Jumping the Shark

It was the wife’s 60th recently, and one of the gifts I gave her was a boxed dvd set of ‘Sherlock’ (don’t ask me, it’s a Cumberbatch thing). Having watched some of the episodes, I have to say that I was fairly well entertained until that ‘wtf’ moment arrived. For me it was the Xmas episode supposedly taking the whole thing back to its roots in the Edwardian era. However this ludicrously turned out to be a drug-addled modern day Sherlock delving into his subconscious. ‘Sherlock’ had gone and jumped the shark.

For anyone possibly unfamiliar with the expression, a popular show is said to have ‘jumped the shark’ when it reaches a nadir in terms of quality and originality. It derives from the popular series ‘Happy Days’, when the much-loved character ‘The Fonz’ absurdly jumps over a shark while waterskiing.

In some cases, the viewer might mark a pivotal moment when the shark-jump occurs, such as in the case of ‘Happy Days’. Alternatively, it has also come to refer to a slow but progressive decline into mediocrity, such as some have noted in the case of ‘MASH’.

Regardless, I’ve seen a good few instances of shark-jumping’ over the years, such as the ludicrous moment when the makers of ‘Dallas’ tried to get fans of the show to buy into the notion that a whole previous ‘season’ had been a dream. There was the time when the Beeb foolishly decided to resurrect ‘Only Fools’ after Del and Rodders really did become millionaires. It happened in ‘Downton’ with the pissingly melodramatic death of Matthew. It happened when the Doc got his tackle chopped off and the execrable wimmin Doctor appeared. Then there’s the shit sandwich that was ‘Friends’, which achieved the amazing feat of jumping the shark in the very first seconds of episode one…

I’m sure that fellow cunters can cite many shark-jumping examples of their own, from ‘The X Factor’ to ‘The X Files’, and I look forward to the opportunity to hear of them. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with the frightening prospect of a black, one-legged lezza Doctor. Jumping the shark? More like jumping a fucking great white whale. To quote Boris; ‘cripes, what a cunt!’.

YouTube Link

Nominated by: Ron Knee

Supported by: Miles Plastic

Maybe adding to it Ron? What about ‘Jumping the couch’. This term became popular for celebs acting crazily for a moment.

The initial ‘Jumping the couch’ was a very over- excitable Tom Cruise on the Oprah Winfrey show. Everyone was so excitedly clapping and Tom just suddenly jumped up onto the couch.

Another one would be Whitney Houston’s drug addled interview when she was going on about love then became incoherent.. it was just weird.

That’s a better definition when a celebrity suddenly goes weird. Their ‘jumping the couch’ moment.

Jim Carrey suddenly went weird on a red carpet interview I remember.
It can aso be calked ‘jumping the sofa’.

News Link

And on a similar note, this from Komodo

Marvel comics.

When I were a young lizard, I was not allowed the likes of Marvel and DC, because my parents and teachers believed these to be crap, and I have come to agree. But, in the context of an English boarding school in the 60’s, they could be borrowed from kids with less puritan parents, and provided rare moments of escapist pleasure.

We all knew they were garbage, and anyone proposing that we took any aspect of them seriously would have been mocked to death. Some of us were aware that they promoted values cherished by the US Establishment, but few noticed that while the graphics were magnificent, the plotlines barely changed. Villain threatens community/mankind; improbable American entity with magical powers – takes villain on, violently; eventually wins; turn to page with X-ray specs, seamonkeys and Daisy guns, await next issue.

I particularly enjoyed The Hulk. Green, heavy, destructive. Role model.

But WTF is this?

News Link

I am earnestly assured by RT that this is not a hoax. And RT is an honourable man…er…propaganda outlet. A taster:

<i>…Marvel has rolled out new superheroes to restore faith in humanity: ‘Snowflake’ and ‘Safespace’. Not really the heroes we need, but probably the ones we deserve.

…. Marvel … unveiled in a new trailer that their ‘New Warriors’ line-up includes psychic twins named Snowflake and Safespace.

Snowflake is obviously non-binary and “goes by they/them,” Marvel noted. The gender-fluid twin vanquishes enemies with “snowflake-shaped projectiles.” (continues) </i>

Oh, and, remember, <i> In January, the company announced that it would introduce a trans hero “very soon.”</i>

Suffering Christ, what has entertainment come to?

