(UK hater-when-convenient Thompson and Blubby Hubby receiving their Italian Citizenship, conveniently in front of the media – Day Admin)
Greg Wise and ‘Our Emm’.
Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was Brexit. This did not go down well with ‘national treasure’ Emma Thompson and her husband Greg Wise.
‘I feel European’, burbled our Emm, contemptuously labelling the land which has given her fame and fortune as ‘a tiny little cloud-bolted, rainy corner of sort-of Europe, a cake-filled, misery-laden grey old island’. We love you too.
Amid much pomp and fanfare, the pair swanked off and bought a pad in Venice, and were granted residency in February 2020. Here they stayed happily ever after, sporting their European credentials and living out their European dream.
Erm, well not quite. Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, came Covid-19, which hit Italy like a roaring shitstorm. So did Emm and Greg, true to their new allegiance, stay in Italy and ride it out?.
Nope. The pair promptly pissed their pants and fled back to benighted old Blighty after just FOUR DAYS, and (at least as far as I can see) Italy hasn’t seen hide nor hair of them since.
Fast forward to August 2021. I’ve just finished reading the somewhat pretentious ‘What I’ve Learnt’ column in ‘The Times’ magazine, featuring none other than the lad Greg himself. It appears that he and the mrs. are still in the wilds of Argyll. He says ‘we’re tucked up in a glen here in Scotland, and the morning light and sounds of nature are extraordinary’. He’s busy ‘reconnecting with nature’, it seems.
The intro to the article states that ‘he lives in London and Scotland with his wife Emma Thompson’. No mention of Italy and the glories of life in the EU. No shit, Sherlock. It seems that old Brexit Britain ain’t such bad a place to be after all when there’s a problem. I wonder if they’ll ever feel safe enough to desert us once more *sob*, in order to grace Italy with their presence again…
What a couple of utterly intolerable, hypocritical luvvy cunts these two are.
*Apologies Admin; I can’t find a link to ‘The Times’ article of 21 Aug 2021 which contains the full article with the complete intro.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Excellent cunting Ron?
The funniest incident of 2020, as far as I can see-i hope Emma & her cunt get constant reminders of their actions, remain too embarrassed to fully re-enter public life?
And I bet they got their jabs in the UK quickly, rather than wait for the EU to sort it out, the fucking hypocrites!
What a cake-filled, misery-laden grey old cunt she is.
‘Darling! How marvelous to see you! Kiss cheeks!”
The Uber thesp.
Hates this country, the hypocritical horsefaced placcy eco warrior.
Fuck off back to Pastaland your a eyetie now.
What covid 19 was designed for.
Emma fuckin Thompson.
If stranded on a desert island,
And had to choose whether stranded with Emma or Covid 19, id pick Covid.
Less virulent.
Their actions are so typical of the luvvie middle-class Islington types. Detest Britain, fuck off to the EU, realise the grass ain’t always greener because its coated in dog turds, and then fly back to Britain with their tails between the legs. But never accepting how Britain bailed the fuckers out!
Cunts like this should have their citizenship revoked.
Rancid old bag.
Good morning.
One way ticket to the fucking Atacama. She’ll be begging for cake.
These pair of traitors are about as Italian as a half-frozen Iceland pizza.
Nice cunting Ron.
No doubt when the covid shitstorm clears up they’ll fuck off back to Italy, slag off Britain for not treating them with respect (Don’t you know who we are?), moan about backward Brexit-voting xenophobes, and that they were always going to stay in Italy but had to go back to horrible old England for personal reasons!
I wish the MSM would call these cunts out! They’re quick enough to do promo-pieces, and interviews slagging off Britain. But now they’ll try and ignore how Britain came to their aid!
The funniest thing these thick cunts always come out with is; ‘Not all leave voters are racist but all racists voted leave’.
What about Momentum activists and half the labour supporter base?
Wanted to stay in the EU but not too keen on a certain middle-eastern tribe.
Remainers; looking down on others from Mt. Stupid.
It’s impossible to embarrass shameless posho dogshit like this pair of revolting turncoat hypocrites. The very epitome of champagne revolutionary socialists. There’s no wokie bullshit they won’t embrace no depths they won’t stoop to in their endless quest to be right on. I bet they are crying their eyes out about the poor Afghans and writing letters to the Guardian that “ we must do much more” but they wouldn’t have one within 20 miles of their drum nor would they give one the posh shit out of their posh arses. The poundshop Sparkletits and Halfwit. Up against the wall with these cunts, lock and load.
