Joe Biden (10) and Hunter

What do you mean I can’t smell your daughter’s hair?

Bloomberg TV reports that the CEOs of the Big Three high tech companies – Cook from Apple, Nadella from Microsoft and Jassy from Amazon – are to have a meeting at the White House to talk about improving cybersecurity following a “dramatic uptick” in ransomware and online attacks. Guess who they will be talking to? Yes, that well-known IT expert Joe Biden.

I wonder whether he will bring up the contents of the laptop the FBI seized from his son, Hunter, in 2019 and its alleged contents about corruption claims against Biden pere et fils about their dealings in Ukraine.

Hunter gave an amazing Goebbels “if you tell a lie, tell a big lie” interview to CBS News in which he said he had “no idea whether or not” the laptop belonged to him but acknowledged it was “certainly” a possibility. However, he raised other theories.

“There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.

It could be it was yours Hunter. Why don´t you tell the truth for the first time in your life you sleazeball.


Nominated by: Mr Polly


Additional by – AI

“The free-world surrenders to ISIS”, should be the headline in the newspapers.

Is this the most dangerous US President in history? This knee-taking, senile old fool has just handed the initiative to the very people that would like to kill us.

On Biden’s orders, the US troops were pulled out of Afghanistan and the friendly civilians were left behind, to the mercy of the Taliban. He didn’t even let the allied forces know, apparently, Boris Johnson had to text him to ask wtf was going on!

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the hasty retreat meant that the US left billions of dollars in weapons, equipment, and machinery behind, including more than 100 top-of-the-range military helicopters, armed with missiles.

The Taliban are now in full control of Afghanistan, and with a wide-open border for illegal immigration into the US (via the southern border in Texas) and the UK (via the English channel), along with thousands of ISIS/Taliban mixed in with the refugees that are being granted asylum, the world just became a much more dangerous place.

How long will it be before we see more attacks like the bombing on the Manchester Arena? It’s a matter of when not if.

50 thoughts on “Joe Biden (10) and Hunter

  1. “Look guys you don’t need the military in Afghanistan, just buy a double barrelled shotgun to defend yourselves against ISIS, I tell Jill this everyday, okay, you don’t need anymore than that okay guys, truly”

    What an untrustworthy senile old cunt !!!

    • Sniff an stiff.
      He’s senile.
      Thinks hes the fuckin Equaliser at the moment.
      Acting the tough guy in interviews.
      Listen ten men, one warning .
      Even look at my kids youll get what kennedy got,
      Dirty fucker.

  2. Apparently this man was elected to the oval office as a result of record numbers of votes.

    Yeah I bet he was.

    Dementia is a cruel illness as anybody who has witnessed a family member or friend suffer from it, would surely agree.
    However, having to witness this dementia ridden, knee bending fraudster who is supposed to be the leader of the free world, turn the west into an even bigger laughing stock than it was, is not even remotely amusing to me.

    As mentioned in the nomination, turning the west into a giant woke joke is bad and embarrassing enough but the fact that countless thousands of innocent people are now in imminent danger in major cities around the world is one bad joke too far.

    Biden and his illegitimate administration is a monumental cunt.

  3. Whilst the situation went totally tits up very rapidly I cannot understand why so much military hardware was left behind in a serviceable condition. The Yanks know how effective the stuff is and they, as image conscious people,must realise how their international image will be tarnished as the world watches terrorists fly around in Blackhawk helicopters.
    The shit will hit the fan in a spectacular manner as soon as an American citizen gets killed by equipment formerly the property of the US Army.

    • Aside from the military equipment, including Blackhawk helicopters that were supposedly disabled and then filmed being flown by the Taliban, there were pallets of cash in hundred dollar bills. There must have been hundreds of millions there if not more, and they ain’t gonna be building hospitals or schools with it.

      • Jesus. Wasn’t aware of that with the money. Leaving all that gear is unforgivable. Biden is a right cunt. There’s going to be some bad stuff happening down the line.

      • Yes, that video of the piles of Breaking Bad money on tables was the most shocking display of hubris I’ve ever seen from the USA. “Shouldn’t we take this pile of a zillion dollars with us?” Nah, just leave it, what will peasants do with that kind of money? Oh, yeah, massive terrorists attacks Europe/UK/USA. Great move, Yanks.

  4. This cunt is no more than a place holder and the real power and decisions are being made by who the fuck knows. He has been bought and paid for but more entities, people and countries than he can remember. (I know I know allegedly)
    He gives a speech that amounts to him shitting the bed and Jen Psoki comes and cleans it up as best as she can, the cunt.

