

Cunts who demand we address them as ‘they’ instead of ‘he’ or ‘she’.

What level of fucking entitlement do you need to have to demand this? Even worse, the fucking media who follow this ‘rule’. It’s getting close to the point where your could get nicked for not referring to a single person as ‘they’. Dictionaries have now caved in too. It’s official. ‘They’ can be a singular pronoun. Now teachers have to teach little kids why. Which means they have to be told about ‘genderqueers’ and shit like that. Which was probably the reason the evil cunts came up with this shite in the first place.

A fucking abomination.

It’s completely unnatural and even if you did cuck and try and go along with it, it would be so easy to use the third person singular as it’s the natural way we speak and think. Then you can kiss your job goodbye when one of these cunts takes offense.

I actually do not care what the fucking rules are with this one. I will never call a person ‘they’. Just call them ‘mate’ if a make believe male to female. Just say you use ‘mate’ for everyone, male and female lol.

Get fucked.

The link will boil piss, sorry.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

74 thoughts on “Theys

  1. Boils my piss when you see “normal” people “announce” their pronouns as “he/his” “she/her’s” ?

    • Sorry, or whatever the fuck it is: “he/him/his” / “she/her/her’s. I’m starting to get confused with the simple stuff (which I think is one of the goals of all this shit).

      • That header pic, itd make a great target on a fairground shooting gallery!
        I pay no notice to this pronoun shite.
        Call everyone ‘mate’ or ‘luv’
        They dont like it?
        Go have a little weep .

    • A tad off the point but about 30 years ago I saw on the tube in London a real munter wearing at shirt which said ‘Why do you assume that I am heterosexual?’ She needed to be a big girl to get all of those letters on her. As I got off the train I asked her ‘Why do you think I am interested?’
      If looks could kill I would not be here now.

  2. I fucking hate these people too. Its HE or SHE, and if you are trans, you go from one to the other, you are NOT a third gender. Most trans people I’ve met agree with this semtiment.
    It’s only the small few who want to be “They” or “It”.

  3. Attention-seeking freaks…I wonder what they’d say if I demanded that they address me as “King Dong”.

  4. These people are so boring and devoid of any personality that their whole identity revolves around their fucking pronouns.

    don’t care / fuck / off.

      • Good call?
        Spoonington can bring cakes, I will bring Brandy, single malt and comfy camping chairs ??

  5. Dear Christ. ‘Time’, too? O Tempora, O mores, indeed. Urinary ebullition as promised. What a load of old cuntdribble. Or dickdribble. Or urogenital tractdribble, pronouns what, the, fuck.
    Aye, at my last place of work, specifying your pronouns was becoming compulsory, along with about a page of branding bollocks as a header for your emails, and eternal nagging to take annual diversity ‘training’ as devised by a bunch of gay sooties in an educational consultancy.

  6. If any cunt said to me, don’t address me as a he, or don’t address me as a she, I would go out of my fuckin way to address them as either a he or a she. The Fuckin wankers, they can fuck right off.

    • I’d just ignore the twat. I can’t imagine why I would bother with anybody who feels the need to tell me how they want to be addressed. Or say “call me God, or fuck off”.

  7. This sounds like SNP / Scottish education material where kids leave school unable to demonstrate basic arithmetic & English skills but they know how many gazillion genders exist, the rights of each gender and also their rights to demand puberty blockers from GP’s without parental consent at 12 years old.

    Teachers can’t discipline the shit behaviour of these cheeky upstarts either as they scream persecution on grounds of their chosen identification. As Johnny sees Jimmy get away with behaving like a right cunt unchallenged, he then decides to also identify as an ABCXYZ to get away with being a cunt too.

  8. The pronoun ‘cunt’ covers most bases as far as I’m concerned.

    And ‘fuck’.

    For example: “Hey cunt, who’s that fuck?”

  9. When ever I communicated the word ‘they’ , it was always intended for cunts like insurance, tax , form filling and general institutions that imposed a lot of unnecessary shit to contend with
    THEY can be a right shower of cunts
    If though ,someone wants to be referred as THEY as a title , well there even worse than cunts ,as they destroy the very fabric that he or she once held.
    They , are doom and gloom who have sucked all the joy from fun and laughter of life. THEY will never be HAPPY

      • ??MNC
        And you’d even confuse the solicitor in your representation as he try’s to figure out who is THEM that did it to THEY

  10. A total perversion of the English language demanded by perverts. Sentences using these pronouns do not even make grammatical sense.

