The Royal Family

£370 million of taxpayer’s money to do up Liz’s second home.
Prince Charles allegedly selling Honours to dodgy businessmen to fund doing up another of his houses.

Prince ( I’m just too honourable)Andrew hiding out in another of Mummy’s homes like a shoplifter hiding under the bed on some Council Estate when the Police come knocking.

…..and,of course, Prince Fucking- Harry. (We have a nom for this fuckwit, and one for faux royal Sarah Ferguson due to go live in the next few days – Day Admin)

Time to call time on the venal parasites,once and for all.

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Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

73 thoughts on “The Royal Family

    • That is AOC, the stormtrooper of American radical leftism, constantly struggling against, white supremacy, the patriarchy and systemic raaaay-sism. Apparently she only “borrowed “ the dress. Yeah….how many birds does she know, exactly her size, who own mega expensive dresses with Tax the Rich all over the arse?
      The unmistakable stink of champagne socialism.

      • She’s constantly tweeting her very left wing ideas. And now this. Utterly destroyed her credibility in my eyes. A stunt on the red carpet at the most exclusive gathering.
        It was all just about publicity.
        I hope the Donald tweets something.

      • AOC is a two-faced, lying, conniving rancid old cunt. And with a name like her I would think she has some Spanish or Portuguese blood a few generations down the line.

        Those very same Spaniards and Portuguese who did so well looking after native South Americans 4 or 500 years ago, massacring thousands, stealing gold and generally performing genocide throughout most of the Americas.

        And yet do we hear of any of this colonialism/slavery/butchery et al from the Left, MSM or the BLM or the Latinos?

        Not a fucking squeak. And AOC isn’t very keen to talk about it either because it doesn’t suit the narrative.

    • What a fucking hypocrisy ridden horror that woman is.

      Looks like she could be smeared in the blood of one blob strop too many.

  1. Part of me wants Randy Andy to get away with it on this occasion…
    This is clearly a case of making a fortune out of him. She was quite happy at the time to shag Andy and other middle aged men for a fistful of Dollars and invite her freinds sisters and cousins round because it was so lucrative.

    • Yeah, just like all these Hollywoke star bitches now jumping on the metoo bandwagon to get their version out first, because every cunt knows how they clawed their way to stardom. As Marilyn said, when she signed her first multi film Hollywood contract……”Thank God , I don’t have to suck cock anymore.”

    • If it happened in the UK it would be legal. However, his choice of friends is rather questionable. Anyhow innocent until proven guilty. The media is getting a right stonk on over it.

      I like the Royal Family and frankly, if they got rid of the taxpayer’s allowance they would still do very well so this they need the money bull is nonsense. But of late is been a shit storm.

  2. The Queen is popular because she keeps her trap shut.

    Apart from those tedious, platitudinous Christmas Day broadcasts, that is.

    But if Andrew is her favourite child there must be something seriously disfunctional there.

    Kate gives me the horn, so she can ascend the throne when the old trout carks.

      • I wish it WAS Lizard People ruling Earth, I could deal with that. It’s scarier than that though- it’s HUMANS.

    • Ruff Tuff Creampuff: The Queen is popular because she keeps her trap shut.

      THIS. The rest of them are just lost souls looking for something to do, but it is unbecoming of a Royal to “do” things so they “say” things and 99.9% of derping as they also don’t “know” anything. It’s a HORRIBLE life to have. I’d rather be a tramp.

  3. That article about the Queen was over 4 years ago, but none the less, you have to question why the richest person in the world should get assistance paying for renovation to one of her many properties.
    As for Jug Ears getting cash for honours/favours, well , he’d only be following the example set by many of our so called leaders.

      • She’s the 372nd richest person in the world.

        (She needs a GoFundMe whip-round – Day Admin)

      • She is the largest landholder on Earth. 66(.6?) Billion acres. Some Saudi is in 2nd place with 6 billion acres, so by far she holds the most.

        The value of that land is incalculable.

      • It depends on how you define, “her wealth”. “The Crown” owns Britain and many other lands on Earth. The Crown owns the waters of Britain. What is “The Crown”? What ARE crowns, really? Their origin is interesting. A great rabbit hole.

        Wealth is more than money, cash, notes, gold, oil, land, etc. Real wealth is the secret knowledge of life, reality. The Queen is a figurehead for this knowledge, not just Britain. The Vartican and Pope is another figurehead. Temple Mount. Kabba at Mecca. Capitol Building in Washington DC, that building is way more massive than it already looks, many floors beneath it.

