Ed Davey (2) and Freedom of Speech (sometimes)

The Lib Dems are steadfast in their belief in, and defence of, free speech. We know this because their leader, Ed ‘Ravey’ Davey, has re-affirmed the party’s absolute belief in the principle.

Yes they’re resolute on the matter alright; except, er, when they’re not. ‘Ravey’ might care to explain to the cynical why earlier this year(after some trans activists got on her case), party member Natalie Bird was banned from holding party office for ten years, all for the heinous crime of wearing a t-shirt which read ‘Woman; Adult, Human, Female’.

Responding to the BBC’s Andrew Marr, Davey blustered that ‘it actually doesn’t encapsulate the debate, to be honest’ (Qué?). He burbled on ‘we absolutely believe in free speech…but we also believe in the need to protect human rights and we need to believe in equality’.

Right. So are ‘free speech’ and a belief in equality mutually exclusive then? What about Natalie Bird’s ‘human right’ to ‘free speech’? Has she broken some law? Is her opinion not a valid one that’s probably shared by the vast majority of the country’s population?

Ah, I get it. Limp Dicks absolutely believe in ‘free speech’, as long as what’s being said is strictly in line with party dogma. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Nominated by: Ron Knee

53 thoughts on “Ed Davey (2) and Freedom of Speech (sometimes)

  1. This whole (or should that be “hole”?) trans-woman bullshit needs to be put to bed, once and for all.
    The really disturbing part of this abomination of belief, is that toddlers are being brainwashed from nursery onwards, indoctrinated into this anti-family bile ?

    A women-has a cervix.

    A woman transitioning to male, still has a cervix, so is a woman.

    A man transitioning to female doe NOT have a cervix and is therefore a MAN.

    No debate. Biological fucking fact?

    • “A man transitioning to female does NOT have a cervix and is therefore a MAN.”

      Not according to Dame Kweer. Whatever school dad sent him to, they obviously didn’t do too well on biology and sex education. The Starmer charmer thinks that the new JAMES Bond should be a woman. I bet he still believes you find babies under gooseberry bushes.

      • Narnia-boy Starmer, really is “away with the fairies”?

        As an older “cunter”, can you imagine being spoon fed this bullshit, in your school days, WC?

        No, neither can I!

      • James Bond

        While Man, Adult Human Male.

        It’s a good job he isn’t real otherwise he would have had his cock chopped off, a pair of false tits and girly injections.

      • I understand that when he said “Dad, I’ve failed my biology exam”, the reply was “I am your mother, son”

      • I suppose if we get a female Bond there will be great competition amongst rising male actors to become a ‘Bond Boy’.

  2. They certainly don’t believe in freedom of speech if you are a Brexiteer. You are a naughty, racist, xenophobic boy if you support Brexit – especially that loud-mouthed Moron/Moran tart.

    • Moran? Pan-sexual, apparently.

      I think that smashing a set of Teflon Coated pans up the speccy, bugs bunny toothed morons, no doubt rancid cunt, is a splendid idea?

  3. Afternoon Ron. Free speech? The Glib-dems do not know the meaning, any more than they understand the meaning of democrcy. Just words to be bandied about. Unfortunately these days, it isn’t ONLY the Glibs. Labour, the Greens and ALL full-on Left of centre parties are the same. I won’t even discuss Seaweed Sturgeon and the SNiP’s. Utter cunts all of them.

  4. Are these useless cunts still hanging around stinking the place up? The Dumbs, and indeed the Labour twats, are, in effect, splitting their party over this issue. Good for them, the thick wankers. You only have to look at the photo to realise that wasting your time on these mental cases is costing you untold thousands of votes. Geezers mincing about in dresses is NOT a political issue. It’s a medical issue at best and one that no normal cunt gives a toss about.

    • I used to be ambivalent about trannies.
      When it was just some plumber called Bernard in a frock and lippy, being a metropolitan type I just thought ‘harmless nutter’.
      Leave them to live however they want.
      I was wrong.
      My gracious liberal ways helped them become the demanding militants they are now.
      Now I think they should all be gassed.
      No good deed goes unpunished.

