The Winter of Cold Discontent

Not to be confused with this one.

Seems that Russian president, Vladimir Putin, is holding Europe to ransom over gas supplies via pipelines that run from Russian gas fields into most of Europe.

There is a massive shortage of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) both in Asia and Europe, with prices surging to as high as £45/tonne, which will result in rocketing wholesale prices once the onset of Autumn and Winter befalls Western Europe.

Putin knows this, and what he has done is reduce the flow of gas through Ukraine and Poland, thus upping the price even more, but also bringing about his true purpose of forcing the EU to use his fledgling “Nord Stream 2” (NS2) supply line.

The key thing about this is the new pipeline begins in Russia but bypasses Ukraine and Poland, and goes straight into Germany, thus completely isolating Poland and Ukraine, as well as threatening the populations with little or no fuel during the exceptionally cold winters there.

Not only does he want the EU to commission NS2, but he wants his state-controlled company, Gazprom, to have unilateral control over supplies into Europe, thus holding the EU to ransom not only on a social level (people freezing in winter), but also the stock markets and economies of nearly all European countries including the UK.

What does this mean for the UK? Well we still have some independence thanks to North Sea pipelines and LNG terminals that we have complete autonomy over. However, we also depend on “EU Interconnectors”, which the UK falls back on in case of supply problems or extra demand.

Given that the EU detests the UK ever since Brexit (and probably long before!), they could hold us to ransom as well. The UK is not quite so dependent/bothered about Putin’s NS2 directly, but it will be bothered if Gazprom ramps up prices, reduces supply of LNG into Europe, thus forcing EU States to look after its own people first before handing over any scraps of LNG to the UK at a premium price!

Ultimately, it will mean higher wholesale prices, higher petrol prices, higher domestic and commercial gas prices, which will ramp up inflation, thus hitting an already wobbling UK economy to potentially crash and burn come winter.

We could fall back on the nuclear power station option, but that means getting China involved. Or we could try re-opening decommissioned coal mines given that we have an estimated 400 years’ worth of fossil fuels buried deep. But Boris, his Princess NutNut, Greta and the Green cunts would soon put a stop to that idea!

Instead we can always rely on windmills, solar power,  tidal forces and planting lots and lots of trees to see us through winter.

Just another piece of the “Build Back Better” jigsaw fitting nicely into place!

Putin holds Europe to Ransom over NS2

(Paywalled, but a quick Google will do the biz equally as well)

Nominated by – Technocunt

53 thoughts on “The Winter of Cold Discontent

  1. The UK’s energy policy is a mess.

    We had expertise in nuclear power but then degraded it so we have to rely on the French and Chinese. It looks the Chinese will be kicked out. Who will replace them?

    We have allowed energy companies to be taken over by the French who threaten to cut of a Crown territory (Jersey) if they don’t get their way over fish.

    We closed down our mining industry, ignoring the 400 years worth of coal deposits we have which we could use or sell to China and the developing world.

    Now tell me the UK is run by competent people? This country has always been led by donkeys.

    Germany is just as dumb. Germany is playing into Russia’s hands over the Nord Stream. They will rue the day they relied on Russia. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch.

    Cunts, the lot of them.

    • Shirtless Vlad,
      Hes bad, mad, and a eye for the lads.
      He thinks with NS2 hes holding the keys and will be calling the shots from now on.
      The only thing stopping us is our hands tied by hippies like princess nut nut.
      Get the fuckin Pits back open!!
      Cut down on unemployment,
      Crime too, not up for vandalism after working in a coal mine all day.
      Tell the effete slug eating French to get fucked
      Tell the shirtless foreskin folder Vlad to get fucked
      And tell the solar power green hippies to get fucked.

      In fact everyone can get fucked!!
      Coal not dole!

      • Haha, so true. In his million quid flat with his hammer and sickle wanking off his cock.

      • Abso-fucking-lutely MNC. And Technocunt, do you remember when Arthur Scargill warned us that the politicians were going to close down the coal industry? He was dismissed as a nutter by said politicians and the MSM. I console myself with the thought that when the lights go out there will be a green evangelist hanging from every lamp post.

  2. The increase in propane prices now makes hot air balloon rides very expensive.
    That’s inflation for you….

  3. If we didn’t have the green madness, we would still be drilling the vast reserves west of shetland.

    • LC@ – Or the massive oil and gas fields surrounding the Falkland Islands.
      Thatcher did not go to war over them for nothing.

