Wikipedia becomes Wokipedia (2)

Wikipedia is responsible for the dumbing down of educational standards. Furthermore, it’s been taken over by woke, left wing activists so that it is no longer unbiased and, even according to its creator, can no longer be trusted. The problem is that if you want information on virtually any subject, Google will lead you to Wikipedia. It now has a virtual monopoly on the provision of information because people are led to it and blindly trust it as the last word on any topic. It’s anything but the last word.

Initially, Wikipedia seemed like a good idea. Why not democratise the supply of knowledge and allow anyone to contribute to its entries? You no longer had to rely on those old, dusty, expensive Encyclopaedia Brittanica’s, written by fusty ancient Oxbridge don’s, labouring to produce boring accuracy whilst peering over their half-rimmed spectacles. Just one click on your mouse and – wham bam! A world of exciting knowledge was laid before you.

Except, even in its days of innocence Wikipedia was hardly authoritative. I have read articles in Wikipedia on subjects I know something about and detected dozens of errors, inaccuracies and misleading statements. There is no editorial control over Wikipedia, no authoritative guiding hand. It’s a playground for amateur know-it-all’s with an axe to grind.

Now students at universities at schools no longer have to Labour through books or undertake research. They just plagiarise Wikipedia articles and hand in work that has cost them no labour, display no original thought and are often just plain wrong.

But it gets worse. Wikipedia has been taken over by woke, left wing activists so it now adds ideological indoctrination to its heady mix of muddle-headedness. Many entries now read as they have been written by Owen Jones or Robin DiAngelo. Wikipedia are quite open about this. One senior Wikipedia executive recently commented that if you voted for Trump (and probably Brexit as well) then you were unfit to contribute to Wikipedia. Wikipedia is not accurate and it is certainly not unbiased.

All of this has caused Wikipedia’s co-founder, Larry Sanger, to criticise it’s left-wing bias, saying the popular online encyclopedia has become an ‘irretrievably broken platform for socialism’.

Time to dust of those Encyclopaedia Brittanicas.

An encyclopaedic pile of cunt if ever there was one.

Left Wing Wiki Bias

Nominated by: MMCM

61 thoughts on “Wikipedia becomes Wokipedia (2)

  1. You’d have to be a moron to totally believe anything you read on Wiki. I have, at the very least, always taken any entry there with a shovelful of salt and generally looked elsewhere for any information.

  2. You’d think these Commie Bummers would have better things to do.

    I suppose smug meddling keeps them from worrying about their AIDS medicine turning up.

    • When you going about rewriting history then nothing is too trivial.
      You have to eradicate every trace of what came before.
      The problem being , people are living longer and remember the truth .
      By the time us troublesome horrid racists, cheeky nazis, and brexit dinosaurs are all dead and gone,
      Itll be like the world we knew never existed.
      Caesar was black
      Trannys stormed the beach at Normandy
      Asians started the industrial Revolution.

      • It’s already happening MNC. Some recent historical revisions

        Churchill was a war criminal.
        The British Empire was as bad as the Third Reich.
        The USA founding fathers were cunts.
        Lincoln was a racist white saviour.
        Ann Boleyn was a dark-key.

  3. Yeah I looked up “cultural Marxism” recently and apparently it’s a myth created by the “far right” (Oh not those cunts again) and other “anti semites”. That’s as far as I got.
    Fucking load of old pony.

    • Yes it used to have its own page but has been labelled a conspiracy theory. on the page of the Frankfurt School.

      It’s also light on academic sources. One of them is a photographer.

  4. Not only did Trannies storm the beaches at Normandy, there was also a full and thorough risk assessment carried out on all landing craft beforehand.
    The Germans were also forced to remove all razor wire or clearly mark it with hazard tape all along the shoreline as it was an obvious trip hazard.

  5. Contradictory fuckers those far right.
    Always pointing out awkward facts and asking questions that are difficult.
    They should be make to submit questions in advance so a answer can be prepared.
    Its enough to make you hyperventilate in your safe space…

  6. Well the woke,left-wing bastards won’t be able to fool me with their subversive machinations…I only look at porn and horse racing sites..they have the answer to everything that interests and concerns me.

    Encyclopaedia Brittanica can Fuck Off too….boring old wank-material for nerdy,four-eyed Eggheads….I’d burn the fucking lot of it.

