The stench of weed, skunk or whatever the fucking choice of word.
I don’t know if this has been nominated in the past? Either way I’m fucking sick of the smell of this shit.
Growing up in the 60’s I remember the smell of Moroccan, Afghan black, Lebanese gold etc. From what I recall the whiff was pleasant compared to modern day dope.
It’s everywhere and it fucking stinks. Even those who smoke it stink of it. I’ve sold my house this week because of it.
I had a few friendly words with my neighbour and told him of the skunk smell permeating the wall cavities etc. and getting into our house. Windows open, no fucking chance. Friends round nope too embarrassing.
Their idea of addressing the problem is, Mother, Father, Three sons and girlfriends now all smoke it in the shed ffs. A crackhouse in the garden. I’ve raised the fencing two foot to hide the den but the weed still wafts over and this nice weather brings everybody out.
I thought of phoning the police or council but moving seemed a better option and we sold the first day at 10k above so happy about that.
Why should I have to move because society has now accepted the use of skunk or weed in general. It’s fucking everywhere, you can smell it on a walk, outside a pub, in a park or coming out of open windows.
I don’t have a problem with anyone smoking cannabis but this stuff is too pungent, for me anyway. Almost forgot, from what I remember of smoking resin people laughed a lot, got the munchies and sex was better, but that could be an age thing. Nowadays there seems to be a lot of psychosis involved.
Nominated by – Infidelgastro
Last had a jazz fag about 25 years ago; makes me paranoid and that was Afghan black stuff, so I have no interest in partaking.
Apparently they grow this ultra potent marijuana now that blows your socks off; not the stuff folks were smoking back in the 60s. If a 100,000 are turning up to the NHS begging for help with drug induced psychosis (almost on the same scale as the current pandemic in numbers of deaths) then surely it gives weight to the case to decriminalise the stuff and allow safe cannabis to be grown and sold like they have in some US states. This would hopefully get the criminals growing the super skunk to turn their attention to something else; I just hope it won’t be burglary!
p.s. Camberwell Carrot!
Consumed my last shîtcake about three years ago. Still have about 2oz of block in the freezer if anyone’s interested?
Maybe Mr Polly can give a special cake to his favourite mother in law?
My Messkin neighbors smoke this shit and I have to explain to my 11 year old daughter what it that smell is and why not to do it. I am very neighborly to them but their lives are a fucking mess and smoking this shit is a part of the problem. I don’t know any one whose life is better because of it.
The Pope Smokes Dope was an LP released in 1972.
Brought to you by the Department of Irrelevant Information.
I hate it too. It seems to be fucking everywhere, and the stench usually heralds a scumbag or several. My evening walk along the canal is always marred by at least one of the benches occupied by vermin chugging down cans of wifebeater, surrounded by a rank fog of weed smoke. The empty ones are usually littered with empty cans of said beverage, and fag packets, ripped rizla packs, and fucking dogends everywhere.
If cunt had a fragrance, it would be weed. Burn them.
Modern day weed is far more potent than it used to be.
And thats reflected in its stench.
Smell it everywhere.
Apparently it helps with certain ailments, MS, arthritis, etc
Fair enough.
Thats one of the points people who advocate its legalisation use.
And that it takes it out of the hands of criminals.
But theyre wrong.
The criminals just get involved in farming of it.
Check out the brilliant crime documentary ‘murder mountain’.
Legalised medical marijuana has made it a very dangerous place in Humboldt county US with organised crime factions fighting over production and profits, with more equity in the brand name than Coca Cola.
I hate the smell and wouldn’t employ a pothead.
But each to their own.
The puddled twats.?
I’m not sure about the medical benefits of it, I think that’s wishful thinking by stoners who try to justify their habit.
Smelly cunts.
The cunt that lives in the flat below the eldest daughter and chap smokes this shit, along with his GF.
In the hot spell, they were having a good old session one night, when there was a crash, followed by a mournful voice shouting for help. Other residents were forthcoming with helpful replies, such as ‘ Fuck off ‘ and ‘ Shut the fuck up, it’s three in the morning ‘
The daughter thought he’d fell over on his balcony, turns out, he’d actually fallen off the balcony.????
The cunt now has a leg in plaster and is on crutches.?????
Smoking this shit, is a mug’s game. It turns the brain to mush
There’ll be that many rētards in the future, they’ll have to have a massive cull to thin the cunts out.
A plague of gibbering idiots is upon us.
Get To Fuck.
