Jeremy Vine (5)- Defamed

This guy can never have enough cuntings. He’s an absolute thoroughbred, dyed-in the wool cunt. The latest is that he’s taking a Youtuber to court for defamation, which is confusing because how can you be “defamed” when everyone already knows what a cunt you are?

The cunt always seems to be on the grass and trying to get people sent down. Riding around London looking to stitch up drivers, reporting people for smoking in pub beer gardens, and now whining taking a fella to court for merely pointing out what a cunt Jeremy is. The overpaid cunt wears unforgivable shirts as well, and I’d imagine his legal fees will be paid by the Beeb.

I hope the cunt loses his court case and gets run over on his way home. It would all be on camera, given his cuntish, jobsworth headgear. I know I’d rather watch that than any of his other shows.

News Link

Nominated by: Full Metal Cunt

56 thoughts on “Jeremy Vine (5)- Defamed

  1. Alex Bellfield used F.O.I to prove that, despite his own wealth, the CUNT Vine used BBC funds, illegally, to pay for food and drinks at a charity gig.
    All evidenced.

    The BBC have spent years, using despicable and unlawful tactics to silence Alex and others.

    Vine is a grade A Cunt.

    C’mon Alex- we’re rooting for you, mate?

    • It’s amazing that the FOI was ever introduced. I bet they thought no pleb would ever use it and boy were they wrong! Many “gotcha!” moments have been slammed down on slimy cunts.

      • Jeremy Vine
        16 Airedale Avenue
        W4 2NW

        Use this address in a legal manner. No dogshit or hollow-point bullets in the mail.

      • I’m struggling with this one Cunty Gordon. If I lived in Airedale Avenue and commuted to Broadcasting House on a push-bike I would not expect to live to see Halloween! Can’t be for real. Can anyone explain?

    • He’s not just any old Cunt he is a whiny useless cunt and won’t go away, I think a list should be compiled and then the nation can be aware of the top cunts of the country. We should award prizes ((they won’t turn up unless tyler perry is awarded one). This way when asked who is the countries top cunt? Jeremy Vine. He can’t do anything about it, he won something and is being praised for being a cunt.

      These prizes can be funded by an illegal tax such as, BBC TV license, VAT on the Tax on Petrol, The Climate Change Movement or something as simple as Gordon Brown’s pension tax on the way in and out.

      But yes Jeremy Vain erm Vine total cunt.

      Or how about Total War games start making Total Cunt. You have to escape a bottomless vacuous lefty stuffed with Tofu. You are armed with facts and logic, (so shouldn’t be too tough). Plus they’ll all have brain fog as they haven’t had any B vitamins due to eating grass, gorse and palm oil from nutella all day.

  2. Why are Jeremy’s always such appalling hypocritical cunts?

    Jeremy Vine
    Jeremy Hunt M.P
    Jeremy Beadle (the late prankster)
    Jeremy Paxman

    Jeremy is to cuntitude, what Julian and Justin are to poofters names that seem to fit the personalities

    • Don’t forget Clarkson!

      Actually I rather like the bloke because he’s fully aware of his cuntitude and plays up to it superbly.

    • Don’t forget Corbyn – campaigned for 30 years to leave the EU, then when it came to the crunch he switched sides and campaigned to Remain…

    • Add to that the long deceased Jeremy Thorpe, MP for the old-style Liberal Party back in the 70s.

      He caused a huge furour when it was found out he was lifting shirts with “boyfriend” Norman Scott, and then was subsequently charged with incitement to the murder Scott shortly afterwards.

      He was acquitted in court, but doubts always remained, and his political career ended soon after.

  3. Vine can’t be cunted enough.

    A loathsome piece of shit and a bought and paid for stooge mouthpiece for any woke or sinister agenda.


    • I would like to add that during Vine’s absence from his lunchtime radio show they’ve brought in the equally loathsome Victoria ‘I hate men’ Derbyshire as a stand in.

      One cunt replaces another cunt it would seem at the beeb.

      • Man, she hit all the branches of the ugly tree on her way down and she’s very annoying too.

      • I’ve heard otherwise sensible, tasteful people say how that Victoria Derbyshire is “brilliant”. One of those moments where you realise that NO ONE is on the right path to truth-seeking. We’re all on our own.

      • They used to say that “radio is dead” but it definitely is now. Even James Whale, a right outspoken megalomaniac is now weak-sauce. You’d think at his age, wife has passed on, money in the bank, he would say, “fuck it I’m gonna go full-on David Icke on these cunts,” but no one steps up on radio anymore. The stations all shit their breeks over losing advertising shekels so they put on conformists and/or controlled opposition who aren’t really “tell it like it is” freethinking “voices of reason” they are just fake mavericks who give you some hard truths but don’t go deep-diving into what’s really going on the in halls of power of the world and exposing how the media are as psychopathic as the politicians, maybe even more so, as some of the big media companies are basically micro-states within the UK and USA and the media landscape from local radio to Warner Media, CNN, Disney, Viacom. Tear those shibboleths DOWN.

      • If any radio presenter actually told it like it is and confronted issues such as demographics or rampant globalist corruption for example then they’d more than likely meet an ending not unlike David Amess.
        Who, interestingly enough was pro freedom, anti lockdown, anti face nappies etc.
        A very unusual thing for a modern day UK politician.
        Murdered for his troubles.

      • “… the big media companies are basically micro-states within the UK and USA and the media landscape from local radio to Warner Media, CNN, Disney, Viacom. Tear those shibboleths DOWN.”

        This is THE sine qua nonon… nothing will stem this spiralling collapse until this happens.