  7. Anything non political is mostly accurate (e.g. details about serial killers or sporting events etc. – although sport is becoming very political)

    Anything else? A joke. Pretty much commie shit.

    • I’d agree with that CB.

      Details of historical sporting events seem to be pretty much bang on from what I’ve read over the years.

      Anything remotely political appears subjective at best.

  8. Hi I’m Jimmy Wales, for just £5 each you can give me money that I might spend on snorting coke off h@@ker’s tits.

    Guess the moderated word – DA

  9. I upset a whole load of sno-flake wankers on Wiki when I added a section to the page of the diminutive but talented 80s pop star, Nik Kershaw.

    My brother, who worked for Volvo at the time, as a car salesman, sold Mr Kershaw a brand new Volvo XC90. Mr Kershaw was very enthusiastic about the marque and his purchase and my brother managed to wangle an autograph on one of his albums.

    I mentioned Mr Kershaws love for the XC90 on Wiki and I was immediately cut to the bone by the Wiki Police and my entry was deleted. Something about anecdotes not substantiating fact. Joyless cunts.

    • I should add that it wasn’t just one Wiki copper that jumped in – there were four, separate disparaging comments.


    • Similar thing happened to me Paul.

      One of my old teachers has a Wiki entry (for national sporting achievements circa 1940s/50s) and I added his nickname among pupils: Bograt.

      My well meaning contribution was deleted almost immediately.

      • Wikipedia editors don’t seem to sleep or have a life. It’s also damning that an article about a kid’s cartoon tends to be more in-depth and longer than articles about historic battles.

    • None of my additions to the Wiki entry of my old school have stood either.

      They were highly accurate, if not backed by any external source.

  10. I told a younger “Cunter” I know, about good old Kalergi, comparing his sims to what is actually happening in the West, today.
    All a “conspiracy theory”, according to Wikicuntia, apparently ?

    As usual, another superb counting from the machine???

  11. Private Eye used to dig up stuff from newspapers and those lovely people at the bbc where they’d lifted “facts” from Wiki. Quite often it was clearly copied and pasted straight from the site and put into print without fact checking first. Obituaries were a favourite fuck up, including incorrect dates, spouses and all sorts of other stuff. Lazy bastards. Mind you, you can go and spend £25 on a history book by a respected author nowadays and find its full of spurious and unfounded references to suit the modern agenda. The truth seems to be whatever they choose it to be, as long as it doesn’t upset the leftwaffe.

  12. I knew somebody a while back whose daughter and mates had a competition to see how long they could have some fabricated bollocks “up” before it was erased by a Wiki airbrusher. They advised not to go for the obvious targets (Lineker only has one testicle, David Cameron collects Jimmy Savile memorabilia) but to go for more subtle targets (Lammy wrote the theme for TV’s Desmond’s, Diane Flabbotasaurus has a breed of chicken named after her, etc).

    Wikipedia is shit.

  13. Ever since Queen Lizbet the first said “hello dere mon” to the first crackers off the plane……..

    I don’t see no problem wit da pedia.

  14. The woke lefty cunts are spreading like a cancer into every crack of society.

    • They are your right.
      And they’re winning.
      We’ve pretty much lost the war.
      History is written by the victorious.
      All media is fully subscribed to cultural Marxism.
      Itll be just stated fact in 20years.
      The odd hard to describe discrepancy may pop up,
      A old photo of white astronauts,
      A doll in a cave that cries “mama”,
      A fuckin statue sticking out of the sea.
      Hope they enjoy their New world,
      A joyless,PC, twilight zone kinda place
      Fuck em.
      I wouldn’t want to live there anyway.
      I still believe men arent women
      That family is good
      That you can say what you really think
      And that conducting yourself like a man is a good thing.
      Ill be in the new history books next to the Brontosaurus.
      Prehistoric man.

      • Morning MNC, I can’t wait for the ‘Damn dirt apes’ to make their play and fuck up the wokey pant pissers.

      • MNC@ – Not to worry – somewhere in the world there will always be a large and aggressive whitey shouting “get your stinking propaganda off me you damned dirty lefty”!

  15. Someone once edited the narcolepsy page whereby they inserted “zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz” every few sentences. Was there for a few hours.

  16. This Wikipedophilia article seems accurate…

    I could on all day about how comical Wikipedia is. But this whitewashed article sums up how comical the site is…

    Hahaha! There are dedicated teams of gimps who protect that page of the President’s degenerate son 24/7/365. Go ahead and try adding anything, it will be zapped in a nanosecond by a sweating shill hunched over his greasy keyboard.

