Interrogative Inflection (“Upspeak”)

This fucking annoying trend is clearly here to stay. This is using a rising inflection at the end of every sentence so is sounds like a question. The younger a person is, the worse this is.

What it means to me is that you have no firm position on anything you say. It’s an attempt to not offend the listener with a dogmatically certain statement by demonstrating that you are questioning all that you say. This lines up with the widespread lack of truth we see in society today:

Ok…so…like the Earth’s temperature is rising???…and I mean like we all need to do our part??? That’s why we all should get more solar and wind stuff???

UGH!! I just want to slap the cunt with a wet hand!

Know where you stand. Say it with certainty. Look me in the eye. Only say what needs to be said. Don’t be a wishy-washy, cowardly cunt when you open your soy hole to say something to me.

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Nominated by:Meat Curtains

(I blame that shit on the arrival of Neighbours and Kylie Myarse back in the 80s – Day Admin)

52 thoughts on “Interrogative Inflection (“Upspeak”)

  1. An amen cunting! I fucking hate generation Z cunts (and anyone else who has developed the said affliction) who do this. Are you fucking asking me or telling me?! You fucking cunt!
    Get to fuck?

  2. Everything sounds like a question??
    Which is good?
    Youve come to the right man?
    Ive all the answers?
    Stop talking like a cunt you phony young cunt,
    Be yourself!
    Not some faux yank or pseud Aussie,
    Your from bloody Rochdale.

    • Up the Dale!!

      Spotland, the theatre of dreams ?

      How to describe Rochdale, shit hole comes to mind, but the town hall is nice, even Hitler though so ???

      • So much so he had it earmarked for when they invaded and conquered Sicky!!
        Gracie Fields would of spat in his face.

      • I got married there in ’94. Shame the rest of the town is such a fucking hole. And that’s before you consider the bloody residents.

      • I remember staying at my brother’s in the school hols on ashfield valley.
        Had some friends in turf hill as well
        A few of us used to drive to Rochdale for a night out back in the early 2000’s.
        Not all bad but can’t speak for it now.

      • The Town Hall has a superb organ. Vids on Youtube by a brilliant musician called Jonathan Scott.
        Something that really boils my piss is
        “It was, like, Monday”
        Make your feckin mind up. It was either Monday, or it wasn’t. This is all Twatson-speak.

      • HBH@
        I have a superb organ.
        But you don’t hear me bragging about it!!
        Rochdale Town halls a show off.

      • The organ was pretty impressive when I last played it around 1984. It had recently been rebuilt. Not in the same league as Leeds Town Hall, obviously, although that instrument is currently a bit goosed, apparently.

        Jonathon Scott is very proficient, I agree.

      • Ive played both.
        Neither as good as York Minster.
        I did a boogie woogie version of ‘Layla’ that people applauded.

  3. Bruce: Aww shit, Um the laaast Ramsay in Ramsay Street?
    Mrs.Mangle: I don’t know.
    Bruce: Now me fackking Ute’s bin stolen?
    Mrs.Mangle: I don’t know.
    Bruce: Charleen’s crackin’ the shits coz I didn’t feed Bouncer the prawn dogfood?
    Mrs.Mangle: I don’t know. You sound like a moron.
    Bruce: Aww fack yee.

  4. I hear a lot of interrogative inflection today. It was pioneered by the Australians who tend to speak this way naturally. It’s adoption in the UK and the US is a surprise. Millennials usually think they are right about everything, but interrogative inflection immediately gives the impression that the speaker is a numbskull lacking in confidence and conviction.

    Valley Girls in California speak like this. Remember Frank Zappa’s track, “Valley Girls” – “Grody to the max….gag me with a spoon?”, etc.

    In any case, whoever speaks like this is instantly marked down as a cunt.

    • I thought it originated in California and was exported to Aus’.

      Either way it sounded very strange when I first heard it used when I was in Guys Hospital in 1994, and never really got used to it since.

  5. Excellent cunting!

    This is a head work, it’s a manipulation to find out what you think and therefore if you are woke, right before stabbing you in the back because they don’t have the balls to do it to your face.

    This what happens when you don’t beat kids and instead reason with them.

    Centerist cunts talk like this too (Macron, Blair, Lord Mandelbum of Fondleboy), Adonis) they stand for nothing or no person but themselves.


  6. Fucking annoying as is the fact practically every female yank under 30 now sounds like Buffy. Even more annoying is the assumed wigger accent which is even more ridiculous when 40 year old men still use it whilst wearing baseball caps driving around in clapped out old Audi’s.

    Volunteer’s for Terry’s oven.

  7. I find the smarter ones do it because they realise little of their rhetoric or narrative is backed up by fact so disguise their lecturing behind questions.

    Recent example I explained to one that if the arctic sea ice doesnt melt then we are in an ice age And the entire northern hemisphere would be a -40c wasteland and we wouldnt exist. ‘Well yeah, but, erm, we are kind of accelerating it’. No not really. At some point the earth will take on the wrong orbit or tilt and the whole lot will freeze over again, and we will all have to flee for africa, Rajitstan or South America. Thank fuck I’ll be long gone by then.

    • It’s like a cunt’s version of the Socratic method.