      • Disney need prosecuting for crimes against cinema.
        A shit pump since old Walt himself croaked..

  4. A weedy,whinging pushbike-riding,sneaky,crybaby tittle-tattle….I bet he’s spent his life wailing ” I’m going to tell on you” whenever someone gave him a well-deserved smack.
    He wouldn’t last long at my rugby club.

  5. Vine should be on the wall AFAIAC. This spunkstain simply cannot be cunted too many times.

    By law of probability it is only time before Vine fruit the London cyclist is processed into berry compote by a cement lorry.


    • I’m sure he used to be on the wall. The wall should be a moving gif gallery of 100 cunts who have been cunted more than five times. Good idea?

      • Very good idea, hover over one of their gurning mugs and up pops the juiciest insult so far delivered…

  6. I’d be interested to know what percentage of us fine chaps here on ISAC contribute to his undeserved wages by actually paying their TV licences?
    Surely people can’t complain about something whilst actively funding it?
    I don’t pay them a penny, the commie pædo protecting cunts.

    • Problem here Thomas is I’m sure some on this site have family members who still like to watch TV.
      Not me personally but I don’t have overall control.
      But you’re right.

      • I’ve campaigned in my house to bin the licence. Lady C likes all the shite like Midsomer Murders and the others want the footy. No-one in my household watches BBC, but we still need a licence.

      • The missus and stepdaughter have Netflix on their iPad thingys to numb their critical faculties.
        I just have YouTube and a huge film collection on disc. Mostly pre 21st century…

      • I’ve found that after getting rid of said licence I’ve had five threatening letters within six months and none the last 6 months.
        Waiting for the knock on the door when I tell them to do one.

  7. This cunt is the embodiment of the BBC and everything rotten with broadcast media.

    A snivelling weakling and a traitor.

  8. The elderly celebrity stick insect cunt should fuck right off. I much preferred that nice Jimmy Young.

    Good morning, everyone. ‘Orf we jolly well go!’

      • Ah yes, I used to enjoy the banter between Terry Wogan and Young on R2 when Wogan was coming to the end of his show and Young was about to start his (10am I think).

        Easy on the ears, pleasant music, good gentle humour, which was just right to set the mood for the rest of the day.

        What the fuck happened!?

  9. Don’t get me started on Vine.
    I loathe everything about him with a passion.
    He’s a snivelling snitch , a BBC Snied.
    And let’s not forget what’s been happening to Alex Belfield . Now Vine has the audacity to sue HIM FFS.

  10. Vine is a lefty peice of shit and I hope he looses the case Gillian Taylforth style.

  11. Vine is one of many who is protected in the hallowed Ivory Tower by the Establishment (in this case the BBC).
    Just like with Lineker, he can say and do no wrong, and the BBC will make sure any shit thrown at him won’t stick!

  12. … about 15 yrs ago was invited to an ‘Institution’ dinner. This twat was a guest speaker … part way thru’ his spiel he fixed his gaze on our table clearing his throat and raising his eyebrows to draw attention to the fact that we were having a conversation and not listening. Rather than cause a massive scene we stood and took out conversation to the bar … within a few minutes we were joined by about fifty others who’d decided that he wasn’t worthy of their undivided attention. Cunt!

    • This idea management has of inspiring and encouraging the foot soldiers by calling in some Z-list celeb is so misguided. At a company I worked for the overwhelming gripe from the foot soldiers was about pay. At the company Christmas do the managers brought in one of these prats off a regional television evening news slot to give us a spiel and the benefit of his vast wisdom. Predictably our response was; “The company can’t afford pay rises? What did he fucking cost?”
      I might add that my wife who is an accountant has during her decades in the business seen the figures relevant to some of these low level celebrities and even those who talk unadulterated drivel in shows you never heard of are paid well into four figures for each show.

  13. We can only lament the fact that his father didn’t pull out in time.
    Need to keep the cuntings going on this one to get the arsehole up on The Wall asap.

    Morning chaps.

  14. BBC Radio 2 from 12:00-14:00 if it must be a political-topical show should be satirical, funny, entertaining. I feel that we are in an age of sourful, deadly, super-seriousness and we need to start REALLY, REALLY, REALLY taking the piss out of the politicians, gurus, celebrities, any other cunt who needs to be slapped down for being an obnoxious bell-end.

    Sop get rid of Jeremy Vine and get someone who gives o fucks to do the Monday-Friday 12:00-14:00 slot. I’ll have to ruminate on who that could be…

      • Nah, Roy is a lovely guy, very funny, I’ve read his autobiography which is superb, but he wouldn’t do a show like that. You’d need someone who bridges the comedy world and the political world. Peter Cook would be perfect, but he’s busy elsewhere these days.

  15. Had to cunt the guy. Not the most original but he really can’t be counted enough. I’d like to leather the pathetic cunt.

    He’s also the absolute peak of BBC cuntdom, isn’t he? I’d put him way above Lineker, who at least could play football. The snitching, his shirts, his cuntish bike. What a tosser.

    I just can never quite decide who’s more of a cunt out of Vine and James O Brien. On the face of it, it’s O Brien quite easily but a second more thought and you start to see these two cunts are neck and neck.

    I think he’ll win his court case as I’m more and more convinced that the UK is completely corrupt. Bellfield will be punished for talking about Peacefuls and embarrassing Vine.

  16. The most over protected unfunny cunt the bbc have
    The sound of his voice makes me want to stop paying my license
    Oh I’ve already done that
    Must have Saville type friends in high places why else would they keep him
    He is indicative of everything wrong in this country’s media
    Hope the wonderful Alex Belfield finishes his career

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