  17. Here are some notorious Wikipedia fuck-ups for the edification of my learned co-cunters.

    Robbie Williams eats domestic pets in pubs for money.
    David Beckham was a Chinese goalkeeper in the 18th century.
    Tony Blair worships Hitler.
    The Duchess of Cornwall’s Christian name is Cow-miller.
    A yacht killed Vernon Kay.
    Alan Titchmarsh published a new version of the Kama Sutra.
    Charlie Sheen is half man and half coke.
    Picture of a cockroach illustrating the entry for President Erdocunt of Turkey.
    Mariah Carey died of embarrassment
    Snakes are long frog tubes
    Reality is a myth.
    There is no reality….there is only the Matrix
    Entry for writers block…..followed by a blank page
    Janis Joplin is afraid of toilets
    A Lunar eclipse is when the moon turns black, explodes and releases a poisonous gas killing all humanity
    Kay Burley works part time as death, being the first to release news of dead or missing children, her source being her own testimony

    Admittedly some of these excellent entries have been written by pranksters possibly some of whom are members of ISAC. But it sho3s how easy it is to manipulate and abuse Wikicunt.

  18. Wikipedia is crap anyway. As Mani (Stone Roses bassist) pointed out. Wikipedia said the Roses came from nowhere and just appeared with their debut album. He corrected them by saying that the band played every toilet and dive in Britain for years before they got a sniff of recognition and that singles were released before the album came out. He was right (as I saw quite a few of the gigs myself) and it was removed from Wikipedia. But it is still full of shit elsewhere. On the page for the Equalizer (the classic original series) it was claimed that Dermot Morgan (RIP) and Micky Dolenz guest starred in episodes. Neither of them ever appeared in it. Wikipedia are amateurs and cunts.

    • I remember seeing an A’ level maths paper from about 20 years ago and it had questions on subjects we’d covered in the 4th year for O’ level back in the 70’s. It’s no bloody wonder grades are so high this year when the papers, such as they are, are being marked by the very teachers who teach them. No conflict of interest there much. It’ll be funny watching these highly intelligent geniuses trying to get a job when employers discover they can’t spell orcount, know nothing about anything and have an attitude.

  19. It’s the new facism and unfortunately it’s something that I’m used to, having gone to a Papist school full of Fenian clerics and wøg blackshirt lay teachers. Being the unbaptised son of a CofS divorcée I copped a lot of grief and for disputing doctrine and the Papist version of history. But for some reason I’ve never understood, the Portuguese and Maltese kids had it worse.
    I hope when they go to Hell they’re told the Jews were right.

    • Yeah they’re absolutely flush with donations from Google and Amazon ‘giving back’ for using Wikipedia as a foundation for Alexa etc.

  20. Wikipedia used to be a collection of opinions which some treated and quoted as fact, and was often wrong.
    It is now a load of left wing fantasy, taken over by the propaganda department of the leftwaffe.
    It is as trustworthy as Reuters “news” fact checkers.

    • The left is unfortunately very good and persistent when it comes to infiltration of any kind. As tedious as they’re sad.

  21. You have to think where all this fake (lies) comes from. Since the rise of Feminism the telling of the truth has declined even to the point of having to call Lies ‘Fake News’. Just do research and you will see the correlation of what is published and the presence of young child bearing females taking up a new religion from the keyboard and at protests. Watch the ‘Soy Boys’ follow them hoping for a shag.
    They are everywhere like evangelist of old but infecting the modern media of all types.
    The time line graphs correlate with the rise of ‘Toxic Feminism’ and most of the risk adverse shit like lock downs. including mistrust of the media. Just accept that the internet is full on the Feminist Lying Left and their Soy Boys, beware they don’t infect you.

  22. Who needs facts these days anyway? Every year since the Internet has become available, the collective IQ of the planet has fallen. Opinion beats facts hands down if it confirms someone’s outlook.

      • Cheers K. I’m one of the few people who are happy being proved wrong. I have such a low opinion of most things that when I’m proved wrong, the world is a better place.

    • “Institutional racism” is for some reason not treated objectively on Wikipedia. Worth a look for the unquestioning acceptance of woke dogma and the glorification of ignorant cunts.

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