The New European (3)

Yes, this sneering, shitty snowflake bog paper is still being published.

Whilst out shopping this morning I happened to wander past the newspapers, none of which would I ever waste my hard-earned cash upon.

I did however grab a big eyeful of The New European’s front page, showing empty supermarket shelves and suggesting that Britain’s population are all going to starve to death or go all “Mad Max” on each other (a bit hard with no fucking petrol!).

I looked around at the Tesco store and could see the whole place bulging with provisions (along with mounds of the usual unnecessary tat of course).
So where are these shortages?
Was Waitrose temporarily out of Tofu and Soy milk perhaps?

The only thing Tesco were out of was pork scratchings (The Food of the Gods), but you won’t see me blubbering about it.
Might have swore a bit though… Cunts.

Anyway that’s my first nom in ages. The New European is a massive cunt.
As is any twat that buys it…

(Sorry Admin, don’t have a link. Perhaps some kind cunter could provide something suitable, or just link to their no doubt vomit inducing website).

Nominated by: Baron Bastard

Supported by: Komodo

Norwich hack refuge Archant sold the NE to a consortium recently. The consortium includes Mark Thompson, former BBC director-general. Surfuckingprise.

Archant itself was taken over before this happened, so the NE must have been regarded as dead wood in need of clearing. Its future is by no means assured:

News Link

as even the BBC has to concede.

45 thoughts on “The New European (3)

  1. Thankfully, almost no-one will ever read this rag.
    In the same vein, and far more insidious because of its undeniable popularity, is the evil Daily/Sunday Mail, which pumps out colossal amounts of “grocery shortage will ruin Christmas” and “the unvaccinated are going to kill eveyone” stories, day after day, reporting government policy ad nauseum, the worthless, lying cunts.
    Just as bad as the stories are the comments sections, blatantly manipulated, with their own 77th brigade going after everyone who doesn’t follow the official doctrine.

    • Haven’t clicked on that shite in years. Scaremongering, the sidebar of thick orange sluts, and loopy ‘science’ stories. It was one of the first MSM sources I gave up on.

  2. Any publication that lauds Linekunt on its front page is a fucking joke before you even start.

    Pure bourgeois shite. Sneers at the working (and middle!) class. Loved by out of touch trust fund Tarquins and Cressidas, who will shout about how right on they are and how mean the Tories are. However, they will also reveal that they hate the fact that they may find it difficult now to employ those cash in hand East European gardeners for £2 an hour. And that they may have to get visas to stay in their Tuscan villa all summer.

    The readership is a bunch of fucking tight as a duck’s arse snobs masquerading as being ‘for the people’.

    Pathetic bunch of gimps, who’ve never been told ‘No’ in their fucking lives.

    Morning all.

  3. I cunted this shitty rag myself once and I have to report in my local the same situation pertains as it did a few years ago (so this is cunting 2 admin for the header).

    I can promise you if you go into Sainsburys at 6 on a Saturday evening there will ALWAYS be one copy of the NE and one of the Morning Star. They obviously buy them as a token. Of course being published on a Tuesday by Saturday the NE looks very tatty indeed. Recommended only to the most severe constipation sufferers who need bog paper for their one visit each week to the shithouse, and no doubt used by up their own arse idiots with more money than sense like Campbell and Adonis and he only uses it to wipe the jissum stains off his spindly legs and the Chesterfield, Campbell probably wipes up the booze stained vomit from his shag pile with it as well.

    • My header I meant. I see the organ has been featured 3 rimes now. That fucking paper is a red rag to a bull to me – the red mists descend….

    • The Morning Star could do with a cunting.

      Genuine commie shit.

      Nobody buys the NE or the Morning Star.Who funds them, they must lose a fucking fortune every week?

      • Who buys this shite?
        Probably one of those EU flag wavers from the proms?
        Only thing I’ve been unable to get is a certain treat from the petshop for my dog.
        Went on Fleabay and ordered it bulk.
        Took 3 days to arrive.
        Neither the dog nor I suffered during this.
        Alarmist bollocks.
        Sort of shite that causes panic buying if believed.
        New European?
        Like the old european,
        A garlic smelling bedwetter we’re best shut of.

      • Same as the Guardian eh, CB?
        Safe to say that anyone who buys that shitrag or the Morning Star is an enemy of England and ought to be executed post-haste.