  5. Apparently Hunter is an artist now. Oh yes, but he doesn’t know who is paying shitloads of dough for his adolescent scrawlings. Oh well, in a world where Katie Price is an author and businesswoman and Lilly Allen is a musician, I suppose it makes sense.

  6. Look…’s the deal. It was all the fault of that guy…used to be a Mormon… no……that other guy….who was…you know… mind’s gone blank….that guy who was President before me.
    Come on man…you know who I mean.

  7. How much hardware did they leave behind? The Taliban now have more Blackhawks than any NATO country excluding the US.

    If Trump had left so much as a can of beans he’d have been slaughtered by the media.

    Biden is a vile cunt but even in the midst of the humiliation of the withdrawal the media fire spud guns at him not the ICBS they were constantly launching at his predecessor.

    Biden has a long record of foreign policy misjudgements but still the media uses kid gloves when reporting on his latest and greatest fuck up.

    There is enough shit on him that has been reported for impeachment but it won’t happen because the media reports it as if it’s a lost dog story.

    Biden is going to put us all on thin ice geopolitically and the CCP are the shark preparing to feast.

    He’s beyond being a cunt.

    • Yes he’s beyond a cunt. I wish there was a more derogatory word for him and the main stream media who cover for him. I don’t know which of these cunts (Biden and the MSM) I hate more, but both deserve the most bombastic, emphatic and skillful cuntings possible.

      • “Degenerate” is the best word to use. It doesn’t get censored anywhere on the web and cuts to the bone.

  8. Fuck off out of Afghanistan if you want..but to leave all that materiel behind must be one of the biggest military disasters in history,with untold consequences.

    Not that Bidet gives a Fuck.

    Everyone with even a cursory knowledge of his families business dealings knows it’s all rotten to the core.
    But he’s not Donald Trump so gets a free ride.

    We live in interesting times.
    Jammed with cunts.

  9. It’s good to know the media has turned on this old buffoon but they’ll soon tow the line and kiss his wrinkly ass again.

    Hoo-ee, what a pair of corrupt old cunts.

    • Yes they already are. They present this disaster as “courageous” and that he did want previous presidents wanted to do but never did ‘nshit. They focus on WHAT he did not HOW he did it. There were ways to do this withdrawal and not make it the absolute fucking shit show we had. Goddammit what a cunt-fest this is!!

      • I hope that Biden gives himself the Medal of Honor on Thanks Giving Day. With an LGBTQ+ rainbow ribbon.

  10. If Trump had done 1% of the shit Bidet has been up to, the BBC would be all over it like a dose of the clap. Instead, they don’t say a word. Sky News Australia give a good running commentary on the old fool’s fuck ups though.

  11. Joe has caused concern of late.
    Not just his foreign policy and ill thought out actions.
    On Monday he choked on a Wilshire farm meal, meal in wheels have had a stern warning from the CIA.
    Wednesday Joe pressed his carecall alarm when he sprained his wrist trying to open a new tube of Anusol®
    Thursday, got lost in the grounds and had to be administered medical attention for exposure.
    Friday his heart stopped for 54minutes before anyone (including Joe) noticed.
    The embalming fluid isnt quite doing the job anymore,
    And if you look carefully sawdust is leaking from his ears.
    Fit to be president?
    Wouldn’t cut the mustard as penny for the guy.

    • I love the way the Anusol ad pronounces it like some Latin religious thing. Anus Dei?
      I’d market it as Arsol cream.

      Biden is only fit for target practice.
      It won’t be long before it’s President Cameltoe, or Pigosi. The Dem voters must surely have been aware? Maybe not…

      • Cameltoe is currently even more unpopular than Creepy Joe with the voting public. And Pigosi is not constitutionally eligible. Trump will walk it in 2024, assuming he chooses to run.

  12. It disheartens me, we lost the Empire in 1942 ( despite the selfless valiant efforts of my grandparents generation) and the Seppos took over my home colony, and now they’re falling to bits under this demented old cunt. At least Ronnie Ray gun could bluster his way through. We are Byzantium, time to learn Mandarin.

    • I get why people think that, but it’s not gonna happen. The Chinese are so overrated, they are useless at being tough and they love the money we spend on their crap. If they try any shit we’ll just boycott China in every way and they’d fall apart in two years. The Middle Kingdom is a powerhouse, but it’s built of sand. They need us more than we need them. I could see them trying to take over south Asia though, that could be a squeaky bum time.

