Be sloppping out on H block with jahidi John.
    Ive prepared a document because I saw this coming.
    Named and shamed you all.
    And willing to identify you in a line up.
    No stone left unturned I say!

    Luckily for you nazis Priti vacant is all mouth,
    Shes done fuck all bar make empty promises since getting in.
    The only thing the feckless fat cunt knows is how to clean her plate with a naan bread.

  17. I think it is priti (boom boom) much conclusive that this inept fat cow is fucking useless and simply cannot be taken seriously.

    I dare say she is the pin-up of the RNLI (aka Gimmigrant Taxis) though.

  18. In some ways the government is shit. Compared to other governments around the world it compares favourably in many ways.

    I can’t make my mind up about Boris, my opinion swings from globalist puppet jelly fish to a man trying to negotiate a sea full of woke sharks the best he can under the circumstances.

    Would we rather have May back or David Cameron and his boys club capitalists?

    Patel makes me lean towards the puppet argument, she’s either fucking useless or she does the bidding of the globalists as Boris sits back and asks his wife if he can go out and play yet.

    Given the shit the government throws money at then I don’t see them balking at increasing the security budget by a few million and providing armed security for MPs whilst they are out in public. Given the security environment of the last two decades it could almost be called negligence not to do so.

    if I were cynical I’d be tempted to believe that MPs are left as easy targets in order to enable them to be easy prey for terrorist attacks.

    If I were Home Secretary I would me more concerned about who was entering the country illegally than who was posting bile anonymously. If anyone seriously believes the intelligence agencies can’t obtain data on where the majority of posts are coming from they are naive.

    The government doesn’t want us to have any privacy but hides behind the official secrets act to coverup its own sins. I’ll be honest here and admit that I’d not have anyone of non British heritage in government, local or national, I think it’s the road to self destruction. However we do and so far not one of them has done a damn thing to change my mind.

    I’m fully aware that there’s a majority of white British shit in politics too, but the likes of Abbot, Lammy and Khan have and obvious prejudice against the indigenous people of this country, Patel doesn’t vocalise the same prejudice but her actions do us far more harm.

    She should be sacked.

    • Exactly.Doris lacks a spine.All out for themselves.Oink oink oink pigs at the trough.

  19. Met the bitch once. Tiny Fit face, massive body. Makes no sense. I’d definitely give her one and then make her sleep on the floor..

    • Herr OBS Von Stinkfinger

      Ze Fuhrer is increazzingly concerned at ze moral decay now evident in ze SS. Zis cannot be toleraded. We heff received reports from ze Abwehr indicating that you haff expressed ein desire to pork ein prominent sheiss-haut named Patel.
      You are commanded to report to ze Berghof at 09:00 as your Fuhrer has serious questions that need answers. His prinziple one being…
      “Does Herr Stinkfinger think her ring hole tastes of lamb balti?”


      Reichsleiter Chops

  20. Fuck me, I just wandered past a TV. Saturday night with bender Phil and a bunch of fucking towel heads. I honestly thought I was in Pakistan. I’ve watched alot of shit telly all over the world, always indigenous contestants. This itv cuntfest has really dropped me to a deeper more hate filled far far right winged English person. I’m not happy.

    • Nurture that flame Cuntflu…? … we’re gonna need all the fire power we can muster.

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