Post crossed with Ron K. Marvel definitely jumped the shark here, so lump them together if you like, Admin.

89 thoughts on “Jumping the Shark

  1. There used to be a programme called ‘Tattoo Fixers’.
    It was quite entertaining at first.
    People with horrible tattoos would have them reworked by a team of talented artists.

    It can’t be easy to put artwork on skin using an electric needle and the team, although scruffy and dim, were good at what they did.

    Then it all turned to shite.

    Every client was either a transexual or a raving homosexual.
    They all wanted their cover up tattoos to represent the ‘journey that they have been on’.

    A good concept for a programme was made completely unwatchable.

    Channel 4 if I remember correctly.

    Bunch of cunts.

  2. A great nom gents, I was recently re-watching the U.S series of Lost and Prison Break and was reminded of this. Both highly original plots and engaging characters that went on for too long and got too complex. The old X-Files was great too, Mulder should have been beamed up onto a spaceship for anal probes and left it there.

    • I remember when fairly new to ISAC I was genuinely shocked when Fiddler cunted the Fonz.
      Upto that point hed been a byword for cool!
      A elderly jewish midget hanging around with teenagers?
      Whats cooler than that?!!!

      • If I said “Eeey, sit on it!’ to a bunch of high school girls in a popular meet up place for kids, I’d be doing 20 years.

        The Fonz?

        The No nce more like.

        Happy Days would’ve been different had I written it. The Fonz would try to groom the schoolgirls, and the cafe owner and his wife would jump over the counter and beat him to death with baseball bats.

      • The Fonz had the coolest motorcycle ever to grace a TV show-that Indian”

        It was a Triumph wasn’t it Miz. a TR5 Trophy I think.

  3. Producers and execs are always milking the tits of perfectly good programmes instead of quitting while they’re ahead.

    The ultimate example of getting it RIGHT in this sense was Fawlty Towers. 12 episodes, each one a classic. Done. That’s it. No third series, no spin-offs, no Xmas Specials, no Fawlty Towers The Movie bollocks, no chance to go to ratshit or go stale.

    • Off not of.

      Another example of getting it bang on was Early Doors.

      Happy Days was always wank….

      • “To The Regiment! I wish I was there…..” ??

        The scene where Ken’s having a piss upstairs whilst the two younguns are trying to have a fumble on the sofa is one of the greatest bits of telly I’ve ever seen.

  4. Terrific noms. The Dallas “dream” episode is a particularly egregious example of jumping the shark. Dr Who has jumped the shark several times, particularly with the current wimminz doctor. Anyway, I shouldn’t complain as I’ve not really watched Dr Who since Tom Baker.

    As for Marvel comics, I also found them a source of escapism when I was young. I pity the young now – denied the escapism of honest fantasy superheroes. Instead they have to put up with the Incredible Woke and Wokeman. Poor little sods.

    • I haven’t really seen Doctor Who since Sylvester McCoy and the white Dalek with golden ‘balls’, and I hadn’t really watched it before that.

  5. I saw an episode of that “Antique Hunt” the other day…they go to antique shops and buy items to sell at auction…what a load of shite…something would be valued at £100 and the homosexual dealer would offer £20…” Seeing as it’s you Gaylord,I’ll let you have it for a tenner” would be the answer from the homosexual shopkeeper.
    I’ve a fucking good mind to open an antiques shop just so that when they flounce in to film a segment in my emporium I can scream ” Fuck Off,you cheapskate arsebandit” and then chuck a barrage of shitty old tat at them.

    • PS….I’m glad to see that the revamped “Question of Sport” is flopping…couldn’t stand it since they got rid of Bill Beaumont.

      Emlyn Hughes is a Cunt.

      • Morning Dick.
        This was a dead cert flop. It was maybe a bit tired but still enjoyed by a lot of people as it was.

      • Although I’d like to see a ‘What happened next’ segment showing a refugee shelter being built next to Gary Linekunt’s or Rio Ferdinand’s mansion.

        David Coleman (RIP) would then say “And he fucked right off out of it!”

