The Dark Web

The Dark Web

In my line of work (IT), I sometimes receive requests from home users as well as corporates to set them up with access to the Dark Web.

As most people will probably know, there are three layers to the World Wide Web, the most obvious and most popular being the Surface Web, where the majority of users have easy access too, as well as doing most of their surfing via their standard browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

Below that there is something called the Deep Web.
Surprisingly the Deep Web is far larger than the Surface Web, and yet is more difficult to access primarily because in simplistic terms its an encrypted repository for corporate, government and security forces and many other organisations. It is essentially a non-indexed encrypted storage area for millions of databases, most of which are not accessible/visible via the Surface Web or standard browsers.

And then we have the Dark Web.
This is buried far deeper than the Deep Web, and even harder to access (Tor and a good VPN are good starting points). When people talk about the Dark Web there’s immediate thoughts of child pornography, drugs/people/firearms trafficking, computer hackers, kidnappings, discussions on espionage,  assassinations and other major illegal activities – most claims of which are probably true!

Most everyone has heard of The Dark Web, even governments and security services. And yet it is completely unsupervised and there’s no overall jurisdiction, purely because it is almost impossible to shut down owing to how it is set up across a multitude of complex and highly encrypted networks around the world.

As a consequence terrorists, kidnappers, drug lords, peter files, fraudsters and a whole load of other gangsters probably spend all their time down there, organising their next crime more or less with impunity because plod wouldn’t have a clue where to start in finding them!

You would have to use a solid VPN in order to not attract the attention of your ISP, but apart from that (and a good AV) you can access the Dark Web without any worries about being arrested (unless you’re caught accessing/buying/selling illegal stuff.)

Going back to my opening point: I do inform my customers about the Dark Web, the risks involved and the content held therein. I even have to give them a disclaimer to sign before I do the work, but they still insist on having access.

There is nothing illegal about having access to it, so I can’t notify the police or the internet enforcement bodies. And its not all bad, but common sense suggests that whatever someone is doing down there can’t be for the common good

The Dark Web

Nominated by: Technocunt

61 thoughts on “The Dark Web

  1. The Dark Key Web would be an interesting experience….
    ‘Tyrone: Looking for a bruv to cap Leroy’….

  2. Can’t it just be turned off, just shut down the Tor thing or do you have to send the matrix crew to kick some ass ?

    Just beat the shit out of anyone who has Tor and make them squeal ?

      • Basically it looks like the internet did back in 1998.
        Basic HTML webpages.
        No CSS (cascading style sheets) to make it look nice.
        No javascript plug ins as these are exploited by hackers.

    • I Googled ‘ climate change hoax’ and all the results came back with ‘scientists’ debunking this idea.
      Duckduckgo came back with the real results…

      • DuckDuckGo was sold to Yahoo a few years ago, so it’s only a matter of time.

        There’s Vivaldi, which is quite nice because it gives you control over the look and feel of the browser interface.

  3. Fuck me-enough vomit inducing shite on t’internet, as it is.
    This is one rabbit hole I will never go down.

    Do you thing Dante’s Inferno has manifested online?

    • I’m not what you’d call computor literate and I have enough trouble using the surface web, so I’d have no chance of accessing the dark web. Anyway the only ‘illegal’ things I’d be interested in are unofficial live audio recordings and bootleg videos.

    • I bet Cunt Lords Soros and B Liar have a major presence on the Dark Web, as does Yemeni White Goods Repair and Gear (prop. K. Vaz).
      Killarry Clitworm has been made V-C of Belfast University. I can just imagine the main entry, with a tank of formaldehyde containing some bitter, warped, twisted brain, complete with electrodes, all wired into Darkweb…

  4. Perhaps I should start a Dark Web site for my collection o “art studies” of lovely LIsa Nandy plus the museum of her intimate items – her jigfgle balls and even a pair of discarded knickers, ripped off during a night of passion, prior to acts of appalling depravity – and the smartphone footage of it.

  5. Didn’t Wally Batty use t’Dark Web to get instructions on how to build an H-Bomb for Compo, Clegg and Foggy in Last Of The Summer Wine in Viz?

    If you have something that only bad people use, isn’t it a give away that your doing something you shouldn’t? Don’t the yanks have a trick where they can trace people through Exit Nodes and you know that VPNs aren’t really secure. They will hand over everything if served a court order. Not my cup of tea.

