Poor old Madonna. The old tart just doesn’t get it, does she?
Encased in her bubble of self-delusion, and no doubt egged on by sycophantic hangers-on, she can’t help but flaunt herself as if she’s still the outrageous, sex-on-a-stick pop and style icon of the 80s.
Sadly no; to the amusement of cunters everywhere, her antics grow increasingly laughable by the week. Take her BDSM-themed appearance at the recent MTV Video Music Awards. What a ridiculous, cringe-inducing spectacle.
Still, at least I was able to amuse myself for a while trying to figure out where the flesh ends and the silicon begins. Her face looks like a death mask, her tits are positively pneumatic. Oh, and have a look at those arse implants. Jesus, I wouldn’t, not even with somebody else’s.
A word in your shell-like, my dear. Growing old is part of life, as is learning to grow old gracefully. Still, if you want to act like a twat and give us all a good laugh, then I suppose that’s your prerogative.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
The raddled old whore wouldn’t even know what “graceful” meant!
I used to wank my balls flat about her in about 1984. I imagine some denizens of the award-winning site ISAC will get the horn from the video.
A horribly sexist joke for your weekend…
Goodness! I wonder what her family think of her antics.
Ron, could you interview them? 🙂
I saw her in the paper with her latest ‘boyfriend’. It looked like some care in the community helper taking some eccentric old biddy out for walk.
“I used to be relevant once you know dear, I can still do the splits too”.
Shes a disgrace.
She should be sectioned.
If my granny had walked tound dressed as a gay SS officer like Mad Donna does?!!
Well, the shame ..
If she wants attention remake the Golden Girls or CoCϛn.
She looks like she has been raiding Dame Elton’s weekend wardrobe.
I looked at the video before breakfast. Now I don’t think I could manage any.
Morning Ron. Agree with everything. Point is without a ton of make-up she looked like a raddled young tart when she was younger anyway (not that the make-up did THAT much!). Now she just looks totally ridiculous – puts me off my cornflakes!
I have a brother afflicted with the gayness who went to see her live about 5 years ago.
He said she turned up about an hour late and then told the audience to fuck off if they didn’t like the wait. Even he was pissed off with her.
They should’ve all thrown bottles of piss at her. She’d have probably drunk ’em all though.
Vile, repulsive and irrelevant old trollop.
I bet her rancid old fanny stinks of whelks and looks like a stamped bat.
Even without the help of Bette Davis, looking at Madonna, you KNOW what happened to Baby Jane – with her, the resemblance is uncanny:
Highly irreverent, but makes me think of something else on YouTube – “Daddy, I’ve done a poo for you.”
Imagine tenapads stuffed under that gear of hers and the stale aroma of piss as she hobbles along the stage, probably giving out silent farts of rancid onions.
Not so much Like a Virgin, but crusty old hag!
Enjoy your breakfast by the way ☺️
We were just going to have kippers and kedgeree.
Another day, perhaps.
Ages not with grace, Lots of young men with odd names buzzing around like flies after shit. Happy to make a complete cunt of herself. Total bubble mentality as stated earlier. Of course the public Madonna could be an Android?
She resembles Diana Dors doing Carry On Adolf.
Put the silly old cunt in a concentration camp.
You’d have to be a totally desperate cunt, devoid of any moral fibre, to stick your winkle into her suppurating, stinking, flappy old burger.
Oh ! You’re forming a queue.
Dirty cunts.
Good morning.
My apologies to the Cunstable but he was the first person that entered my head when you said that ?
Techno my mate, we all had the same thought.
Has she got any trans pets like Charlize Theron? She must have one or two surely.
Didn’t she buy a pickaninny or two with her ex Guy Richie ?
Fuck knows how he put up with her for so long.
Throw her in a mental institution
I thought he was a footballer!
Imagine my horror when I thought that I had inadvertently wandered into Madonna’s recording studio…the squealing,the rancid odour,the gaping piss- flaps,the bizarre contortions..and then imagine my relief when I realised that I was actually at the local abattoir watching an old sow get it’s throat cut.
Morning all.
She’s reduced herself to something of a sad spectacle imo. Her antics reek of desperation. Equally sad are those twats in the media going on about how ‘brave’ she is (usually wimminz I think), ‘blazing a trail’ for women, what have you.
On the other hand, she provides a rich source of material to piss-takers everywhere, so she carry on as long as she likes as far as I’m concerned.
This pisstake video of Madge was probably the best thing Guy Richie ever did outside of Lock Stock and Snatch
Never liked her. Really early in her career she was the sort of bird you’d bang around the back of the local football club disco.
Never understood why people think she’s such an icon. Now it’s like seeing ya gran trying to be sexy, fucking cringe as the youth might say.
Is that her actual arse or a comedy prosthetic ?
She probably talks to herself and gets a good echo from the wizards sleeve.
Be grateful we don’t have smello-vision, gents.
Hahahaha no fool like an old fool.
It’s bizarre tho; her face would curdle your milk, and honestly, those tits look like a couple of helium filled balloons. And that arse…
And yet she’s being lauded by many for her ‘daring’ and ‘self-confidence’.
What the fuck are these people on?
Like most edgy anti-establishment radical pop icons of yesteryear, they’ve all conformed in old age in order to retain their crumbling popularity, maintain their tumbling bank balance, and saddle up to whatever is trending these days – in this case all things Woke and VS.
She said fairly recently that she wouldn’t let children behave the way she did back in the day. Socially unacceptable.
Two-faced hag!
They are just the courtiers of the naked emperor.
She now looks like a cross between Barbara Cartland and Nicki Minge.
Another Pete Burns silicon freak.
Check out these close-ups;
Those silicon tits, Jesus? Where the fuck have her nips disappeared to?
The ship of Theseus… wrecked.
I must admit that I keep going back for a look at that close-up of her silicon melons; they look like hard, shiny plastic. I can’t imagine deriving any comfort from nestling your head between those.
Ron, I think you’d just get concussion from those tupperware jugs…
Tupperware jugs lol!
A perfect description.
I’d have happily given her the mutton cutlass back in the day but this now vile old whore frankly disgusts me.
Her desperation to stay relevant and her pathetic myriad of ‘shocking’/edgy/fucking crass tactics to appeal to the yoof of today are deserving of nothing but contempt.
Fuck’eth her and the horse she rode in on! Get to fuck you old cunt.
She had a ragged looking, hirsute, bearded clam at age 18.
Goodness knows what horrors lurk in her knickers, in 2021?
Nothing more embarrassing than the Auntie at a family gathering who dresses and behaves like a teenager*
(*as a randy teen, I did bang a few “older sorts”-a great education for a young man?)
Even when young, she always looked a bit second hand.
Like something the dog had been chewing on, but couldn’t bring itself to eat.
Because even dogs have some standards…
I’ve never had a wank over her. She’s never been young and fit as far as I’m concerned. Not my idea of a good time.
She’s moving very carefully in the video. Hip replacement does take a while to settle down.
Whitney dressed as Britney.