      • Indeed Mr Cunt Engine. If the Guardian boils your piss folks, read either one of the NE or the MS.

        The Morning Star is particularly deviant. Appalling stuff.

      • My guess is that Russia under the guise of the CPGB fund the Star and Soros funds the NE

        Can’t proof it, and they would never admit it, but both must be loss makers. I believe the Guardian and Observer get financial backing somewhere because they sell so fe they must run at a loss.

        Talking of media, yesterday afternoon I gritted my teeth and listened to Wireless 4 News Quiz at 1227 and Any Answers at 1400 and virtually it was 100% Tory bashing in both shows – every NQ question about the reshuffle and AA full of “poor” people whining about “food shortages” and the stopping of the £20 Universal Credit uplift – the self pitying was as irritating as the left wing arselicking cunts on NQ. As I listened I wondered if Tim Davies was listening to – and if so, what is he going to do about it.

    • I think Sainsbury’s in Cardiff has given up totally on it. There always used to be one or two copies. Never saw anyone buy one.
      AC Grayling and Linekunt’s wank rag, indeed.

  4. Surprised the NE is still being published. It can only have a three subscribers – Linecunt, Adonis and Alastair Campbell.

    As this weeks deliciously enjoyable events show, Europe is an irrelevance with no respect or clout on the world stage.

    Today’s Europhiles and Remainers are exactly the same as the UK’s communist intellectuals of the 30’s who were so in love with communism and with an allegedly superior foreign power (Russia), that they failed to notice Stalin’s purges. Like those commies, they will become an irrelevance as the world moves on.

    Stupid cunts.

    • I’ve loved France having a hissy fit and stomping it’s feet, and to hear their poofy officials complaining about stabs in the back. Of course, they’ve never been underhanded themselves…..

      • Yes, the frogs stomping their feet and kicking off about broken promises has been the highlight of the week for me.

        Sorry Jean Paul, remember that money we have you to stop those cunts getting in the dinghies? Broken promises you say?

        Get fucked you obnoxious garlicky twats. We should’ve taken the useless cunts over after WW2 (and a chunk of West Germany).

      • If you spend 5 years treating the UK as a strategic enemy and a renegade province to be curbed, this is the result.

        The Dutch PM, Mark Rutte, is now begging the UK to involve itself militarily in Europe outside of NATO. This is the same Rutte who scoffs that we will come to heel on the NI Protocol, so he can fuck off, the stupid cloghopper.

        A leading German newspaper, Berlin’s Tagesspiegel, commented that France had received a “brutal lesson in geopolitics” which illustrated it did not have the military cache of the UK – “In contrast to Great Britain, France lacks global power militarily. The European Union is far from being taken seriously in a security partnership beyond its own continent.”

        All of this is of course the opposite of what the New European, Remainers and continental politicians have been saying – that out of the EU the UK would be diminished, a nothing, a non-entity. Instead the opposite has happened, and Paris and the EU are diminished.

        Anyway, the Germans show signs of stepping up to the mark. They have at last increased defence expenditure and upgraded their military technology by purchasing balloons to mount on the end of their broomsticks.

        Hopeless, myopic European cunts.

    • @MMCM: Neat bit of correlation there. Mind you, it’s all theatre, and probably aimed at Biden, who is something of a soft touch. The frogs knew their deal was in trouble some time ago:
      Morrison said that he raised issues with the French submarine deal several months ago.

      “I think they would have had every reason to know that we had deep and grave concerns that the capability being delivered by the Attack Class submarine was not going to meet our strategic interests and we made very clear that we would be making a decision based on our strategic national interest,” he told a news conference in Sydney, reports Japan Times

      The French subs would have been built in Australia, so that was quite a hard decision, I’d guess.

      The French programme was years behind schedule, the cost was on the way to doubling, and the Aussies were massively underarmed compared with China.

      Tant pis*, mes braves. We can probably flog the things to N. Korea if all else fails.

      *The incontinence of my aunt

  5. I wouldn’t wipe my big fat arse on that anti-English rag, unless there was a life size picture of Linecunt’s ugly mug on the front.

    • Whod want a french submarine anyway?!
      Citroen submersible.
      Naw, you want craftsmanship!
      Buy British.
      We are best working with decent folk like the Aussies and yanks.
      Fuck mainland Europe.
      We rescued them in WW2,
      Yet to see any gratitude?