  6. As a proper thick cunt and techno-Luddite who has just taken two days to set up a new laptop and phone, (how many user names and passwords do you actually need, for fuck’s sake?) I think I will give it a miss.

    A mate of mine (similar vintage) is still trying to deal with the backblast after inadvertently uploading his collection of ‘Gentlemen’s Fiction’ and messages to his lady friends onto the family’s shared cloudy thing.

    Children found it amusing; wifey sure didn’t.

  7. The deep web is pretty fascinating, particularly the military stuff like inline hardware encryption and all the networks they have like stoneghost.

    Probably akin to the Vatican archives though. 95% operational documentation, 4% juicy and embarrassing secrets, and 1% nonçeý materials hiding at the back somewhere.

      • I’m sure there’s a forbidden section in there somewhere, with scrolls that tell a different history of the world, which Pope’s were raving faģğots (all of them I reckon), and which alien race built the pyramids.

  8. You dont need to embark into the dark web to obtain 80 billion dollars of military hardware. All you have to do is cross the border of Pakistan into Afghanistan. They will be happy to sell you anything you want.Getting it to this country is a s easy as crossing the channel in a dinghy.

    • And the men threw down their swords and shields and refused to take another step,
      Because all knew this was where monsters dwelled….

      Why would you want to go one the dark web unless your a wrong un?
      I read this nom when put up and was fascinated.
      Its very well written Technocunt.
      It sounds a scary as fuck thing,
      Full of diddlers, terrorist types, nutters etc.
      Best kept well away from!
      A pretty little thing like me?!!!
      Id wake up with a poolball in my mouth and my arse stretched out of shape.
      Fuck that.
      Happy with casual racism and flashing.

  9. As i can find all the information i want on the normal web via Google or Safari i have no curiosity about the dark web. I get the feeling if i did access the dark web it would be like holding a seance and opening the gates of hell , seeing shit that you will never be able to unsea.
    If someone approached me asking how to access the dark web i would strongly question their motives .

    • Id instantly assume they were a fuckin deviant and keep them at arms length.
      Im ok with a bit kinky
      Im ok with eccentricity
      But draw the line at depraved.
      Luckily im a very boring bloke and even the regular interweb turns my fuckin guts.
      Give it a swerve
      If feeling daring wear some rubber undies or something…

  10. It’s true that there is a lot of bad stuff on the dark web.
    There’s no search engine like the big G, Firefox, etc.
    There is a Tor index, which is a list of URLs ending in .onion

    A lot of the stuff about so called ‘Red rooms’ and all that is a bit of an urban myth.
    I’m sure there are things out there like that, because we live in a crazy world and there are some seriously messed up, bad people out there.

    It’s also used by citizens living under oppressive regimes to communicate with the outside world and inform people of what’s going on, or to try and escape.

    I think of it as like the Mos Eisley Cantina – “you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious”

  11. The way things are going with cancel culture, IAC might end up down in the Dark Web.

    • Naw, Admin was telling me ISAC is sponsoring The Samaritans.
      We are going to be giving back to society and improving our Public image.
      Shortly admin will post a volunteer nom where cunters can sign up for a few hours helping less fortunates.
      Fiddler counseling a man whos wifes left him and hes going to jump off a ledge,
      TankEngine soothing a Tranny whos put on weight.
      Im going to sign up!

      • Bertie is off to a Ugandan school to teach English. They still use chalk to write on slates and the cane for misdemeanours so just like when he was a student teacher in the 1950’s.

      • Wonderful idea Miserable.
        Could i offer support and council to women with 70’s hairy fannies , i’m talking about the Jimi Hendrix Don King haircut variety who feel they have been excluded and marginalised by the modern obsession with shaven havens.

      • “Shaven havens”, new one on me Fenton. I’ve always felt the practice to be a bit deviant somehow; consider which members of the population naturally lack pubic hair. Not so long ago women were routinely shaved when they gave birth for no medical reason but to infantilise them so that they were easier to control. I have read recently though that the bush is coming back into fashion. Bring it on say I!

      • Arthurbrain@

        Metoo. A hark back to a better time!
        A big hairy muff.
        Simply marvelous!!?

  12. The dark web is where I have to go to find Furry Fucking, mainstream porn sites are useless. Cats Protection have a great site for us looking to be feline fine. Not sure they’re aware of it though. I don’t use a VPN because I have no shame, can’t afford it and have no money/identity worth stealing.