        Rabbit holes!

      • 66.6 billion acres?

        First of all there are only 37 billion acres of land on the surface of the planet… even if the Queen personally owned all of the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the rest of the Commonwealth, etc, that would still only amount to 6.6 billion acres.

        The idea that the Queen personally owns a sixth of the entire land surface of the earth is so far from being sensible or based in reality as to give an insight into what could possibly be going wrong with cunts who assert such idiocy. Think lack of education… tendency towards hyperbole.

        It’s like saying Putin* owns all of Russia, or that Biden owns the entire USA, doh.

        * Could be true in Putin’s case.

    • It’s impossible to estimate what The Crown owns. It’s owns Britain, other lands, the military, it’s official history (the narrative), has shares in myriad companies and corporations, etc.

      A “King and/or Queen” or “Pope” are concepts. Elizabeth II is a human like anyone else. The gold and jewelled crown on her head is a symbol of an actual transcendent, eternal power (“God” is a word, a metaphor, I’m not talking about YHWH of the Bible) that’s why you aren’t allowed to see the full ceremony when a monarch is crowned, they undertake something that is not profane, something truly sacred.

      There are fake rabbit holes and REAL rabbit holes. Always remember that.

  4. I have nothing bad to say about the Queen. She’s done a great job. Charles will be ok, just, if he keeps his trap shut and manages to stay on his horse to perform ceremonial duties. At the end of the day, that’s all that’s expected of a 21st century monarch.

    I’m not against the monarchy as an institution. By and large it works. One of the best arguments against abolishing it is the constitutional upheveal that will result in replacing it. And the strongest argument for retaining it is the knowledge that without it our heads of state will be third rate failed politicians. Presidents Blair, Major or Bercow – a fate considerably worse than the apolitical House of Windsor.

    Individual royals are often cunts but I don’t see that as an argument for replacing it -as long as the monarch does their job.

      • As a spotty teenager I used to abuse myself at the thought of Anne in her riding outfit and crop. The shame stays with me to this day.

        (Anne back in the 70s/80s reminded me of Margo from The Good Life. Very posh and snooty, but I bet she was a filthy deranged trollop in the bedroom wearing only jodhpurs and riding crop Filth – Day Admin)

      • Anne was a complete cockaholic.
        An associate of mine, has a showjumping wife and daughters and his wife knew Anne socially.

        She married Mark Phillips because he was hung like one of her horses?

    • One of the most factually accurate and level-headed comments I’ve ever seen on here (MMCM). Appropriately enough, you even managed to squeeze in the word “cunts”.

      There are so many valid arguments both for and against the British constitutional monarchy¹ model it would be hard to know where to start any serious discussion – and harder still to know where to end it. I think you got to the nub of it rather well.

    • To be fair to the “chinless dauphin” as Christopher Hitchens used to call him, Charles recently said that he will shut the fuck up when he’s King. Not his actual words, would be great if he phrased it like that, but I can’t recall his exact words. He’ll be more hands on than the Queen but he’ll be kept in his place by the real rulers of Earth. No, not the Lizard People, this cunt…

      Lord Evelyn de Rothschild of the Rothschild Family. Not just wealthy in money, these cunts. No one really knows the combined wealth of these cunts.

      • So boring isn’t it RTC. Same old shite.

        I hate dues. I don’t mind jews. I hate liars even more.

      • Envy is a powerful emotion, and easily manipulated, hell the Labour Party have been doing it for decades.
        Now it’s the staple diet of the growing tinfoil movement.
        ‘Look at them, they have more money than you, hate them for it!’

      • No I don’t mean the Jews, I hate people who say “Jews run the world”. But the Rothschilds are mega-mega-powerful and influential. To suggest that they aren’t and are just greedy bankers is naive.

      • Gutstick Japseye:
        Envy is a powerful emotion, and easily manipulated, hell the Labour Party have been doing it for decades.
        Now it’s the staple diet of the growing tinfoil movement.
        ‘Look at them, they have more money than you, hate them for it!’

        Says the guy who is filled with hate for most ethnic groups on almost every post he makes! Oh man, you are as comical as that pretentious Les Dawsin guy who posts here. Yes, there are idiots in the conspiracy community who are filled with hate for Jews, but not all of them. I’m not one of them. The facts speak for themselves on the Rothschilds, their own words are clear of who they are and what their agenda is and it isn’t MORE MONEY. They played a massive role in the shitshow that was the last 20 years.