      • Speaking of Linekunt, I see the twat’s now advertising for Specsavers or somebody like that.
        Who in their right mind thinks that handing over cash to this boggle-eyed cunt is going to persuade punters to shop with them?

  6. Most TV shows, in particular American, jump the shark with a compilation episode. The writer runs out of ideas and then makes an episode out of clips to show how the characters have got where they are now.
    We know that you fuckwhit, we have been watching this shit from the start.

  7. The few telly programmes that I watch involve this shark jumping lark in every episode, sometimes more than once. Law and Order SVU is fucking ace. Liv Benson playing Russian Roulette with a serial killer, Liv Benson having her boots licked by a perp, Liv Benson trying to think. Writers include some cunt called Speed Weed ffs. Fucking great telly. Series 97 out soon. Dick Wolf might be a massive cunt but he bankrolls great telly.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Can’t agree with you about Special Victims Unit.
      The storylines are going progressively woke and Olivia is showing her age.

      She is getting to look more like a geezer every week.

      The most ridiculous idea was that she was gifted a child by a judge that she has been looking after ever since.

      She was well fuckable about 10 years ago.
      Not now.

  8. I think we can safely say 90% of all TV programmes & mainstream films have jumped a shitload of sharks (whales, more like) over the last 2 or 3 years, and all for the sake of inclusion and diversity!

  9. My mate Big Al and his missus are avid Corrie and EastEnders fans. He reckons that every time they run out of ideas, the fall back is a killing.
    I don’t know how many times there’s been a murder over the years in these two progs. That’s before you even start thinking about the ‘character hangs between life and death’ scenario for weeks on end.
    It’s shark jump heaven.

    • I haven’t watched soaps in decades, and even then it was because there was only 1 telly in the house (1970s) and was forced to watch Emmerdale Motherfucking Farm, Copulation Street, Albint Square and Eldordildo.

      No idea what kind of storylines go ion the soaps these days. But it always fascinates me that when you have a bunch of characters from say Eastenders reading the papers or watching TV, none of them make any comment about the news headlines!

      Imagine Phill Mitchell saying “Fucking hell, some immo cunt has stabbed up an MP. Fucking cunt. Boris needs to do something with those dinghy riding cunts!”


      Ken Barlow “We’ve got some woofters moving in next door, all thanks to Owen fucking Jones. All dressed up as wimminz and self-identify as Champion the Wonder horse and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. What are we to do, Deirdre! Fancy a fuck btw?”

      • Much more likely to make an ‘ishoo’ story line out of it these days, you know;

        ‘anyone affected by matters raised in this episode may like to call our help line on…’.

      • ‘anyone affected by matters raised in this episode may like to call our help line on…’.

        And then we’ll make a programme about YOU too.

  10. I just hope ISAC doesn’t jump any sharks!

    The day Lord Fiddler comes out of the cupboard and declares his love for Lenny Henry; or RTC identifies as Owen Jones’ long lost dad, then I’ll have to call it a day and move on!

  11. Good nomination.
    Two series I’ve been recommended on this site haven’t jumped.
    Buggernation Street
    A Moody’s Christmas (Oz not US)
    Both on YouTube and I’ve enjoyed both. Thanks for the recommendation.

  12. The Avengers films lost me after Avengers Assembled. Same plots, same action scenes, same minge clutching suit on Scarlette Johanssen. Wait a minute, am I being too hastey?

  13. Marvels snowflake and safespace, we could resurrect that well know PC series staring Snowflake and Sambo, yes love thy neighbour, except in modern day Britain Sambo would have fucked off and Mrs Sambo would be a single parent with 4 Kids on benefits and Snowflake would be a pussy whipped eco warrior.

  14. I don’t need to watch the new Blankety Blank (or Wankety Wank) to know it is worse than the original. All remakes are. They have even kept the blankety cheque book and pen. How stupid is that? I never liked it first time round but at least Les Dawson, Una Stubbs and Lionel Blair were more appealing than bloody Bradley Walsh (also “Pop” in the new woke Larkins) and the likes of Amanda Holdit, Claudi Winkleface and the other slebs they dredge up.

    The Tristams have just run out of ideas for new shows (Simply Trans Dancing anyone?) And are thus reduced to jumping the shark or raiding the ark.

