The Tavistock Clinic, the woke judiciary and the maiming of children.
Thanks to a judgement by the Court of Appeal, children with mental issues can continue to be maimed for life by this Nazi experimentation facility, or clinic, as it styles itself.
Mixed up, confused kids can be turned into tranny freaks on a whim. Mental issues ignored and puberty blocked, gender changed and all in the name of woke trannyism. This despite the cases of children harmed for life by these monsters.
There was a time when common sense would eventually prevail. But thanks to these overpaid legal parasites trendy wokeism wins out.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Common sense was abolished in 1997.
Don’t even suggest that to Tone or Gord, they would be outraged.
On the contrary, I suspect they see it as one of their finest achievements!
You’re right RTC. Pair of cunts.
Gas them both…
The lefty anti brexit cunts are having a field day with the current crisis, blaming it on lorry driver shortages, food shortages, the energy crisis, even the fucking weather. Probably.
I would say bollocks, this goes back to 1997, and the labour government that destroyed Britain. Firstly, they decided to get as many people to go to university, and made up a load of shit vocations that are of fuck all use so they could get the non academic kids in. This is at the expense of trades, you know, the people who actually make societies work. Builders, plumbers, electricians, and, lorry drivers, who would want an unglamorous career like that when you can study some pointless topic at university. If vocational occupations had been given the gravitas they deserve, and people more suited to these occupations steered to them, then perhaps we wouldn’t have needed to fill these jobs with foreign workers, who can leave just as easily as they arrive.
Secondly, they turned the benefits system into a lifestyle choice, instead of a safety net, so lazy cunts can easily play the system and live a comfortable life, without lifting a finger. And if you want a bigger house or a bigger car, have another kid or two.
Who is going to pick fruit or do a labouring job if they don’t have to?
And, any government that wants to change that will be labelled evil by the left, as can be seen with the removal of the £20 extra gin credits the lazy cunts had during the lockdown period.
Fucking right. Excellent post, GJ!
Cheers T. The best part of it is, those dull cunts that did the made up uni courses ended up working at McDonald’s or a fucking call centre for a third of what they could have earned doing a trade. Way to go Tony.
As far as I can see, the only people who really benefitted from the IVth Reich were, as usual, rich cunts who wanted cheap imported labour. I wonder how Abominable Cunt Grayling feels about leaving mainland European countries short of labour, so that Woopert and Emmaaah can have cheap childcare. The said nanny usually gets fucked by Woopert anyway, and Emmaaah is SOOO pissed orf!!
Gutstick @ 11:18am – spot on mate! ???
Top comment GJ
Bang on the money
Spot on Gutstick, as evidenced by the dire shortage of trades we have now, who are charging north of £200-£250 a day – all because of reduced supply and demand.
It made me laugh when a few of my walter mitty ‘friends’ thought they were too good to work on a building site when they were on the dole or would pick up the odd gig in a pub but spend 5 days a week cold-calling pensioners.
When a couple if them did venture towards any form of physical work they used to quit after a few days and use a bad back as an excuse. Half of them had degrees as well but more than half were Gen X’ers who left school in the late eighties to mid nineties and dithered. A lot of the millennials I know are generally harder working and have got on pretty well, despite the Blair con of handing every man and his dog a degree with their pint at the student union bar.
True, although this has generated a very large number of well-paid jobs which did not exist before. The economies of several towns and cities have now become so reliant on the higher education sector they would now collapse without it.
The prime reason for Tony Blair’s “education, education, education” mantra was not a belief that higher education per se was desirable (that was always a lie) but chiefly a clever manoeuvre to guarantee a reduction in unemployment. Rising unemployment was a serious “bogey man” for all post war governments and had became particularly acute in the 1970s and 1980s and briefly in the early 1990s. As such, it was an inspired idea; it could not fail to win votes and it didn’t. I agree it was an undesirable policy, but that was 25 years ago and it’s here to stay.
The impact of an inevitable depletion in apprenticed trades (as you correctly point out) was fully offset by cheaply available workers from the EU. Absent Britexit, this would have remained true almost indefinitely.
This is completely untrue. The “high water mark” in the UK for benefits being a real “lifestyle choice” was the 1970s and early 1980s, before Thatcher started to make much-needed¹ changes in the opposite direction; this continued under Major and indeed Blair. It greatly accelerated under Brown post 2008 and Cameron/Clegg and May. “Pure” unemployment benefits are now at their lowest level of inflation-adjusted value since the introduction of the Welfare State after WW2.
The statistics for teenage pregnancies/young single mothers is perhaps the most reliable indicator of whether living on benefits is a “lifestyle choice”. These stats have been falling steadily over the last 30 years, since before Blair came to power. A year or two ago, this statistic fell to its lowest level since records began in the 1960s.