‘the Poundshop Sparkletits and Halfwit’.
Beautiful, just beautiful.
“Dame Emma Thompson says coronavirus means we must face the fact that “we can no longer make the economy the first of our priorities.”…..
Easy enough said when you’re a multi-millionaire. The pissy-knickered old trout just loves lecturing “the little people” from the safety of her Ivory Tower…I remember the Cunt flying into Heathrow to lecture us on the iniquities of air-travel..there’s only Prince Windbag who can give her a run for her money in the hypocritical,patronising Stakes.
Hopefully she’ll soon provide the opportunity for the BBC to air ” a tribute to Dame Emma following her fatal accident involving a vast- land owning Northumbrian Gentleman who mistook her for The Lord of the Glen while on his deer-stalking holiday”
They adopted a boy soldier from Rwanda and changed his life, put him through university and then surprisingly he starts a refugee aid agency.
What’s not to like?
Oh and his name is Tindyebwa Agaba Wise.
Daughter has some fucking stupid handle too
I hope their Ivory Tower collapses on top of them.
Let rats eat them.
I don’t know anything about husband Greg.
But if hes throwing his muck up Emma hes a guaranteed twat.
Yoga, channeling his chakra, sandals, vegan, crying, dinner party bore.
Anti capitalist multi millionaires.
Won gold for hypocrisy at the Olympics,
Was team GB but gave the medal to Italy.
On the subject of team GB, my missus has just gone out on her bike with a broken fingernail.
I expect her to become a dame or baroness anytime soon.
The Italians have many qualities especially a great sense of style. I wonder what they thought when Ms T turned up to accept whatever it was looking like a plumber.
Great sense of style?
I know they make military uniforms that dont ride up when you’ve got your hands in the air?
The racid old trout was also at the Extinction Rebellion sit in a couple of years ago holding up traffic in a punk boat. Irony was she flew in to especially be there. Cunt
What’s-a matter Emma? Hey! Gotta no respect?
What-a you t’ink you do, why you look-a so sad?
Britains-a not so bad, it’s-a nice-a place
Ah shaddap-a you face!
Excellent post Ron, I deplore this lecturing washed up old cunt. UT prepare your oven please.
Ex pats that constantly knock Britain are a feature here and I come across them all of the time.
They fail to realise that the only reason that they can afford to live in Spain is down to the money that they earned in the UK.
They will tell you how much they love Spain and how they would never return to Britain.
But they refuse to learn a word of Spanish.
They seek out the British bars and restaurants for their daily ‘full english’ breakfasts and Sunday roasts.
They will buy a copy of The Sun every day.
They have no idea who the Prime Minister here is or the policies of the ruling party.
They don’t know the name of the current King.
They will tell you about how wonderful our health service is, how efficient our public services are and how vigilant our police forces are.
But those that do work, and they can only work for equally ignorant Brits, will do so ‘cash in hand’, never contributing to any of these services.
Fuck them all.
Ex-pats in Europe and Asia all over in my experience.
I know one who lives in Japan. Thinks all British women are ugly now, although he upped sticks from Tokyo when Fukushima’s reactor hall exploded, despite living nowhere near the danger area. Came back to see mummy and daddy for a few weeks.
Spent years working ten-hour days coding , sleeping in a cupboard in Tokyo but pretended he was living ‘his best life’ because Japanese women were throwing themselves at him.
Proper feminist as well.
There are also a fair number in America. One is an older brother of a friend who moved to Arizona. Said Britain had been ruined by Thatcher was always running the country down, now blames Brexit because he can’t uses his dual citizenship to live in Italy.
The guy is penniless. He took my friend and their mum to McDonalds for Christmas lunch. He has sincle sold his ‘condo’ apartment and is ‘travelling the word’ apparently.
A complete pair of Watler Mitty cunts.
Looking forward to the the cunts having to pay Italian tax, which is liable on all income whether earned in Italy or not. Hopefully the Italians will also introduce a wealth tax. They’ll soon be begging to be British again.
Good. One thing I know about rich fuckers is that they hate paying tax. That’s for ignorant little people like us. They love telling governments how to spend the tax money they don’t pay. Usually on immos, tree hugging bollocks and free handouts for layabout slags.
