Quinn – Transgender Non-Binary and a Pilau Rice please

A Julian Clary-esque do the cleaning in a maids outfit with a wig on cunting please for “Quinn”.


Another day, another Tranny all over t’news.


This thing doesn’t even have a first name or surname, its so special it only needs one, hence “Quinn”. (According to Wiki she was born Rebecca Catherine Quinn – Day Admin)

Typically the woketastic Al-Beebira are all over this like a cheap rash on a cottagers arse, fawning over the “bravery” of coming out, how “inspiring” the story is etc etc.

“That was one of the reasons why I came out publicly, it’s because I want to be visible and I think the Olympics is a massive platform to have that visibility,” Quinn said.

Says it all really. Look at ME ME ME ME look how incredible i am!

Fuck right off with your one name bullshit you gigantic cunt.

Nominated by: GeneralZod

(More here – Day Admin Quinn (Soccer Person) )


And there’s this from Cuntybollocks


One name, you’ve only got one name.

Didn’t do Zico, Ronaldo and Pele any harm, but who the fuck is this cunt?

Well, Quinn plays football for the ladies ‘sakker’ team. Born a bloke. Olympic gold medalist I believe.

Obviously not unfair in any way, having a bloke on the ladies’ team. She/he/they/them/whatever the fuck says it’s crucial we refer to ‘they’ (I’d say ‘he’) and trannies as their correct pronouns and new name if they have one.

Get fucked. I am NEVER using ‘they’ to describe one person. Never. Fuck off.

And isn’t it a complete coincidence that we see a lot of male to female athletes but I’ve yet to see a female to male one? Why is this? Fucking obvious isn’t it?

At least his team has knocked out the yanks. The yanks were turning away from their flag, kneeling and refusing to sing their national anthem. A fucking disgrace seeing as they were representing their country. A lot of money was invested in them to swan off to Japan to take part in an event no cunt will watch, because it’s shit. It’s just woke bullshit.

I feel a bit sorry for the Japs. I remember the huge street celebrations when they won the Olympic bid. Billions invested, no cunts in the stadiums and woke nonsense all over the place.

Fuck off Quinn and fuck off all sport in general at the moment, although somewhat poetic justice that the woke idiots at team USA were hoisted by their own petard somewhat here – so maybe not a complete cunt then?


60 thoughts on “Quinn – Transgender Non-Binary and a Pilau Rice please

  1. A bit insulting comparing the beeb to Al Jazeera ,who have been covering the mining and processing of cobalt and lithium in Africa for ‘green’ technology.

  2. Have I got this right? She’s a woman pretending to be a man, but isn’t fulfilling her gender- homonormative* identity by playing in a male team? Does that make her anything more than a frustrated dyke? I think not. No Gen X brownie-identifying-as-cub-scout points for her.

    * I may have invented that term.

  3. Wtf does it want to be visible? Isn’t it secure in itself without needing public validation?

  4. The freak cam out because of the Olympics, and so it should have as it is an Olympic gold medal cunt.

  5. Quinn, fucking Quinn. Fuck off and stop attention-seeking. If you reckon you’re a bloke, go and try and play for the blokes’ team but you’re not a bloke and so can’t play for them and you’re probably shit. So, somewhat hypocritically, you’re now a bird because it suits you. Fucking hell, honestly, it’s nothing more than a joke. Birds who used to be blokes , doing things that birds who are real birds should be doing. Whole thing sounds like a Blur song.

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