Last year the police came crashing through our house, into the garden and arrested me and demanded to know why there was a six foot weed plant growing in the greenhouse.
I said, “I’m innocent, it’s nothing to do with me, it’s a plant”….
Hash is much nicer especially the decent stuff. Moroccan gold (blonde) alas you have to go to Morocco to obtain it and even then it’s hard to come by
Modern weed is not balanced ,to much THC and not enough CBH to protect your fucking brain.
Weed today is intense , too high t too quickly , fucking rubbish grown by some chinaman in a rented house
One of my favorite hash’s was Kashmir sourced in Holland in the mid eighties
Expensive but exactly what a smoke was about, no paranoia, mellow and you could function with ease
I haven’t smoked in donkeys years because of the switch to shit weed available everywhere
CBD I meant to say
Smoking bud fucks me up royally. I just don’t seem to possess the brain chemistry for it.
I always found resin/soapbar to be relaxing but not mind-altering. Can you even buy that any more?
I have 2oz of resin in my freezer that I doubt I’ll ever use. Simply not in the mood anymore. If the right person comes along I will give it them for free.
That’s why I think they should legalise it, to give people the choice. Haven’t touched it in 10yrs myself but most of the smokers I know would prefer something a little less ‘weapons grade’ if possible. Give people the choice like with booze a nice glass of Cabernet, or a tin of trampagne. Same gig with smokables, something nice & mellow, or something that’ll take your head off. At least if it’s legal the potency & purity should be regulated. Plus it should be able to then be policed effectively (fines for smoking within 500m of a school, or places like parks etc…) & the tax (profit) can go to the aforementioned policing & various other good causes; like an effective border force for a start…
I agree with everything you just said. Well said Sir.
I used to smoke it when I was younger. It’s a lot better than ecstasy, which is shit for trying to sleep after taking or the true nightmare that is ketamine. That shit makes you feel like a ghost for days afterwards. Saw many a person get into it and lose who they were, nasty stuff.
Being a somewhat boring cunt, can admit I have never had a cigarette or smoked anything ok my lifetime.
Also pretty much teetotal, and a veggie to boot. But healthy I am most certainly not.
During the lockdown, most days my wife and I would go for a walk, anything between 7 and 20km. We were both amazed how many times on each walk we smelled cannabis (Mrs Stroker also being a life long non smoker, we assumed it was cannabis as the same smell each time).
My next door neighbour I understand has experimented with many different substances in his younger years however glad to say it doesn’t seem to have had any adverse long term side effects.
I’ve only ever had 3 joints in my life, the last being given to me in exchange for a light on a London night bus in 1990. All that happened was I got bastard hiccups for 3 hours and the muscle pain from that lasted for well over a week. Not touched one since.
Sends people mental. Seen it with my own eyes. Have an old mate who is now unemployable due to his psychosis. Has his curtains closed all day. Thinks any helicopter overhead is watching him. Thinks the gov are trying to poison him.
He’s smoked the waccy baccy for years. A few others I know have gone a bit nutty but not as bad as him.
When I tried it for a few months years ago it just made me lazy, hungry and a bit paranoid. Don’t understand those who continue smoking it when it makes them a bit mental.
And yes, it fucking stinks.
Two of the biggest conspiracy bellends I know have both been brain fried by it. One gave up years ago but is still suffering the effects, the other, his first and last waking breath of the day is fucking weed. He spends his nights arguing online about medical matters with professionals, yet he can barely count his hands, let alone fingers. A PHD in YouTube bullshit.
Could never see the attraction in it. All it ever done for me was me doze off while i’m supposed to be socialising. au had to have a strong word with my neighbor because he would light up at 3am and stink my bedroom out.
On the other hand LSD sent me so far out i ended up on the outer rim, you dig ?
Only smoked the stuff around a friend’s house in a brass pipe around 30 years ago. Gave me the munchies and Saucerful of Secrets sounded incredible. I was chased home by a leaf.
Felt wanked out the next day. Never touched it again.
Wife’s Aunt’s new neighbours smoke this shit in their garden as well as having parties almost every night. Roll on winter.
After ending up in a Amsterdam hospital after smoking Dutch Orange because l couldn’t feel my legs, I haven’t touched it since. When I got home I also had a £100 bill to pay to the Dutch NHS. What a cunt.
I decided to give up smoking weed years ago,
Helped by having a bad ‘whitey’
In Amsterdam.
Got split up from my mates, mithered by africunts,
And was seriously stoned.
And just thought, why?
Gave it up and glad I did.
Must be over 20yrs since I smoked a joint.
