Insulate Britain

(Woke Plod in action – arrest the innocent, give a pass to cunts – Day Admin)

I feel obliged to cunt this bunch of idiotic arseholes who think they can save the planet by sitting in a busy road and stopping thea traffic.

I’ll declare an interest: I am in complete agreement that man-made climate change threatens the planet, and urgent action is required even to limit the damage to something vaguely tolerable. And I even agree that rather than HS2, or NHS management, serious money needs to be spent on home insulation. But antagonising the public? That’s on the far side of counterproductive.

These cunts are not only cunts for blocking emergency services, essential transport and even the poor bloody commuter. They are cunts because they might just as well be working for Exxon. Because they exactly fit the image the oil and coal industries would like to project, of anyone who objects to the fossil fuel industry’s cries of “lalalala, nothing’s happening”, and they alienate the public they should be informing.

I am aware that the Trumpeters among us will disagree with my reasons. But I am hopeful our conclusions will converge. These people are cunts.

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Nominated by: Komodo

77 thoughts on “Insulate Britain

  1. I reckon these soap dodgers would look great laying on a mortuary slab, with VOLVO embossed on their foreheads backwards…

  2. I was going to nom the fucking arse holes, and the police for not cracking heads like the ought to be doing, you can’t have these beardie wierdies.
    Same as Extinction rebellion, they don’t help the cause at all by just making cunts of themselves to the point we’re they become the enemy and the whole point of the protest is lost.
    Made the mistake of saying just run the fuckers over on Facebook and my account has been suspended for 24 hours by the snowflake picks.
    There is now no tolerance for these cunts, they would be better off with banners up and down city centers of outside the local TV station.
    Fuglies Britain would just have skin heads or Millwall fans working off some aggression with lengths off two by four with nails in the ends on these fuckwits, now that I would happily watch from my car for half an hour, it would make great TV and if the had a banner, half the world would see it.
    If these protesters really care about the cause and want to get their message across they should volanteer for this…..not a single one of them cares that much, they are to busy thinking nobody will lay a finger on them, at some point the limit will be reached and I can’t wait….. Cunts

  3. Let the Taliban Police the M25.
    Racing up and down the motorway in open back trucks armed with machine guns.
    That should stop this fuckiing nonsense.

    • Yeah, they don’t have problems with carbon emissions in Afghanistan, mainly because the majority of cunts are 500 years behind the times, riding around on camels and donkeys. That’s what these commie bastards want for us. Not for them obviously. The M25 they are sitting on today will be empty except for them whizzing around in their flash electric cars, subsided by our sky high leccy bills. It’s all about power……their fucking power.

  4. Be patient fellow cunters. On the first of February 1995 Jill Phipps and a bunch of vegetarians tried to stop a lorry carrying cattle at an entrance to Coventry airport. She misjudged it and the lorry ran over her, breaking her back, as her sister and the other wasters looked on. She died.

  5. Man made climate change is complete nonsense. The climate is very fluid and trends come and go and always have. Every summer is hot. Every winter is cold but no two are identical. Follow the money and the power and you will see the reason why we are being told that climate change is man made. No science involved at all. Only computer models and concensus. Not science.

    • ???. Absolutely Mr Curtains. I’ve spent the last 5 years researching, and there are many scientists who agree with your statement, but they get cancelled, abused, and ostracised.
      A Canadian female student who was studying at a university was thrown off her course because she didn’t agree with Michael Mann’s hockey stick graph ( he was her lecturer). His graph wasn’t peer reviewed.
      It’s all about the money and power folks, do your own research cunters .

    • Absolutely Mr Curtains. My considered take on this farce is –
      1. Don’t deny climate change. It probably is changing.
      2. But its cause is not AGW. Contribution made by man may exist, but it is a gnats cock when compared to the other (natural) forces that always have been at work.
      3. All the frantic “follow the sheep” and net-zero shit that is being signed up to, is going to have no effect on the outcome. But it is penalising us all, in some way – and will continue to do so.
      4. Instead of pissing so much money against the wall, trying to “go green”, spend the money on research on how we must adapt and change in order to cope with the global warming that is forecast.

      And here is something interesting – some research has identified 450 Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticismof AGW. –

      See just how many of the links have been removed or blocked. Talk about cancelling dissent!!
      The sooner someone in the media grows some bollocks and starts the ball rolling exposing this AGW shit, the better.

