Boris Johnson (15) and Tax Rises to Fund Social Care

** Emergency Cunting **

And so it begins: increases in NICs to pay for so-called social care, with up to 25 million workers affected.

Seems that the government is awash with cash to fund white elephants like the £108bn HS2, and the £30bn+ disaster that was the Track and Trace app. And let’s not forget the £400bn propping up the economy during the pandemic (why aren’t we sending an invoice to fucking China I wonder?) And then of course the billions spent on foreign “aid”!

So there seems to be plenty of “cash” available for these poorly defined schemes, but now of course there’s a massive shortfall funding social care, which really should have been a top priority in allocated funding. But because it wasn’t the good old taxpayer has got to foot the bill.

I wouldn’t mind so much but you just know the extra money raised will either be reallocated to other government projects (bailing out London Transport again), or that it will be mismanaged with little or on money actually going to those that really need it. (You only have to look at the billions thrown at the NHS over the years to realise that its the management of the money that is the ongoing problem with the NHS).

Anyway, its good to know that yet again those that work and pay their taxes will now be expecting to cough up more so that the feckless, the lazy, the “refugees” and probably the extremely rich can get some quality social care more or less on the house!

Factor in how inflation is rising at its fastest rate in over 10 years, warnings that interest rates may have to rise, the energy cap has been lifted which means more expensive domestic heating and petrol this winter; unemployment is also going up, plus all those hugely expensive Net Zero Green projects to look forward to.

The poor old Taxpayer will need as much social care as it can get!

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Nominated by: Technocunt

And moving on to the cunt in question, Boris Fucking Johnson

Boris is clearly a compassionate man – he has to be, given his charity towards Dame Keir Starmer, that whinging old wanker, useless at his job, stood little chance of winning the next General Election – until now. Now Boris has railroaded his spineless cabinet, including Priti Wind & Water Patel, Useless George Eustice etc into backing an increase in N.I. – which was a 2019 election pledge NOT to do, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Starmers Charmers, with his oddball collection of commies, feminists and q ueers could win back a lot of the red wall.:

Can’t you just hear the old queen crowing?

Time for Boris to stand aside, but who the fuck would replace him? – Rishi? – he is just John McDonnell in dark make-up

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Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

And this from mikdys 

Boris Johnson

Words fail me concerning this cunt. Today he has announced National Insurance will increase by 1.25% to pay for Social Care (and at the same time State Pensioner’s Triple Lock has been suspended for one year). Both changes break the Conservatives Manifesto. The excuse? “A global pandemic was in nobody’s manifesto”.

Well, guess what? The cost of Net Fucking Zero wasn’t in anybody’s manifesto either. If funds are short why not scrap that bullshit and reduce NI with the funds that are left over? It’s not as if UK Net Zero is going to make a blind bit of difference to the state of the planet. Why not scrap HS2 while you are about it as well and save even more billions being wasted on yet another white elephant.

I don’t regret many things in life but I have almost daily regret having voted for the fake Conservatives in 2019 “to get Brexit done” (which this cunt didn’t do properly either!).

The UK’s biggest tax increase for 28 years:

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82 thoughts on “Boris Johnson (15) and Tax Rises to Fund Social Care

  1. If you’re a junkie, an alkie, a benefit layabout who’s never made a contribution in his life and never will, a gimmegrant, a feckless cunt who’s spent all his money on the aforementioned or the geegees, then it’ll all be paid for by the mugs who actually put in a day’s graft and try to put some cash by.
    Stop working and put your feet up. You know it makes sense Rodders…

  2. One of the measures announced was that state pensioners in work would have to pay National Insurance- they current don’t. As NI contributions are ‘personal ‘ I wonder if any pensioner who does not have a full contribution record will see their pension rise due to these extra contributions.
    In addition, the U.K. has a record number of job vacancies; will the new measures encourage retired people to return to the job market ?
    A more clueless bunch would be difficult to find.
    PS I am a little worried about Cuntstable, his recent posts have made no mention of his near permanent erection.