  15. The fantastic Sweeney series from the 70’s. Hard hitting, realistic crime and no nonsense policing…until they did an episode with Morecambe and Wise.

    • Did you see the remake a few years back with that charmless fat cunt Ray Winstone waddling about as Jack Regan?

      • I do and it proves that two great shows merged do not a delight make. The Sweeney turned into Keystone Kops.

        Still better than the Ray Winstone movie mind.

  16. I can’t think of many films or tv shows that I’ve really enjoyed in the last 10 years; they’re all shark soup to me (Strictly, Britain’s Got Talent, any soap etc).

    The only things that stick out are Downton, House of Cards, The Royals, S1 and S2 of The Crown, a few films here and there and that’s it. Its a cultural desert these days; so much content but only one or two gems.

    • Largely agree, Cunto, but I saw that ‘Mare of Easttown’ recently, great acting good plotting, relevant but not preachy. A rare gem.

  17. Any show that depicts a perfect black or Asian perfect Western nuclear family (2.4 kids / dog / car) is jumping a fucking ocean of sharks.
    Didn’t Jasper Carrot star in some shit-fest where he married a peaceful and had a melanin Steven Hawking kid?
    Or was that a bad dream.

    Excellent nomination?

    • CG, he did indeed and aside from being utterly shit ‘comedy’ it was also in appalling taste.

      Called ‘All about me’, each episode opened with narrated by some kid who clearly wasn’t the poor, drooling wreck in the chair and then he was promptly ignored for the rest of the show, except when another character would wheel him about or spoon slop into his droopy mouth.

      Using a handicapped kid as a prop, what s low fucking moment for those cunts.

  18. I think of the movie From Dusk Till Dawn. It’s not a series but a movie that took a turn into cartoonish foolishness when Salma Hayek started the whole vampire shit show about half way through. The movie was basically 2 halves. The first half was intense and captivating. The second was a massive cluster fuck.

    • Did you know that Tarantino agreed to help his mate Rodriguez out and put his name to that film, on the proviso that he could drink champagne off her leg.
      I would have worked for free, if it was off her lady garden,
      In fact, I would have paid him….

  19. The ultimate ‘Jumping the shark’ moment for me: The character of Fallon getting randomly abducted by aliens in The Colby’s (the Dynasty offshoot).
    Thankfully , the makers who must have been off their fucking heads at the time of writing this episode, had the good sense to end the series right there.

    • An absolutely superb bit of shark jumping that!
      Great spot!
      I remember when one of the characters in ‘Soap’ got abducted. I loved the piss-taking in that show.

    • Didn’t a woman in Dynasty get abducted as well?

      What was Aaron Spelling trying to tell us?

  20. Transexual super heroes??!? What are their super powers? Dressing up and posting shit on twitter? The ability to enter women’s changing rooms and display their cocks to kids? Surviving eating disorders, self harm and numerous attention whoring suicide attempts? Mental illness is a terrible affliction and I genuinely have sympathy for those who suffer from it, but to be brutally honest, they’re not much fun to be around and normal people don’t want to watch them on the tv. Or that cunt Philip Schofield, I heard his trousers have a trapdoor at the back with a caption which says “insert penis here”. The signs were all there before he got caught buggering the intern, why do you think he never turns his back to camera?

  21. Doctor Who should have a new shark jumping moment. Peter Capaldi should wake up in the TARDIS and say ‘Fucking hell! I dreamt I turned into a daft bitch who couldn’t act, made crappy woke puns, dressed like a dyke, and who ruined an entire institution. What a fucking nightmare that was. Thank fuck it was all a dream…’

      • That would be great too, CG. Des Lynham returns, after a horrible dream that he was Gary Lineker….?

        The days when the likes of Greavsie (RIP), Big Ron, and old Chinny Hill did the Cup Final coverage. And there were no stupid wimmin or clowns like Micah ‘laughs at anything’ Richards. If only we could go back….

  22. Sherlock was absolute shit. That Irish poove was done to death. Even after he died, the mincing cunt would pop up doing his Irish John Inman routine Overused to ridiculous levels (and he was crap in the first place).

    Then there was that daft slag who was in it simply because she was boffing that Martin Freeman cunt. She hogged the entire third series.