Afternoon Miserable. Same here Miserable, 2002. I hate the smell of it now, I used to smoke fags, gave them up, I can’t stand the smell of them now as well. Funny how things change.
Just grow out of things I suppose?
Tastes change, priorities change.
Couldn’t imagine anything worse now than partying all night, I live a sober, boring,
lifestyle and happily so.
Still like exposing myself to strangers though.
MNC@ – as I walk and ride around town every 100 yards or so I get hit by the pungent smell – always from a place filled with people who are permanently unemployed and on the scrounge.
Never enough energy to work for a living and never want to spend their giros paying their bills and being grown ups – one fuckwit decided I was the “go to” neighbour when they couldn’t be arsed buying basics like tea, sugar milk etc – I got sick of that REAL quick so offered daft lad some cash in hand work so he had some Dollars in his pocket and would not experience the embarrassment of me booting the fucker into the road.
I have never seen such shifty behaviour and so many “medical excuses” for why he couldn’t do a few hours of cutting some wood (with a professional electric bench saw) so he can now fuck off.
I do not fund bone idle 23 year old “users”, in every sense of the word – step up or fuck off is my attitude.
Compelling medical evidence that a developing brain using cannabis opens the door to lifelong mental illness.
And an utterly wasted existence.
Agree Foxy.
And yes the best way to get rid of scroungers is to ask them to work in exchange.
Like garlic to vampires….??
Smoked it here and there over the years – nothing too heavy though.
It never stopped me getting on with anything to be honest.
It helped vastly improve my music and film collection as well.
I think it gets a bad press, especially when compared to alcohol for example or most prescription drugs for that matter.
One of the most successful businessmen in my local area used to smoke the stuff 24-7 which can show 2 sides to an argument regarding laziness, paranoia etc etc.
The smell of the stuff is a cunt though.
Resin used to have an aroma akin to gingerbread as I remember but the more recent skunk varieties you can smell a mile away.
Yes it definitely raises ones awareness a peg or two(when High)
But having been a constant puffer in my youth , I would just say that it does not agree with everyone
It definitely kills ambition
“The answer my friend is not blowing in the wind”
Remaining drug free is the way you can trust your self
We get this here in leafy Kentish Town – God knows what it must be like in Hackney or Peckham – our local bus stop must be the dope exchange for NW London – what is worse is that the main protagonists seem to be darkies all of 11 or 12 -if you go near them their clothes stink of gunja, which begs the question – why an’t their schoolteachers, social workers and doctors smell it too?. Perhaps it is politic of them not to, as I expect, like the parents they are commie neer-do-wells
Albany Rd, City Rd Cardiff REEKS of it. Reminds me of dogs hit stink.
Only smoked a joint once with schoolfriends in a pub in Carshalton, opp. The Ponds. Got a London Country bus home, there were two Sallies – female of the species – looking at me as if I were from outer space. I bloody felt like it. Very oddly, if you walk home on all fours, it isn’t twi e as fast as your normal walk…
?Püff the magic dragon, lives by the sea?
Peter, Paul and Pöthead
Mary Travers (RIP). A fine singer. This from 66…
Brilliant song.
That is soulful that song
Thanks for the link Norman
Loved that song. One of the first singles (1963) I spent my pocket money on.
I had the t shirt of the header pic in my teens. ?
And yes, I still smoke thirty years on.
You would too if you had to face the horrors of working in London every day.
Know that pain. I stopped just prior to moving out of central. Smoking made me lazy but eased the pain of living in that shitpile that’s for sure.
I remember Stone Roses guitarist, John Squire, commenting on Ian Brown’s love of weed. He said at worst he was a paranoid mess, and and at best he was a tuneless atonal knobhead.
My reply was ‘I know all that, John. But what was he like after he smoked the weed?’
Ha ha ha?
The rhythm section – Mani and Reni – were fucking phenomenal though. Top pair of lads and all.?
Yup, it fair reeks.Could be better named: “fox” would be better than “skunk”. Old dog fox in rut, just the other side of the smoker’s open window.. Nothing like decent resin. The current varieties of weed have been bred for high THC content, and bugger the congeners – similar molecules which modulate the experience and calm it down. Which means that for the unwary, smoking the stuff is like being sandbagged, and no wonder it causes psychosis. Wouldn’t touch it even if I knew a dealer.
When we are finally quit of Afghanistan, here’s hoping the Taleban*, who already make a fair bit out of smuggling scag into the FSU, will restore the supply to the West of that lovely black resin…
*Nasty bastards, of course, but I don’t see Biden improving the dope supply.
