LinkedIn (2)

About 20+ years ago when I thought I was a dynamic entrepreneur I subscribed in the hope business would come my way. It didn´t. It just brought hustlers and conmen telling me how great they were, trying to sell things to me which I didn´t want. So I gave up and unsubscribed.

Well I thought I had until recently because I obviously still exist in Link In´s cyberspace and am now being bombarded daily with crap telling me how to reinvent my career and explore new “exciting” opportunities.

As I couldn´t give a damn about my “career” anymore and am happy to sink into obscurity it´s just another irritation. However, I have noticed that several people I worked with back in those days are still active and it´s pathetic to see how they are still trying to sell themselves although they must be nearing the end of their shelf lives.

One woman has become the marketing director of a multinational. Good for her but at what a cost. She writes North Korean-style “inspiring” items almost every day, is forever congratulating colleagues on their “achievements” and even uses incidents from her personal life to flag the company message. She has even stooped so low as to regale us with details about her son´s first job and how proud she is of him, complete with photographs. God knows what the boy feels like.

Every one of her comments has her employer´s logo along with its corporate motto. I wonder how she will feel about this slavish public obsequiousness when she is fired and replaced by a younger cheaper sycophant.

The social media has turned people into slaves.

Nominated by: Mr Polly

26 thoughts on “LinkedIn (2)

    • There the same uniforms they wore when Kim’s dad was around
      Think they lost a bit of weight with the New fellow

    • Guzziguy@ Hugo Boss always turned out a smart uniform. ⚡⚡
      Excellent for picking up the chicks ?

  1. Its shite.
    When it first came out I had my details on it on the chance itd bring me more work in.
    Jack shit.
    Occasionally theyd mither but id already lost interest.
    Waste of time.

  2. It’s the work equivalent of the interminable “round robin” at Christmas. Whenever I get one, it goes straight in the bin unread. I’ve a good mind to send one back saying that I’ve got AIDS and 2 weeks to live, the house has burnt down and Lady C has come out as a transgender.

  3. The only way I have found to get business is to make sure each client is happy and word of mouth will do the rest. I do no advertising or soshul medjuh at all and I have more business than I know what to do with.
    Also, I was told by a client that because I show up at all I am in the top 1%.

  4. I typed my name into it and was taken aback by the amount of cunts around the world with my name, World leaders in their field , wouldn’t have a pint with none the cunts though

  5. Word of mouth is always the best recommendation?

    I wonder What Ole Solksaar’s Linked-in page will say, when he gets the boot?

  6. I receive an email from this dubious organisation every few weeks saying “4” or “3” people have looked at my profile this week.

    The odd thing is I retired about 10 years ago and have never joined the organisation. loathe the idea of “networking” and making myself an employee whore – and nobody in their right mind would employ me anyway, even if I were willing to kowtow to wimminz and darkies, which I am not. Very Un-PC very un-Linked-in

  7. LinkedIn, like all other “social media” platforms, is for 12-year-old girls with attention-seeking issues; I wish all of them (Facepuke, Twatter, PooTube, etc) fabulous good fortune … … … at making loads of money out of utter cretins.

  8. Was a member years ago until I started seeing profiles of people I had worked with.
    They were without doubt, the most lazy, workshy fuckwits you would not want to meet, but who would guess reading their bios! ?

  9. Great cunting! Linkedin, where to start?!

    When I’m not being Berkshire Huntmaster on ISAC I am actually in senior leadership in a large multinational. I found this gig on LinkedIn, so there is that.

    But it truly is a woke, virtue signalling wankfest. It comes with the territory that you have to have an online presence now. So I have to hold my nose and play along. Though I do only enough of that to make me look like I’m on board with sustainability, diversity and other such woke shit, it’s still enough to ensure that I have an online entourage of shysters, wannabes and snake oil salesmen stalking me because they think I can help them somehow. Either by getting them a job or sending some business their way. Most of the cunts I’ve never met but they act like they’re my long lost twin in their unsolicited approaches, the cunts.

    I can also relate the story of one cunt who has definitely lost work due to his linkedin activity, though he doesn’t know it. In a previous job I worked with a self employed consultant who seemed like a nice guy and did a good job. I connected with him on LinkedIn to keep in touch expecting to need his services again.