    Anything written by those cunts Moffat and Gatiss will be total crap. Their Dracula was also laughable. It was like Rigsby from Rising Damp with fangs.

    • Gatiss is an absolute jizz monkey. Anything written by him or with him in will be guaranteed virtue signalling wank. He can fuck right off.

  23. An absolutely superb bit of shark jumping that!
    Great spot!
    I remember when one of the characters in ‘Soap’ got abducted. I loved the piss-taking in that show.

  24. I think the MSM jumped the planet in August 1990 and hasn’t descended since
    They have a shit script and even worse plot but hey ho
    30 years this pilot show has been going that’s being subject to constant repeats

    We are just little fishes now
    Need a hug , we have counseling if you ring this number

    • Im gutted by Marvel comics bullshit.
      I collected them as a kid.
      Fantastic four
      Werewolf by night
      Dracula lives
      Planet of the apes.
      Loved em.
      But hate what theyve become.
      Preachy cunts,
      Ive got some in the loft from the early 70s ,
      Then the message was dont be a cunt, be brave, love your people and country.
      Not a chutney ferret in sight.

      • Yes MNC , I have collections of old comics that ended up in the attic and I’m no collector
        I was fucking about up there a few years ago and it was insightful reading

        I won a joke competition you know when I was about 10 years of age on the Dandy comic

        I didn’t win the first prize of one pound but I won a 50 p postal order
        Here goes: why do men strike a match towards themselves, and ladies strike it away from themselves

        To light it

        I was chuffed when I received the 50 p postal order ???
        I became a rebel later when Action comic came out??

      • Hehehe ?
        Hello Mecuntry,
        I always wanted those seamonkeys advertised in the back of comics.
        I begged my dad could I send off for some! (USA)
        He told me to jog on.
        So, when my son was about 7yr/8yrs old I bought him some!
        Nothing like advertised.
        Not cute like aqua monkeys but ugly as fuck brine shrimp.

      • Bit late to this thread, but my fave comic book hero was Ben Grimm aka The Thing. He was in shed loads of comics, smacking the shit out of all sorts of uppity cunts, while bantering with The Human Torch.

        Doctor Victor Von Doom was a great super villain, but The Thibg would give him a clobbering on a regular basis. All good clean fun. Not a homosexualist in sight.

        He was very orange, just like The Donald, who is also a super hero.

      • Beat me to it Ron!?
        Its clobbering time!
        I liked him as well.
        He had a blind girlfriend in the comics.
        Hed become a military pilot growing up in a tough part of New York and bettered himself.
        Goes on a space mission,
        Ends up a pile of orange bricks!!
        Poor fucker.

      • I’m another fan of Ben ‘Thing’ Grimm and Doctor Doom.

        I used to collect the Fantastic Four and Iron Man back in the days when Marvel was near-bankrupt but creatively rich.

        Loved Ben’s dialogue, ‘Look at the size of that yahoo!’ on being approached by one of Doom’s robots.

        Ahhh.. now it’s all gone to shite.

    • Rebel without a cause MNC just Incase you read too much into it.
      I was published and that’s theres the truth so I tell ya laying before your eyes as clear as the dawn will rise tomorrow and sheeple will arise once more to take the daily grind in silence.

  25. There’s another term that means pretty much the same thing, courtesy of the terrible Indiana Jones 4.

    ‘Nuking the fridge’.

    • Christ that really jumped when it turned out that that aliens were involved. Cate Blanchett was as hot as a docker’s armpit mind.
      Makes you wonder how far over the shark the new Indy film will jump. Ford will need pushed around in a wheelchair.

  26. The wife’s just asked whether anybody’s mentioned ‘The X Files’ (Mulder getting written out) or ‘Top Gear’ (Clarkson getting bulleted) yet.
    Don’t think so, so you can, dear…

    • I’ve seen them all but cannot remember much of the second or last one with the son. The only reason I remember the 4th one was the stupid scene with the F-35. I’m so glad i never saw that in the cinema.

  27. The Young Ones die after their double decker bus crashes off a cliff and bursts into flames…

    Only to live again to make shitty Comic Relief records with Sir Clifford of Richard.?

    • I don’t seem to remember Rik Mayall having much to do with it after that. Can’t really imagine him trying to be earnest in Africa, can you?

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