Facebook Smart Sunglasses
For £299 you can now buy a pair of smart sunglasses that can take calls, photograph or video anything you want. What a bargain, said nobody.
I bloody hate Facebook, I’m not keen on Ray Bans and not a mong who needs to photograph everything and put it on Tik Tok. I’ve never felt the need to walk round streaming Spotify out of the top of my head either.
No doubt thousands of these things will end up in our oceans or in land fill. Thanks Mark Zuckerberg.
Nominated by: Cuntologist
And on a more specific point towards Facebook itself, here’s one from Cunty McCunterson
As it turns out Facebook, not content with having more power, money, and influence than most continents, is now coming for your children. No. Not your bratty 13-year-old daughter, who’s already climbing the walls with anxiety and feeling suicidal from overexposure to Instagram (also owned by Facecunt).
No. No.
That’s right, they want 9-year-old Jessica to jump online too so they can addict her to their phone app, mine more data, and create an even younger generation incapable of imagining life away from technology.
If they get their way, you have to imagine Facebook won’t stop until there are 8-week old babies competing for the most filtered breastfeeding selfie. Presumably, fetuses are the only line they won’t cross because Woke Tech would have to consider them living beings.
All this, despite the very glaring statistical reality that anxiety, depression, suicide are all experiencing a meteoric rise in young people and have been since 2010 (since the mass adoption of smartphones/vanity metrics/’like’ buttons etc). You’d think there would be a national debate over this issue. After all, it’s affecting our most treasured loved ones. But, governments are all on the Zuckerberg teet, unwilling or incapable of instituting laws to stop these apps from being so addictive.
But worst of all, inside info has just come to light that reveals communication within Facebook is all too aware of the ill effects their apps are having on young people (and everyone else for that matter) and they do not care.
That’s right. They know what kind of radiation they’re spilling out. But, do nothing. What was that about corporations and polluting rivers?
You know, the argument Socialists always use to point out the worst excesses of unregulated Capitalism’s stain on the environment. Yeah, well how’s about the pollution social media has done to our collective emotional reservoir? Our collective emotional weather system? Fuck fracking. Fuck Climate Change. Social media is destroying the topsoil of our social fabric with each passing year with such impunity it’s no wonder we are all on the verge of mental collapse from the chaos it’s all causing.
I dare say, the sheer level of narcissism it has engendered is what’s driving all the identity politics we see everywhere. No Facebook. No ‘women don’t need a cervix’ madness.
Just look at young people today and you see catatonic zombies who don’t know themselves, are unable to formulate coherent sentences, are anxious, afraid, and unmoored from any feeling of belonging to their immediate social landscape. They don’t know what the fuck is happening to them already. The only chance this next generation has is at least they won’t be on social media until they are 13.
Facebook is a self-interested corporation beholden to shareholders, so it is HIGHLY unlikely they will do anything to harm their profits or fully introspect on how their features foster turmoil. I mean all this Woke shite would not have taken a foothold but for these platforms.
It’s truly scary. And I thought the baby boomers fucked up. But, Gen X really takes the biscuit I’m afraid.
And a hot-off-the-press nom concerning the Facebook outage yesterday. – W.C. Boggs
An emergency cunting is in order for moronic “Remainers”, who, apparently are blaming the 5, or 7 hour (most sources say 5, Metro says 7) Facebook/Instagram outage on Brexit!:
The fact that the Zuckerberg companies operate out of the U.S.A seems to be a little detail lost on these vacuous halfwits, just as empty supermarket shelves throughout Europe get conveniently ignored.
How many other daft theories do the Remainer wankers have?. Prince Phillip died in April because of Brexit, perhaps?- we lost the Eurovision crap contest because of Brexit?. The permutations are infinite, the theories asinine, but I bet Adonis & co had the cockles of the heart warmed by the idiocy of these cretins.
Anything bad that has happened since June 2016 is totally down to Brexit. Remember that! 🙂
£300 to do what you can do on a mobile phone anyway?
They must think the speccy foureyed community is a bunch of spawny slackjawed twats?
Get fucked.
Unless theyre x-ray specs and you can see ladies underwear whilst chatting im not interested.
And FaceFook?
Its for nosey cunts, no life cunts and gaylords.
Cram it up yer arse.
Clark Kent
Woody Allen
Joe 90
Elton John
Marje proops
Stevie wonder
What have they got in common?
All cunts.
The goggle-eyed twats.
You know what was great Zuckerburg losing 7000 million dollars as facebook plunged.
Maybe the wokies had to go to work?