Also a well known fact that Paul and Linda McCuntney were avid potheads. The silly cunt took some into Japan in 1980, and they don’t take kindly to anyone who indulges in the old waccy baccy. But, of course, Paul thought he was Beatle Billy Big Bollocks and thought they would let him off. Yeah right….?
Still, his love of weed explains why most of his post-Beatles work is shit….?
The young lad next door and his mates like hotboxing in the garage.
Nick the Plonker!
I haven’t touched it for decades but I was offered a big bag full a few months ago.
It’s true that modern day stuff smells far stronger than the gear that I remember.
I have my stash in an air tight jar and Mrs Cunter is not allowed to smoke it indoors. Partly for the stink but mostly because we don’t want the inevitable burn holes in our furniture.
She has been waiting for new hips for the past 2 years.
She has tried all types of conventional pain killers but only smoking weed gives her any relief.
Without it she is in agony.
She doesn’t smoke it at a strength that would get her stoned.
I think that it should be legalised.
It does help certain conditions.
TAC@ – CBD oil might be worth looking into.
It didn’t work…. But thanks anyway.
The oil and the pills can be brought legally here, so too can weed itself.
But you are only allowed to smoke the stuff in the place where you brought it.
She tried the legal stuff but the stinking weed that I got hold of works better.
or a small amount in the teapot, maybe with Lapsang souchong tea (goes very well with haggis) or Formosan black/any other tea to taste
All I can say is, yes, it’s potent stuff, compared to say squidgy black. I would say that it’s much the same as alcohol. If you want to drink the hard stuff, drink less than you would if you were drinking beer, same with that stuff, don’t put so much in your blunt… simple.
Fleas! I fucking hate fleas! More importantly I fucking hate irresponsible cat-owners who don’t flea their cats regularly. This ought to be a cunting all to itself.
To cut a short story long, I was living in a flea-infested house for a total of 5 weeks back in 2018 and used 2 and a half 400ml cans of Frontline Homeguard spray to make my bedroom a no-go zone for fleas by spraying the floor boards, the skirting boards, my bedding, my wardrobes, my underwear drawers and even on my skin when I discovered a flea chowing down on my ankle.
In that 5 week period I then developed the more acute symptoms of Coeliac Disease and Psoriasis (both auto-immune diseases) so I have since attributed that immune response to excessive inhalation/absorption of strong pesticides. I’ve also attributed it to the dirty, lazy bastard landlord who never let his mangey moggy anywhere near a vet or a flea collar.
Fucking cunt.
I posted this comment in the wrong damn thread. Could you please either delete the above comment or move it to the appropriate thread regarding insect bites?
Thanks in advance.
Weed/grass/skunk/green etc smells like sour underarm BO to me. Fucking horrendous stench.
In my town of Shrewsbury, there is an area called Ditherington and the place reeks of the stuff just to walk through.
I was walking through there the other day and I walked past a young, bespeckled, nerdy-looking girl (albeit with facial piercings and purple hair) who was casually smoking a joint just walking down the street. I’d just like to point out that it’s still fucking ILLEGAL! You dopey cunts!
I agree it does smell like BO. It usually masks the smell of their own BO.
That makes sense…. stoners are usually so wrecked that they forget/can’t be bothered to shower/bathe.
I’ve tried a few drugs, Cocaine twice – hated it ended up in Gloucester hospital being rolled a fucking net as dead weight, MDMA about 6 times – loved it until the fluid from your spine the next day is sucked out and you feel like Stephen Hawking for a day, Weed about 3 times, feel like a total wierdo on it just giggling like a school gorl and eating crap and lastly Truffles (Mushrooms) once – never thought Id be the same person again. Conclusion all drugs are bad and this is why they are illegal and turns people into absolute cunts. Haven’t touched a thing in ten years, however if I have a little cunt of a kid who tries fibbing me, I will know straight away. By all means experiment but it ain’t no good.
Weed a few times when I was 19/20 and then again when I was 25. Every time a whitey ensued because I’m a pisshead but I still lay the blame on the weed.
Speed double-bombed (wrapping it in a rizla paper and swallowing like a pill). Makes you talk crazy-fast like a nutter, makes your dick shrink (whiz dick) and in my case, I talked myself out of a shag with this Northern Irish chick I spent the whole night chatting up. Whiz is shite.
MDMA is allegedly the drug for lovers and nto haters but quite a few years back my mate gave me loads of the stuff and I punched him in the head 16 times (he counted).