What has certainly changed in the other direction is a vast increase in spending on disability and “in-work” benefits, although such benefits as these clearly do not correspond to a “lifestyle choice” as you describe it, unless fraud is involved or the disability is not genuine. This is statistically insignificant, however.
¹ I do agree that living comfortably on benefits as a “lifestyle choice” by the feckless is (or was) highly undesirable. You’d need to go back to Harold Wilson and Jim Callaghan to apportion such blame, though – not Tony Blair.
Spot on
I wasn’t going to reply to Walt, but perhaps there should be some perspective.
I base my opinions on real life, not statistics or Wikipedia stuff, and two years of working for the local authority’s housing department confirmed my prejudices, and what I saw there made it clear there was a large proportion of residents who were quite content living on the state.
Births might have dropped, but by who? Working people who have to pay their way are choosing to have smaller families, but benefits cunts carry on banging them out. They know 1 kid equals flat, 2 kids guaranteed a house. I’ve had that screamed at me by a tennant who knew her rights better than I did. 3 kids and you’re really moving up the property ladder. I live in one of the top five council tax prices, specifically because there is so much social housing to pay for, so I do know what I’m talking about in those regards.
As for Blair? His governments’ push to get more people to go to university was at the expense of vocational occupations, almost to the point of stigmatising them, and had little effect on the unemployment figures other than to defer them for a couple of years.
Blair is still an evil cunt though…?☠️
<… had little effect on the unemployment figures other than to defer them for a couple of years… [etc]
You have wholly misunderstood Tony Blair’s “inspired idea”. Simply put, if a school leaver is in higher education he/she is not, by definition, unemployed. This is, of course, a permanent effect.
Increasing the proportion of school leavers (18-21 yo) attending university from 10% to 50% for three years (Tony Blair’s goal) reduces overall unemployment (18-65 yo) by at least 3%. Permanently.
Also there was no “stigmatising” of trades as a result of this, as you claim. Being a plumber or electrician was historically a fairly unattractive work prospect due to relatively poor pay – despite the necessary and time-consuming training & costly accreditation. This became much more pronounced as cheap labour flooded over in the run up to A8 (2006). There was no stigma, it was just that the pay was shit compared to less demanding jobs.
You said it – talk about an own goal!! You go on at length about your personal knowledge of council housing allocation, emphasising your evident resentment at prioritising women with multiple children (how would you like it to work, I wonder?). You completely fail to mention there has been a dwindling amount of council housing available since Thatcher. This is the central problem, not the allocation of what little is left to benefits claimants with multiple children. Perhaps you are unaware there has been a cap on Child Benefits, to 2 children, since 2017. Since you proudly limit yourself to personal experience, I assume that came in after your two years working in a Council Office?
I prefer to look at facts and figures (aka statistics) from trusted sources (Wikipedia is fine as long as you check the references but other sources are easier and more trustworthy) and draw conclusions without any prejudice. Even then I try to keep an “open mind”. Not only do I end up generally better informed that way, I avoid becoming increasingly wound up about shit I didn’t really understand in the first place.
It might have been better had you not replied, as you intended. Not only did you demonstrate that you didn’t read or properly understand what I wrote – but you also succeeded in further betraying your acridly bitter and resentful “perspective”.
Mengele would be right at home. Who knew that he was just ahead of his time?
The Tavistock Clinic is indeed evil. Maiming a confused 14 year old for life deserves a prison sentence.
Teddy boys, greasers, hells angels, skin heads, hippies and punks.
In the past there were groups to affiliate with to rebel against society in general and parents in particular.
Now the only way to buck the trend is by declaring yourself gay or by insisting that you have miraculously been born in the wrong body.
Any parent that buys into this shit needs to have their kids taken from them.
Any doctor causing irreparably harm to these kids should be struck off and jailed.
I would like to comment here that “WHAT” exactly is it that has been born in the wrong body? Many of the protagonists are “atheism ‘plus'” types, denying the existence of incorporeal entities to be born into anything. The spirit of one’s existence is an emergent property of brains and (since brains are part of the body) bodies more generally.
I’d agree with that bit, something like “the spirit of fair play” is an emergent property of games or perhaps “the spirit of the law” is an emergent property of the letter of the law. Maybe the spirit of fair play motivated the legislation in the first place but honestly, I spend very little time thinking about this.
There are a few people with ambiguous genitalia who are assigned the wrong sex at birth. Yes. There are a few hermaphrodites. Maybe 1 in 50,000? That’s still a good number of individuals; for North America with a combined population of 331 (USA) + 38 (CANADA) = 369 million that’s 7,380; England: 1125; Australia: 517; NZ: 102; Falkland Islands: 0.0006796 and other countries easily enough calculated. Some estimates are 1 in 45,000 – anyway, I’m not talking about them. They don’t claim to be born in the wrong body or claim anything much at all. The only reason I know is because they have a society (private) which agreed to a short radio interview 5 or 10 years ago. If you met one, you wouldn’t know.