Don’t worry. The human race will be extinct before long. Taking all its vacuous shite with it.
At least I hope so.
The cunts.
Facecunt is a trough of leftie jizz in which the feeble minded like to swim.
Hey, I’m Generation X, please don’t lump me in with the sort of brainless peons you describe. There are enough of them as it is. Ta smiley:face lolz
On reflection, Millenials bear much of the responsibility. So, I give you a half-reprieve but you must spank your children harder
The world run by media ? Not so James Bond is it ? Media and propaganda channelling the whole planet into chaos. Cunts
I remember somebody getting me to join Arsebook when it was quite new.
Like most of the internet at that time, you could say anything and nobody gave a shit. At first, it actually seemed quite a good idea. Then it exploded, and almost overnight, every cunt was on there. And people I’d known for years, suddenly had a different persona online. Many became narcissistic. Many more became more woke and outspokenly woke. I fell out with a few cunts I’d known for years due to their attempts to ‘bully’ me. I remember saying to one cunt if he’d like to say that (can’t remember what now, but he was mugging me off and getting others to try and join him) to my face tonight (I named the pub and time I’d be there). He just fucking blocked me and he was never again seen in my (and his until then) local again.
I’m no hard nut by the way, but if I’d stayed on there I’d have ended up inside lol. If you cunt me off acting the big man and I know who you are, I’m not going to say nothing. I’ll offer you out (unless you’re a 6″8 gorilla like MNC, of course!)
It became a fucking huge toilet so I quit. I still technically have an account (with an obviously fake as fuck name) but just use it for the Messenger app (personal messages/free calls), just for very close friends and family.
Facebook and ‘big’ social media in general is fucking poison.
Look at the fucking state of all this woke shite we have to put up. I blame social media and Facebook in particular, as the main culprit.
Cunt on the wireless this morning said facefuck is essential. How the fuck did we manage 15 years ago …….
My missus made me a Facebook page for my business.
Do you know ive never seen it!!
I don’t do social media,
ISAC is the only site I go on.
Occasionally I’ll get the odd job off the Facebook,
The missus runs the page,
Answers questions etc.
But thing is theyre never good jobs.
Always some dick who wants something for next to nothing.
Word of mouth cant be beaten
And a good reputation for your work.
If my Facebook page was closed today id never know!
And wouldn’t care.
Word of mouth is by far the best Mis, as it lets you filter out the cunts and time wasters and allows me to practice my prejudices!
It’s created vast economic liabilities that rely on BIG Data to connect clients to businesses. The whole thing collapses without Facefuck. At least it does temporarily. It’s hard to fathom how much big businesses rely on social media but I’m guessing that Facebook makes a lot…A LOT of money from selling data, and advertising. I mean, the Zuck lost 7.1 Billion dollars yesterday in wealth, just from half a day’s outage. The market shares went down.
Facebook is kind of a nation-state on its own. This makes sense as it meddles in elections, the Zuck meets world leaders, its economy is bigger than most countries. It controls, through algorithms, what millions of people see or do not see, every day.
I agree with MNC on this one
MyFace might get you an audience with business but at what cost
We’ve all had customers that are just either arseholes or just thick, because you can’t right a shit job that someone other arsehole bodged from day one. even though you went the extra yard to accommodate there grievance.
So next they get on MyFace and fuck you with bad comments
Dead right , Word of mouth rules with small businesses
What a sad cunt. That’s why i never listen to the radio either; full of morons like that.
“£299 glasses will help live out your James Bond fantasies”
Your more likely to have a semi-literate cultural enricher waving a machete in your face relieving you of these cunt specs rather than end up balls deep in some husky voiced Euro slapper.
Which James Bond fantasies are those? Being replaced by a box ticker while dying of cirrhosis and VD? How many films can they make the “grizzled and out of shape secret agent” schtick last for?
Anyway, to keep it on topic:
Those glasses can get to fuck. And so can Bond (saddens me to write those words).
Facebook is the cigarettes/nicotine of the 21st century. Only difference is that this addiction won’t be targeted for litigation or taxation. As for me I just don’t use it like I don’t use cigarettes. Sagging egos need their constant fix with likes and thumbs up and followers. Fuck all that shit! Same with Instagram, tik tok, and youtube.
Absolutely agree. I deleted my facebook permanently this year after reading Cal Newport’s book Digital Minimalism. I’m off the social media bandwagon indefinitely. If it stops selling data, is regulated by an Ofcom equivalent, stops censoring mainstream, conservative opinion, then I might consider returning. But, even then I’d always put my own mental health first. Social media trammels everything we know and understand about basic human psychological health. Time it got broken up and destroyed along with the tobacco lobby.