      • Where are the so called Fact Checkers when you need them!

        Oh, they only check for facts that suit the narrative. Silly me.

  6. I used to commute 40k miles a year and much of it on the M25. I got stuck in many jams, due to bad accidents some way off, I think the worst was about a 4 hour wait. Thankfully I avoided the M25 with a 2 hour detour the time it was completely shut overnight. No jams I encountered were due to fuckwits blocking the carriageway.

    In a bad jam people would get out of their cars to stretch their legs/watch TV with the truck drivers. You had to be careful wandering about though as bikers would whiz through at a decent speed between the cars. Do they still do this I wonder? If so wouldn’t it be great if they gave these cunts a good kick on the way past?! Almost worth getting a bike for?

  7. The UK is responsible for 1% of the world’s CO2 emissions yet we’re being hammered by this net zero bollocks. XR / Insulate Britain are two cheeks on the same sticking arsehole. The rozzers do fuck all to deal with them quickly them so don’t be surprised when one of these cunts gets kicked to the gutter by an irate motorist for obstructing progress along the Queen’s highway….

    • Exactly! China increase their emissions annually by almost as much as the UK’s total output and they have no plans to cut it back anytime soon. None of these cunts are protesting at the Chinese. It’s like protesting that a tap’s leaking when the roof has blown off and monsoon rain is showering into the house. I demand that tap’s fixed to keep us dry. Double the mortgage to buy a washer for it. That’s what’s needed.


      • Who’s building all the solar panels and wind turbines that pushes us ever closer to zero net emissions? China. What are China building with all the money we give to them? Oh, coal power plants.

        It’s always the same with these left wing cunts though, always the loudest cunts in the room when protesting a little racism/homophobia/pollution etc here but fucking crickets when there are ten times worst examples abroad.

      • Nailed the problem M. Thing is a big magic bubble will enclose the U.K. when the U.K. becomes carbon neutral this is the obvious outcome surely if this is not going to happen why bother with the protest. China will not reach maximum CO2 output till 2030 at the earliest and will burn anything that gives them the energy they need at whatever the cost in the short term they really don’t give a flying fuck, many do but the ones with the weapons don’t. Do these fucking dildos not realise that removing our tiny input will make no difference to me having a beachside property in the worst case in 20 odd years.
        Protest outside the Chinese embassy you wankers. If these wank protests continue the police will not be able to prevent someone getting a well deserved kicking in the near future.

  8. Sorry about the lack of links, but I am CRAP doing this from my mobile.
    In today’s Telegraph, three things caught my eye: an increase in migration from countries severely affected byy climate change. Number one country?? Yep, you’ve guessed… Pakistan. Leading to civil unrest & c. How many decades has it taken them to grasp that invasion from shiteholes will lead to unrest??
    Despite Greta Thunderbox whingeing about CO2, we now have a SHORTAGE in GB, as two fertiliser factories (I guess CO2 is a by-product) have been short-term mothballed.
    Why? Because Vlad Poovin has upped the price of natural gas, making it difficult to run the factories. I would’ve thought fertiliser should be a protected industry; how else are we going to produce all the food that St. Marcunt of Rashford beats about.
    Do I believe that Doris Jellyfish has “Remoaner” running all the way through him, and that HMG ((The Cunts) are trying as hard as possible to wreck Brexit?
    On a positive note, AusUk submarine developments have sent micro-cocked Macron blubbing into a corner.


    This boils my piss. The police should be arresting these wastes of space and kicking arses not saying “If you need anything just let us know” . Oh can I have a bacon sandwich and cup of coffee officer, yes of course well get that for you right now, would you like brown sauce on it. What an fucking joke the police have become. Get trucker Bill in his 10 ton truck to give them 2 minutes to get out of the way as he’s coming through come what may.

  10. Is that MNC being restrained by the police in the header picture?
    Were the lorries transporting gravy to Stockport being held up by the XR mob?


  11. Agree entirely but man made climate change is not proven, plenty of arguments and reasoning online to throw doubt on the whole thing. One of the most interesting articles is written by Piers Corbyn, brother of Jeremy, well worth a read, you never hear the other side of the argument from mainstream news however.

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