Naked Attraction (Channel 4)

Naked Attraction (Channel 4).

I thought I had plumbed the depths of British TV with my recent cunting of Love Island, but I had forgotten about the abomination that is Naked Attraction. Naked Attraction makes Love Island look like Kenneth Clarke’s Civilisation.

You know the format. Anna Richardson, looking drunk after overdosing on Sue Perkin’s industrial grade quim-juice, tries to match some naked saddo with other saddo’s who gradually reveal more and more of their gross naked bodies. Things are seen which are better left unseen, such as –

– the “gentleman” that had turned his pubic area into an elephant with his penis making up the trunk of the animal. Either side of his member was two ears drawn on to his groin;
– the weirdo that said how he liked to use his long beard to tickle girls during intimate sessions. “It’s one of those things that I excel at in in life”, he explained;
– men and women with ugly tattoos, stretch marks, saggy breasts, fat and other revolting appendages best left covered;
– the woman who brought her Yorkshire Terrier on set to sniff contestants groins;
– a churchgoing fat milf that sung hymns – “Adam and Eve found love in the garden of Eden, and they were naked, so now it’s my turn!”
– the woman with a Batman tattoo above her intimate area which she described as marking out her “bat cave”;
– the sad cunt that said “What I’m taking away from this experience is that I saw a hot girl naked, which is a massive, massive victory for me.”
– Anna Richardson’s bizarre comments- “have you ever been faced by six penises before”, and “could you work with this penis”, and “have you got any disastrous public hair stories”, etc, etc.

How was this garbage ever commissioned? Who watches it? How low do you have to be to take part in it? What does it say about Channel 4. And what does it say about the UK?

We used to be entertained by Robert Robinson and “Ask the Family”. Now we have “Naked Attraction”. A literally revolting display of cunts.

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Nominated by: MMCM

64 thoughts on “Naked Attraction (Channel 4)

  1. May I be the first to comment. A lad who drinks in my local went on that show. Worst of all, I found the episode the cunt was on, he was part of a group of other dick heads. He was a fat cunt, so everyone in the pub decided to have a gander. Fat belly, small dick, stupid grin, what’s not to like.
    Now this cunt lived with his mum and dad, and once it was aired, the cunt was chucked out on his ear through sheer embarrassment.
    What a complete cunt, and the show is dismal.

  2. This is one of these programmes that everyone denies watching but has seen “bits of it”…I know I have….it was quite an eye-opener,I must say…the winner was a Polish student who was picked from a line-up of ugly,fat,tattooed Sows…it was obvious that she’d win,she was the only one who didn’t look like a reject from ” My 600lb,benefits-funded,KFC-fuelled Life”.

    • I’ve neither watched it nor seen bits of it. In fact I’d never even heard of it till this afternoon.

      I must be the exception that proves the rule.

  3. Once you get past 40, naked humans are revolting. In the western world, most adults under 40 are disgusting too.
    Unnecessary…it doesn’t take too much to stay fit in middle age, people are simply too fucking lazy.

    • Apparently 1/4 of people in my area walk for less than ten minutes a month. Most of them are out in their cars today, looking for petrol stations. Cunts.

      • That’ll be 10 minutes spent looking for the remote or getting up to go and get biscuits and wobbling from car to food shelf and back to car.

      • I walk three miles to work each day and then three miles back again..occasionally this comes up in conversation at work and you would think I had come from the fucking moon, the level of amazement I get from people. I once told a bloke I had walked from Bridgwater to Taunton ( this is about 12-13 miles along the canal, very pleasant ) and his reply was – What the fuck for? isn’t there a fucking bus that goes there?

  4. I am sorry to see that you have not only watched, but paid considerable attention to, this latest excretion of the LCD media. Not only that but you have inflicted the details on the cunting community. Begging the question of what is – I’m sorry again – in need of cunting here.

    We’re doomed, anyway. Who cares?

      • That sprained wrist you’re alluding to was from the beach volleyball. I was overcome with excitement so to speak.

  5. On the rare occasions I read the Daily Express they always seem to be banging on about how an asteroid the size of Texas/The Isle of Man/New York/ Gemma Collins is going to hit the earth and wipe us all out… then I see an episode of that shit and wish it would happen.

  6. Och! How long before this shite infects my colony, but we’ll be subjected to the local version, Kiwi, Pom, Canuk and Seppo versions as well. I want off this cunting ride.

  7. What makes the Desperados on this lowest of low program want to show there grotesque bodies in public .
    Have they no shame at all ?

    • The other half and I saw a bit of this programme one evening…there was a fairly grotesque woman from St Ives on there, who happily admitted she had applied to be on there as she had slept with most people in St Ives and fancied a change. We decided it wasn’t really for us….

    • Caught a few snippets of that on YouTube. Can’t believe some people go around for years, sometimes decades, with grossly large and debilitating carbuncles, then eventually pay wotsherface hundreds if not thousands to remove the thing.

    • Oh fuck me, yes. Mrs Ghee had it on once and I happened to catch about 10 seconds of it as I walked thru the living room to the kitchen to get another Bishop’s Finger.

      Fuck me ragged…. How and why does anybody watch this stuff?

      This is how low we’ve sunk as a species.

      • It is astonishing to me how people are happy to expose themselves (pun intended) on the programmes under discussion here and various others, including for instance that mainstay of the schedules; “GPs behind closed doors”. The concept of privacy seems alien to them.

  8. BTW, Admim.
    I was given credit for a nom on the 25th about panic buying fuel.
    Although I love seeing my name in lights ( yes, I’m very vain), I won’t take credit where none is due.

