The Stephen Lawrence drama and a sense of perspective

On TV now. About something that happened in 1993. Starring Alan Partridge (Steve Coogan) no less.

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The lad was murdered by scum. The Met were fucking useless and dont seem any better now.

Damilola Taylor was murdered in 2000 but there doesnt seem to be the same fuss. Unfortunate black lad murdered by scum. But wait. They were black scum so it doesnt seem to count.

Since 1993 there have been many more murders in London. The perpetrators were black in a much higher proportion than the demographic. As were the victims.
Today these murders are a daily occurrence. Still more by blacks than whites.

However, I don’t see dramas made about them, with or without Alan Partridge. So where is the perspective? Where is the fucking sense of balance? When is some fucker going to write a drama that portrays these savages as they actually are? A drama that shows what a shithole these cunts have made of the metropolis? How they sneer at education and family life?

Some perspective.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

72 thoughts on “The Stephen Lawrence drama and a sense of perspective

    • Alan Partridge isnt going to make this funny,
      Whos he playing? Doreen?
      Funnily enough Stevie Lawrence quoted Alan as his last words
      Ah hahhh….

      • Coogan should have played Pau Calf in this show and drunkenly called everyone cunts.

        On a positive note, One Foot In The Grave (all six series, not sure about Christmas specials) is on the BBC iPlayer from tomorrow. I can’t recall anything in One Foot that would be anri-woke these days. Victor’s targets of abuse are yobs, salesmen, fly-tippers, elder abuse bullies, dodgy builders, crap hotel staff etc. Best TV series ever, in my opinion. Victor is the Patron Saint of Incredulous Brits in the Modern Age.

        (2 minute clip)

  1. Coogan is going to love acting in this. He will positively ooze liberal woke piety in whichever part he plays – unless he’s playing one of the scummy murderers. I’m surprised Linecunt isn’t in it as well. Perhaps he can have a walk on role selling a bag of crisps to Doreen Lawrence.

    As for balance – don’t look for it in the media. If you want balance by a set of scales because it’s the only place you’ll find it.

    • He’s a great actor, but an annoying luvvie in real life. Seeing him in a drama with no humour would be a hard watch. These kind of murder dramas are not for me and I’ve watched every great horror film ever made. I just can’t handle these real-life horrors, it’s enough to get the jist on the murder(s) from the papers.

      • I’m waiting for “Frenzy 2” – wimminz like Jess Phillips, AnalEase Dodds, Sugartits Cooper are all found stark bollock naked with ties round their necks floating in the Thames, or in sacks of potatoes. No AnalEase in the potato sack though, please – it would make the vegetables inedible. A waste of good food.

        Just for a twist the murderer would be one of their many dykie ladies – Kin Leadbetter in her first starring role?

    • Coogan used to own an old Aston Martin DBS. He was obnoxious enough to use the ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ and all that crap, to have the car restored before others on the garage’s waiting list.

      I couldn’t care or less if he can act. He’s just another hypocritical luvvie that craves adulation to validate his existence. So for that reason alone I refuse to watch him, and consequently deprive him of a viewing figure.

  2. I’ll wager that both the BBC and channel Foreskin are presently in a race to see who can get the dramatisation of that recent cunt Incel shooter into production first.
    Expect to see a dark key in the role of lead investigator, gallantly fighting the good fight against the doubtlessly portrayed epidemic of white, right wing, misogynistic menaces.

    • I just find it odd and distasteful to make a telly show about this tragedy. How could the family and friends signs off on this? It will be depressing as fuck. Imagine they made a drama on Jamie Bulger? Enough of these real-life murder shows, not good bedtime viewing.

      • The Lawrence family did sign off on it, as did Clive Driscoll, the investiagating detective played by Coogan.

      • God, that must have been a weird series of meetings.

        BBC producer: We want to have Steve Coogan be in this.
        Mrs Lawrence: Alan Partridge?
        BBC: Yeah.
        Mrs L: Oh. (10 seconds of uncomfortable silence)
        BBC: He can do serious drama.
        Mrs L: Hmm.

        I’m sure it’s well made and Coogan is good. How does it end?

    • ITV? So adverts for fast food and gadgets interrupt the unfolding darkness? Yech. I thought this was a BBC affair, it’s more up their street. ITV is the more happy crappy network.

  3. Not a bad production as these things go. I’m no fan of Coogan but he did a reasonable job.

    • He’s a great actor, just more suited to comedy, although his films are hit and miss. I have an idea that Alan Partridge runs for Major of Norwich and despite many calamities, he wins and the calamities get worse. Kind of like a British version of Veep which Partridge co-creator Armando Iannucci created over America. That would be a bounty of comedy and a role Coogan and Felicity Montagu (Lynn could be his Chief of Staff) would relish. I’ve thought about putting this idea to Coogan.

