Yvette Cooper (7) and her devastating tales of immigration woes.

Apparently migrants are held in unacceptable conditions once they get out of their rubber dinghies. Oh dear.


”Committee chairwoman and Labour MP Yvette Cooper wrote in a letter to Home Secretary Priti Patel that the holding room facility where migrants first arrive was “clearly unfit” for purpose.
She wrote: “Most people were sitting or lying on a thin mattress and those covered almost the entirety of the floor including the aisles between seats.
“Sharing these cramped conditions were many women with babies and very young children alongside significant numbers of teenage and young adult men.”

Perhaps the oh so caring Yvette should have a look at the homeless in her constituency of Castleford and surrounds. She might also enquire about the grooming undoubtedly going on there. And who is doing it.

Then she might consider why these people, coming from unspeakable shitholes over 2000 miles away can cross at least one and more likely numerous EU countries, which are not unspeakable shitholes, pay 1000s of Euros and risk their own and their children’s lives to be housed in basic accomodation in the UK. She might also like to consider where the fucking money they pay comes from.

France might be full of cunts but it isnt war torn. Neither is Spain, Italy, Greece and all points west to the Channel.

So let your heart bleed, Yvette. Then give a thought to British people and fuck the migrants.

Nominated by – Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Seconded by – the same Cuntstable Cuntbubble. Hmm

Racial disparity in policing and good old Yvette Cooper, again.


”Our inquiry has also identified persistent, deep-rooted and unjustified racial disparities in key areas including a confidence gap for BME communities, lack of progress on BME recruitment, problems in misconduct proceedings and unjustified racial disparities in stop and search. In those areas, we propose urgent action”

Let’s have look at these disparities.
Confidence gap in BME communities? Might have something to do with the inherent criminality of these communities perhaps?
BME recruitment? As far as I can see standards are ever lowered to encourage the cunts to join.
Stop and search? Well fuck me, the cunts are stabbing each other daily and preventing it is racist? There is also a figure, which an erudite cunter may know exactly, that a black Londoner is something like 9 times more likely to be a criminal than a white counterpart of the same age.

Yes, the racist cops have a lot to answer for.

55 thoughts on “Yvette Cooper (7) and her devastating tales of immigration woes.

  1. That photo says it all……four hatchet faced Labour bitches so pissed off that they ain’t running the country and ordering us all about. The thought of it gives me the shits.

  2. If I had my way, the illegal gimmegrants would be housed in a tin shack on South Georgia.

    It is a perfect natural prison for foreign criminal scum.

  3. Things could only get worse if the next header pic is of Margaret Beckett.
    “Racial disparity”??
    Racial depra ity, more like. Pffft.

    The next post has a more agreeable pic. – DA

  4. I’ve got a nom coming up about cunts like this, they really loathe their electorate!

  5. Wrote to my excellent local MP (Tom Hunt) yesterday to let him know I have given up with politics as totally fucked off with all political parties.

    Immigration has been at an unacceptable level for many years and once free of the European Union shackles fully expected (perhaps naively) that we would at last be able to control our own borders.

    Yesterday (on Talk Radio) Tom declared that not enough was being done (he’d like the navy to get involved) but the new Nationality and Borders Bill (put forward by the useless Priti Patel) would get it’s second reading when MP’s return from their summer recess.

    Approaching 500 illegals a day helped here by the French (at a cost to the taxpayer of over £70m), Border Farce and the RNLI.

    By the way, the Labour Party voted against the Nationality and Borders Bill.

    And the Crown prosecutor says illegals cannot be prosecuted for arriving here illegally?

    Do the Tory and Labour Party’s remember why the electorate voted for Brexit? Primarily to get away from the wankers in the EU, and so that we can regain control of our borders.

    You’d never think it- they’ve all gone on holiday for 6 weeks with duck all being done to control the infestation of those who do not belong here.

    Fucking wanker cunts the lot of them.

    This country has lost the fucking plot- the minority fucking it for the majority.

    • I wrote to my MP on a similar vain, ‘I voted for the promise to take control of our money, laws and borders and the government is failing on all three’

      Useless cunts.