The same can hardly be said for the trans community. Nevertheless if I wake up tomorrow urgently desirous of cross-dressing and needing to get special elocution lessons to align my speaking voice with my new identity I can’t see how that is anything more than an emergent property of my life experience(s) thus far. So where do these ideas get off? Are there insubstantial selves waiting to be born but able to be misassigned bodies? Where are they?
I can’t see how they can have it both ways. Essentially that would be a soul but many advocates in this arena reject the idea of a soul. What I think is irrelevant. What do they think? How do they not have a cake but eat it too?
Pandering to a fashion trend. Stop the world I want to get off.
These Tavistock bastards have been at the forefront of arse fuckery and sexual degeneracy for years. These days they have willing allies in primary schools where all this trannyism is pumped into little kids heads without the knowledge of parents.
It’s ten times worse in Yankland where these fuckers are aided and abetted by children’s books, cartoons and other tv programmes. All designed to undermine and destroy the western family unit and with it our whole way of life. Lots of parents are wising up to it in America and actually finding out what these cunts are doing. If you think you get out of it by paying for private education you are wrong. The bastards are everywhere.
All by design, and just one front of the attack.
Divide and conquer. Your body, your mind, your connection to something greater, to friends, family and community.
Trying to hold humanity back. Fucking parasites.
“…Trying to hold humanity back.”
Worse Chunks, they actively and openly want it pacified, subjugated and eventually eradicated!
These cunts are determined to eradicate straight and gay kids.
If a boy is a bit effeminate then he must be trans.
If a girl likes short hair or is a bit butch then she must be trans.
These cunts have infiltrated Stonewall and kicked out all the bummers and carpet munchers as well as infiltrating the schools and courts.
So many cases that have been won against Tavistock are now being put on hold and dragged back through the appeal courts.
Trans are now the new domestic terrorists and coming after your kids, especially with the Marxist shit running our schools now.
My wife knows someone who took her daughter out of an all girls school in Cambridge as 125 kids were self identifying as trans in one year alone! Fucking disgrace.
The private health sector performs a number of double mastectomies a week on young women with mental health issues. A large number of whom have a history of self harm and/or eating disorders. The issue appears to me to be mainly due to a progression in attention seeking behaviour. None of them go on to live a “normal” male life, it’s kind of hard to without a penis. You won’t find many of them in the pub after the football, they’ll be in the vegan cocktail bar with the purple haired wokies. I think a few do play for Spurs though. Expect a lot more legal action against the NHS as the majority will eventually realise that having their tits chopped off really isn’t a solution to their problems. “Everybody’s talking about Jamie”, the play about an annoying little puff who wants to dress as a girl sums it up; “look at me!” attention whore syndrome.
‘Everybody’s talking about Jamie’ wears its narcissistic heart on its sleeve; it’s right there in the title.
I wonder who actually watches that crap? Probably the same few deviants who enjoy Ru Paul and his Jam rolls.
‘A few play for Spurs’…excellent!
I saw there are now loads who want to change back again. God knows what downstairs looks like afterwards
“…God knows what downstairs looks like afterwards”
Like a dropped kebab!
Fuck the cunts and all who set sail in this shit show.
That this is taxpayer funded clearly shows how far into the swamp of degeneracy our country has sunk.
Nobody gives a fuck about anything.
What a barrel of tranny shit.
Kids are being targeted for all this woke shit more and more every day. This Travesty Clinic is one of so many attacks on innocent souls today.
How about building a gallows outside the Tavistock clinic. For these fucks?
Oddly though, I am sure a woman who was squeezed out of the Tavistock because she voiced some disagreement with their policies, actually won for unfair dismissal at an employment tribunal.
That was, I think, something I might have commented on a week or so ago, thinking that a kickback against wokepuffinery might be emerging…
I’m a boy, I’m a boy
But my ma won’t admit it
I’m a boy, I’m a boy
But if I say I am, I get it
Pete Townsend song Infidelgastro.
He also wrote Pictures of Willy and The kids are alright….
Maybe a cry for help ????
I’m still awaiting his book on you know what, he was researching.
Not to mention ‘A Quick One (While He’s Away)’
My name is Ivor,
I’m an engine driver
Please take a sweet
Come take a walk with me
We’ll sort it out
Back at my place, maybe
It’ll come right
You ain’t no fool, I ain’t either
So why not be nice to an old engine driver
Better be nice to an old engine driver
I missed you and I must admit
I kissed a few and once did sit
On Ivor the engine driver’s lap
And later with him, had a nap… ?