  4. How many fucking series about this lad?

    It must be five or six by now. It’s now just race baiting because they never fucking shut up about it.

    How many series about the murder of Kris Donald? ‘Who the fuck’s that?’ is most people’s answer.

    You’ll probably guess right as to why that is the case.

    Quite frankly, I’ve had it with them brow beating the honky about this fucking case. They make out dark keys can’t walk down the street without gangs of racists trying to kill them.

    It’s fucking bullshit, and, if anything, it’s the other way around.

    • When a black dude is murdered, 99.999% of the time, it’s his fellow melanin brothers doing the stabbing and stomping. It isn’t Alf Garnett, skinheads or Jim Davidson, it’s a member of a gang.

    • What about that teenager who was beaten to death in an American high-school then rolled up in a gymnasium mat and neatly put away in the store room? I’ve forgot his name. The school said he did it to himself. I’m not shitting you. His dead was massively swollen like Emmett Till’s, the 1950s kid who was tortured to death by white guys for whistling at his wife outside a store.

    • The obvious reason behind the total lack of interest by the media about Rigbys murder, and the cause behind it, seem to be an attempt to calm more racial or religious reprisals.
      Unfortunately it plays directly into the far right nutters hands, as the can use this lack of remembrance as a recruiting tool.

  5. Good nomination and well put about Damiola whatisname and his black murderers. Were they the ones who jammed his mouth with marbles before killing him? BLM never mention him.

    I’m still waiting for them to make the film ‘Pregnant & Robbed’ – a comedy about the George Floyd burglary with five of his gun-bristling buddies. Justin Trudeau coild black up again to play Floyd. The woman will be played by Olivia Coleman or some equally infuriating cunt.

  6. I often wonder why the rich and famous are hell bent on destroying the country.

    I admit to being baffled by it.

    I suppose they don’t give a fuck as the view from the Tuscan villa is marvellous.

    Vermin for oven.

  7. Am watching Manhunt: The Night Stalker. As far as I know, the crim was bleck, and is played by one.
    Clunes is superb; saw him as Acid-Bath Haigh, only a few days back. Three-dimensional acting, at least.

    • Yes. Her comments that the emergency services are racist and that’s why so many dark keys died at Grenfell were a fucking disgrace.

      Of course, no cunt in the House of Lords or in the media pulled her up on this, the fucking grifting old cunt.

  8. Keep hearing rumours he was in a drug gang and that’s what it was really all about.

    I doubt it’s true, but post a link if you find something that supports this theory.

  9. The case that really upsets me is the Damilola Taylor. He was just a kid coming home from the library.

    Why was there no big fuss or media circus created about that? Because the suspects were black? It was cold blooded murder. Is there no sense of common decency among them? They should have served 25 years.

  10. I havent seen it. Cant stand Coogan and am sick of the narrative. Read the write ups.
    Met police racist? Probably but with good reason given the criminal demographic. Also cynicism over yet another black murder.
    And why should the mother be able to hop on the tube to the House of Cunts to collect £300? What purpose, other than fucking virtue signalling does she serve?
    And as a recent cunting pointed – black on black crime is an inconvenient, never commented upon, epidemic.
    Fucking chiggun.

    • I’ve read that word on the street in Eltham at the time was that Lawrence was delivering drugs for a local dealer and many unconnected people testified to this.

      I don’t know if theres any truth to that and its no excuse for what happened to him but it is left out of all of the coverage. He’s mentioned only as a student hoping to become an architect. Its similar to the sainthood bestowed upon George Floyd, its like after his death it didn’t count that he once held a shotgun to a pregnant woman’s stomach while his gang of hoodlems turned her home over.

      • Dunno about that, but S.London police were well bent. David Norris’s father Clifford was a drug importer and protected by crooked police. Dodgy S.London cops also stymied the investigation into the Daniel Morgan murder. There are connections between the cases, specifically in some of the police personnel involved busy making a mess of things. The MacPherson report’s “institution racism” conclusion was way off the mark, institutional corruption is far more like it.

      • Thats interesting! To me it draws the conclusion that the widespread stifling of the investigation was more to do with the force protecting their brown envelopes than it was that a whole heap of officers thought the murder was really good and they should protect the white murderers. In my reading on the Police etc it becomes clear that the police always protect their own. In this instance they were too in the spotlight to totally sweep everything under the carpet so it was probably a choice from two evils for them – admit we are corrupt in which case the brown envelopes stop, or falsely admit we are racist so the brown envelopes carry on. We know which one they chose.

      • Anthony Joshua, thanks to his skin tone, is practically promoted as a teflon saint in the media when in reality he’s a racist/race baiting drug dealing/drug money collecting, thick cunt.

      • I’d like to add that I sincerely hope Mr Usyk can do us all a favour and put this glass jawed overhyped cunt out of his misery.