      • Well Vern, Rock hopper have been exploring down there for years with not much to show for it.

        Union Jack oil have just got Wressle back on line with hopefully 500 bopd coming out the ground and they also have West Newton A2 to extended test and the B1-z well is currently under test. It looks to be huge with gas, oil and possibly condensate.

        Angus energy have Saltfleetby which is now linked to the national grid and an off take agreement with Shell. Should be on line by early next year.

        How do I know all this?

        I am heavily invested in oil and gas.

        Fuck Greta, fuck XR and fuck anyone else who rides around in Mummy’s Range Rover but hate hydrocarbons.

  4. I don’t believe the UK has anything approaching a coherent energy policy.

    A ban on gas boilers (thank Philip Hammond) for new build houses by 2025. This will place additional strain on the Grid. The banning of replacement gas boilers in existing houses will likely follow on some time shortly thereafter.

    In the meantime – a ban on new petrol/diesel/hybrid cars by 2030 – more strain on the Grid as the demand for charging points go through the roof. And how will the additional electrical loads be compensated for? By burning more fossil fuel, of course.

    We are heading for an almighty fucking crash and something will need to give.

    I guess Princess Nut Nut and Greta have the answers? All the time, China and India are burning coal like Sharron Davies – they really don’t give a fuck for any of this greenwash.

    • I don’t believe the UK has anything approaching a coherent policy. When we left the EU, the worlds largest fig leaf was removed, not a pretty sight.

    • Cunts like NutNut and Greta will be well insulated for when the shit hits the fan in a few years time. They’ll have shitloads of cash and living in some pleasant place well away from the shit they’ve created on their own backyard!

      But even then, they’ll still keep on bitching that Britain isn’t doing enough to save Greta’s future! She needs all 3 holes filled and told to shut the fuck up!

    • We should at least burn Hammong, or, perhaps, harness the energy from hopeless farts.
      Sadly all too true about a lack of energy policy and, as others have highlighted, the crass stupidity of buying infrastructure or fuel from (potential} enemies. There is an excellent disaster mockumentary (EXBBC, I think) on YouTube, about what happens when terrorists blow up the Russian gas pipeline.
      Now there is the scenario of HV lines above motorways, and electric lorries collecting juice via pantograph. An admission, if needed, that the idea of batteries for serious transit is a heal of wank.
      Finally, the oft-repeated article recently that society is likely to break down by 2050. I can well believe it, and frankly it would spare us living on lab-grown milk & c….

  5. Big bad Vlad can rattle his sabre all he wants hasn’t he heard of global warming? We won’t need any energy for heating…..Greta and the snowflakes said so.
    Thick Ruski cunt.

  6. Putin is a kleptocratic, psychopathic short-arse prick who is not, in any way (now or in the past) a member of the Guild of Uphill Gardeners. No sir, he’s all man, and those many photos of him with his shirt off that he likes to release? They’re just to show how manly and not remotely gay he is. What’s not to like? He’s an inspiration to us all.

    • RTC an interesting comment. I for one am inspired by his dealings with dissenters and his lack of respect for the lbgtdfrewn community.
      He is a star shining in the East and I want to be a Cossack.

    • Vlad the hot beef impaler is beyond gay hes super ducky.
      Not sure what ‘kleptocratic ‘is Ruff,
      Assume its someone who steals mens undercrackers?
      But I know this,
      Hes a strong leader of the Russian people, shame we haven’t a strong leader.
      He may be the type to shave his balls and love disco music but he gets things done.
      He needs a harsh lesson but the yanks are run by some old kidsniffer and we’re run by a henpecked albino.
      So doubt itll happen anytime soon.
      Unless one of his own puts polonium on his dildo?

    • I also quite admire Putin.
      He is a calculating, mischievous, malfeasant cunt of the first order. But at least you know where you stand with him: he doesn’t suffer fools gladly, and its very much black and white with him, with nothing in between.

      Certainly better than previous Russian/USSR presidents (save for Gorby), and the EU seem shit scared to piss him off. Which is bad news for us, but certainly puts liver-Lilly cunts like Boris firmly in his place.

      • I don’t a give a shit how he runs his own country. Coming over and giving doses of polunium t doesn’t make me admire the bloke one bit. EU are being really silly with this move.