  6. If the dinghy p*ncing parasites don’t like the reception they get they could always fuck off back to France. Or, even better, all the way back to whichever third world toilets they originated from. They can also take all the British hating commie fucktards like Cooper with them.
    Don’t like my country? Here’s a tenner, fuck off and don’t come back.

  7. Living in London ,daily stabbing by blacks on blacks is no longer even reported. If it is the faces are blurred so they can pretend they are not black. I would never employ anyone who wasn’t white. I’d also never employ anyone under 40. Women , forget it. I don’t need the grief. Why should I have to pay for politicians fuck ups

  8. She is a massive cunt. Kick her out of the UK and move her in with the immigrants over there. See how she likes that. She is one honking piece of equipment.

  9. Tell you what, Yvette. Let’s put the Camel Dung sailors up in the Dorchester and the Savoy whilst the Home Office and the Courts take 18 years to determine their immigration status before handing them a free passport and reparations for having detained them.

    And as for stop and search, let’s stop a few more white grandmothers, just for the sake of “equality” and “soooshal justiis”, whilst the criminals run rings around the hopeless police who will be busy in the local nail bar having their toenails painted the colours of the LGBQT rainbow flag.

    The left are total idiots. But the Conservatives aren’t much better.

    The people that run this country, or aspire to run it, are utterly incompetent half wits.

    A plague on all their houses.

    • Dont know if its escaped your notice Yvette,
      But theyre fuckin ILLEGAL immigrants.
      Clues in the name.
      They’re completely willing to jeopardise the people of this country during a viral Pandemic (whether you believe its real or not they didn’t give a fuck)
      Breaking lockdown rules,
      Fleeing from countries that arent at war, where they aren’t persecuted.
      Theyre freeloaders.
      Id gas the fuckin lot of them.

      • MNC@ – If you ever happen on the leafy suburbs of West Yorkshire check out the mansion vinegar tits lives in (depending on what house flipping she has done) – plenty of rooms for illegal immigrants there but for some baffling reason Yvette “never had a proper job” Cooper is not filling them up!
        Yvette wasn’t too keen to talk about discrimination when I wrote to her for a stance on why she was illegally picked from an all Woman shortlist and parachuted into the safest Labour seat in the Country though was she?
        Illegal immigrants don’t like their freebies?
        Fuck off back to the third world and take Yvette Sulphur with you.

  10. Mrs Balls – like so many cuntees the recipient of a degree in meeting useful connections….sorry…PPE… from Oxford, is a fan of Czech dodgy-expenses peer Lord Dubs. Who is still trying further to increase the flow of child migrants from the countries nominally required to host them, like France. No doubt providing the people smugglers with free buses to accomplish this.

    Now, where would you like to house the cunts, Yvette? They obviously can’t go a on a seven-year waiting list for council housing like everyone who is not an Asian councillor in Newham, can they? And who would you like to pay for the measures? Oh, yes. us. The people this country is nominally about. People who have paid taxes all their lives in the mistaken belief that they wouldn’t be handed to economic migrants from Shitholia. Far-right racists with England flags that we are, Caucasian cunts without the wit or energy to drown the enemy within. Which, in this case, would be you, Mrs. Balls.

    Sorry if these points have already been made, cunters, but I don’t think a little repetition would hurt.

    • Oxford’s PPE degree is responsible for unleashing a plague of third rate politicians on this country. Since it’s become popular for aspiring politicians, the quality of the political class has plummeted. It’s the brainchild of Professor Vernon Bogroll and I wish he hadn’t of bothered.

      The Oxford PPE degree is worthy of a separate Cunting.

      • Popular? It’s damn near mandatory. And no-one else’s PPE degree is acceptable, it has to be fucking Oxford.

        Wet-liberal Politics
        Touchy-feely Philosophy and
        Proven-not-to-work Economics.
        Questioning the syllabus gets you sent down.

        And an automatic 2:2* . A 2:1 if you were at Eton, and a double First if your daddy knows your tutor.

        *Nowadays automatic 2:2s are the norm anywhere, though. Just get a mate to sign you in to most of the lectures and you’re sorted.

  11. Sugartits always reminds me of some frustrated old religous education teacher, who wears flannel bloomers and has a 12 inch dildo rammed up her fanny.

