The Mawa Theatre Company, another bunch of cunts who are going to take a fresh look at Shakespeare, I guess that means rewriting the great works to be ‘more inclusive’ and ‘more diverse’ and appeal to a wider audience.
What is so special about this lot, isn’t every cunt trying to fuck Shakespeare up the ass, well they are all female, OK, that’s a bit sexist, but it doesn’t end there.
They are all black, so no white allowed, isn’t that racist, no not a chance because everyone knows that black people cannot be racist.
What a load of shite, I saw it on the BBC but there isn’t much of write up so I have gone with a link from the Guardian who are spunking all over it.
Nominated by: Sick of It
I went to the National Army Museum yesterday half-expecting a woke-fest. Happy to say it wasn’t with plenty of paintings showing African tribesmen being shot, plus articles about how the Army policed the colonial empire. Sure it won’t last.
Of topic I know but your comment m’lord reminded me of my first visit to Bisley, pistol in morning rifle in afternoon. I was about 10 and was happily banging away with a .22 when it was deceided that I was ok to move up a few calibres. I was presented with a Webley MK 6 in .455..I was informed that this had been the standard military pistol during WW1 and was always popular in the colonies also given a box of 50 handloads and instructed to make ready/ I remember clearly fumbling with the boxed cartridges and a loud voice calling out from the end of the line “Harry, are you sure the boys alright with a Wogstopper” very happy memories of some rather eccentric but really great men sadly long gone.
Great story BB-thank you for sharing it??
Well Shakespeare’s full of issues innit.
I Wonder what they’d make of The Pimp Of The Year Competition?
That boy’s better than Shakespeare.
The Mawa Theatre Company: AIDS in a van.
Would bang all of em….
“The group promises to “address how black and black mixed race women are represented in classical text” – barely? Funnily enough we didn’t have many mixed race black women buzzing around Macbeths castle or pinging the French with arrows at Agincourt.
Even better…”The company would seek to show that black British women have a place in an industry where 92% of top jobs are filled by white leaders” what are the stats/demographics for theater companies in Somalia? So of course citing a stat like that is a great way for this bunch to milk the arts council.
What a full fortune does the Thick-lips owe
This is why all this crap. The Haha Theatre Company, like so many others, wouldn’t last five minutes on its boxoffice receipts. But the Arts Council has gone full woke now:
And any cunt rejigging the classics to look diverse can assume Christmas has come.
Hell, wouldn’t you, if a wad of notes were pressed into your hand with instructions to spend some of it on your effnic luvvie chums?
Promises to “address how black and black mixed race women are represented in classical text”.
I’m by no means an expert on the Bard but I’m pretty sure the only Dark key mentioned is in Orthello.
Get to fuck.
Are they the cunts responsible for turning Anne Bolyen into a double darkie? Or is that all channel 4 fault?!