    • I think it is only the 1.25% that in work employees above state pension age will pay not the full NI, I could be wrong but that was my understanding

      • I admit that I have not studied the proposals in detail . If the 1.25% is the only extra cost that is all well and good but you cannot help but feel that with the track record of The Jellyfish things will change.

    • The way I understand it is that, to start with, NI will be ramped up by 1.25%. Then, once HMRC have updated their systems, in 2023 the 1.25% will show up as a separate line on payslips. At this point people above State Pension age who continue to work will start to pay the 1.25%.

      Let’s look at it from a pensioner’s point of view. There they are continuing to work with the aspiration of being able to retire one day once they have saved a little bit more to make up for the UK State Pension being one of the very worst in the developed world when, wallop, they get hit by this tax badly impacting their saving plans. Meanwhile, Civil Servants and the like who have retired early with gold plated pensions paid for by the tax payer don’t have to worry about this shit. They are OK (but they won’t ever say “thanks very much”). All courtesy of Boris (aka THE Cunt) Johnson – it’s what he calls “fairness”?

  3. Triple lock suspended for one year? Kiss it goodbye, you’ll never see that again. What a lying cunt.

  4. Some on here say Corbyn couldn’t have done a worse job. I beg to differ.

    But that doesn’t alter the fact that Johnson is a congenital liar in a class of his own and a man utterly devoid of integrity or principle. He’s the ultimate chancer.

    Sadly his cabinet and most Tory MPs seem content to follow his example. But the British public will only put up with so much.

    I look forward to witnessing his Gaddafi moment.

  5. National Insurance was created in 1911.

    Imagine if that money had been invested instead of frittered away by generations of shit politicians.

    • When I started to work in 1971 my NI contributions (along with my employer’s) would have bought two ounces of gold per month.
      Nowadays the woke generation see the pensioners as a burden whilst welcoming dinghy riders.

  6. Soon there will be no elderly people to need social care. I wonder, in dark moments, if that is what this ‘pandemic’ is all about? The Covids, the discharges of hospital patients to care homes, the endless vakzines, the loneliness of lockdowns, , the lack of doctors/appointments. Imagine the savings to the exchequer. Fuck right off Johnson.

  7. In today’s Telegraph there’s a comment in one of the articles about the tax rise, from a guy who said he’s been paying NICs since the age of 15, and has been doing so for over 50 years! And for what purpose, he asks? Just so some feckless cunt can get a tattoo removed; or some transformer have gender-corrective surgery, or an immo can get free health care at source!

    50 odd years of paying NICs, and the government insists he pays even more because he is still working purely to be able to afford to live!

    And yet when you look at the huge number of pointless and irrelevant non-jobs in the NHS (Inclusion and Diversity Directors on £90k per year), that’s where the real problem lies – or at least one of many problems with the NHS.

    • My old man works as a software engineer designing safety measures, and even he doesn’t earn that much. What a joke.

  8. “We’ve got to pay for it somehow” goes the mantra. Forget about the thousands of Illegals/trainee tertorîsts/migrants or the millions working cash jobs contributing fuck all, just hit the mugs who’ll never complain because there’s no political alternative.

    Barbers, nail workers, independent cafés, and all the other cash-only cunts are laughing themselves stupid.

    • As well as brickies, plasterers, plumbers, sparkies, painters and decorators.

      Luvvly fucking jubbly, Rodney.

  9. The generosity of Boris, ‘no one will have to pay more that 86000 for social care in their lifetime’, does that include the Income or just capital assets, if it is Income then many people will have enough in the way of pension to fund the 86000 without selling houses of giving up savings.

  10. What we need is a Tory government to sort the country out rather than a Labour one, under Corbyn, that we’ve had since 2010. Oh, hang on…

  11. This is a shambles.

    There is plenty of money when it suites the lying cunts.
    This is more to do with appalling mismanagement and completely unfettered immigration.

    They could have simply binned foreign aid and sorted social care out.
    Perhaps also a tariff war with say Spain or Italy as well.

    A fucking disgrace.That barrel of rats in Londonistan make me puke.
    Spineless cunts.