I have to admit to using a Facebook group under my dog’s profile that helps people find fuel in my county – certainly helped me to fill up. Its not conversational, just people saying what fuel station has fuel or if its run out. Quite handy tbh. I wonder if they sell this data about a dog looking for fuel?!
Obviously I detest big tech censorship and all that is rotten with them.
‘If it stops selling data, is regulated by an Ofcom equivalent, stops censoring mainstream, conservative opinion, then I might consider returning.’
I wouldnt. My wall just became full of ‘suggested for you’ posts, ‘based on your prefetences, you may like this shit’ or ‘popular on facebook’
Digital junkmail.
I briefly (a few days) had a FB account before wondering why and deleting it. Never used any social media since. Although I didn’t use it then either.
Don’t forget to like my post.
Scratch post moggie?
?Liked because you’re a pretty kitty. The internet was made for Moggy videos. Shame about the rest of the bloody thing. IsAC excluded naturally.
Facebook is supposed to be a social media site, so why is every 3rd post I see a fucking advert for something dodgy from Whuhan?
An advert for something dodgy from Wuhan – that’s Amazon!
Facebook and social media in general is the spawn of Satan.
For starters, it would be nice to see Zuckerberg pick up the tab of every divorce bill his platform has caused in the last decade and a half.
Just a quick scroll down the home page is enough to trigger a panic attack.
“Friends” that would walk past you in the street broadcasting their lives into your living room via a screen.
Get fucked.
Many people see an profile on Facebook as being some sort of birthright.
What do you mean you don’t use Facebook???
And parents can report online abuse against their children, Which I guess in most cases is not agreeing with a post or not ‘liking’ a photo.
Here is some that you can do if your kid is suffering from online ‘abuse’……….
It’s called a delete button.
Delete the whinging cunts account until they grow the fuck up and are able to handle themselves.
It’s making them all soft anyway.
I have never had a Facebook account. I hear it’s just full of cunts needing acceptance and attention from their cunt mates. Facebook and its users can fuck right off.
I see the Trumpster is going to court to get his Twitter account restored. He’d be better off out of it if you ask me. Like many people on social media he loses his rag very quickly and starts cunting people off left, right and centre. Not only that but he tends to do it at 2 and 3 in the morning, suggesting the wife has a headache again.
Not a good look.
By the way, you are all cunts and you can fuck right off.
MyFace is constantly updating the daily events of mostly boring, mindless ,petty and childish behaviours of the peoples.
the cost of storing all this utter scutter is Data banks and there power usage which is huge and is anything but Green , Greta cunts don’t telly that
i do not use it (social media) but for some it is essential with businesses
we will run short of power because some tart tranny needs more mega space to talk shit to the fans that exit in their head
It’ll probably be discovered that these glasses are responsible for inoperable brain tumours in youngsters.
Zuckerberg Fuckerberg. Cunt.
Fuck James Bond glasses. Stick ‘em up your arse. I’ve never understood this James Bond bollocks. Some geezer who goes round chinning cunts, shooting cunts, shagging cunts and miraculously escaping from fucked up situations like a very lucky cunt indeed. It’s kids stuff, strictly for kids.
I’m well pleased it’s going woke. I hope it annoys the wankers who drool over it.
Didn’t Google already try – and fail with – the glasses idea?
not joking for a minute G Tso , if Apple do smart glasses , we will be in a new frontier and we thought that Drones were invasive.
collective of shite
Essence take a back seat, you will never be heard or witnessed again
Two FacedBook is a platform for virtue signaling cunts and grandmothers who bore the ever living shit out of “friends” (Oooh friends friends, FACEBOOK FRIENDS) with endless pics of their cunting grandchildren. Guaranteed that the site would fill up with pics of them off to school….EVERY….FUCKING….TERM! ”Oooh, doesn’t she/he/they/them/it look smart” No, what they look like is Sloth from the Goonies. And my mate in Canada, this is for you….NO ONE IS FUCKING INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU’RE HAVING FOR BREAKFAST/LUNCH/DINNER/SUPPER OR WHAT UNLOADING BAY YOU ARE ON YOU SERIOUSLY FAT, BORING CUNT! So stop posting fucking pics every 5 mins. PS, your dog looks like a fucking homosexualist.
Facebook and mumsnet should merge and form KarenSpace, seeing as both are mostly used by nosey, boring old women.
Did remainers suffer anxiety attacks because they couldnt speak to their fake friends for a few hours?
Aww diddums.