A minor cunting please for British people who constantly write, and even worse, say, “gotten”
That dreadful Americanism is NOT a British word that the Oxbridge Dictionary compilers would entertain. Why do they fucking well say it then?. Even “posh” people on Wireless 4.
I suppose they are the type that use the sidewalk and go to the movies instead of walking along the pavement till they find a cinema.
Nominated by: W.C.Boggs
(So..Can I reach out and get your autograph please, Mr Boggs? – Day Admin)
‘I’ve gone and gotten a hot dog from the kiosk on the sidewalk. It’s a short walk from my Apartment. Do the math.”
Sentences like this loaded with illiterate Americanisms make me feel ill.
Good nomination.
“High and majestic was his look
At which the fellest fiends had shook.
All unruffled was his face;
They trusted his soul had gotten grace.”
Sir Walter Scott: The Lay of the last Minstrel.
Fuck me! This site kicks off early I’m up early with a bad shoulder and wish now I hadn’t gotten up.
They always sound like cowboys, which make them sound like bell-ends. The other annoying one creeping in is the mis-use of ‘proven’ (the adjective).
“I’ve proven it.”
“No, you haven’t proved anything exceot that you’re a proven fuckwit.”
“Yeah, I sure have gotten stupid. My bad.”
Another one cropping up lately is “pled” instead of pleading guilty they “have pled guilty”. They sound like 4 year olds just fooling about with langauge till they pick up the proper word used by their mums and dads (or “mom and pa”). I saw this abomination in a British newspaper just a few weeks ago – I was so aghast, I can’t remember which (I am too much of a tight fisted cunt to buy them, I read them on line. Even my dustbin has a padlock on it. Sounds like Sun or Mirror speak.
It seems all tabloids are now littered with the same nursery level grammar.
The grocer’s apostrophe is my bete noire.
There = they’re = their = thick cunt.
Also; “I would of…”
You missed the circumflex on the first ‘e’ in ‘bête’. ?
In defence of Mr Maskinback, Hard Brexit Cunt –
Omission of diacritics is acceptable, especially when the loan-word is well-established. As a general rule, I personally prefer to use them (together with italics) as this minimises ambiguity and clearly signals they are not English words. Even so, a slavish application would be churlish with very mainstream words; nobody needs a circumflex in «hôtel» let alone the italics.
However, there are a couple of points Paul may wish to reconsider. Firstly, he says:
This implies the “grocer’s apostrophe” is a grammatical faux pas. It is not a grammatical mistake, but an error of punctuation (alone).
Secondly, the set-phrase is “greengrocer’s apostrophe¹” not “grocer’s apostrophe”. These superfluous, some might say errant, punctuation marks are traditionally associated with greengrocers, particularly with market stall holders, but not with grocers.
Most grocers, especially M&S, J Sainsbury, Waitrose, Tesco and the other “big players” tend to be more careful with their punctuation – and indeed their grammar. Many years ago, I remember M&S were so deluged with complaints about their “5 items or less” tills, they recalled all the merchandising – at considerable expense – and changed it to “5 items or fewer”.
¹ Coincidentally, I used this expression on here (but in reverse meaning) only yesterday in the context of Beggars Banquet, the Rolling Stones album
On defence of the Maskinback, the evident singularity of “grocer’s” suggests he meant the average “ffree paand o’tomaa-ers” not the supermarkets. Had he meant ALL of them (“M&S, J Sainsbury, Waitrose, Tesco “), he would have written grocers’, wouldn’t he.
Afternoon Orângēböóm.
Once again, we seem to be struggling with the concept of a “set phrase”. Whether “North of Watford” (mind the Gap, CFC) or “greengrocer’s apostrophe”… these are all set phrases.
Obviously, you can have “North of Watford Gap”, and “grocer’s apostrophe” (or indeed grocers’). It isn’t that they are actually wrong usage, but usually if not always indicate a frank error on the writer’s part.