  12. Nixon from the Nixon Tapes: “FUCK ‘EM! I don’t care if thousands more die (in Vietnam) I need this gig!”

    That’s Boris. He needs the PM gig. It’s his destiny. And the poor man has eight kids to feed! Or is it nine? Or ten? Only he knows, we just pay his wages, so stop asking him how many children he has, you urchins.

      • And he can’t even LIE about it and just say, “eight”. Because that will bring the unknown mother(s) out of the woodwork. If he says, “nine” or “ten” then that also will bring the mother(s) out of the woodwork. Catch-22. But by saying, “none of your business,” he makes it worse, so much worse and now he is not only a philandering deadbeat dad, he’s also showing contempt to journalists (he was a journalist of sorts himself once) and the people of Britain. The man is a degenerate. Snap election in January, please. No sense ruining Christmas again.

      • The most disturbing realisation about how many that twat shagging cunt has spawned, is they are made from 50% of the same seed as the fat albino cunt satanist, and to make it even more fucking depressing, the gold digging dumb as fuck gold diggers that let their spawn spewers, get infected , with his satanist jizz, are pretty much in the satanist club as well.
        So at the least what with Stanley being the cunt he is as well by spawning the cunt in the first place, and them dragging the bastard up to be an evil self serving cunt, as well as all the other stupid bitches that let that derty old cunt jizz up them, we already have a cluster fuck of evil spawn waiting, to be enrolled in the wrath of satin dealings, on the Uk public, so they can all Laugh, and take great cuntitide, in seeing the suffering, anguish despair, hopelessness, that people doing their utmost to survive have more fo the same shit thrown at them.

        Johnson and clan are not cunts, they are the reality of generations of the spawn of satin, and the cunt bitch that got fucked by it.
        Yur average cunt, can be dismissed as being just that , this one is in a league of its own!

    • That’s an actual Nixon quote, btw. Some of you maybe thinking that it’s a gag, but he says it on tape. It used to be easy to find on Google, but not any more. “FUCK ‘EM!” is the secret motto of our “leaders”.

  13. The pot will be empty soon. Too many third world cunts claiming fucking everything while contributing nothing.

    Keep bringing the cunts in and let them breed like rats. Let them collapse the NHS, the state pension and benefits for those in need.

    They can always blame it on white privilege.

    • I completely agree.
      Let them all in.
      Bankrupt the country.
      Explain it all away with nonsense.

      I for one shall be joining the cunts who contribute nothing but are simply parasites.
      I’m fucked off with sky high taxes and taxes on savings and investments.
      Those cunts can dinghy themselves into a noose.

  14. Foreign aid, the fucking big rip off for tax payers, with all the cunts heading here it needs to be scrapped! OK I am not a heartless bastard so a fund capped at 0.1% for humanitarian disaster is acceptable (example the tsunami back in 2004)

    The saving on pissing away foreign aid would go a long way to helping with social care.

    All the cunts on long term unemployment need to be put to work, ok the lazy cunts may not be fit to look after old folk but they could do cleaning and general garden work, make to cunts earn their universal credit.

    • I despise this stuttering Westminster lizard.
      Is there one election pledge he hasn’t broken?
      Tough on illegal immigration?❌
      Looking into the BBC’s license fee?❌
      Distribution of power so the North of England, the red wall that got him in had a share in the loot.❌
      This London albino couldn’t lie straight in bed,
      Putting up NI?
      Fair enough, see you at the next election you spaz.
      Oh and fuck your lockdowns in future im out earning my NI contributions.

      And tell that beaver faced cunt your putting your cock in to shut her fuckin yap as well.

    • Welfare is over a third of all govt spending.
      A lot of issues could be solved by radically pruning it back.
      Also by oven.

      • Oven, start with Bradford, Luton, London…

        Then Batley, Huddersfield, Leeds, Greater Manchester, Leicester, Birmingham….. if only

        That will put shit loads of cash back into the treasury coffers ?

  15. No doubt the clever accountants will be updating their spreadsheets for the rich and famous in order to reduce their clients’ visibility to such tax rises. But that’s perfectly fine because its tax avoidance rather than tax evasion – a very thin line if ever there was one. But the likes of Linekunt, Rashford and Branson will probably/allegedly be bending the ears of their accountants to get things sorted asap!