    • If I want to look at USA shops and see the home trends I use a free vpn called ‘Proton VPN’. It lets me into sites like ‘Pottery Barn’, famously mentioned in Friends. Probably a bag of shite as far as VPNs go but it does the job.

      • A VPN can be useful Cuntologist.
        The wife’s Polish and she can watch Polish tv for free in Blighty when it’s switched on

  13. The darkest thing i’ve seen is 2 big massive dark kys doing double anal on a skinny young bird . Christ i had to clench my bum cheeks for a week after seeing that . Ouch !!!!

  14. I hear a VPN is very useful for downloading music and the latest films on the qt.
    Not that i would know anything about that.?

      • Go for it MNC, but remember to make it Guns4Charity, or GoFundMe will take a portion for ” Admin fees”

  15. Have just popped down there using ExpressVPN over a VMWare Linux Mint VM, and within minutes I came across some really dodgy stuff!

    Exited and blew the VM away. The Dark Web really is the place of nightmares, even more so given that the security forces wouldn’t have a Scooby how to track down the real scumbags down there.

    The moral dilemma is whether its worth bothering contacting plod because the first thing they’re going to do is point fingers at you, “What were you doing down there looking at that illegal content, sir?” And rather than investigate the source of the criminal activity, they’ll just arrest you as the easy option.


    • The dark web is bloody great…I’ve acquired alot of useful and interesting things through there!
      And almost never been ripped off, surprisingly, except once, but that was only a small sum.
      Incidentally, the best movie download site (in my opinion) is:

      • Yes, there are areas on the Dark Web that are legit, although caution is still needed.

        Some of my customers who wanted access to TDW didn’t follow my guidelines and quickly ended up with their home networks fucked by DDoS exploits, and all their data from various internal and external hard drives pinched.

        Then they start moaning at me for not warning them not to have access to TDW. Hence my disclaimers from now on!

      • Ho ho, yes indeed! Various people have asked me similar requests (or to get assorted shit for them)…
        Denied all of them, despite being offered a fair sum. Just not worth it. We simply have to be responsible for ourselves. Doing someone a favour always comes back to bite a fellow in the arse.

    • Might you send them an untraceable email? You obviously have skills.
      Or maybe put pen to paper?

    • It definitely isn’t worth contacting plod. I’m reminded of mega-nonce and talentless rock star Ian Watkins. One of his partners suspected what he was up to and told the local constabulary. They instructed her to obtain further evidence, which she did. On presenting it to the old bill she was promptly nicked. Case fell apart in court, but it just goes how to show how thick/useless/malicious the cops can be, Welsh cops in particular.

    • On the dark web, I’ve seen the worst things that exist, FF.
      The worst depravity, the most astonishing level of violence.
      And nothing is worse than the thought of having to go down on Dianne Abbott on a hot summer’s afternoon a couple of days after she’d been using a lobster claw as a dildo and a bit of the meat got left behind in there.

      • Jesus Thomas, i can see you have frequented the dark web. It’s left you a degenerate without any moral compass

      • I do know its used by some criminal organisations for real torture/mass killing streamings

        About 6 week ago I set some mug with access to TDW on his network (installing all the necessary apps to protect him as possible). He goes wondering off down there and finds a supposedly live-stream of some Middle Eastern prisoners being tortured in real time, before being executed.

        For him it was like car-crash TV. He was repulsed by it, but equally fascinated at the same time.

        And then he said to me “Why aren’t the news outlets picking up on this sick shit!?”

        No idea, I replied. But the shit that goes down there is real, and yet the MSM seem strangely uninterested.


  16. I steer clear of anything to do with the dark web. My mate says the Lib Dems use it.

  17. Pull the plug on the whole fucking mess. Hall down all the internet cables, these fucking poles, everything and let’s go back to landlines , cb radio and walki talkies. I’m starting to really fucking hate the net and how it runs us because we sure as fuck don’t run it.
    Buy a fucking book, read and switch the cunting thing off.

  18. So now we all dangerooos! Who knew that the ‘dark web’ resided at the base of an iceberg …. sheesh ya learn something every day.

    I actually thought that when I turned down the screen brightness on me iPad that I automatically transferred to the dark net where nobody could detect my naughtiness ?

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