        If you are looking for someone who “is a cunt” then look no further than Evelyn de Rothschild and his brother Jacob.

  5. Apart from Queenie and Kate, the rest of them can all do one for all I care.
    Moreover they seem to be breeding faster than Parking Stanleys, and the subsequent babies have already become royalty even before they’ve had their first dump!
    I do wonder what the Queen thinks when she’s doing the honours and swinging that sword about! She might be secretly muttering “Who the fuck are you?” or “You smell you commoner!” or “Bloody hell another dark key!”

    It would make me laugh if she accidentally on purpose chopped some cunt’s head off during the knighting ceremony, and then blamed it on mental health before karking it!

    Of course once she’s gone, and Prince Charles has sat on the throne for 5 minutes before realising everyone hates him and steps down. the younger generation of royals will all be Woke Certified. And rather than wearing medals on their uniforms it will a ribbon for every Woke virtue-signalling tick box achieved!

    Goodness gracious they’ve put in a foul mood as I strip down this knackered HP enterprise server. If only the fragrant Kate was here, adorned in nothing other than lacy white underwear, push-up bra and knickers with the words “fuck me now!” written on the front!

    • Well said Techno, You obviously hate the cunts as much as I do. I sympathise about the server; last time I was on such a job I was in a data centre in Welwyn at 3a.m.

  6. ‘Gawd lav ah dack, they brings in ah lowd ah manny, don’t they? Git wid uv ’em? Yer ‘avin’ ah fackin’ larf incher? Stayed in Landan fru va Blitz, didn’t they? Backingam Palace got bombed, didn’t it? The ol’ Queen mam, Gawd bless ‘er, she wuz ah hexarmple ta as awl, ‘ad a wation book she did, jast like vur rest av as…’ etc

  7. I was listening to some American radio the other day and they were ripping the piss out of Charlie the Chimp Boy.
    Now normally I don’t like foreigners slagging my country. It’s ok for me to do it but I don’t like foreign fuckers doing it. But they were playing extracts from his wokie speeches and taking the piss out of him as a complete fucking idiot.
    I’m afraid they are right. The Royals have been going woke for some time now, thinking they can appease the left. They can’t, no more than the Jellyfish can. All they do is alienate their traditional supporters and I dread the day that Chimp Boy becomes King. He won’t keep his mouth shut and will just dig himself a deeper and deeper hole. Like Boris, he can be as woke as fuck, the lefties will always hate the Tories and the Royals. I imagine both of them are advised by rich, out of touch arseholes.

    • “The diversity of our society is its greatest strength and gives us so much to celebrate.”

      (Charles, Prince of Wales – 2nd generation immigrant and heir to the throne of England)

    • Didn’t he want to change the wording of one of his titles to ‘Defender of the Faiths’ rather than just ‘faith’ to be more inclusive? Jug Ears could turn Buck House into a fucking mosque and stick Camilla in a burqa (not a bad idea actually) and it wouldn’t appease the peacefuls. Once you go down this rabbit hole of submission there is no turning back.

  8. Princess Margaret was a bit of a tart as well!
    Probably the Princess Diana of the 50s and 60s with her fondness for booze, ciggies and the odd cock inbetween jetting round the world on royal visits.

    • Princess Margaret was well known for being a a bit of a go-er. She was also very beautiful in her younger days – much more so than her sister.

  9. I would love to force these royals to put on a name tag and stand behind a counter doing a pleb’s job so they could see that their pedigree doesn’t mean a fucking thing in the real world where the unwashed masses live.

    • They’ve never washed a spoon in their lives. Charles couldn’t identify clingfilm, Camilla had to tell him what it was and show him how to remove it. Harry and William are more streetwise, it’s impossible not to be in 2021 at their ages, but I could see them being clueless at basic, everyday things like working a washing machine or changing the oil in a car. Wiping their arse is about as close as they come to doing something us real folk do.

  10. Bunch of fucking doleys.

    I was a royalist but after the way they’ve watched the country go down the fucking shitter and said fuck all about it (and actually cheered it on in many cases) they can all get a fucking job.

    Scrounging twats.

  11. The whole shower make me sick to my mother fucking stomach and the poor white trash who adore them are the shit on my shoes.

