In the wake of the tragic and senseless murder of Tory MP David Amess, Leadbeater, sister of the Saint Jo of Cox, has come out to say her partner has asked her to step down as an MP so that she doesn’t end up the same way.
Now, I’m not cunting the sentiment behind this – we all know what happened to Jo Cox and David Amess by now and whatever else you might think about MPs in general, in any sane and functioning democracy they have the right to go about their constituencies without fear. But what I am cunting is the timing and motivation about this announcement.
FFS, Amess isn’t even cold yet, and Leadbeater is trying to make this all about her and her sister. We all know that the newly installed MP isn’t seriously going to step down and risk a Labour seat, especially after the by-election was so closely fought. This is all about Leadbeater and Labour milking the Cox murder for every drop they can get. And the BBC are equally to blame as they make this one of the headline stories on their site.
Link to story. (Link courtesy of: Sick of it – NA)
Nominated by: Le Cunt Noir
The bitch forgets to mention that, during the election campaign, she was followed around by gangs of Peacefuls harassing her about the poor Palestinian children who she didn’t want to talk about and the fact that her caring “partner” just happens to be a Wimminz. (carefully avoided in the BBC article. In fact, exactly the same trash who murdered the Tory MP.
On the other hand the said Peacefuls might have had some legitimate concerns that Saint Kim only joined the Labour Party 2 months before and was parachuted in to trade on the name of her martyred sister.
She may be a novice when it comes to party politics but she quickly learned that the BBC is on her side. This woman disgusts me quite frankly, as does everything she represents.
Blimey, I misread “novice”… Oh dear…
That was more Brendan’s dept., IIRC.
So let’s get this right; Leadbeater goes to the BBC with the ‘ground breaking’ news that her partner wants her to give up?
This woman just can’t bear to be out of the limelight.
Self indulgent arseholery at its finest. A crass and supremely insensitive move whilst David Amess’ friends and family are grieving.
Oh….I think I forgot to mention that the BBC are a bunch of fucking cunts.
Sorry about that.
One of these days, we’ll have to cunt the BBC!
It is typical of Labour wimminz that any and every tragedy that happens to others is turned in towards themselves. That ghastly old hag Claudia Webbe saw fit to play the race card this weekend in an effort to save herself from prison by stating that she had been “a black woman in a white court” and that she would be subject to “racism and sexism” inside. Webbe isn’t currently a Labourite, but she started as one, and, no doubt, as an independent still thinks like a Labour woman. A term in prison might make her reconsider her ideas on acid as a revenge tactic. But she won’t go inside anyway – six months community service at her local KFC shop is the harshest punishment she will endure.
As for Leadbeater, if she is that scared she ought to resign, straight away. Failing that she could take a self defence course at the Lesbian labour Ladies Self Defence Group, who meet every Tuesday in Dyke Hall, Middlesex.
I’ve been a white man in a black court, well I can’t say “court” exactly, more sort of panga to the throat being told to “fuck off or die honkey”, SAM8O5 aren’t exactly bright enough to run a legal system, best leave it to those nasty little whiteys!!!
we never stopped hearing that St. Jo’s killer was “far right”, but the media seem to be doing a great job of avoiding the connection of Islam to Amess’s murder. The more we put up with this shite, the more we will see child bombings, child groomings and the rest of it.
Lead Bitter is the same type of feminazi cunt who trade on the cliched trope of “strong independent women” and then go crying to the BBC or Graunaid when confronted with abuse that any man would just be expected to deal with as part of the job.
Labour MP’s may have to deal with fringe right-wing nutters but abuse Tory MP’s and Sir Nigel of Farage receive from the mainstream media, fellow politicians, and activists is much more vitriolic.
She’s a fellow M.P. whose own sister was killed in pretty much the same way….of course the Press asked her to comment….perhaps she should have refused to say anything,eh?…then you could have wailed about the “heartless Labour bitch”.
Leadbeater is undoubtedly a cunt for many reasons, but not in the context of this cunting.
Tear down every mosque.
Expel every muslim.
And the majority of cunts like this would never get elected.
Vote Labour.
Get islam.
Fuck off.
Good morning.
Too late now. We’ll all be doing a 4 day week soon so we can go to Friday prayers. We are fucked.
Many places already do
More like a three day week. Excellent old BBC mockumentary called “If the lights go out”. Based on Chechen terrorists blowing up the Russian gas pipeline at Vyborg.
I am trying to eradicate fear; something like this is doubtless on its way.
They don’t give a fuck when it’s us getting blown up, or our kids getting groomed by the usual suspects, but as soon as one of theirs is attacked, it’s all over the news, we need to get rid of anonymity online and we need to spend millions on their security.
For problems they make in the first place.
Get to fuck!
Apart from being an MPs’ sister, what makes her a good candidate to be an MP anyway?
Token grifter.
Love a woman with a strong jawline me.
Some say its masculine?
I say she looks like she can take a punch.
Not like her sister.
More of a biter than a beater.
Leadbitter looks like a Lithuanian lorry driver and probably has a hairier balksack.
The timing of her statement is in the same category as the ‘burying bad news’
I doubt she will quit, £80,000 a year plus expenses, do fuck all except mention sister Jo occasionally, piece of piss ?
Did you know that she was killed by a far right terrorist ?