MCAT is a weird one but it made me rock back and forth repeatedly like a rape victim….. no rape was involved BTW.
Cocaine/Charlie/Beak/Sniff – never had a bad experience on it…….. except for chronic nose bleeds for about 6 months after snorting some uncut, fresh-off-the-boat rocket fuel coke a few years back. Aside from that and the prohibitive expense, I can’t get enough of the stuff.
It’s strange because i never had a problem with getting a lob on with any of it including drink. But then again, I wasn’t a regular user of drugs. If id had to pick one of the four to stay it would be MDMA. Ibiza was great on it shame that Space has closed down.
@Clown Clown The Cunty Man
To be fair, the common denominator with all of the negative side effects I detailed above can easily be attributed to alcohol but I prefer to blame the drugs instead.
A new song in the cumming ‘The Viagra Dont Work’
Had some of the best shags of my life on a mixture of speed and weed.
Never had a bad experience on drugs, although several with alcohol on its own. dope, speed, morphine (twice only, too nice!) acid, mushrooms – all good.
Cocaine once, preferred speed.
Nothing much for the past 20 years, apart from shîtcakes.
@Clown Clown The Cunty Man
Viagra is for gays.
I agree haha
I agree, don’t know why it got moderated.
The problem with speed RTC is that it would tare strips of your body , if used regularly, same applies to cocaine
After a while of constant use you feel brilliant, but look like shit
Ecstasy makes you feel you love everything and everyone
It’s the most false sense of happiness
LSD and maybe mushrooms to a degree really hits home that you have taken drugs
The distortion of your vision combined with your mind being in a tumble dryer has an everlasting effect that one realizes how small and insignificant we are in the world one inhabits
A mere micro dot ,as you travel the trip
I have long been curious about LSD/shrooms but I have a tendency to act up on mind/mood-altering substances.
Best off sticking with coffee I reckon.
@Mecuntry – I was well aware of the dangers of using speed on a regular basis. Never took it more than twice in any one month. probably took it less then a 60 times total throughout the entire 70s & 80s!
LSD is the most the mind can take TITS,
Even at that it’s a gamble
The out of body experience will remain forever
There maybe a price to pay especially with if one has taken a potent batch (circa 70s 80s)
But regardless of that ,you will know within the hour of consumption (sometimes longer than an hour ) you are never going to be the same person you were before
I hope this cures your curiosity Stink
Yep defo sticking with booze. I already have enough mental health issues without adding to them.
Research is key to the taking of all drugs. Never take acid or mushrooms unless you are in a benign and friendly environment, and certainly not when in a negative frame of mind.
And switch the phone off and don’t answer the door…
I used to hang around with a bunch of 2nd generation hippies back in 2001 when I was 19. They used to tell me the same thing about taking acid.
Back then I smoked/caked a lot of weed and had the opportunity to take LSD/shrooms but never did. It’s still on my list of things to do.
Indeed, RTC. Surprised and slightly disappointed you didn’t mention Alexander Shulgin in your extensive and evidently authentic personal input to this discussion.
Erowid was a good resource for the curious, and PIHKAL and TiHKAL were/are enormously entertaining, if you read the entire book.
However, for a genuinely fuller erudition – and a more candid and scholarly discussion of this subject, I’d recommend reading The Hallucinogens by Hoffer & Osmond as a starting point.
This was written before HT2a modifiers became a pariah for research and postdoctoral suicide, and as such is very informative. Fortunately, there is a resurgence of interest in indole rings in particular being of use in alcoholism, depression and other refractory and seriously large-scale societal problems.
Which is nice.
@ CS – My research is nowhere near extensive, just enough to ensure I possess adequate information where required.
Switch off the phone, RTC I’m sure the times when you experimented there were no phones??
But good advice is , to hide because nobody will understand what the fuck you are going through
I remember ending up in the Carlton cinema with a bunch of friends tripping out of our skulls
The film was that Labyrinth with David Bowie
Don’t ask me ,
We were just running with no senses looking for somewhere to hide
There was nothing but kids and their parents in the cinema
It was disturbing for those parents but their kids thought we were fun
There were phones in the 70s & 80s, in fact the domestic telephone has been in use for over 150 years. That said, my phone could not be turned off, so we had to bury it beneath a mound of pillows, blankets and cushions etc. I think it wasn’t until the 2000s that they could be unplugged.
We went to see Straw Dogs and Death Weekend on acid. Hilarious would be an understatement.
Should’ve just taken it off the hook RTC.