      No one REALLY knows how ice ages come about and end. It’s mostly speculation masquerading as hard science. And they won’t look into the evidence that a cataclysm befell the Earth around 12,800 BC and that’s what ended the ice age. The evidence that the ice age ended suddenly one year is growing.

  8. A rising inflation for every statement.
    Talking with a ridiculous faux yardie accent.
    Starting every sentence with the word ‘so’.
    Incorrect use of words ‘bad, wicked sick’.
    Using pronouns in the wrong context.
    Finishing every sentence with the ‘innit’ or ‘know what I mean’.
    Shortening common words and phrases “So, I’m going to watch Corrie later, lol, know what I mean”

    I am convinced that the reason why English speakers are so useless at learning other languages is because they are constantly fucking up their own.

    It’s sloppy teaching in schools, backed up with disinterest from parents.

    When I was a child I would be told off for using the word ‘ain’t’.

    • They have already started to accept slang and text speak into some exams because English is ‘evolving’ or some such bollocks.

      There must be students from places like Singapore or Hong Kong who come over having learned the Queens Engrish and having to converse with some native slack jawed Gen Z knob end who can’t string a coherent sentence together.

      “2 B or not 2 B, innit”.

      • People from 19th century England would have been appalled at how people in England spoke in 1945 after WW2. Peer pressure makes you change the way you speak. I’d imagine that the upskeakers will iron that shit out when the get older. Just laugh at them when they jabber away. Laugh at everyone when they speak, it’s fun. People take themselves so seriously right now. It will pass, the fun times are coming back…

  9. All ah y’all ain’t gut a clue whatchyer talkin’ ’bout! Ovah here in Uhmerica, folks talk tha way they wanna talk an’ we ain’t gunna be told by some buncha highfalutin’ Limeys on tha innernet on a goddamn FRIDAY, when we’re all gittin’ in our trucks an’ goin’ to tha NASCAR-wrasslin’-rolla’-derby with our sisters, wives and cousins, ‘coz that’s how we roll, bubba! WHOO!

    See, now I love the Americans that talk like that, but the upspeak clowns need to stop that mangling of basic communication because it’s confusion as fuck at times. There’s confusion as to where and how it started like many 20th century fads that haven’t died out in our current age. Getting people to not look at the phones all day is the real hill we all might die on, I fear. The rudeness of some people who will just look at their phone as you talk to them is shocking, but it’s now the norm for some zombified narcissists.

    • As MMCM said, it appears to have come from Australia, probably via the endless soap operas (rising inflection/question mark)

      • I’m not so sure. Were Australians moving to California in the late-70s, early 80s? Would young California kids have picked up on that inflection but not the Oz slang like drongo (fool), yute (truck), barbie (barbeque), brekky (breakfast), bush (deserts in California), fair dinkum (being honest), etc?

        Come to think of it, it could have been the Ozzie surfers travelling or permanently moving to California for the waves. It might be older than the early 80s when it began. It may have came about in the 60s. And the goldrush brought Ozzies to California in 1850. It crept in over 150 years and now it will never go away. That’s life, just ignore or laugh at it.

      • I spent quite a lot of time among Australian teenage girls in the early 80s (at high school). I don’t recall hearing any of this uptick at the end of sentences, nor valley girl style jabba.

  10. I went to Malta recently and fancied a bit of diving. The dive centre was on the edge of the pool and run by a yank woman that talked like this all the time. Not only did I have to move to the other side of the pool, I also didn’t do any diving. The though of being instructed by this tart put me right off.

    • Diving in Malta sounds amazing, Lord. All those shipwrecks. And then there’s the underground weirdness in Malta, the cave systems, stories about people/creatures who live underground, cool shit like that! What did you get up to in Malta? Cheers.

      • From my past experiences the only diving in Malta was muff diving followed by a good cock shagging. The Malteese birds loved it.

  11. Was pretty great as far as history goes. Did some snorkeling and visited the Fort and hypogeum (5000 year old cave temple)
    Unfortunately Lady Fontlacunt is not to keen on visiting old piles of bricks so we have to strike a compromise.
    Would recommend it though. Loads to see.

    • Yeah, it sounds and looks like an amazing place. My grandfather was there in the Navy in WW2 when he was 18-20. Mostly cunt-free, chav-free, is it?

      • It’s the dogs doodads. I love Malta.
        They have an amazing bus network, if you don’t drive, but if you do, they drive UK style.
        The food’s fantastic, but be careful. It may seem expensive but the portions are enormous. Pizza the size of dustbin lids, massive salads. Try Braggioulas, fantastic.
        The local beer, Cisk, like lager, pronounced Chisk, icy cold on a hot day, heaven.

  12. Upspeaking has been prevalent in the UK for years. Lucky you if you’ve only recently become aware of it.

    • Never hear it up in Scotland. We’d sort that shite out pronto. We’ve already got a crazy version of English!

  13. Some cunts even up the ante by contorting their face as they take their voices higher and higher with each sentence. I want to ask them if they are prairie-dogging a huge turd as they speak.
    Cuntishness on fucking steroids!

  14. I’ve almost got used to upspeaking? What really pisses me off? Is like, you know like, I was like. yeah?
    All the kids nowadays sounding like the Westwood cunt? The ubiquitous, and affected (always inconsisten’ly applied) glottal stop? You know?

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