Girls of 15
Sexually knowing.
This nom has my blood boiling. This is clearly human experiments on par with the Nazis .
Does anyone have Albert Pierpoint’s number.
I used to read anything on the subject of hanging and once lent a mate a copy of Harry Allen’s book (The last executioner) to my mate. He was sat around the pool on holiday reading it when Harry Allen’s sister came over to ask him where he’d gotten it.
I work in the further education sector and see sexually confused kids daily. Many are confused because of peer pressure and the media’s portrayal of the gay scene as cool, trendy and a legitimate lifestyle choice. These kids will eventually mature and choose their path which, more often than not, means they go the “straight” route. Modern day Dr Mengele’s like these cunts are a fucking disgrace to humanity and in years to come will be viewed as such, I hope.
I’m not Christian but I think the Jesus had some great advice on political and social noncery,
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea”
Yes. What happened to Medical Ethics? It used to be a kid couldn’t get their tonsils removed before the age of 16 or without their parent’s consent. Now – anything goes? Cocks and balls. Who is the head doctor there? Dr Mengele?
Decades ago a woman wrote a book on this subject. I can’t remember its title or the author’s name, maybe someone else on here can? But she was interviewed on television alongside one of the perpetrators. Two sentences she said which have stayed with me;
The unfortunate subjects require psychiatry not surgery.
The surgeons hygienically mutilate these people.
Years and years ago I remember someone working in the warehouse looking at the boob implants and wondering where they would end up. He wondered what would happen if he asked to be changed into a whale with a fully functioning blow hole..he thought he would be sectioned
I think these kids need to be trained as HGV drivers, not transsexual mental cases.
Tavistock Institute own a conspiracy forum…
Go there and pose as a flat Earther and ask about ocean being curved or level and you’ll be banned as I am every week. It’s a conspiracy site where you can libel Tom Hanks but not post data on the ocean being level not curved. It’s a controlled opposition site. An anything goes conspiracy forum where you can’t discuss the shape and characteristics of the Earth. Think about that. It’s based out of Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, near where NASA does their magic tricks. Full of government agents watching for people exposing NASA’s lies. Go check it out and make a short post asking about the ocean being level or curved: (you can post without signing up)
You’ll be banned if you keep asking for real-world, paractical proof of the ocean being curved. But you can call Tom Hanks a child abuser! They aren’t worried about being sued by Tom Hanks. It’s because the shape of the Earth is the number 1 taboo topic and will be for many years to come.
The Tavistock Institute is connected to a conspiracy forum…
An anything goes conspiracy forum where you can’t discuss the shape and characteristics of the Earth. Think about that. It’s based out of Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, near where NASA does their magic tricks. Full of government agents watching for people exposing NASA’s lies. Go check it out and make a short post asking about the ocean being level or curved: (you can post without signing up)
You’ll be banned if you keep asking for real-world, paractical proof of the ocean being curved. But you can call Tom Hanks a child abuser! They aren’t worried about being sued by Tom Hanks. It’s because the shape of the Earth is the number 1 taboo topic and will be for many years to come.
Is there any reliable data showing showing the numbers of girls transitioning to boys and the number of boys transitioning to girls. If more girls than boys are changing then a rat is definitely running amok methinks.
If all Christian kids want to transition and all the Muslims cunts keep coming at a range of 18k this year alone, then guaranteed that this will be a Muslim country in 10 years and bacon will be a scarce commodity.
HAPPY halal Christmas
Immediately the decision was taken that being trans was not a mental illness this was always going to happen. The degenerates have now got there hooks into any child that displays anything not seen as ‘straight’. Weird hair, trans, slightly effeminate male, trans, tomboy girl, trans. They’re in their ears 24/7 telling them it’s ok and the right path is trans/gay at an age when the kids have no idea what to do or think. Kids will love all the attention, thinking they are in some way ‘special’. To allow an adult or institution other than their parent telling them what they should do or how they should think is an utter disgrace. Let the parents parent and fuck off out of their lives until they can decide in a mature fashion what they want and how they want to be. To have these deviants in the ears of children is a fucking disgrace, but it seems the voice of the rational is drowned out by a tiny minority hell bent in pushing their vile and deviant manifesto. Too scared to say fuck off when 95% of the population know it’s exactly what should be done. Frankly Stonewall and the like needs to be pulled back to a more moderate stance before they fuck up untold numbers of vulnerable kids.
“…by this Nazi (???) experimentation facility, or clinic, as it styles itself.”
Bit of a false comparison there. One thing’s for sure, such a ‘facility’ would NOT have been tolerated under National Socialism. It woulod have been leveleed and its directors summarily tried & SHOT!