    They is a cunt. Up theirs.

  11. If some attention seeking cunt sees themself not as a ‘he’ or ‘she’ but as a ‘they’, then they are suffering from multiple person disorder.

    Medically that person is bonkers, a fruit cake, a fucking loon.

    The correct form of address is therefore “Oi, Nutter”

  12. Unfortunately i’ve never come across one of these attention starved cunts. If I did they’d get told to go and fuck themselves because nobody else would. There’s a great video on YouTube where a bloke in a dress has a row with a store owner, a Vietnam vet. The old boy orders him out and tells him to fuck right off. The poof can’t believe it. It’s fucking hilarious.

  13. The one good thing about social media is that if I’m vetting a potential interviewee after receiving their CV, I can easily see if they’re the sort of spastic who goes along with this nonsense and their CV gets accidentally lost.
    Same if they like cycling.

    • TtCE@ – Cyclists?
      Monsters! – I would never advocate employing a cyclist unless they had a flat cap and were delivering Hovis.
      The only time I have ever been near a bicycle is when I was duffing some bugger up outside Halfords, er, ask anyone..

      • Mr Fox, you are perhaps the only cyclist I wouldn’t enjoying running over in the works van.

    • Evening Thomas.
      Discrimination is one of my favourite things.
      I turn down working for anyone with a accent or funny name.
      Never give these cunts a easy ride .
      If in doubt discriminate.
      Ask for their passports and birth certificate then bin them.
      Deny receiving them.?

      • Evening MNC, fucking right!
        Alas, I never get the satisfaction of denying a dark1e a chance at a job.
        Our business is in the middle of nowhere, right out in the country, where the sighting of someone who’d had a touch of the tarbrush would be akin to sighting the Loch Ness monster or a slimline Gemma Collins.

  14. A total corruption of the English language. Sentences using these pronouns do not even make grammatical sense.

    They is a cunt. Up theirs.

  15. I’m seeing more and more cunts who I can’t really identify as one of the two genders. Even adverts and music videos push these unidentifiables on us. So in these cases I will default to “Cunt” since it is gender neutral and can apply to any person place or thing. Fortunately, my clientele are normals so far and I have not been forced to deal with this personally (yet). I’m scared of what I might say when it does happen. I tend to suffer from turettes on such occasions.

    • “They” = “gay”.
      Same with “bisexual”. No such thing. They’re sausage jockeys who pretend to sometimes like a lady’s sloppy clopper.

  16. In English third person singular is he, she or it. If someone doesn’t like he or she there is an alternative. I’ve referred to such nutters as “it” for many years.

  17. “Call me they”!
    “How about a nose full of fucking forehead”?
    “Call me what you want”.

  18. Imagine if we had Boris or Sleepy Joe forced to address one of these cunts in public, in front of the media for some reason. It would be the green light to China and Russia that this truly is the beginning of the end for western civilization, although Biden would be fucking hilarious as he doesn’t know who he is most of the time, let alone one of these cunts.

  19. I hope our new friends from Afghanistan can learn these new language trends very quickly. I doubt if they’ve ever seen a poof or a tranny before, except the odd one dangling on the end of a rope obviously.
    It might be quite a culture shock for them but i’m sure they won’t complain. Oh no.

    • And these barbaric hypocrites indulge in the practice “Bacha Bazi”, literally bumming young boys, the filthy closeted h0m0s.

  20. Grammar is not my strong point ( a long with diplomacy ect).
    Learning French fucked me off with the use of Masculine and feminine for inanimate objects, in fact my French is fucking worse than Crabtree’s.
    Having had to learn Serbo/Croat the hard way I discovered that they have, on je, ona je and oni su.
    So he is she is and they are.
    Kids are all ONI, a bit like the Victorian universal dress for babies, it is not until later in life that they are recognised by sex.
    So in my opinion should you choose to be addressed as a child then you should be treated as one.

  21. Ive met a ‘they’. I got quite confused when her boyfriend kept referring to her as ‘they’.

    ‘They did a really good job painting the hall.’

    I didnt stay long.

  22. Any cunt telling me that I must use the term ‘they’ will be told that henceforth, they’ll be referred to by me as ‘it’, and that they should fuck off immediately.