Your comment about grocer’s versus grocers’ is, however, spectacularly wide of the mark, Capⁿ. You appear to be struggling with the distinction between a grocer and a greengrocer. It isn’t at issue how many grocers are involved; grocers are entirely unconnected.
Grocer Heath is the exception that proves the rule.
“Grocer’s Humber Super Snipe was often utilised by him and the Milk Snatcher, her erect nipples oozing milk, luring little boys from the side of the road onto its plush green leather back seat.”
Other variations on this theme are available.
Are those lyrics a variation on a theme of <a href="https://youtu.be/ToZeWFyhp9s"<iA Teenage Opera RTC?
Oops! Link still works ??
Not lyrics, CS, an excerpt from Ted Heath’s wikipedia entry that has since been redacted for reasons unknown.
Grocer Jack is an ace song however!
As is My Friend Jack:
Aha, I see RTC. A mite cryptic, that one!
Perhaps the expunging was due to simple factual inaccuracy; everyone knows Sir Ted and Mrs T were Rover P5B devotees at that time.
It calls to mind an equally factually inaccurate synopsis of the Skripal affair, which I posted on Craigmurray’s rather dour and humourless blogsite some three years ago. My not altogether plausible scenario was a satirical response to some egregiously florid hypothesiz¹ing about what really happened in Salisbury… which was also utter cobblers². I can probably find it somewhere….
Needless to say, it went down like a lead Zeppelin.
¹ ahem!
² or should that be cobbler’s or even cobblers’? How many awls and how many cobblers?
American music is to blame for a lot of this shite as well. I keep hearing phrases like “with chew” which translates into “with you”.
Apparently Canadians speak French ad bad as Americans do English.
All cunts.
This country has gotten worse if that was poss like.
You ain’t kiddin.
There are so many to go at but for me Zee instead of Z fucking pisses me off.???
Noah Webster is the cunt to blame for this. The 19th century American lexicographer collated a dictionary of English as spoken in the US. It’s become the standard work on American English. It was he that decreed the use of “z” over the adoption of “s” that was developing in England. Prior to this the English also used “z” over “s” so, arguably, the American usage has an English pedigree.
It’s just the way languages evolve. But our use of “s” is I feel more grammatically correct – the sound is “s” not “z” when you pronounce words like realise/realize.
Hey maan, what chew doin’ ON the weekend?”
Webster was massive cunt.
The cunts can’t spell tyre properly either.
My lad keeps winding me up by using “aluminum” the little twat! Do the septics say titanum/ No they say titanium. Do they say Plutonum? no they say plutonium so what’s the problem with this particular metal?
Don’t even mention “soddering” although thinking about it… I could probably find a use for a 100W soddering iron but in more of an instructional role than an electrical one.
Their pronunciation of laboratory as “lab-ra-tory” always makes me think of bogs.
Soddering is total cunt. Usually performed by an amacher on youchube.
I try not to use Americanisms but do enjoy sometimes laying on an accent with a trowel….I remember the look of puzzlement on the face of a walker when I kept pointing at his companion who was lagging 100 yards or so behind him and demanding (it sounded like)..” yon add troot yourn?” …( meaning “is that lady with you)…He was baffled and increasingly alarmed as I kept repeating it like a stroke victim with Tourette’s..eventually I got sick and switched to my “braying chinless-wonder” accent to announce “Bloody foreigners should learn to speak the lingo..what,what”….jumped on the quad and off the Hounds and I roared leaving a thoroughly befuddled walker (and his “add troot”) in our wake.
Morning Dick.
I live not a million miles from High Wycombe, which is a tourist attraction with its caves used in the 18th century by the notorious Hellfire Club for its drunken orgies and revels.
When I was a teenager an American tourist hailed me from his rental car and asked if I could direct him to “Higgy Wi-Combi”.
Listening to a yank wrestling with the complications of french pronunciation is fucking toe curling ? ?
Some yanks asked me how to get to bewry by public transport.
“Bewry? Never heard of it” said I.
“It’s where we find the East Lankashyrre railroad” said the yank.