    I would short drop / strangle the whole lot of the free loading parasites.

    Enough said.

    • I remember decades ago Prince Philip saying if the royal family weren’t given more money he might have to give up playing polo. Says it all for me. If the government stopped giving them millions to do up their plush houses and stopped giving tax payers’ money to foreign countries, we might be able to build a few more hospitals.

      • Yeah, that says it all. They get bored easily when not on overseas trips having a jolly. When they are stuck in London they get bored and irritable.

        They should get real lives like the Dutch Royals. Reign in the pageantry (which Elizabeth loathes). Be more human (Lizards!) and just take a chill-pill.

        And make their finances 100% transparent on a daily-updated website. No one would object to that in this age.

  12. The Royal Family. 500 years out of date. When she wanted more taxpayers funds for the new yacht and repairs to Windsor Castle. She’s as tight as a ducks arse.

  13. There may be a case for keeping the cunts, but only with clearly defined functions and tight controls on the number and cost of the household and its sisters and its cousins and its aunts. That case ultimately amounts to blackmail, though: “And always keep a-hold of Nurse, for fear of finding something worse”(Hilaire Belloc).

    We’ve been lucky with the current Nurse, but what if we get a wrong ‘un? Suddenly the argument against a presidential setup looks a lot less convincing – and we’d be stuck with a wrong ‘un until death us do part – his or ours. Constitutional safeguards wouldn’t be much help against a consortium of royalty and hedge funds. It wouldn’t necessarily be a violent takeover. It would probably be digital – so we can be thankful that Big Ears appears to have no IT skills…

  14. Used to fancy Fergie something rotten.
    Remember some Pavarotti in the Park do, the TV camera kept focusing on her, if I’d been there I’d have given her a bloody good seeing-to.
    She has appalling taste in men, so I reckon I’d have stood a good chance.

  15. The Crown isnt the Royal family. Be careful what you wish for. Executive orders and George III pardons are what the elected King, in the American Republic, in the Oval office does.

  16. I would rather have a monarchy than a Presidency. I would prefer a King to any elected Politician. The present Monarchy are denuded from power by the usual elected crooks.

    • Exactly, so why do we constantly have to listen to this bullshit cunty entitled attitude argument every few hundred years. If people don’t like it here, fuck off I wish the remainder would. And if you’re that upset about someone being rich. Do something for yourself as opposed to blaming everyone else. My tits are about boiling point with the MSN at the minute slagging them off.

      • Point is CCCM they are not rich by dint of hard work or wise investment or even fucking good luck! They take it off the plebs with the backing of the law. By most people’s standards they are fabulously wealthy and I would not advocate a French or Russian solution, but I would cut them loose and tell them to look after themselves.

      • Im a working class man, I’m more fucked off with my taxes being taken to house fucking rioting vermin.

      • They are rich through hard work and if you say they don’t work hard you’re fucking lying to yourself.

    • Oh come on EC! How can anyone claim we live in a democracy when the head of state holds the job because their father was head of state? And the only other qualification required? Just keep breathing.

      • How can anyone say we live in a democracy when we commoners get anything through parliament to be signed off by the queen in law without the Hereditary ‘LORDS’ tweaks. Mainly in a vested interest capacity. The same goes for the EU. You have to battle about 15 ex-communist states to get anything through by that time your idea is in Botswana on full build.

        You only need to look at the recent case of Uber. It’s a successful communication jobs board of taxi drivers. I don’t like Uber I might add. The whole service is nothing different to auto trader selling their car. They are all self employed. Tax their cars, put their own petrol in and use their own time. Now they have to be classed as employees. This is a simple case of short sighted cuntyness in government and the woke law where they don’t understand after you finish you day of work you might want to earn a bit of pin money rather than falling asleep on the clock the old dinosaurs.

  17. There is a simple way for the Firm to redeem themselves and regain the affection of the British people….

    To deal with Megain Markle Duchess of Sambeaus. Permanently.

    • They are doing the most effective way of dealing with people like her: they are ignoring her and will forever ignore her. That’s what enraged people like her the most – being ignored and left to her own devices.

      “Marry/act in haste, repent at leisure.”
      – Ancient proverb

  18. If the monarchy ended, would the vacuum fill inevitably?
    President Blair, Thompson, Twatson, Grayling etc.?

    I’d sooner stick with the devil I know, albeit a ‘lite’ version.

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