    • Rashford is a shining example. Use ‘Image Rights’ to avoid tax. Boost image right income by spending our money on the feckless. One tweet and Boris folds.

  16. That’s part of my 3% payrise spunked, then. Cheers, Bodger, you lying cunt, how magnanimous of you.

    • I don’t know, the additional tax will go to pay for your services, paying for your own pay rise, now that is self funding.

      Whatever ambulance crews get paid, if you double it, it still wouldn’t be enough.

  17. Be reasonable you cunts. Hotels for poor immigrants dont come cheap. And remember we are paying for water taxis. Ours and the Froggie’s.

    Looking at some of the ridiculous job titles in the NHS I suspect a clearout of pointless cunts would achieve the cash required.

    • Indeed. Can’t have these cunts dumped into cheap B&Bs. It must be a 3 star hotel at the very least.

      Human rights, innit!

      I wonder what the twats over at the Guardian are writing about Boris and his tax rise? Will they take a pop at pensioners for being selfish greedy money-hoarding bastards? Will they say it’s racist and penalises the usual suspect? Will the suggest some of that money should be allocated to BAMEs and Migrants?

      The Guardian has a habit of winding people right up with their click-bait articles.

  18. Thing is though, Starmer and his Front Bench have been slagging Boris off about this rise. But no so much with the rise itself but Boris backtracking on his manifesto promise not to raise NICs.
    But I wonder if Starmer would reduce NI contributions should Labour ever to get to power? In fact would he roll back on all of Boris’ controversial policies relating to the economy, or would he just shrug his shoulders and keep the NIC at their new rate and pretend nothing happened?
    That’s the thing about Opposition parties. They can criticise and moan at the sitting government knowing full well it a) makes for great media coverage, and b) being in oppositions means they’re unaccountable. But you wait should they become the next government: any criticism of them will fall on deaf ears!

  19. I was just on the ‘Contact the Conservatives’ web page to message the cunts about what I think.
    Suggest others do the same; it might change nothing, but it will all add to the barrage of abuse they’re getting, plus it lets off a bit of steam.
    It’s dead easy, only takes 5 min.
    ‘Boris Johnson; the man who put the CON in Conservative’.

    • Will do so, although I know it will be a futile gesture. Might be a different story a bit closer to the next general election and Boris finds himself hugely unpopular in the opinion polls (assuming he is still PM by 2024)

      Interesting that they have their next Party Conference next month in Manchester. I wonder if the Twitter Mob will go into another mad frenzy and insist it should be cancelled in the same manner as Nigel Farage was in a previous nom?

      Thing is though the Tory Party is so Left of centre and so incredibly woke, the Twitter crowd will give them a free pass!

    • Done. In these terms:

      You are proposing to increase NIC contributions, penalise pensioners in work and “suspend” (I know that one;s gone for ever) the triple lock on the State Pension. You claim that the income from this will be used to fund better social care and the NHS. Really? How do you propose to ringfence it? Details, please.

      Your government is broke, not just because Covid, but because HS2, an ever-expanding waste of public money addressing a need that doesn’t exist. Because foreign aid – a subsidy in all but name for rotten regimes and your cronies and party donors who deal with them. Because the economy is based on a fraudulent measure of growth rooted in constant structural inflation. Because we actually produce little of tangible value any more.

      Still, it’s a relatively honest tax. You can see where it’s coming from. People who have worked all their lives in the expectation that their last years would be vaguely bearable when they can work no longer.


    • RTC might have seen through Johnson but many didn’t, myself included. When May was PM and we had local elections ALL the Conservative posters in my area had “servative” painted out so they all read “Con”. And they took a drubbing when the results came out.

      Then Johnson promised to “get Brexit done” and it was like everybody was voting for Maggie in ‘83. Only he’s no Thatcher. He’s no Conservative. He’s a Trojan Horse cunt who has trashed the reputation of his party. Not that he will care – he’ll be off to write his memoirs and cash before it all hits the fan.