  5. Free Speech is a fundamental right as long as it fits with Liberal values, criticism is futile……… Exterminate, exterminate…

    • FREE SPEECH!!!✊*

      *terms & conditions apply
      not suitable for over 18yrs
      Warning! Small parts are a choking hazard

  6. We have a crazy situation where the political parties, particularly Labia and the Illiberal Undemocrats, push views that 99% of the population do not accept. Until they reflect the views of the majority they will keep losing.


    • The entire political spectrum seems to be unaware of what ordinary people think. Whilst the left is the most egregious in pushing the rights of deviant minorities I feel that it won’t be long before the Jellyfish jumps on the bandwagon.

    • The problem is that the fucking Tories are too. They’re almost as bad if not worse because they are supposed to be on our side.

      Johnson is a fat wobbling albino spastic and a Grade ‘A’ cunt.

  7. We have entered Orwells truths.
    Trannies – no debate. Biology irrelevant.
    Climate – no debate. The inevitability of climate change whatever the cause denied. The UK’s contribution so important that we will bankrupt the country despite contributing less than 2% greenhouse effect.
    Race – no debate. We are wrong and the shambles produced by the darker races, worldwide, not to be mentioned.
    Islam – no debate. Any slight criticism of their vile teachings is Islamophobic. We may soon have a blasphemy law that applies to Islam only.

    LibDems – a bunch of pathetic cunts. – no debate.

  8. “…we need to believe in equality’.”

    Another semantic trick misusing the word “WE” to accrue the right to speak for EVERYONE but what they really mean of course is that… THEY… need to believe in equality. Oh they need it sooooooo badly like an infant with its pavifier. And we also know that the only people who cry for ‘equality’ are the inferior.

  9. Has Barry Ryan been mentioned in the Dead Pool or have i not been paying attention ?

  10. If the Wimminz with the tee shirt had been a Peaceful what would old Wavy Davy have done about that? I think that’s what they call cognitive dissonance. Suckdick professes to love the benders and trannies but we all know what he really thinks. Same with all the Peacefuls who ride on the wokies’ back to get what they want. The day of reckoning is yet to come but come it will.

  11. The LibDumbs really need to take on board their shocking defeat in the last general election under the watch of big-tits-ugly-mug, Jo “do as I say” Swinson.

    So determined was she to undermine the Brexit vote that all other issues fell by the way side. She refused to listen to the advice of her committee, and ignored the concerns of her supporters.

    The result! At a cataclysmic defeat. And all because of her and her stupid blinkered arrogance into thinking the Silent Majority would somehow hop on board Brexit intransigence as a show of support to get things changed.

    Seems that the silent majority told her to fuck herself! As a consequence they’ve all been classed in the same way Brexit voters did – small minded, bigoted, racists etc.

    And now this whiney cunt called Davey, is spouting similar rhetoric.

    You really have to wonder what planet these cunts are on. All they can hope for is to be part of a coalition government, as they haven’t a hop in hell of becoming a government on their own. And its easy to see why.

  12. Male, Man, Masculine, penis-bearing, woman-loving, and not ashamed. If you don’t like that then go fuck yourself with whatever genitalia you have left.

  13. You should be allowed to say anything except incitement to violence/physical mistreatment. Everything else is just an opinion.

  14. Lid Dem Ashdown was a raddled ole EU loving mega cunt. Long may he rot in pieces.

    This Ed Davey creature is another bionic bellend from the ill-liberal un-democrats.

    They are the largest party in local government in my neck of the woods. They preside over a failed state. Yet like all the cunts in the greater Westminster bubble they are masturbating furiously over what to call a chick with a dick or ho with a hole. Dog spare me from these fuckers, when locally they keep on whining that the evil Tory cuts means no money for fuck all.