      Do Aussies see New Zealand like we do France?
      The spastic neighbours?
      I knew the yanks view Canada as a bit simple!

      • I can’t speak for the east but we here in West Oz love Kiwis, they are our brothers like the Poms are mum. We may give each other shit but if someone else fucks with them we’ll fuck them up with extreme prejudice. Their women are insatiable fantastic shags as well, one needs to be quite fit to tackle a Maori lass.

      • Shackles@
        Do you reckon Jacinda is a fantastic shag?
        I wouldn’t care for those choppers near my winky!
        And I image climbing on top of her a bit like getting on one of those racer bicycles!
        Although maybe she bangs like a shithouse door?!!

      • Just musing thoughtful MMCM.
        She’s a bit bland for my taste.
        And frail.
        Id be worried id put my hand through her ribs or her pelvis would fall off.?

      • @MNC I reckon she’d go off but you wouldn’t brag about it to your mates. Definitely a back door beauty, jam her horse face into the pillow and finish with a donkey punch.

  6. What about an “Old European” for decrepit old bastards like me. Bloody ageism if you ask me which no one ever does ((White heterosexual male over 50).

    • The original European failed at the time of the referendum. If I recall rightly, that old cunt Robert Maxwell, Captn Bob started it when it seemed the EU gravy train would go on for ever – again it never sold even in its pomp and I think the NE was just started as a two finger salute to us proles. It has to run at a loss, because even the flannel bloomered Wireless 4 listening old maids who wave their EU flags at public events wouldn’t let their pussies starve and it will either be a tin of Whiskas or a copy of the NE so it will be the cat food that goes through the checkout. I imagine more copies are stolen rather than bought.

      • I dunno why, but I immediately thought of Granny Dominique Grieve on reading description of Wireless listeners!

  7. Morning all.

    I have never read The New European but presume it is a pro EU propaganda rag that has misappropriated the term “European” to cynically conflate it with the term “European Union”, which of course is an entirely different thing altogether.

    If the publishers were remotely honest they would call their rag “The New European Unionist”, but that would give the game away and put off millions of Europeans like myself who want nothing to do with the EU.

    • You might catch some ghastly homosexual disease if you did that – Rick from the Young Ones.

  8. The New European.

    Written in English and I have never seen it on sale anywhere in Europe.

  9. Subscription should come with immediate hanging.

    As it’s a complete waste of resources seeing as nobody reads it Greta should paddle over and dynamite the fucking head office.
    Then drown on the way home.

  10. Anything to promote their Marxist fear mongering agenda.
    The Express does the same thing promoting fear each day.

  11. A couple of weeks ago some middle-class remoaning bint tweeted the following:

    “Food shop this morning. Couldn’t get lemons, chillis, parsley, spring onions, aubergines, cumin, bottled water, beans, feta, halloumi, basil, soy sauce and risotto rice. Meanwhile Dad’s in Belgium, no issue. Mum’s in Italy, no issue. WHAT COULD THIS BE? #Brexitfoodshortages”

    To which somebody replied,

    “Where were you shopping? Halfords?”


    • Sadly I knew a few people who would just copy and paste such tweets and screenshots as ‘evidence’ Brexit is bad to their Facebook feed.

      I’ll have nothing to do with such simple cunts these days.

  12. The term “European” has been bastardised to the point of farce, “European” in sub-Saharan Africa used to mean a white person of European origin, unfortunately “European” appears to mean any cunt (even that dinghy lipped Femi) who supports the fourth reich, this publication should be called “the new mountebank”, because the cunts are all fucking frauds!!!

  13. The professional remoaners wet their knickers over the bog roll shortage at the beginning of the Chinky Flu. The MSM thinking is if we tell people there will be shortages then the thick cunts will go and buy everything, thus creating the shortages we predicted in the first place.
    Brilliant! Make sure you order your Xmas turkey you cunts. You may have to pay a bit extra but YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS OUT DO YOU? They operate on the assumption that we are as greedy and selfish as they are.

  14. Apparently it was relaunched as the “paper for the 48%.”
    Given as it only has a circulation of 20,000* (0.03%) that’s turned out a bit on the optimistic side.
    * Includes online.

  15. If you ate chips out if it they would taste bad.
    And the print would come off on your chocolate starfish.
    Therefore redundant, like it’s miniscule readership…

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