Yes normal landline house phones RTC
My dad had one installed before I was born (his work required) 1961
The last place I would trip out would be my home
I’ve always kept those things secret for the fear of them knowing
I have to agree though that watching a film or a documentary on acid is certainly an experience
I also watched Tron when it was just out ,it was an experience for everyone tripping
? Happier, simpler times, Mecuntry.
Had a few great experiences with mushrooms back in the 80s, and one or two shit ones too. Being in the right environment with the right people was key to having a great time, as I found it enhances the mood you are in. This is why I shudder when I read that there was plans to treat depression with them, for me that seems like trying to put out a fire by dousing it with petrol.
Never bothered with any pills or chemicals, and I don’t feel like I missed out. They seemed to turn tidy people into arseholes, and arseholes into insufferable cunts.
Mushrooms grow in a field near my parents house, so we used to pick them and dry them, chuck on side two of Todd Rundgrens’ Initiation and say a temporary farewell to reality.
Couldn’t do them now, way too much crap locked away in the brain that would guarantee a grim time.
Yes RTC simpler times , but-we were just as fucked up as the modern generation
I beg to differ.
I would feel it unfair to fully condone this cunting, as in my earlier days I abused most drugs.
Weed wasn’t nearly interesting enough for me.
I preferred LSD and mushrooms. The latter were an unknown quantity, and Christ did I end up in some messes.
There were also these tablets known as ‘purple hearts’, must have been a narcotic of some sort?
The 60’s were a real mess for me, and things didn’t improve when The Pink Floyd came on the scene, where me and my cousin idolised Syd Barrett.
Still managed to hold jobs down and didn’t really get in a state during the week,- just pissed as a fart usually!
All this was very selfish of me looking back, as I had young kids. I wasted a lot of time ‘entertaining’ myself instead of spending time with them. I regret this to this day.
I’m cunting myself here.
Part of Life at least you have brought children into the world and worked. Just look at ant colonies im sure they cunts will be calling everyone cunts. They wouldn’t call the Queen a cunt because it’s about existence and trust. Look back at your life, reflect are you a bad person? If the answer is no. You’ve done well.
The last time I was hospitalised for my “ problems” which was about 8 years ago. The three youngest male patients on the ward were dopeheads. Two of them were more paranoid than the schizophrenics. Skunk turns you into a fucking cabbage liability. Costs the nhs a bloody fortune and smells. Plus whilst the staff were chasing weedboys around some poor old depressed bastard was attempting to slot himself in the wet room. I was unable to assist in that incident due to one of my ward mates with Parkinson’s falling out of his bed, rolling under his bed and seizing up, as he was having problems breathing I had to help get him out with the aid of another manic depressive and a student nurse. Weed is a fucking curse.
I think you are referring to the unfortunate minority here Pal.
I used to hang around with a guy back in 2002/2003 called Bobbus (actual name Paul) and I met him in my local pub.
He said he was on day-release from the local mental home but it later transpired that he was an escapee who travelled about 20 miles to get pissed in a pub filled with other drunk hippies.
He got discharged from that place a month later and started coming in the pub regularly, befriending me and my mates.
After we had become accustomed to him, he started to become really disturbingly odd, stalking people and claiming that he was Jesus.
All of this was occuring at around about the same time he was smoking a lot of very strong ganja.
It turns out that he was in the nut house because he’d had a psychotic episode but they let him out because he seemed to get better…. I guess the environmental factor of him smoking very strong weed whilst having a neurological predisposition to psychosis didn’t occur to their big brains because they let him out of the nut house after his mental state miraculously improved in that controlled environment.
Incidentally, Bobbus was the exception and not the rule.
Good point Two in the stink, luckily these poor bastards are in the minority. Do you recall back in the 80s when the number of young Afro Caribbean lads being hospitalised due to psychotic episodes became rather high? Diagnosed with schizophrenia in most cases. Was that also the time when the thc levels in the plant were increased due to selective breeding etc. Also the Afro Caribbean lads were smoking more and more. Have been unable to locate any research on the subject. Some people are predisposed to psychotic episodes when using drugs, problem is you don’t know. Your friend Bobbus good example.
Yes modern weed is not good
It defies what was once a mild high
It’s just like everything we have today , it must be more extreme
How the fuck am I going to get my beach shack on a remote part of the Atlantic
I always dreamt of old man and the sea
It was something that know one wanted and I was glad of that
I’m restricted now
Best keep my future to myself
I enjoy a strong spliff after dinner every night. Takes the edge off the day innit.