    • The Guild of Uphill Gardeners (Main Board):

      Chairperson – Sir Elton John
      Executive Director – Sir Ian McKellan
      Non-Exec Director – John Barrowman
      Managing Director – Phillip Schofield
      Operations Director (Bumming) – Tom Daley
      Fluids Sampling Director – David Furnish
      Fancy Hat Creative Director – Rylan Clark Neal
      Executive Wardrobe Manager – Alan Carr
      Technical Executive (Frottage) – Ru Paul

  7. Before the government makes any more green promises they need to do a full stress test on the UK power supply.
    What happens if the gas import are cut off, we are fucked, without imports we don’t have enough UK gas, we have shit loads of coal but gas powers more than 40% of uk leccy whereas coal almost fuck all.
    If you want to increase leccy, where is it coming from, nuclear is the only solution but it takes years to build a nuclear power station.
    Fuck the green agenda, once the UK power supply is completely free from potentially unreliable supply then the green cunts can start trimming back the CO2, until then they can fuck off.

    • And don’t forget that Satan Blair put his tyre pump in the spokes of the wheel of progress when he put a stop to the UK developing the new generation of nuclear power stations.

      He does like to keep that one quiet nowadays, understandable of course.

      • The governments own figures show that following the goal of net zero by 2050 will double the current leccy demand, increasing wind power isn’t going to cut it, we are heading blindfolded by greenism to oblivion.
        Fuck leccy cars, the agenda is to keep the proles off the road.

  8. Putin is desperate for funds as his disastrous handling of the Russian economy has destroyed it.
    We should not be dependant on foreign crooks for anything.

  9. I can just about remember the Winter of Discontent of 78/79 with black-outs, food shortages, bin men on strike, bin bags filling the streets etc. And all under the incompetent gaze of that stupid twat James Callaghan.

    Then there was the 3 day week under Heath I think, back in the early 70s. No electric, and everyone gathered round the kitchen table with only candles for light.

    Imagine how snowflakes would cope today if we had the same kind of thing?

      • Well if the Greens get their way come the next decade, that’s what they’ve got to look forward to when the National Grid shuts down every evening due to over demand.

        No TV
        No Netflix
        No Internet
        No Social Media
        Fridge Freezers defrosting (assuming we’re still allowed freezers in the future)
        No heating
        And now way to recharge battery-operated tablets, phones and laptops.
        High Street ATMs out of order
        Electronic/Contactless payments out of order due to no power.
        No microwaves for quick meals
        No takeaways
        No hot showers/baths
        Plus extra strain on the NHS and the emergency services.

        …and yet our so-called Green experts don’t seem all that bothered by such petty little things; or are just choosing to ignore it because it doesn’t suit the narrative.

        But God help them if Putin does decide to stick the boot in!

  10. Good nom this Techno!?
    You little doom mongerer.
    You live near a nuclear power plant don’t you?
    The boss hasnt paid you to write this has he?

    Excellent… Release the hounds!!

    • Actually Sellafield does appear to be glowing far brighter at night these days, and some of the yokels up at Seascale and Calder Bridge do seem to have 12 fingers and 14 toes all of a sudden!

  11. Pin headed megalomaniac who lets knuckle dragging sub human twats beat up some gays because it distracts them from noticing he’s the epitome of mince.
    Strong leader? Of course, his country is doing so well.
    One of his best mates is a peaceful, that Chechen leader loony, and there’s plenty of them in the Russian army too.
    He has also uttered that immortal phrase ‘diversity is our strength’