“Oh, you mean Bury, yeah 471 bus for that mate”
Using then instead of than. “ mines better then that” “ I’m older then you”. What cunts.
When I was at school learning the English class in the mid-sixties I was taught never to write the words get or got. It automatically gave a 0/10 for our homework.
Twice yesterday I had work e-mails saying that the writer wanted to ‘reach out’ to me both from nice young ladies. Well you can reach out to my cock if you want but if you want a bit of advice about work just e-mail or telephone.
Any cunt that calls potato crisps ‘chips’ needs shooting.
Cunts that say ‘season’ instead of ‘series’ are also cunts.
And an executive producer of said series is not a ‘showrunner’. That is also irritating as fuck.
What also grates my gnashers is the stupid names used for a fried egg. Sunny side up? Over easy? It’s a fried fucking egg for fuck’s sake. As long as you can eat it, who gives a toss?!
Ordering a sandwich in America? You’ll need to understand foreign then.
Behind some septic grabbing his balls in a ‘noo yoik deli’.
“Pastrami and momofuku. Hold the tahini. One on rye and one on ciabbata. Egg over easy on the side. I’ll take the seven and seven to go.”
Then my turn:
“Erm. Cheese butty mate. Got any lucozade in cans?”
Doodle: “Get da fuck outta here ya damn limey, you guys speak English or not what the fuck goddam motherfucker…”
Me: “I’m English you cunt. I don’t know what fucking language you’re speaking though. Get a man’s job, sandwich boy girl.”
“Showrunner” sounds like an exhibitionist who has decided to run the London Marathon stark bollock naked instead of in a penguin costume or some other OTT get up.
Season is on use on BBC 1. Cunts.
There’s a crappy ‘drama’ series on ITV or something called ‘Unforgotten’.
Unforgotten isn’t even an actual word. Fucking thick moronic cunts.
Unforgotten??? surely we have a word for that – “remembered”.
In general terms, have you noticed how people who claim to despise America and its (more traditional) values always seem to wear baseball caps and Converse? Somewhat odd…
Possibly not an Americanism, but, pushes me nearer to a stroke every time I see it is ‘Of’ instead of ‘Have’, ie:
‘Would/could/should of’.
Er no, you cunt, the fucking word you’re looking for is ‘Have’. And let’s not go there about ‘There, They’re and Their’…
You read my mind Gene.
That is my bete noire. Sadly nothing new, a combination of the phonetic result of shortening to “apostrophe ve”, and not being taught grammar.
Half of my degree is in Linguistics & Phonetics, and I often wish it were not…
Gotten is a cuntish word not so sure if its a americanism tho rednecks say it alot. The only acceptable usage is ill gotten as in illegal or unfairly deserved meaning
“Misbegotten” and “ungotten” appear regularly in Shakespeare.
This nom made me remember that my Father told me not to use the verb ‘get’ in any tense; he said I should use ‘acquire’, ‘obtain’ etc. He thought only ignorant people used ‘get’.
Anyway, I found this article on the subject of ‘got’ and ‘gotten’ https://tinyurl.com/2mrp5ftr
In summary, the article claims ‘gotten’ is widely found in English early on e.g. Shakespeare (Henry VI pt 2, c1591): “Jack Cade hath gotten London Bridge.” Got seems to have overtaken gotten around 1700 but ‘gotten’ is now in the mainstream again due to American influence (lol a threat to our way of life!)
Fuck Shakespeare, the cunt couldn’t spell and his shit is unreadable.
Apologies, duplicated your thought. But no-one says ‘got’ any more (American: anymore). The current universal pronunciation is go’.
The word “get” sounds right in some sentences though.
Doctor I acquire a pain when I piss.
Sounds a bit odd I think.
“…and some as yet ungotten and unborn shall have cause to curse the Dauphin’s scorn!…”
Fucking great piece of writing, now that’s how you tell a frenchy to fuck off!
American crime programmes are the worst.