    I previously knew fuck all about his politics and didn’t care. Then the Brexit vote happened and he turned out to be the most rabid remoaning cunt imaginable. Then he started posting on any and every woke cause imaginable and declaring his adulation for Jeremy Corbyn. I resolved to never have anything to do with the cunt again.

    Fuck social media. Antisocial media is where it’s at, though ironically iSAC is far more civil than the rest of the cunts.

  10. I set up an account about five years ago just after a redundancy, hoping it might help with my job search activity. Sweet FA from that. I got a job by emailing a company direct with my cv and have been with them ever since.

    All I’ve had from linkedin though, is a load of crap emails, almost daily, asking if I know this or that cunt, or some cunt wants to add me as a contact. I’ve never heard of any of them, so fuck knows how they got my details. Seems it’s just full of poseurs anyway.

    • Yeah it is all poseurs. All those ‘do you know this cunt, do you know that cunt?’ emails are just phishing to profile everyone for analytics algorithms. Today that’s for targeting advertising, tomorrow for generating your social credit score. Tell them fuck all or lie.

  11. Woke hell yes! I dare not say what I think on linkd in. That’s what ISAC is for!

    When I was out of work I looked in one day and found a pm to contact a distant acquaintance, ended up with the most interesting job I’ve had yet.

  12. There was a time when you could only join LinkedIn by being invited by an existing member. For many years, it was an evolving and expanding business networking site and had its uses for sure. However, for the last several years it has gradually gone down hill as more and more social media cunts have turned it into FecesBook 2.0.

    Posting pictures of your relative and crowing about how inspirational they are. Coming up with pithy one liners looking for likes. Posting pictures featuring mohammed and droning on and on about how your love for your god gets you through the day (I’m not kidding). Posting links to some political event and then slagging off the dems/repubs (take your pick). All these things and more are commonplace on LI now. If there wasn’t a FecesBook, then I could almost understand it. But there is and this crap has no place on a business networking site.

    Microsoft, who owns LI, have allowed a half decent idea to turn into a virtue signalling shit show. Today’s LI is a fucking disgrace, overly populated by cunts who abuse it just like any of the other social media sites. It is beyond a joke and no longer fit for purpose.

    I long for the day when I can retire and without fear of backlash or being cancelled, post this on stupid irrelevant click bait posts:

    Virtue: Signalled.

    Until then, I keep my usage of it to a minimum. Use it when I need to and try to avoid most of the banal, pointless, stupid, irrelevant, mundane, egocentric and moronic content.

    There’s a gap in the market for a new, fit for purpose, business networking site for people in and looking for work, leads, recommendations and business related help. But we all know what would happen to it after 6 months, don’t we? Why bother.

  13. I don’t have linked in account, but I do have an account on that indeed job website.
    My latest job I could only apply online. Usually I’d hand the prospective employer a printed CV but it’s all online these days.

  14. Personally I wouldn’t believe a work on that site. It seems to be a place where narcissistic, self obsessed arseholes lurk. I know of one posting that a mate found (I’m not on that particular site) it was posted by an ex work colleague. This post claimed this cunt, and he is a cunt as he ‘converted’ to fucking Islam and became a carpet kisser, had a First Class Business degree from Halifax Uni. At the time he claimed this accolade the cunt was a fucking junkie. I mean a proper, full on junkie. Heroin, speed, dope, shrooms, you name it, he took it. He sold most of his worldly possessions to fund this habit. Came into work after being roughed up once. No one verifies the utter bullshit on there, it’s a festival of lies, smoke and mirrors.

  15. Personally I wouldn’t believe a word on that site. It seems to be a place where narcissistic, self obsessed arseholes lurk. I know of one posting that a mate found (I’m not on that particular site) it was posted by an ex work colleague. This post claimed this cunt, and he is a cunt as he ‘converted’ to fucking Islam and became a carpet kisser, had a First Class Business degree from Halifax Uni. At the time he claimed this accolade the cunt was a fucking junkie. I mean a proper, full on junkie. Heroin, speed, dope, shrooms, you name it, he took it. He sold most of his worldly possessions to fund this habit. Came into work after being roughed up once. No one verifies the utter bullshit on there, it’s a festival of lies, smoke and mirrors.

  16. A site for people too odious to get on The Apprentice. Talentless, charmless blaggers, chancers, go-getters and Walts.
    Never used it and i never want to.
    Sounds like Mr Polly’s acquaintance has the corporate logo tattooed on her arse.
    What a feeble little bint.

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