So that’s why the Wøgs put up with them. The ones I know and those descended from migrants have no love for the fourth Reich or the three previous.
It takes real guts and hard work to turn into such atrocious cunts. Use the pair of twats as shark bait. Heaven help us as these two arses are held in the highest esteem by members of the “leadership classes” Italians my arse, pair of cunts.
What is the criteria for becoming an Italian citizen.
Just being a cunt seems fit the criteria ?
I suspect that loadsa money and a ‘celebrity’ profile help to grease the wheels of the notoriously slow and inefficient Italian bureaucracy. That, and being a cunt.
Ifeel European too, every morning I thank baby jesus for my white privilege and the fact I don’t live in a humid disease ridden hell hole. Or I have a cup of tea and a fag then feed the dogs. If they love italy so much why the fuck choose venice? Beautiful city but crammed with gawking tourists, aloof natives and it stinks in summer. Not much to do except sit on a boat talking shit with other spoilt rich cunts. Only 2 foreign countries I might want to live in are Italy and France, but Venice makes about as much appeal as calais.
Good morning all.
From the above contributions, it’s clear my antipathy to these two cunts is well shared around!
Their revolting posturing about moving to Venice before Covid, and the contempt they showed for the UK, was only matched by the cowardice they displayed in racing back here as fast as possible when Covid burst on the scene (by plane, no doubt).
Now it seems that they intend to isolate in their Argyll retreat for the duration, ‘re-connecting with nature’ and stuff.
If ‘our Emm’ starts her yap again, she deserves to have a shitload of derision heaped on her, but no doubt the msm will be up her arse again. She especially is one fucking gobshite and a half.
I’m seriously impressed by how quickly they’ve picked up Italian customs, making a hasty retreat being one of the oldest and strictly observed of them.
Another pair of hypocritical cunts. It happens every time. They all love Europe but the minute something goes wrong, like a war or any crisis,they bolt back home. If it isn’t London its Cornwall or Scotland or Wales. Unprincipled cowardly cunts.
You can never ever ever trust fucks like this. Given half a chance they will always stab you in the back.
My hatred for Thompson is so great I can never say.
Pair of total unbridled cunts.
If Krankie gets her way on independance I wonder what song these cunts sing then? Fucking halfwit lovies.
Satan another turn on the BBQ for Ms Thompson.
Was it this cunt who organised a campaign against a Tesco being built in her village, because she didn’t want to look at the sad faces of the working class checkout girls? It would bring down the class of the neighborhood or something.
There’s your typical champagne socialist folks.
The way she slaggged the country off, she should’ve had her citizenship revoked and left to dodge the Rona in Italy, with a long wait for a vaccine from her beloved EU.
Or just move 20,000 Afghans (almost all males are coming over I’ve noticed. What a fucking surprise!) into her neighbourhood and see how she likes the shit she demands for others.
The fucking cunt.
And there must’ve been a million interpreters in Afghanistan by the looks of things. In a country with about 45% of the population illiterate, that’s good going.
Must be more of them than fucking taxi drivers. Absolute bollocks.
I admit, I knew fuck-all about her. Until I read the mile-long Wikipedia entry with every detail of her appalling existence. If she wrote it herself, and it looks as if she did, she does not suffer from self-effacement.
Picking an item at random, her adopted son, the Rwandan lad, got a good British education (Politics, at Exeter) and now hopes to be a politician. And what causes will this latterday tinted Gladstone espouse? Why….
Tindyebwa Agaba Wise, holding Rwandan-British nationality, is a well-known social worker and human rights activist.
He is the founder and director of the charity organization, Muryango*.
It helps African refugees and asylum seekers by providing them financial supports and preparing them for jobs.
So fucking thank you, Emma. Hope the cunt reverts to child-soldier type and tops you with a panga as you reconnect with fucking nature.
*There are discoverable organisations, working in Rwanda, with Muyango (“family”) in their titles, but this one is hard to find. It does not appear in a search of the Charity Commission’s site. No comment.
Execute them both then hang the corpses from the Tower for the ravens to feast upon.
Sensible policies for a better Britain…
Mind you, it must have been bad to send them back to Dunoon…
Didn’t you know K, that everyone’s gone to Dunoon…
I remember Ms Thompson jetting in from the States to lecture us all about climate change and then promptly jetting back again.
Tells you all you need to know…