Adele (6)

I realise there will be a new glut of cuntings for Adele but on the day her new album – imaginatively entitled “30” – is announced all over the MSM I had to put in my two-penneth.

So big was this “news” that R4’s Today nearly wet themselves blurting it out. This one is about the break up of her marriage. Her previous efforts were about the endings of her other relationships where she castigated the poor sodding men who were unfortunate or daft enough to shack up with the old bint.

And thus we have the ultimate pub singer, done up like a drag queen in her videos, shouting and screeching in a morass of overblown, overproduced, mind numbingly bland, self pitying dirges. Again.

Of course the Karens love her. She is the spokeswoman of the Karen generation. How they revel in the beastly depiction of men. It fits the feminista agenda.

I’m currently rereading a book about the heyday of the singer songwriters in LA in the 60s/70s. Such luminaries as Joni Mitchell, the luscious Linda Ronstadt, Carol King, James Taylor, Neil Young et al.

What do we have now? I give you Adele and Ed Sheeran. Coldplay. Not fit to lace the boots of the golden generation.

I saw the ginger goblin play in Suffolk folk clubs. He was bloody boring then. And Adele would be great in the Fish and Stockings public bar knocking out cover versions of Dusty Springfield hits (badly). As for Coldplay, they are so woke they send me to sleep. 2nd rate wedding band for young couples who go gooey over their “love” anthems.

I rest my case.

News Link

Nominated by: Sir Streeb Greebling

101 thoughts on “Adele (6)

  1. She’s from Tottenham. Definition of a cunt.From one of your resident Gooners.

    I have a t-shirt that says ‘Keep Calm and Hate Spurs.’ Marvellous!

  2. I am a spurs fan, used to go to matches as a boy to see the great G men Greaves and Gilzean.

    But Tottenham today is like a foreign land – Beirut. I doubt whether Adele lives there now.

    • She doesn’t. Long since departed for Beverly Hills (of course!).

      Fuck the Whining Whale!

      If there’s one depressing thought above all others it’s the pre-Christmas publicity blitz from all the above named. To which I’d add Abba.

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