  12. Technocunt – you have been well and truly cunted. Your article and the article that spawned it are absolute bollocks. It is nonsensical neocon Russophobic bullshit of the highest order. Here are some facts:
    Nordstream 2 was Merkel’s initiative. Having closed the nuclear power stations, and with the Greens closing coal-fired stations, Nordstream 1 carried insufficient capacity and so Germany was facing a serious energy shortage. The US has tried all kinds of political manoeuvres to stop its construction including sanctioning companies and individuals, but Merkel knew it was essential and stuck to her guns.
    Southstream was planned to cross the Black Sea and landfall in Bulgaria, supplying Southeastern Europe with cheap energy (pipeline gas is always cheaper than LNG). There would have been a pipeline across Bulgaria and Serbia, eventually all the way to Italy. The Americans put pressure on the EU and they (not the Russians) kiboshed the plan. Instead, Southstream diverted and became Turkstream, meaning Erdogan (nutter) gets the transit fees and strategic benefit of becoming a major energy hub rather than EU member Bulgaria (thanks Brussels!).
    Russia has not “cut off’ the pipeline through Ukraine. The reality is that the Ukraine regime have been terrible customers – not paying for their gas, even stealing gas transiting through to Europe proper. It is Ukraine (and the neocon nutters that run it) that has tried to weaponise the pipeline, not Russia. As a consequence, when the current contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz runs out in 2024 it is unlikely Gazprom will be seeking to renew it (unless some sort of political pressure is brought to bear). A commercial decision which makes sense from their perspective. It is also the case the Ukraine has not invested in maintaining the pipeline network which is depreciating and will soon be no longer fit for purpose.
    Poland will be able to buy gas from Germany which has arrived via NS2. A good deal for Germany sure, but politicians make decisions iand have to live with the consequences. When Poland announced that they wold be importing LNG from the US a couple years ago (a wholly political decision) it made no commercial sense at all, and now that Biden has semi closed down the US gas extraction industry there is no spare US LNG to export (expensively) to Poland anyway. The US incidentally, has gone from energy independence under Trump to importing Russian LNG (oh the irony) under President Potatohead (as did the UK last winter – it’s quite possible you cooked your last Christmas dinner with Russian gas – the horror!)
    This is already too long but please bear in mind that at no point has either the Soviet Union, even at the height of the cold war, nor Russia since, ever reneged on any energy contract with any customer, and there is absolutely no reason to assume that is going to start now. The neocon lunatics that control the western narrative for some reason are psychopathically anti-Russian, and spin these ludicrous propaganda narratives relentlessly. Russia is not our enemy, we have to look much closer to home to find them.
    I would suggest, to anyone who would like to learn more about geo-politics generally, including Nordstream and related matters you look up The Duran on Youtube. They provide high-quality even-handed analysis across the while geo-political spectrum. I would highly recommend them. The following link is to their latest on NS2:

    If you go to their homepage and click on Alexander Mercouris’ own channel, he has a whole series of discussions on the subject.

    Sorry for going on, but man, don’t believe the fucking mainstream fucking media! They lie and they lie and they lie. Don’t believe a word.

    • Thank you for sparing me the effort, Biggus. I was going to write close to a carbon copy of your comment, but couldn’t be arsed.

    • I would suggest that when you have looked up The Duran, you might look a little more closely at its close connection with other Russian propaganda outfits aimed at the West. It’s been telling us what a wonderful man Putin is for years. He isn’t.

      If you need to get ALL your information from pro-Trump sources, the Republican party will suffice. But this bunch of professional subversives should be fake news too far, even for you.

      If the Duran says Russia has no intention of using its energy supply as a political lever, the only sensible response is to take precautions against it. Just like when Thatcher announced that she ‘had no plans’ to privatise water.

    • BC an enlightening comment and one with which I fully concur. I am heartily sick of Russia being blamed for every energy woe in Europe when all their problems have been caused by Europes own cuntish adherence to ideology rather than facts. MSM are full of shit but it’s easier to just read and believe than do your own research. To me the “eastern bloc” ceased being an enemy when the Communists in Russia got hoofed out.

      • But the elite communists never got hoofed out of Russia. They remain very close to Putin, the ones that got out of line were exiled and/or murdered, and the ones who played ball were rewarded with what were the State’s assets at bargain prices. You think the West is corrupt? Aye, well. A bit more research than swallowing a The Duran article whole might change your opinion. Unbiased news my fragrant arse!

  13. Russia is about like the north of England and Jockistan. We could colonise Russia and let Vlad run Scotland for us as compensation for losing his job.

    Then we’d have Europe nicely sandwiched and any illegals could be sent to Siberia to work off their million quid fines for illegal entry. We’d win more medals at the Olympics and free gas.

    See how easy it is Boris?

  14. We have enough coal for a few hundred years – but no gas works. It will cost billions to set up again, we are fucked. Politicians are our enemy they may have high IQs but zero common sense. People are going to start freezing to death when they do away with the gas boilers. I watched a video about heat exchangers and basically they are fucking useless and cost a fortune, and the cunts in the house think it is one solution to our heating needs. All this is just bollocks to see which hero is the greenist, it’s about posturing on the world stage. I fucking detest the cunts.

  15. I hope he does hold Europe to ransom. The cunts deserve it. Nice to see China and India do not have net zero policies. We are fucked.

  16. Once it bites we will drill, dig and split atoms like there’s no tomorrow. Fuck off putin you pound shop stalin.

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