They think that to appear intelligent you have to speak very quickly and use long words, most of which are nonsensical.
The house was bugalirzed.
Check the blood splatter directionality.
In the UK speech rapidly went down hill after Harry Enfield introduced his character Stavros…… ‘Innit’.
Ali G added to the cuntishness when all the moronic teenagers tried to mimic him.
It’s strange that wanting to sound like Joe Pasquali never really took off.
He is a comedian too.
Americans talk like twats.
My 11 year old says shit like:
Jelly = jealous
Suss = suspect
OMG= oh my gosh
Kids are speaking as if they are composing a fucking textessage.
50 years from now our language will be completely unrecognizable. Maybe 20 actually.
I caught a presenter saying ‘btw’ the other day. Its not exactly hard work to ‘by the way’. Idiot.
Bacon, twat, wibble by any chance?!!
I’m recently getting ” that’s sick” from my 11 year old grandchild.
As far as I can determine, it means wonderful or great.
Also, as far as I know, children don’t actually speak to each other anymore, they sit side by side and text each other.
Gotten is not an Americanism as such but fell out of use in England a good while ago. One exception I can think of is the phrase “ill-gotten gains” which has remained in use.
Not Americanisms, buts cunts on the idiot box who say mins instead of minutes boils my piss. Also tees & cees in place of term and conditions. Finally, I’ve noticed on adverts for film trailers the date is never given with the suffixes “th”, “st” or “nd” just the number, for example September 3.
Useless cunts
Afternoon all
Something which really boils my piss is when I go to eat in a restaurant and the server addresses me and Mrs. Hunt as GUYS. I would rather they say “mate” and “love”. Fucking ignorant. I believe the term was imported about 15 years ago by Davina McCunt on Big Brother.
How do you feel about ‘dude’ from some spotty educationally subnormal adolescent who has been recruited in cold blood to serve the public?
It’s when they say ” is the food OK guys, & I reply mine is mediocre, but edible. The lady sat opposite me prefers to give her own opinion. I then sit back and grin while she tears him to absolute shreds. By the time she’s finished, he’s backing away, half bowing & calling her Ma’am.
It’s fucking hilarious, really. My sister!
What’s the difference between my sister and a rottweiler? A rottweiler doesn’t wear lipstick.
Don’t think Davina is responsible for this one BH. I heard a man use this strange expression in Hereford back in the seventies.
Oh and he was definitely English!
But ‘gotten’ isn’t an Americanism.
Geoffrey Chaucer (Legend of Good Women, c1386): Ffor he woste wel she wolde nat ben geten
John Paston (letter, 1477): The Frenshe Kynge hathe gothen many off the townys off the Dukys off Borgoyne
Myles Coverdale (Bible translation, 1535): Treasures that are wickedly gotten, profit nothinge
William Shakespeare (Henry VI pt 2, c1591): Jack Cade hath gotten London Bridge
Walter Raleigh (letter, 1618): I had gotten my libertye
John Evelyn (letter, 1690): I have now gotten me a pair of new horses
The place to look for foul septicisms is the lot where they park the Germanic concatenations* such as ‘graveyard’, ‘outreach’ and ‘comeback’. Or in the polluted field in which Olympic athletes ‘podiumed’, ‘medalled’ and perhaps ‘unfriended’ each other, though this kind of horror is not confined to our colonies, sadly.
*Equipped with hood, trunk and tires, probably made of aluminum.
Perfectly acceptable past participle used in the present ,past or future perfect.
I have gotten my wallet (pres.per)
She had gotten her passport(past per)
By the time I get home it will have gotten dark.(future per)
That’s all.
Gotten, can I get , High five. Fuck off back to Bidet land and talk like what I do you cunt.
I hate it when young shop assistants call me dude or buddy, or when I leave the shop they say, see you later.
Not if I see you first!
Fucking English language has gone from badder to worstest, innit! Yah fuckin’ get me fam? Be not worry in’ cos evreeting gwan be eyeree! You fuckin’ rassssclarts!