      • I’ve heard that Lawrence was a dealer as well. It is never remotely even mentioned in any investigation and so must have some truth but totally omitted cos he was black and does not fit the narrative.

    • I think it was case of MacPherson taking the easy option, and not really trying very hard to find out the truth. He’d already decided his verdict. There’s a good book called Bent Coppers by journalist Graeme McLagen which has a chapter or two delving into the situation south of the river and the murky connections between coppers, crims and the private detective agency much utilised by News of the Screws.

      Untold by Peter Jukes and Alastair Morgan (brother of Daniel) also covers police corruption in the region in exhaustive detail. The sheer scale of it is absolutely astonishing.

  11. Coogan is white guilt personified.

    Liked him in character as Partridge and Saxondale but despise the bastard himself.

    Is that a black panther/power salute Lawrence is doing in the nom pic?

    Caucasian footballer Kevin de Bruyne also has a penchant for this salute while grovelling on his knees pre kick off alongside his oppressed team mates.

    Strange times we live in.

    And yes the Stephen Lawrence thing, no matter how awful blah fucking blah, has been done to fucking death.

  12. Coogan is an irredeemable luvvie cunt.
    The mere sight of his face makes me want to put my boot through whichever screen he’s on…

  13. What I don’t get about these dramas is the message that they ‘are spreading awareness’. What awareness? Its like Me and my pals like to have a few beers, watch a match, play a few frames of snooker and then murder a BAME person on the way home for fun.

    What awareness and what message? This stuff insults me because it basically assumes a standpoint that every white person is a closet racist who might consider commuting a racially aggravated murder and needs to get the message that they shouldnt do that.

    Its total race baiting guff with zero target audience.

    I was sent to a clients office in London (shit day out) the other week. 30 year old white male in a 3 piece suit with a laptop bag (disclaimer, i spend 90% of my working life in high vis and hard hat). Some charity collector looking black bloke accosts me to try and talk to me ‘about raising awareness for knife crime’. i ignored him. I was thinking after ‘he’s either a fucking clueless coward, targeting white collar white workers in the area around liverpool street, or he genuinely believes knife crime is a white issue and that he shouldn’t be down in the mires of east london etc where the message needs spreading’.

    The race baiting mind cancer has really taken hold in this country.

    • Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk etc.
      If nowt on telly I might watch it?
      Bag of shite!!?

  14. Anything with that Leftie Corbyn loving Coogan gets switched off
    Hypocrite of the first order and a total cunt ??

  15. Sirs:

    US press loves to scream about mass shootings, except when it’s black people involved.

    Amazing how often they occur on or around streets named for Martin Luther King Jr.

    Marches, protests, taking a knee? Speeches in Congress, stern and sorrowful remarks from the president? Nope. Just another day in East St. Louis, 97 percent black.

    But if some fat black idiots get mad about vaccine requirements in NYC it’s a national crisis.

      • I agree with BLM in this instance if its over vax proof status unlikely allies I tell ya

        According to some comments on trip advisor good semi decent Italian food but overpriced as fuck on most dishes. 3 stars and below are saying rude staff and bad food/service. 33 dollars for Chicken Parmesan?! get the fuck outta here I’ll make my own for that much, forget aboutit

      • Agreed Titslapper

        If any group is against the discrimination riddled abomination known as vaccine fucking passports then I’m with them on that particular matter.

        Anybody who agrees with vaccination passports is a 100 percent CUNT.

  16. Watched Silent Witness last night and the wife says who do you think done it? Easy I said the white middle aged man, cos it won’t be the black woman.
    Spot on!
    TV land the complete opposite of real life.
    Things will only get better if the real issue about black on black and black on white crime is tackled and the black community takes responsibility.
    It’s just far easier and more acceptable to blame whitey.

    • Wasn’t there a case recently of a blek raping bum-boys he’d met on Grinder? The media didn’t know how to report it as they got in a woke muddle. Report the assailant as he’s black, or don’t report it and draw the ire of the gaybos. What a laugh.

  17. Here’s a good idea for a drama…

    Somebody is quite good at impressions of Ronnie Corbett and Jimmy Savile, so he gets a few bits on TV. Starts to do his own characters and gets a big break by acting the part of a failed sports presenter/chat show host and becomes a household name. Then he gets on the nose candy, treats his missus like crap, fucks strippers and rock star cast offs and goes up his own arse. He eventually becomes an insufferable luvvie cunt and woke knobhead.

    Tell you what, he could be played by Steve Coogan….

  18. Does Coogan have a sexual partner?
    He’s such an ugly cunt that they must INSIST that he does them doggie.

  19. Hells bells will this fucking saga ever end. As an earlier comment stated the biggest problem was bent coppers. The mother got a fucking peerage for fucks sake,
    Please can this bollocks end.

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