    Lib Dem’s policies appear to include,

    Drains overflowing, verges and hedges look like the Amazon.
    Drug addled mongs wandering the streets.
    Allow shops in the high streets in the towns to close due to massive rents and crazy car parking prices.
    Encourage out-of-towers driving round in their 4×4 Chelsea Tractors to move to the out lying villages and then complain about the countryside and lack of amenities.
    Encourage pikeys and give them plots of land for encampments.
    Destroy the pot holed road network by not sanctioning repairs.

    Then they claim a ‘climate emergency’ or appeal to us give a home to a Syrian/afghan/Somali/transgender bender…

    But try and see a doctor… ha.

    I fucking hate the bearded liberal cunts.

  15. I was utterly astonished to see that Ed Davey had been cunted just twice. I did then check the search facility on this tremendous website and can see that this is now his fourth outing.

    I am naturally relieved to learn that this left wing lunatic is actually considerably nearer being featured on the wall than I first thought. His stablemate Layla Moron needs a bit of a leg up too (in this respect).

    Dribbling, muttering old fucking wanker.

    • In the header pic why is there a cowboy behind Ed the ball?
      Was it a stick up?
      And whys Ed clutching a hammer?

  16. A Lib Dem writes:

    Two BBC interviews in a matter of days. In both, Ed Davey is asked a question about women, yet he immediately pivots his answer to talk about trans rights.

    In both, he accepts the premise that there should be no spaces for women where biological men cannot go. Yes, you read that right. He can’t even bring himself to clarify the point by making a distinction between trans women and men – doing so, of course, would mean actually having to define both ‘women’ and ‘trans women’ and would require recognition of the fact the issue is more complicated than a vacuous slogan.

    In both, he blames the ‘toxic’ debate on Boris Johnson – because of course it was Boris Johnson who punched a 60-year-old woman at Speaker’s Corner, who led a chanting mob after a gay man at Manchester Pride for wearing a t-shirt*, who forced a female Labour MP to skip her own party conference for her own safety, and who told J.K. Rowling to choke on his girl dick .

    * A LibDem supporter called @AprilPreston. Who then boasted about it on Twatter.

    The others were, respectively, an Algerian immigrant, the Labour Party and a bunch of very brave trans keyboard commandos.

  17. He’s a snivelling little spineless cock sucker. Leading a party of spineless snivelling cock suckers.

    Liberal Democrat’s are bottom feeding scum.

    Wishy Washy cunts.

  18. The Lib Dems are all that stand between us and the law of the jungle.

  19. Let’s not forget Little Timmy Farron, forced out of the leadership because, as a Bible basher, he refused to say that God thoroughly approved of the back door scuttlers.
    In fact these traitorous bastards have a long history of sexual degeneracy stretching all the way back to Jeremy Thorpe. What a filthy little predator that cunt was.

  20. Yeah, who can forget Big Cyril. What a disgusting excuse for a human being. Fat fucking slug.

  21. The Conservatives are never going to have a viable opposition with loony left, hypocritical, de-platforming cunts like Labour, Liberals and the Greens.
    When are these dick heads going to realise that a majority of the population think they are cunts that can’t be trusted.

  22. Natalie Bird was stating a fact not an opinion.Everyone asks why are Tories still leading in the polls.Welp between this wanker and Keir “Cervix ” Starmer it makes sense.Wonder if these arseholes ever tell their wives their periods or child birth experiences don’t make them women?Doubt they are that “brave”.

  23. Natalie Bird was stating a fact not an opinion.Everyone asks why are Tories still leading in the polls.Well between this wanker and Keir “Cervix ” Starmer it makes sense.Wonder if these arseholes ever tell their wives their periods or child birth experiences don’t make them women?Doubt they are that “brave”.

  24. “We are all equal”
    Like fuck we are. Snivelling spineless pointless cunts. I honestly thought the Lib Dems had given it up as a bad job and disbanded.
    Or disappeared up their own, or more likely each others, arses…

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