  9. In the not too distant future. A large proportion of television programmes will just have people fucking.
    It will start off hetero, but quickly move on to a homotransruggymunchyfreækyraspberry multicultural fuck fest.
    Then, after successful lobbying, by pedal files, to lower the age of consent. Children will be included in the mix.
    Thankfully, by that time, I’ll be worm food.
    I’d fucking gas them all.

  10. What a truly fucked up, cheap and nasty attempt at entertainment this is.

    Probably like a few others I persevered for about 15 minutes a couple of years back when I stumbled upon this shit probably through some morbid curiosity of why and how our culture has managed to plunge to such depths.

    I remember back in the 80s when my dad used to vent his spleen because my mother would often insist on watching ITV’s shit fest of a show – Blind Date on Saturdays evenings.
    “TV will never get any worse than this crap” he used to say.

    He obviously had no idea how bad it could get.

    • I don’t think it fair to accuse you of morbid curiosity Herman, which hints at some kind of rubber-necking. Rather it’s so awful that when you land on it by accident you can’t tear your eyes away. Had the same experience a few weeks ago watching a multiple pile-up in progress right in front of me on the M5 in Somerset.

  11. Flabby, tattooed, pierced, lumpy, unattractive genitalled, weird fucking losers.
    Well that was the ten minutes I watched.

    • How dare you!
      Ive got lumpy tattooed & pierced genitalia and its very attractive!!!

      • Aye, but do you wap it out on telly? And channel four?
        I wonder how many dull cunts who have turned up to work the day after they had been on the show to find the place plastered with pictures of their flaccid whatnots?
        No shame these days.

      • Naw, not channel 4, they took a injunction out GJ
        Just on the moors.

        Depravity should be a rural pursuit.
        Not televised.

      • I remember back in the 80s when I had long hair, I was walking through a seaside car park when a black Montego pulled in. As it got closer I could see there were four nuns in it, and they were looking at me with my degenerate hair like I was the devil incarnate. Not to disappoint them I pulled my shorts down and waved my nudger at them. Honestly, they wheelspun out of the car park like something out of the fucking Sweeney.
        Silly dried up penguin cunts.

      • Bet secretly they bloody loved it!
        The little scrubbers!
        Theyll of acted all shocked an frigid but that night the allotment would of been missing some marrows…

  12. What’s next? Tasting people’s fresh shit blindfolded to decide on a sex partner?
    “This one is a bit nutty with a hint of corn. I think I’llgive them a chance.”
    I no longer am shocked by the next new low. Just disgusted and disappointed.

  13. Ive not seen this show and frankly im outraged.
    I’ll be watching all the episodes on demand and screening it for smut.
    The morality of this country is going down the pan.
    Dont let the fact ive taken off my pants and got some raw liver in my hand fool you into thinking im not serious!
    I’ll be phoning my MP tomorrow.

    Hes on the same course for sex offenders.

  14. Whoever dreamt it up should be drowned and the cunts that cobble this outstanding entertainment together should all be boiled in oil.

    TV is a Lithuanian prozzies arsehole.

  15. ‘Anna Richardson, looking drunk after overdosing on Sue Perkin’s industrial grade quim-juice’.
    No salmon for my dinner tonight.

    I’ve seen about 90 seconds of this crap. Typical Channel 4 bilge. Smut disguised as some sort of sociological insight with a harridan cunt presenter.
    Are the people running that channel eternal sixth-formers?

    It was boring twenty years ago and is still boring.

  16. Virtually no one looks good nude. Virtually no one looks good on a beach. Humans all look much better with their clothes on. Channel4 is a pile of cunt.

  17. Boggs TV Productions is in negotiation with Channel 4 to reboot The Wheeltappers and Shunters Club for the 21st century this week – we are presenting, Keir’s End Of The Pier Party. As I speak he is rehearsing his tap dance, Angels “It;s The Way I Tell “Em Rayner is working on her jokes. You all know her catchphrase “Tory scoom” If it’s music you are after Maggie Beckett will be at the electric organ leading the audience in community (or should that be “camoonitee” singing with old favourites like “I Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside” and “The Red Flag. The Batchelors often featured in the original Wheeltappers, so we have put together Chris Bryant, Lloyd Russell-Moyle and dear old Mandy as the Confirmed Batchelors – and talking of music, David Lammy & Dianne Abbott will entertain with a few of those old Paul Robeson favourites. Special appearance from David Miliband on spoons and Jews Harp. A seaside show is nothing without dancing, so Dawn Butler will come out of retirement to demonstrate the black bottom.

    There will be a special socially distanced audience, not so much due to Covid, as due to the fact they can’t stand the sight of each other and fights might break out.

    If you want Naked Attraction, I am negotiating for lovely Liza Nandy to flash during Keir’s tap dance.

  18. In the 1968 BBC documentary All My Loving, Animals frontmah Eric Burdon said that television is a great medium, but in the future the medium will be absued.

    The man was absolutely right. Crap like Naked Attraction, Love Island, X-Factor, I’m A Celebrity and Drag Race are probably the sort of shit and TV Burdon had in mind. TV is at its lowest ebb since Logie Baird invented it.

  19. Well, 98% of the “new to” programs make me want to hurl, the other 2% are so boring, I’m asleep 5 minutes in.
    I’ll stick to repeats of Midsomer, bloke eaten by a wild boar?
    More than enough blood, guts and gore.

  20. MMCM looks like to watch it a lot more than you’d have us believe – hahahaha!

    I can’t even believe this shite is on TV, and I bet was cooked up by some millennial snowflake libtard cunt.

    If I wanna see fanny (other than my wife’s) there plenty of vids online one can watch in their own privacy.

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