    She was on the Today programme, holding forth last week, and she sounded even more fucking important than Dame Keir.

    By the look of her she is a martyr to constipation , and perhaps her raddled appearance is due to have spent an hour each morning straining on the shitter. Being married to Ed Balls can’t help but it must be a comfort to her as she sits on the throne that Domestos kills 99% of all known germs (but of course when slimy Ed has been in there, there has to be a few unknown germs on it)

    • That bint in the nom pic behind Sugartits, wearing the glasses, looks like she has something extremely hard and painful rammed up her fundament.

  12. With the increase in taxes and the cuts caused by the bat flu, obviously it’s a perfect time to be allowing in thousands of utterly useless 3rd world cunts. And then housing, feeding, educating and treating them. They get 4 star hotels and spends for a few weeks until peaceful council administrators push them to the front of the housing queue. These cunts only wait a few weeks by all accounts.

    But this is not enough. We should be putting the red carpet out when they swan in, completely uninvited and, more importantly, undocumented. Who knows what these cunts have been up to before they got here?

    Stupid cunts like the one in the nom shows why women should not be allowed to be MPs. Too emotional. No long term planning. ‘Just my feels for today.’

    What does she suggest? A free detached fully furnished home in the Cotswolds for these cunts on arrival, with a free butler, driver and £500 a week for spends?

    Why not? She’ll feel good for five minutes, while the country heads onwards towards its inevitable destruction.

  13. Any more blabbing from these publicly funded fucktards regarding the “terrible” conditions these crims endure on successfully invading our tiny island and I will stop being a model citizen. Revolution is looking like the only option.

  14. Personally, I think they should be treated as invaders. They are not genuine refugees because they flee France because they prefer all dat free sheet over here. That makes them piss taking chancers. Pretty much all of them are fucking no use whatsoever, and will just be yet another massive drain on what’s left of the economy. They bring crime with them too.

    They are invaders, so the Navy should be shooting these cunts when they enter our waters.

    Problem solved.

    • DF@ – I have had dealings with Ms Cooper in the past – she really is as thick and nasty as she appears.
      Should have been called Karen.

  15. I’m starting to think our MPs are committing crimes against humanity.

    Namely, the silent honky majority.

    The country is rapidly going down the shitter and not one of these cunts has the bollocks to stand up and say “What the fuck are we playing at?”

    I can see the UK becoming like SA and Zimbabwe. All the honkies have left or are leaving as life for them has become unbearable.

    We are on this road too.

    • Yeah, but where we gonna run to? Every civilised country in the world is full of wokies busily inviting these cunts in. There is no escape.

      • FtF@ – Hard action required – have rid of every sitting MP at the next GE and replace them with independent members of the public.
        Things will never change until we have a change of staff.

      • I don’t know why you think independent MPs would be any less likely to be corrupt than the cunts already there. Most local councillors are cunts too and they don’t have a PPE.
        There’s something cunty about people that want to become politicians, be it for a particular party or independent. It’s the little tyrant complex, like a traffic warden or a PCSO, some jumped up cunt who wants to be boss, usually without fuck all to offer.
        Wanting to be a politician should exclude you from being one. I don’t know who said it, but fuck me, it’s true.

      • I wish I knew the answer to that question.

        However, the truth of the matter is that you can’t ‘fight the machine’. It has the police and the army on its side. And the law. What happens is that in reality, people leave for somewhere ‘safer’. White South Africans tend to leave for any country that they can get into. A lot end up working as English teachers in places like South Korea, Thailand and South America until they can get a visa for places like New Zealand (if lucky).

        You could say people fleeing are cowards. I’m not sure you (not you personally) can call them that. When faced with a population that hates you (for being white), a job market that makes things difficult for you, a media that ignores your oppression, a police force and army that will not help you and a world that does nothing but demonise you and praise the other, I don’t see what choice (in reality) people have.

        Imagine being unemployed and on the breadline with no real hope because you’re white? Add to that, feeling unsafe and your worries and problems being laughed off. I’ve heard some stories from ‘Safas’ that would make your toes curl. A lot of them involve being raped. One girl told me about her friend being raped by black cops at a checkpoint. Then the next time she was waved down by cops a few days later, she (understandably) sped off, only to be chased down and then beaten up. She did not report these incidents. Why? Well, she felt if she did end up making a statement she risked being attacked/raped again. And nothing would ever be done about her rape or assault.