  13. The coup d’État has already happened
    It was probably when Bush senior got office and Reagan was asleep
    The west is fucked because even these multi trillion people haven’t a clue to what they create
    Fucking immoral snake eye cunt feely slippery slope we descend with our leaders of the Free World
    It now looks like they have been no answer and me and you will have to pickup the tab
    Wonderful aren’t they our masters of this shitfest about to engulf our everyday lives
    I feel like I don’t care , but I do and I hate having to save our way when these cunts should be hung

    • I think that the takeover was after the Civil War. That war was not about slavery, just consolidating the cash of Yankland. World War One is also comical now when you look into what it really was all about. Woodrow Wilson was a puppet, he was also almost dead and his wife was basically President when he was bed-ridden.

      FDR was probably murdered when you look into it, he was a frail man, but not at death’s door, sounds like he was poisoned.

      Truman, he was a nobody.

      Eisenhower was an honorable man, I like that story about him meeting aliens in 1954 at an Airforce Base. His daughter backs that story up.

      JFK was kinda good, but also a cunt, pretty sure that Bobby poisoned her.

      JBJ was a mass of contradictions, had a massive penis he called Jumbo and he used to just take a piss on the floor.

      Nixon was so unlikeable and power-hungry, but he wasn’t evil.

      Carter was a nobody.

      Reagan didn’t know what was going on after he was shot and almost died. Bush Snr ran the show from 1981-1992 and was an evil cunt.

      Clinton was/is a rapist, pure psychopath, wife is worse.

      Bush Jnr is way smarter than people think, but nowhere near the evil genius his father was. I reckon he was clueless about 9/11, not in on it at all AT THE TIME, but his body language in the recent BBC documentary says otherwise NOW, so I reckon he is evil, has to be if his father was.

      Obama. Oh Jesus. Who is this cunt? Not a patriot, not a man of the people. Power and money-hungry Marxist creep whose wife has a knob. He’s still a player in the game, a useful idiot.

      Trump was hilarious, TV gold! Wish he was still Prez just for the madness factor. But he could be “one of them”. No way he is what we think he is.

      Biden? Well, he speaks for himself. May have killed his first wife, that’s something to look. Son is a crackhead who was kicked out of the Navy, wow, just wow.

      • * “JFK was kinda good, but also a cunt, pretty sure that Bobby poisoned her.

        I meant Marilyn Monroe. A retired detective confessed that Peter Lawford (Rat Pack alkie) confessed that RFK killed Marilyn as she knew too much dark shit. She wasn’t suicidal, just wanted out of showbiz after being drugged and raped by Sinatra, Kennedys, loads of creeps.

  14. I’m waiting for the next inevitable terrorist attack on our land, then the burning of candles, listening to Oasis then the “lessons will be learnt” fucking shit. When your letting 400,000 into your country per year, the odds are one or two will have terrorist tendencies. What a set of clowns the US and ourselves have in charge.

      • There was kind of a conspiracy theory recently about Trump being ‘imminently reinstated’
        Oh how I wished for it to be true.

      • QAnonanus have been saying that for ages. It’s sad, they’re desperate for a saviour figure to fix all their woes. It’s like here.. the PM doesn’t do shit, it’s the cabinet office and civil service who pull the strings.

        I want him back for entertainment value though. Man was a meme factory.

      • America and Americans deserve better.
        We all deserve better leaders in the west.
        Shit floats to the top.

      • If Trump was to somehow become Prez again, I’d be staying up to 4am most nights to watch CNN smug cunts melt like the Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  15. I know this is unlikely, because I’m sure they have all kinds of double checks in place, but I can’t shake this vision.

    Joe shuffles into the war room, wearing tartan slippers and an old fashion nightshirt. He says aloud ” I wonder what happens if I press this”

    • The protocols for launching nukes are pretty complex. The passcode changes every day for one thing. I have feeling that “bluff” is the real power play. I reckon there are way worse weapons than nukes these days like those direct-energy weapons that can vaporize concrete. Plasma weapons. Nukes are muskets compared to what has been invented since the Cold War ended.

    • Oh God no. That would turn Joe into a martyr. Just expose his degenerate deeds and boot him back to Delaware and bring on Kackling Kamala who will last just as long as Joe did. The Pelosi will be Prez, she’ll quit. A massive, Biblical shit-show is ahead. TV gold, grab your drinks and popcorn!

  16. The more I see Biden, the more I see him like Johnny Cyclops in Whoops Apocalypse (TV Series):

    The silly old sod doesn’t know what’s going on while others are doing stuff behind is back. Even if they made a Quark Bomb (formerly knows as The Joe Biden Bomb after the president with the same name) he wouldn’t have the balls to use it.

  17. Creepy Joe is as loathsome as Saville and probably more depraved, just to watch him makes me shudder and head straight for the shower, the man is a bigger threat to kids than the Child catcher from Chitty Bang Bang.

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