    • Indeed. I’ve been watching some of his clips on Youtube. He really was funny as fuck without so much as a whiff of left-wing cuntiness.
      Even worse than Frankie Boyle, Jo fucking Brand hasn’t died from a ruptured colon, alas.

    • I totally agree Norman.

      Sean Lock is often referred to as The Comedians Comedian.

      My favourite comedian by miles and I will miss his humour.

      Frankie Boyle is an unfunny piece of Scottish shite.

  23. I currently volunteer for a local charity and give three hours of my time every fortnight to help those less fortunate than myself. One of the trustees of the charity (unbeknownst to him) was responsible for my son getting in to his local school and I wanted to repay him him for this.

    In the last few months the emails I have received from several women are referring to themselves as she/her. Apparently there has been an internal course regarding transgender and how they should be made to feel safe and welcome within the charity. Have also received several emails regarding BAME and LGB or whatever the fuck it is.

    There has also been an internal job advertised regarding the subject of diversity.

    I am aware that one of the patients using the service has stopped coming, he informed me that he was called a racist by one of the staff for daring to express an opinion about illegal immigration.

    This particular charity (probably like most) relies on government grants running into millions of pounds, which is squandered on unnecessary items. I was aware (and raised the subject several times) of en exterior 500 watt security light that was left on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 375 days a year. When the charity relocated due to running costs (and after having spent over £1m renovating the premises) some months later I happened to walk past and the security light was still on. Total waste of the earths resources.

    As much as I want to help and volunteer my time, it is frankly only a matter of time before I stop due to this sort of fucking nonsense. I plan to say as much in my resignation.

    Not the sort of charity I really want to devote my time and effort to. Suspect this is how many charities are run.


    • Willie@

      When I was less cynical and jaded, I too did some voluntary work doing about 8hrs alongside my full-time job working nightshifts.
      The charity was very wasteful and frittered money that had been donated with good intentions.
      I was quite shocked.
      I have charities now as customers and I suspect that nothing has changed.

      • When I was less cynical and jaded

        I was pissed (most of the time).

        ‘Twas a while ago

  24. I could decide that from now on I want to be referred to as ‘El dios”.
    However, it only really works if other people want to play along.

    Somewhere in the recent past a fucking lunatic decided that they want to be called by the pronoun “they” and instead of being told to fuck right off, people went along with it.

    But I am not going to play.
    I am not going to change what I know as grammatically correct to accommodate them.
    I am not going to ignore the biological science that I know to be exact to even consider that there are more than 2 genders.

    These people are either he or she and if they are unwilling to accept that then it is their fucking problem.

    • “Their fucking problem.” Indeed. Spot on. Could not have put it better. Well said AC.

    • Agree AC . I remember Prince the singer decided to only being referred to as symbol or some such shit , cause he thought he was unique
      Only took a few albums of shit sales and he wasn’t long reverting to Prince and he still didn’t recover the album sales , so over dose and death ensued
      Anyone who thinks there special are indeed deluded
      It’s only a reflection of the shit they think is important, when the vast majority couldn’t give a rats arse about who the fuck they are

  25. Does anyone else feel a change in the air ?
    What I mean is with all this covid crap, Biden,Afghanistan ,lefty woke pc ,blm shite….does anyone else feel the worm is turning?
    From conversations I have,people I meet and a general feeling I can feel a change coming.
    Biden is for the chop no two ways about it but people, in the norm,are so fucking sick of being brow beaten and dictated to I can sense it changing.
    Anyone else sense it coming?

    • YES!!!

      People really are getting pissed off-about fucking time?

      BBC viewing figures falling through the floor, etc, etc??

    • Definitely, iv noticed the shelves starting to run bare of food too. That has nothing to do with covid, apparently happening in USA too. It will probably get worse as well. I’m not naïve in saying nothing good will come of China and Russia buddying up with the Taliban. All while we are brow beaten and brain washed with crap like this on a daily basis. The west is weak and the c1nks have all the ducks in a row. Boden is weak and I can see something going down soon, at least a cyber attack. I’m not one to worry but just feel uneasy about the direction we are heading.

  26. In Sheffield, we call everyone ” Luv”, in Barnsley you’re ” Duck”, in Chesterfield you’re ” love or darling” and in Doncaster your ” oi, cunt”

    The point? Always take your lump hammer with you, because it’s all offensive!

  27. Pull down their fucking pants and then tell the freaks that they are either male or female.
    In both cases, bugger the with a bottle until they see sense.

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