      Who to vote for though? There isn’t anybody. This country is FUBAR’d☹️

  20. It wouldn’t matter if the increase was only a penny a month, the damage is done, because as the BBC and Labour keep repeating Boris broke his promise – even though Labour have broken many oftheirs and the BBC still give us left wing shit on Wireless 4 , despite Tim Davie’s promise to stop it. That slithering poofter Jon ASworth repeated it three times in a very short Wireless 4 lunchtime interview yesterday.

    Boris broke his promise will be the left wing duckies mantra up to and beyond the net election. Hung parliament anyone?. That will upset Ruseel Moy;e, Mandy and co who are hoping for a well-hung one.

    • No Anthony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron and Theresa May are further up that list. AB & GB took the “Great” out of Britain and made it IB (Islamic Britain)

  21. If he doesn’t break the triple lock there’s a 8% rise in state pensions. Nice for OAP’s but it would add another chunk to NI.

    The problem Boris has is he’s trying to sit on the fence. He’s either a social democrat or a conservative but trying to be both is impossible and ends up with everything being half arsed.

    • There is no way to implement socialism without raising taxes. Boris has seen the light and will soon cross the floor to occupy his rightful place on the opposition benches.

  22. All that money will just be pissed up the wall on fucking w*gs and green bullshit. The cunt couldn’t run a bath. The Tories need to dump the wanker like they did with Thatcher, the back stabbing pile of cocksuckers. Fuck knows who they will replace him with though. Somebody not being pussy whipped by some old tart hopefully.

  23. “social care” – what does that really mean? Looking after immos is probably social care. It’s all fucking bullshit – but what’s the alternative?

  24. Don’t worry everyone, it will all be OK – especially with all this new labour that’s come in from Afghanistan, all these BREXIT staff shortages will be over soon and more taxpayers to add to the system…

    Shit, I think I just saw a flying pig whizz by…

  25. If the twat instigates another lockdown if rumours are to be believed, the country will be completely finished. I get the impression he wants one just to assert his ‘authority’ once again. The continuation of the Covid laws for 6 more months through the back door is proof of this. This Tory government talks a good job eg tough on immigration but are full of piss and vinegar. Absolutely clueless and inept.

  26. This country is hopelessly fucked. Sooner rather than later the economic ponzi scheme is going to implode.

    You’ll own nothing and be happy, peasant cunt!

    • The rich won’t be happy because they never are and us poor won’t be happy but we’re not important and can just fuck off.

  27. We’re turning into a banana republic at a rate of knots.
    Still, there’s a bright side. With climate change, we’ll be able to grow the fuckers.

  28. Traditionally, Tories looked at cutting back on the waste before increasing taxes. Fuck knows what has happened this time. The waste is breathtaking and multiplying unchecked – NHS inclusion and diversity directors, managers etc. on £60K-£90K a year. Fuck me pink, this PC bullshit is insidious. Boris doesn’t seem to think it is down to him to intervene, just to raid the pockets of the electorate to balance the books.

    Fatty Patel is threatening to withhold £54m of our cash to France. Woopie fucking doo. The fact we ever considered giving France £54m of our cash is a fucking kingsized absurdity. The froggies will trouser the cash and fuck all will change. We’d be better off spending the cash on a submarine which can scupper the dinghies covertly, so the cunts have to swim back to France – or drown and the wanky MSM can’t bleat about it in the papers on on the BBC/ITV/SLY News.

    I am fed up of this touchy feely government shit. I want a leader – a ruthless cunt who will keep the immos out, crime down and tax down. Not the coypew fucking albino cunt we have masquerading as PM.

      • She IS! Why didn’t I see that before? (The coypu =) “Myocastor is now included within Echimyidae, the family of the SPINY RATS….its destructive burrowing and feeding habits often bring it into conflict with humans, and it is considered an invasive species.”
        “In German, it is known as Nutria, Biberratte (beaver rat), or Sumpfbiber (swamp beaver).”
        ( Wokipedia)

        Well spotted, Paul. Swamp beaver it certainly is.

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