Black on Black Crime

(Spot the White Murderer! Oh, hang on…. – Day Admin)

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Where is Dianne Abbott? David Lammy? Doreen Lawrence? What do “da communidee leaders” have to say about the murder of a perfectly respectable  innocent man? When is the BBC special being aired ?

Could it be that this particular murder doesn’t fit in with their relentless banging-on about “Wicked Whitey” ?….I suspect that if it had been a gang of feral white filth who had committed this crime,we may have heard a bit more about it from the usual suspects.

The Coloureds should sort out their “homie-grown” problems instead of just continually blaming everyone else.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

52 thoughts on “Black on Black Crime

  1. Reintroduce the whip – da darkies day are terrified of da whip innit: “Please boss, please don’t whip ma arse”

    Warm their arses for them and you would see a reduction in mugging, theiving, stabbing and drug taking, not forgetting ram raiding.

    I’d five the first six strokes to Dawn Butler

  2. All I can say is Ant Middleton for PM. I’ve had harder wet farts than those who run our country and justice system.

  3. Wait….my only reality is what I see on the beloved BBC and what I read in the Guardian.
    You mean to tell me that….blek people actually kill other blek people?! Such things can surely not be?!!

  4. As a side note and I’ll preface this by stating that I don’t like to take this piss out of a persons looks…..but Christ on a fucking pogo stick! – These are some seriously ugly mutherfuckers! How many rungs down the evolutionary ladder is the top left specimen?

  5. In the Woke lexicon Bleck on Bleck cancels out the Bleck so murdering Bleck scum must be White. The physics of colour. Simple see.

  6. Black lives matter only when honky do bad ting innit bruv?

    The fact is that such incidents are rare as rocking horse shit, while incidents of dark keys committing violent criminal acts on honkies are two a penny.

    If they can’t behave, wall off their ‘communities’ and let them kill and rape each other and no cunt else.

    • A ducking big wall may be the only long term solution.
      Give them their own rules, tax raising powers to fund their health service, education system and police service.
      Most of us will be happy to see them enabled to go their own way.

  7. To be fair, I don’t give much of a shit about blek on blek either.

    The far more common blek in white crime, however….

  8. These future architects were clearly driven to these heinous crimes by my white privilege……and Brexit, obviously.

    • Of course Mr. C.
      If there’s a way to blame whites and so- called White privilege, you can be sure we will be blamed.
      I must say though, I’m not seeing very much privilege coming my way at the moment.

  9. Glad I got the fuck out of North West London, hard to believe that the first cunt with the surprisingly English name of Muhammad Jalloh or something hails from Pinner. Pinner, I grew up in Pinner when I was a kid Pinner was like an Enid Blyton story everyday sunny, park to play in and so on. Another place that I know destroyed by scum from the arse of the dark continent. Fucking diversity is our strength bollocks. Fucking governments who the fuck are they supposed to be governing? I am of the opinion that once elected the body snatchers from the planet woke swoop down on the unsuspecting MPs take them away and during compulsory anal probing insert a limp wristed lefty personality. This takes over the MP and eventually turns them into a cunt.

    • Or it’s the high number of graduates in parliament, usually indoctrinated in neoliberal Blairite propaganda.

  10. Excellent Cunting.

    Ferral sub-human apes and cro-magnon filth. Look at the photos. It’s like a police line up of the remote simian ancestors of man – the ones that died out and didn’t evolve into Homo Sapiens.

  11. Black on White crime is much worse, but you wouldn’t even see a column in the local rag about it!!!, the cunts know they’re untouchable!!!

  12. While on the subject of savages, how is our old friend Sasha doing

    The swamp needs to be drained, sterilised and all the shit put into landfill

    • To interfere would be racist.
      Im no white saviour.
      Black on black crime is victimless.

      MNC seal of approval ?

      Fuck em.

      • Then they come along again and fuck it up. I blame teachers saying hate white people. Small brains are molded. I have a big brain, so I sucked it up and kicked it out. Like a John barnes free kick. Aveeee ittttt.

    • Sasha doughnut head?
      Still drooling, and her mum has had to drape a tea towel on her fuzzy nut to srop flies mistaking her for dogshite.

      • Afternoon MNC…Spaccy Sasha has probably managed to get pregnant during her stay in intensive care.
        A late night “curtains around the bed” visit from Doctor M’tembe who is allowed to practise in London despite barely speaking a word of English.

      • Afternoon Thomas!
        Yep, the good doctor will be wrist deep in a silently screaming Sasha!!
        He might even put his liquorice flavoured donkey dick in her bullet wound and skull fuck her?
        Stops evil spirits like Baron Samhedi off the James Bond film.

    • Apparently she’s still critically ill after two operations to relieve pressure on her brain failed.

      Stop laughing!

  13. I wonder how the relatives of these dead gangta cunts get round to affording funerals?

    A decent cremation with a service, a hearse and a couple of limos is around £3k or thereabouts. Which is helped somewhat with some decent life insurance.

    But I doubt these cunts have any insurance and probably rely on their “savings & earnings”

  14. No public outcry or BBC/Grauniad outrage over Sasha Gobshite’s would be assassin.
    Why is that, I wonder? Oh aye… Sasha Big Gob’s shooter was another treeswinger. Nothing to see here, Buana.

  15. BLM my arse, that bunch of cunts give less of a fuck about than i do, all live matter, except for pikeys, rinky dinks, tikki takkies and eggs and spoons, no joking all live matter even this collection of thieving cunts.
    Gas the fuckers i reckon irrelevant of colour and creed, fuck em all i say, you break the law, face the consequences of your actions.
    Maybe they were stupid enough to think it would be a slap on the wrist, cuz i is black.
    Lets hope they like tossing the salad, better off dead……cunts

  16. “Received a life sentence of 21 years”

    So in essence he got 21 years in the nick didn’t he, how is that a fucking life sentence? What do you have to do to actually get -life-? Clearly hunting down and stabbing random strangers isn’t quite enough.

  17. I really think it is time to start off-shoring our prisons and deportation camps.

    South Georgia is looking good for this purpose.

    Airdrop a pallet of KFC once a week, a handful of machetes, one pair of Nike trainers and some cheap bling and let nature do the rest.

  18. Having read about their crimes and their reactions to them (they think it’s all a big laugh) then I’m annoyed that they haven’t all been given whole life sentences.

    Personally, I’d execute the cunts, but barring that they should never see the light of day again.

  19. It’s all a terrible tragedy. An architect or promising footballer or rapper loses his life and another load of architects, promising footballers or rappers go to prison. What a waste of talent, Human Resources.
    Whitey should pay them reparations for the crime of slavery then they wouldn’t have to do these things.
    Oh….and send them back to Africa where their ancestors came from. Everybody’s happy!
    Lessons are never learned.

  20. I’m shocked that Lord Fiddler would nominate black-on-black crime for a cunting.

    As long as they stay away from his cellar full of Fray Bentos, I never thought he’s pay it any mind.

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