        She can’t stay and fight that.

        I think sticking together and speaking out is all you can do. Until anti white racism is actually recognised and not laughed at, we are fucked. This ‘white privilege’ and white guilt shite needs to be stopped urgently. We are only about 9% of the global population, but if the other 91% ends up seeing us as ‘evil’ then the future is bleak.

        I was sad I didn’t have kids in recent years. But now, I’m fucking glad I didn’t. The world they will see as they get old could be hellish for honkies. Somewhat selfishly, I know the worst will come after I’ve gone.

        But hopefully, I’m worrying about nothing and we’ll all be fine.

  16. I reckon Cooper and her traitorous pals in Westminster have dug up Adolf’s old plan ……Operation Sealion. Of course it’s a lot easier when you’ve got snowflakes waiting for you with a cup of tea instead of barbed wire, beach mines and machine guns.
    The Fuhrer never did pull it off , the cunt must be well pissed off he didn’t think of it first.

    • Yvette and her chums would be on the beaches holding placards and shouting “Vermacht Lives Matter” or helping Stinky Rebellion blockade Spitfire factories…

  17. Since Brexit we are (supposedly) in charge of our own Borders…no more “freedom of movement”. If I fronted up in France,Germany,Italy etc. illegally but with expectations of free housing,education,health-care, I suspect that my welcome wouldn’t be too warm.

    There wouldn’t be any moaning about the poor conditions that the illegals have to endure if our Leaders did their fucking job and made it quite clear to illegals that they would be treated as criminals…not welcome parasites.

  18. Typical prize Labour cunt. Less interested in the welfare of her constituents than that of illegal foreign immigrants.

  19. She’s always ‘frankly appalled ‘. Varies it a bit -‘Frankly I am appalled’ or ”Frankly speaking I am appalled’ or ‘I am appalled quite frannkly’. But those two words ‘frankly’ and ‘appalled’ are never far from her lips.

    • MP@ – From my experience Cooper has a somewhat limited vocabulary and an IQ about the size of her tits.
      Rancid champagne socialist.

    • Worth adding that the accomodation that so appalled the old hag was an army barracks – when young soldiers occupied it, apparently it didn’t worry her that they were so badly treated, because, if this shower is, they were, too.

  20. As per usual the majority of the illegal riff raff, thieves, terrorists, murderers and layabouts will be housed in working class areas. People like Yvette boil my fucking piss to the max. A bigger NIMBY, do as I say not as I do cunt you will not find.

  21. I was watching this video on YouTube the other day by some Japanese bird talking about the differences with Japan, culture shock and all that. She said Londonstabistan is not really England but a hotch potch of different cultures from all over the world. She said she had met more English people living for a year in Australia than four years in London. I can well believe that.

  22. The asylum myth, ‘why would these people take such a dangerous crossing if they weren’t desperate’

    Well, they like the rest of us can see the media, the escort provided by the French coast guard, picked up by UK Border Force and the subcontracted RNLI, how many have ended up at the bottom of the channel, answer two, some idiot bloke who thought he could paddle across on kids canoe.

    The rest are all organised, rubber boats and everyone with a life jacket, they don’t even need to know the way, the frogs guide them to border force boats.

    It’s a fucking joke!

  23. Indeed, 24 miles of one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world and never a single mishap. Hardly surprising when you have the Frog navy, the Royal Navy, Border Farce and the RNLI guiding you all the way.
    Stevie Wonder on a lilo could make it across in those circumstances.

  24. These are the same migrant tidal wave of shit landing here illegally to claim asylum and benefits at our cost after crossing god knows how many borders to get here, they should be in jail or sent back to lefrogs, not out up in army barracks that they don’t like…. Send the fuckers home and that silly bitch can go with them, or at least spend some time in the barracks with them…. I’m sure after a bit of a gangbang she will be only to happy to see the cunts fucked off back to their countries of origin…… We need to change the fucking rules ASAP, that’s what mp, s should be doing, useless overplayed cunts…

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