Go on Jack, name and shame him. Tell us he was a Christian fellow, who was born here and loved our own values. A man who stood up and did something rather than talk about it. You won’t read that anywhere.
I read about this ‘far right’ nutter and his views.
Seemed a moderate to me?
Bloody liberal.
The “far right terrorist” was a lonely, Billy no mates little nerd who had a couple of books about Hitler. One thing that’s always intrigued me is where he got the gun from. He’s always refused to say and the coppers don’t seem to be bothered.
Now I wouldn’t know where to get hold of a gun but the first place I would go is my local Parking Stanley shop. They seem to be able to get their hands on anything there.
I bet they could get me a picture of Theresa May in the nuddy if I was prepared to pay the asking price. It probably wouldn’t be that much but why would I want it in the first place?
Dont think it was a gun as youd think of a assassin carrying,
Think it was some sort of modified airpistol?
Hed tinkered with it himself.
It was more the knife he used I think?
Maybe wrong.
It was a sawn off .22 rifle. He shot her twice in the head then stabbed her 15 times.
So the knife, 2.2 air rifles are fuck all.
For rabbits an rats etc.
As lads wed shoot them,
Occasionally ‘accidently’ shoot each other up the arse.
Stings but wouldn’t kill you.
Hed of been better off with a crossbow .
Or obviously not fuckin doing it at all.
Perhaps it’s worth remembering that the Nazis were actually a Left Wing party?
Skinheads with swastika tattoos on their foreheads, take note…
I’d love to be an MP, it’s looks a right laugh these days and 80 grand a year? Fucking nice. Get a bunch of lackeys to do all the hard work and just do fuck all then get pished at night and roll in hungover the next day and sleep it off until lunchtime then go on the BBC and finger your own asshole to the nation. I practically live this lifestyle already, so just give me the 80 grand and I’ll tow whatever party line is in fashion.
It’s all about control.
Steer everything away from the ever increasing menace of the imported and home grown jihadi fanatics.
Appeasement is for cunts.
And we have far too many of them already.
I hadn’t heard of this woman until recently so I looked her up on Wikipedia. Rarely have I encountered such a mundane person in public life. She attended a couple of third rate universities to do non subjects and now she is given £80k plus expenses to vote as she is told.
Initially, I was a tad bitter about Leadbeater but I realised that she is typical of the vast majority of MPs – little talent and suitable only for the more menial type of work.
That’s what politics in Britain has devolved into: a gravy train for soft, thick, annoying nobodies who have no ideas, solutions, improvements, but nevertheless will constantly drone on with derpy monologues and collect their 80 grand per year plus expenses for wallpaper and have a dozen underlings who do all the hard work, even their shopping and anything else the MP can’t be arsed doing themselves.
She get right on my tits. Her ugly fucking boat race is on Yorkshire telly all the time. She is full of the usual shite. Proper cunt.
She favours Billy Connolly when he was clean shaven.
Did you know that the lovely Kim has an MBE for “services to social cohesion”? That means, after her sister’s murder, she came out with the usual libtard bullshit about forgiveness, love not hate, diversity is our strength etc etc . Doesn’t it warm the cockles of yer heart me old flower?
“Is she a Dyke because even a double dose of blue can’t get it up for her “ ? Asking for a friend.
This peice of shit was cozying up to the peacefulls in her campaign until they took exception to her stance on the LGBT and teaching it in schools. One thing I agree with the peacefulls on.
This bitch makes everything about her sister.
With what happened to David Amess, it will be interesting to see what happen to his seat seeing as the British Freedom Party are going to stand for it.
Suck Dick Khan needs another cunting after his comments on David Amess. He said he was deeply saddened when he passed away, nothing about being stabbed to death by an extremist Muslim. Total contrast to his comments on chiggin George who he said was brutally murdered. Utter Cunt.
Ah, I didn’t realise she was a carpet licker. It all makes sense now, Liebour would have fallen all over themselves getting her to stand. The cuntitude magnifies immensely. Plus she’s probably been in the shadow of the sister all her life as she wasn’t too shabby appearance wise.
Does she have a poodle called “Precious”, a collection of exotic moths, 1980’s Soviet night vision goggles and a cellar with a well in it?
This one is simples – once you become an MP you become a cunt.
If you are already a cunt (which is a condition to become an MP, because let’s face you probably like noshing yourself off) then you become a Cuntmaster.
It’s a fucking gravy train. You can go for 35 years as an MP and absolutely jack shit for the country like Diane Abbott and have a nice big house in London and swig gin and tonic every night and get on TV and be a blustering spastic and no one gives you the boot as you are seen as a “pillar of the community” meaning you haven’t yet turned Hackney and Stokey into a Mad Max hellscape. The cunt that replaces Abbott wil get the blame for that. See how this shit-show works? Purge parliament at the next election…
I was watching Abbott on TV last night thinking fuck me my 9 year old can do better but she ain’t bleck so probably not…
Pillar of the feckin communnidee??!
Flabbott should be foundations for HS2.
Replace MPs will an iPad screwed to a broom-handle with an AI version of Bill Shankly. Britain will bloom like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon!
… same ol’ same ol’ … whenever something is said, done or brokered … you get the ‘me too’ I have a story/scenario exactly like that to share even though you don’t need or want to hear it. Cunts! Sometimes life’s about others but of course most of the time no one gives a fuck.